_THE DA ' Horizontal. To fasten with cord. Blood pump: A small piece of pasteboard. Constant 'Jon. One who annoys. , Conjunction. Sun. © compan- Si Iniquity. rnoon meal, Moisture found on 'the grass mornings. Pertaining to the ebb and flow of the "ocean. . Point of compass. Obstruction in stream. « A bovine, Slight flap. "Alleged force pro- ducing bypuotism. . Bearlet. + To revolve. Extinct ~ ratite bird. flightless . Hole in the ground. . Constellation. . Legal tule. 17. Half an em. 69. To separate a word into letters. . Cot. . Bra. . To stroke. . Young goat. . Unit of work. . Created a disturb- ance (as by a mob). . Small mass. . Teon. + Chemical com- pound. . Bnake-like fish. . Place of public con- test. . Action. i . Excited animosities n. ? Vertical. . Term of reproach meaning worthless. . South African ante- . Finished lope. with "a covered cord. . To finish. ,» Point of compass. . Bpecial printing used for | type of emphasis. "To lubricate. . Short letter. . By. . Pleased. . To scatter hay. . Spider's product. . Anger. a= ae . Very large plants. . Red berry. . Fowl, . Cooking utensil. . Sesame (plant). . To cut wood. . International battle. 18. Period. . Obese. . Tyrannized. . Had in mind. . Pertaining to sound. +. Bvil, . To put on. . . To perish. . Bdge. . Also. . Small venomous snake. . To be sick. . Native metal. . To daub. Fit. . Soda ash. . Device for removing obnoxious plants. . Din. . Sorrowful. . Cover, To make a low mur- muring sound. 4 Correlative of eith- Cer. 1 , # 8. 9. Ocean. 0. AWAY OOLT NEAR COVERDALE'S POINT ade a Sensational Getaway From Hs Stable at Stella. lla, Feb. 22.--A special meet- of Burleigh L.O.L. No. 182, jila, was held on Friday evening to welcome to their midst -the it Worshipful Grand Master of 0 Bast, Bro. Henry A. Gra- i; of Kingston. Mr. Graham has many visits to the island in years, but this was the first in cial capacity of Grand Master. , Graham addressed the breth- the lodge for about an His address was very inter- and instructive. Bhort ] were given by Bros. A. A. AY, Herman Finlay, Rev. R. G. D. Saunders and others. At 'close of the meeting lunch was was .a special turnout of h Brother Graham spent on the island and return- @ city on the evening train. eeting of the officers, direc- bscribers and possible sub- s of the Amherst Island Tele- Company was held on Thurs- rnoon, February 11th, in the , to meet and hear Mr. F. J» president of the Perry Tele- system, of Napanee. Mr. has entered into negotiations 'Island company for the' of the line here. It is Mr. 'to win the whole of and link it pp with his telephone systemi on the "There is every possibility Point of compass. Hops kiln, . Standard type mea- sure. ; . Preposition of place. that the deal will go through. Mr, Grainge, town clerk, Napanee, accompanied Mr. Perry to the island. The concert held under the aus- pices of the United Church in: Vie- toria Hall on Monday evening last, was a decided success. Mr. Parrott, the Ramleigh retail- er, has completed his rounds on the island and left for his home at Storms' Corners on Friday, The congregation of St. Paul's Presbyterian church held their an- nual event in Victoria hall-on Sat- urday evening last. Hach family brought along a. good-sized basket of eatibles and a very pleasant even- ing was spent. Rev. Mr, Hill, of Kingston occu- pled the pulpit of St. Paul's on Sun- day. John Miller, caretakef of Stella Point for several years, has purchased Capt. ~ John ~ Fleming's house in the village and will take possession about April 1st. Walter. Wemp and son moved their 'hay press from Westbrooke to the island on Wednesday. They aré pressing at their own barn, South Shore, at present. Mrs. Hugh McCormick, who has been seriously iil for the past few days, is under the care of Dr. H, 8. Northmore, Bath, Three more homes are quarantin- ed here for measles, Hartley Flem- ing's, T. A. Glenn's and Robert FiI- son's, Messrs. Clement .and Henderson, Selby, and J. Ruttan, Bath, and Wil- liam Patterson, Pittsburgh, purchas- ed and took away a number of horses from here last week, Stanley Connors, who has been purchasing and shipping calves to the American market .this winter, has gone into partnership with Royal Wemp. They will be known in future as Connors and Wemp, butchers and drovers. We wish them success .in their new business. