Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1926, p. 1

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at war CAST EDITION iinet a 48. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1 hurch Property Commission Not to Hear St. John's, Pittsburgh, Case o THE PITTSBURGH CHURCH CASE eae WOULD APPLY en 3 me somows HOW T0 PROVIDE THE PUBLIC # S RULED OUT BY COMMISSION "=: EMIEUK ACT >**&:%*"" WITH THE BEST POSSIBLE MIL 1 $i ; = : | Toronto, Feb, 26.--""We will see a R V Windsor, Feb. . 26.--~Whiskey pag FFT AT : use It Is in the Judicial Courts--~The Amherst Island Pres-| ii." roctiauiuaimes™ "any IN P 0 INCE price sot bere and oer Wht Canada's Deputy Minister of Health Says Abont Pasteur: bterians Ave Wiig 1 Accept $250 From the United | oxoot Thich vont sta rom meer the Federal goviraments sacchise | pation and Tuberclin Testing of Cows---Expected City Conn= 55 Church in Settlement of Their Claim. 0 Gorvwmen on rev Hon | il yredueed in the Lagila| >not varie aver sere cil Will Adopt Recommendation of the Board of Health. Botloville}. Feb... 38~-Considera~ Methodias churches * tor the Wor-| Ronde' Alla the Ontario. deed! ture by KK Momuth [rere yore ciety one although | wo i 1 othods are to be taken to|have given the question careful a shortage of all brands is expected y tion of the case of St. John's church, | shippers to use these two edifices Interest taken by township muni- . safeguard the public and to provide |study, but it is generally agreed t . i if the Parliamentary committee at : y ) gr by the Church Property| alternately. After the vote Wad cipalities in good roads was shown Ottawa remains in Session. The price the bast possible milk supply? there must be more than pasteuri Commission meeting here to-day.| taken last year the Presbyterians|in the fact that only ten per cént. ENFORCEMENT METHODS of all Scotch brands experienced two |. This is the all-important topic | tion. The collection of the milk ant A---- was ruled out of order in view of] decided to withdraw; the Unionist retained the obsolete statute labor jumps during the week, bringing a [EXingsion at go PrSacut ime, sud the handHug of Ji Jetore Y Tench the fact that the case is now before| members of the former Presbyter- | System. You are never going to get final increase today of $10 per case | Thin on ie os ey ortant Nr Dr. Amyot ha the judicial courts. {an congregation joined up with the | ahead till you appoint a permanent at the export dock. The cost of | p y ' : Pp . \ yi | roag-superintendent to look after . {ed by the Board of Health to the |something of interest dealing wi The appellants in the Amherst| Methodists, who also favored union | , { work. He needs the winter to Of the 0.TA Rapped by Zotique! "re asmxins puniic of the order SF Council, has caused a great |this side of the quesion, He says: jsland case, declared that an equit-| and have been holding services in| o{udy the problems," Mr. Henry ad- * ; deal of discussion, but the general "Pasteurization is not alone to : v i " » bootleg- y e arrangement, such as the pay-| the Methodist church. The Unionists | yiged. Mageau-- Attorney-General BE A oes tho, erie feeling is that it 1s a move in the |relied on in the procuring of ent by the United Church of ap-| are supporting a minister. The Con-| 'At the end of this season the pro- » t # right direction. milk forbthe consumer. (1) M proximately $250 to the Presbyter-| tinding Presbyterians also hold ser-| vincial road from Windsor to pro' Denies the Allegation. | to meet the new conditions. The special article in Thursday's | should be collected from clean an! jan congregation would dispose of| vice each Sunday. Quebec boundary would be a paved - | the shortage of imported goods to Whig, giving an account of how the | mals, in clean stables, in clean uten the matter satisfactorily, and they| The commission, consisting of | highway. The road from Brantford | Toronto, Feb. 26.