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Henderson and little daughter left on Wednes- day to spend two weeks with rela- tives in. Buffalo, N.Y. - William Mar- shall and sister, Mrs. A. Drumgoole, are spending a few days with C. W. and Mrs. Randall, Napanee. The colt which made such a sen- sational get-away from the stable of here on Wednesday morning last | rupture and the 'was located and brought back by the | owner, Ross McKee, on the follow- child, shou ILY BRITIS CITY SIGHTS--PARKING Cr spent a few days with friends here last week. | LATE HENRY SHILLINGTON. A Resident of Odessa for About Nineteen Years. Odessa, Feb. 22.--There passed away at Odessa, on February 16th, Henry Shillington, in his seventy- second year, after several weeks' ill- ness. Deceased was born in the County of Frontenac, having moved to this locality about nineteen years ago. The funeral was held from his late residence to the Free Methodist Church on Friday afternoon, and (thence to Cataraqui cemetery. The Zurbrigg of Toronto, assisted by Mr, D. BE. Smith of Odessa. The surviv- ing family are his widow, Guy and Roy of Idaho, Mrs. John W. Lawler, Herbert, Robert, Bertha, Alice, Hylda and Floyd, all of Odessa, be- sides a number of grandchildreny He also leaves four brothers, James of Burridge, William of Kingston, Wes- ley of Idaho, Nathaniel of Bob's Lake, and two sisters, Mrs. Jane Quinn of Pennsylvania, Mrs. George Bradshaw of Saskatchewan, and a host of other relatives and friends. Deceased was converted about thirty- four years ago in a series of tent meetings held at Eagle Lake, under the labors of Rev. Mr. McGinnis, Methodist Conference evangelist, and two years later united with the Free Methodist Church. Br---------- At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, Feb. 22.--Farm- ers are hauling logs and wood to the village. Mrs. William Johnson is improving. Mrs. R. P. Hawley has gone, to Kingston General Hospital for gent An enjoyable even- ing wal spent at the township hall on Thursday evening, it being the occasion of a "variety shower" for Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Barker. A large number of handsome and useful pre- sents were received. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pox were recent visitors at C. Cowdy's. Mrs. Willlam Cowdy call- ed on Mrs, W. Johnston, Sunday last. Miss L. Ball, teacher of No. 1, gpent a few days at her home at Uxbridge recently. Miss Lucy Gall is on the sick list. R. Beverly passed through here on Saturday evening, on his way home. from Harlowe. Mrs. J. Uens, Napanee, is with her mother, Mrs. E. Barr, who still continues very low. Mr. and Mrs. P, Gray and family visited at "T. Hawley's re- cently. M. R. Reid, 1.P.8.,, is inspect- ing schools in this vieinity. Rupture Try This Free Apply it to any Rupture, Old or Re- cent, Large or Small and You are on the Road That Has Con- * vinced Thousands. »' ---- Sent Free To Prove This Anyone ruptured, fan, woman or write at.once to W. service was conducted by Rev. W.{ HAVE DARK BAR AND LOOK. YOUNG Grandmother kept her hair beauti- fully darkened, glossy and attractive * with a brew of Sage Tea and Sul- phur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear- ance, this simple mixture was ap- plied with wonder- ful effect, By ask- ing at any drug store for "Wyeth's nem BUIPB GF Compound," you will get a large bot- tle of this old-time Yecipe, proved by the addition of ot redients, all ready to use, for only 75 cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair, Well-known druggists say every- body uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied--it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair dis- appears; after another application or two, it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. e WELLINGTON NEWS BUDGET. Rev. J, F, Ireland Accepts a Call to Brantford. Wellington, Feb. 24--Mr. and Mrs, Nisbett, Mrs. Seburn Cronk, Ralph Garratt, Miss Anna Garratt andl Mrs. Phillips spent last Wednes- day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Cronk, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilas In- gram a son, on Saturday, Fe th. Mrs. Chase is nurse at Mrs, Ingram's Evangelist and Mrs. T. L. Guy are 'ving in rs. Maybee's house on Maple rin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz spent a few days visiting with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Cox's at Picton, Rey. Rufus and Mrs. Garratt spent the week-end at Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ireland are home again after spending a couple of months at Toronto and Windsor. Rev. J. I'. Ireland of St. Ola, a former resident in Wellington, has received a call to a charge in Brant ford and has accepted it. He will go there the first of May. The February meeting of the Unit- ed Church W. M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. B. A. Fanning. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth and Rev. Rickard of Northport are holding evangelistic services at Rose Hall this week. Walter Hubbs is now at the Stan- dard Bank at Trenton..w News From"Fallbrook. Fallbrook, Feb. 24.---The Lenten services will be held in St. Peter's church avery Thursday evening during Lent. Mrs. William Munro, of Scotch Line, has been spending a Week at the Wome of her father, Mr. J. C. Anderson. Miss Matheson spent the week-end at her home in Drummond. Mrs. D. Avery was successfully op- Place, has returned tb her home at PEOPLE SIGNALING SIMULTANEOUSLY TO COME ON AND WHOA STOP, A MAN MAKING VIOLENT GESTURES TD 'CRAMP HER - WHICH WAY YOU DONT KNOW - YOUR SON IN THE BACK SEAT ASKING AT THREE. "SECOND INTERVALS WILLYOU BUY HIM SOME ICE-CREAM, AND A SCORE OR SO OF SIDEWALK CRITICS REGISTERING DISAPPROVAL OF YOUR | Copyrighe, 1028, by The Bett Sensis, Ine) STYLE , IN PARKING oj erated on in Perth Hospital Ilast| mil to| week. Miss Muriel McFarline. After iy spending some time im Carleton 128 SOCIAL EVENT HELD AT FAIRFIELD EAST To Buy Hymnals for United Church--Late Mrs. Arthur Manhazd. ---- Fairfield Bast, Feb. 22.--A social evening was held on Friday at Mrs. Charles Walker's at which games, contests and alse a spelling match were enjoyed by the large number of people gathered there. At mid- night supper Was served, after which a silver collection was taken amount. ing to eleven dollars. This money is to be used to biy new { She Couldn't Sleep Heart Was So Bad Mrs. J. D. MeClintock, Charlotte town, P.E.L, writes:-- {About a year ago I was greatly troubled with my, | i heart. . I could not sleep at night, and 'was #0 nervous I imagined that I could see everything in the room moving, and would have to turn on the lights before I could get to sleep. After having read of your I took several boxes of them, and Ban now get a full night's sleep with- out any trouhle, and feel fine in every way." H. & N. Pills have been on the market for tha past 32 years; all dealers sell them; put up only by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont We have decided to clear out our stock of choice Wall Paper at SACRIFICE PRICES, Come and save money. 314 B INSTALL Chamberlin Metal Weatherstriy NOW © Saves Coal. Ends Draughts. | J.R.C.DOBBS & C0 44 Clarence St "Phone 810. [li FOR SALE 1 pair Solid Brick Houses, Ellerbeck Avenue; just com- pleted. 7 rooms. Will sell separately. s Also three mew houses, in good location, on south side of Princess Street. E.E.EWATHEN 127 NELSON STREET 'PHONE 1891-J. --d "4 & "HOW ABOUT PICTURES ? : For something new in Plo. tures, drop in and inspect our choice assortment. Custom Picture Framing a specialty. GARTLAND ART STORE 287 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 2116-w. The old paint and varnish re- moved and your car clad with the armour plate fnish----DUOO, Any combination of colors. $40.00 to $90.00 According to mise of ean OHLKE & BRADEY Autho..sed Duco Refinishers the United CHurch. Miss Enid Manhard spent the week-end at Mrs. W. Ralph's, Mait- land. Mr. and