--K. K. Homuth | continue until the Federal investiga- | Milk. question has been handled in |sils and protected from contamin had no desire to press the case be-| John D, Falconbridge, K.C., chair-| to 8t. Mary's would also be complet- | (Labor, South Waterloo) introduced | tion ends and while Canadian whis- various places, created a great deal | tion. (2) It should be cooled to b . yond that. In 1918 a tentative ar-| man, R. 8. Cassels, K.C. and W.. H. ed this year. Roads from Whitby to |a bill in the Ontario Legislature yes-| yey may be had at advanced prices; of interest, and judging by the con- | low 50 degrees Fahrenheit as > 3 ro < C II of Toronto, re Lindsay rand from Port Hope to |terday afternoon providing that the | the supply has been curigiled and versations around the city, the |after milking as possible (at mea Be vem was made at Amherst Is-| Wardrobe, K.C., all of %0 wr, » Te-| peterboro will have more work put |Lomieux Act, & federal measure, | the stock on hand at the warehouses | Whole question has aroused consider- | half an hour) and kept at that tems nd between the Presbyterian and | served their decision. : { on them, while that from Kingston shall apply to all industrial disputes | jo rapidly being cut dow; : able interest. perature until it reaches the dealer, A to Ottawa is largely a grading pro-|in the province of Ontario. Mr. Ho- ) a A Kingstonian, who has been giv-| (3) It should be immediately claris mr : 3 position. uth introduced the bill as a safety ing 'the 'matter much thought and |fled by centrifugal action. (4) Heal THEY CAME TO GRIPS loTTAWA "HEIRS" GET S-------------------------- {Ineasure becausd of court decisions - consideration, questioned Dr. Amyot, | éd to 145 degrees Fahrenheit raph ON THE O.T.A. ISSUE NO ENCOURAGEMENT which have ruled that the provinces ) Dominion Deputy Minister of Health, | ly, and kept at that for 30 minuf must have supplementary legislation regarding the question of pasteuriza-| (5) Cooled to at least 50 degrees -- a 4 =! to the Lemieux Act before it is op- tion. Dr. Amyot said: Fahrenheit, bottled and capped ai ©ol. J. A. Currie and Premier R.C.M.P. Investigation of "Ed CAUSED BY STORM erative. a "It is encouraging to see that |kept at that t@mperature until des Ferguson Had a Lively wards" Estate In New York His Honor, Lientenant-Governor A someone is becoming active in this |livered to the consumer. (6) Time. Disappointing. Cockshutt, entered the Chamber im- regard in Kingston. It is surprising | consumer should be impressed ---- ---- in the Middle West--Buildings Hhediavely horn the pening st the Hat, at this late date, there should | the fact that it Hust now be x RE, i ¢.--The Journal . ouse yesterday afternoon and gave © anyone hesitating ahout the value | cool and protected from contaminas fy Toronte. Feb. 26.--The Telegram Brin Teh =. Destroyed and Streets royal assent to the act to establish |And Let It Operate Line--Bill|of pasteurization. Tuberculin test tion, until it is prepared and co Details of the Conservative cau-| 'The 'Edwards estate of New Flooded. a Jecordery siles in athe Rea lake United States for Chicago |!ns of cows is only a minor thing sumed. ; cus &t the Parliament Buildings last | York city' has been the subject - of ie mining fleld. e-act, which is the Water Diversion. in the great question of municipal The wholé process adds pra Tuesday ~ evening, at which the | discreet enquiries made by the Royal Chicago, Feb. 26.---Bleven . |frst to réach that stage this session, . milk supply. It does not seem a |ally nothing to the cost of the com liquor program for the session was Canadian Mounted Police from cer- are dead and scores injured as is now operative. wise economic proposition to. feed | sumer, becanse the saving of lo battled over for four hours, are now | tain authoritative sources in New| a result of the high windstorm Zotigue Mageau (Liberal, Sturgeon | Ottawa, Feb. 26.