Mrs. Hilljard Earl attended the funeral of O. Gibson, of Yonge"s Mills, on Saturday. The marriage ' took place last Wednesday at the United church Church parsonage, Brockville, by Rev. Mr. Wootton, of Miss Hazel Manhard, Fairfield, and Alfred Ack- land, North Augusta. They visited relatives in Kingston and Lans- downe and will reside in North Aug- usta 'where the groom follows farm- ing. / t The burial took place on Mogday in Manhard's cemetery of the late Mrs. Arthur Manhard, of Ottawa, formerly of Fairfleld. Ambrose Manhard, Mrs. Fred Keehler, Victor Manhard and Harris McDougall, all of Brockville, attended the service. Leland Earl, Lyp, spent last Fri- day evening and Saturday with his father, Hilliard Earl. It was an unusual sight to see him travelling on his skiis drawn along by his pony. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earl, of Brockville, have moved in with their son, Hilliard Earl, ' intending to make it their future home there, Misses Marjorie and Dorothy Corr, Brockville, spent the week-end with Miss Helen Johns. BURIAL AT HARROWSMITH, Andrew Walker--Ear] » Campsall Sawing Logs. Harrowsmith, Feb. 28.--The fun- eral service of the late Andrew Wal Jace, of Harrowsmith, was conduct- ed at the deceased's home on Satur- day afternoon, Feb. 20th, Rev. A. 8. Doggett conducted the service. The choir of the United Church rendered "Peace, Perfect Peace," A large number of the immediate relatives and friends were present. The bur- ot Jat smith cemetery and the the spring. .. . he very many friends regret to hear of Mrs. James Truesdale's ill- ness. Bhe is in the General Hospi- tal, Kingston. They sincerely hope for a speedy recovery. plements last week. Rev. A. 8. Doggett assisted at Mrs, Barney Day's funeral. She was a member of the St. Andrew's - terian church, Kingston. J Barl Campsall is sawing logs for the farmers. 'He anticipates g improvements and extension in 1 Dr. Whitelock is very busy these days. There is an epidemic of calls on the neighborhood and much sick- ness. ) Mr. Grant, of Verona, was visiting Mr. W. Runnell's to-day. : The Trail Rangers are getting up 4 play entitled "The Barbers." hymnals for| ial service was read in the Harrow- |i remains |} placed in the vault to be interred in {lj Stanley Snider held a very sue- i cessful sale of stock and farm im- |} Teliosed of poin a fie 1030 to party BACKACHE EVE * QUGK ELE Tried simple home treatment and pdin stops An aching back is often the result of tired, over-strained muscles, and can be given quick and comp relief with a very simple home . "I had such a backache I didn't know what to do," writes a New York woman. "I looked through my edis cine cabinet to see if I could find something to help me--and there was 2 bottle of Sloan's Liniment. I used it, and in half an hour I was better. The next day 1 went to a big e ge- ment . Now, when anyone a pain, I say 'use Sloan's.' *' The marvelous effectiveness of Sloan's is due to the stimulating effect shat > das _upoh the cir Sion, traigh sick, aching tissues, sends a healing tide of fresh new blood --clears out the trouble--Kkills the t and clean to use, too, pain. So oh You don't have to rub. Just pat it on gently and you will immedi- ate results, All druggists get ists--86 cents A micro-micro-second, a mflitonth of a millionth of a second, can now be measursd by a new invention.\ King and Queen Streets, KINGSTON wu EEE Ro Besides maximum Improvement In vision our Glasses become you per 4, AGE i OPTOMETRIST ek ELLE 1 The pulp of the young cocoanut is sald to contain all the constituents of the human mother's milk. -- MILLER'S _ WORM POWDERS CONDITION AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO! iE SNOUGNT OR BY THE PRESENOR OF WORK), i All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. . Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streots. - - * "Phone D4. QUEEN' CORNER UNION AND DIVISION STREETS We want you to hold that C1 hall, where you may dance after 5°" ARMIEL. & HAMBROOK CATERERS ub 'Dinner in our upstair dining dinner. 2 S CAFE Chisaware and | Silverware to reat 1