--The ams on | tyberculous cows. They produce | from deterioration over the old . coming out, It 18 learned that Col. | York, and the reply indicates that| in the middle "West. Winds Falls) caused a flurry in the House| the address continued throug] out { Jess' beef and they produce less valu-| method absorbs the cost against th i 7. A. Cutie &nd Premier Ferguson |the alleged 'estate' is either a fraud| struck the central part of the |When he asked the attorney-general| another day in the House of om able progeny, all on as much or {profits of the producer." came difect grips upon the issue, |or else there is not sufficient evi- country yesterday, accompanied if he intended to keep on using| monk. From the Conservative side | move food and trouble than healthy sb and that for the major portion of the | dence to substantiate claims. by heavy rains and sow, at |these thugs and thieves for this sort wigielam of the Government oe cows. Milk, most perishable of foods To Come Before Council. discussion they' held the centre of | "The existence of such an estate| a velocity of sixty miles an of work in enforging the .Ontario | voiced by several speakers. 3 ny but of most consequence of all to| The question . of pasteurisa 'the stage. Col. Currie undertook to | has raised the bopes of several hun-| hoyr, causing incalculable pro- |Temperance Act vo : Vie Govevirmeny SUPpOFteF, iri. | Human beings, may be the- carrier, | and tuberculin testing will come fmpress the Prime Minister with the dred people in Ottawa and Carleton] perty loss. Buildings weregde- He had previously read a news: Casll) nem er for Font ae, evn rh more frequently than any other food, | fore the members of the Counell _mecessity for an immediate declara- county who for the past two years stroyed, streets flooded, tele- paper clipping, whieh reported the al- | but ot . Vshute an . rief | of disease organism: first, from the| its next meeting when the Lion of policy, insisting that it should | have dreamed of almost ~ untold| phone and telegraph - lines loged use of a soldier's button on the Seach was ovate to a defence of | owe the other animals ip the sur-| mendation of the Board of the adoption: of a Government wealth coming theif way. It was| damaged and traffic delayed. Dart of an operative to induce per- . avy ra way Brojest. Em roundings, then from the milkers and | will be on the order paper for Yor the sale of hard. liquors, |clatmed that the estate Was worth |. Four white persons and a negro sons to sell Liquors. Two Conservative speakers, I. Nc= utensils right up to the| sideration. The Board has Primi Minister, while refusing | $50,000,000 and that even though | were killed in Chice County | =~ Mr ; notsthi k sachidiibbon: of Muskaka..and MH. . A, ; ay or oulsory herd 'a-declaration of policy, tried to re-| divided among several hundred per-| Arkansas, but only ome death language should be used.' "Then Stewart of Leeds; ady PL RR Te ' "Fine oy press the colonels exuberance, and |sons the share of each heir would| reported aiaough practically ~|may I ask' continued Mr. Mageau, over the Hudson's Bay railway to eguard Milk. 1 S16 1g the gene ¢ be a fortune in itself. the entire town of Tisdale, Mis- | 'does the attorney-general intend to| the western provinces for com-{ rh e extremely heated passages took lotion. The fi h 1f we are to safeguard our entire | members of the council place. "Hundreds of persons in this dis.| sissippl, was demolished. : keep in office people of this disre-| pletion. The former sald that the]... 50 it all must be scientific | the recommendation of the 1 . 4 . --- v ble t " : Dominion would probably be better : According to descriptions now trict havé paid money into the cof puta pe ally pasteurized," is the verdict|Iealth and take 'action along vouchsafed "from the inside," the fers of various 'Edwards' Estate' CONFESSES TO FORGERY ois Nithle: I deny the allegation oz the: ig orn if at presemad given by many medical men who!lines suggested. a ¢ discussioh is best described by the | funds and companies. Several Ot- AT THE CUSTOMS PROBE at such men were used by the de ep e proyinces, to : | The Windsor bootleggers expect den, . " o . SF ith a gift of three or four | : " rn" "disdrder," "bed-|tawa citizans bave already spent partment. | may say; however, that gether w i OE ldo" Col. Currie | large amounts at the instance of I intend to engage such officers as mijlion dollars for its .completion. ARE ENVIOUS OF 3 _#r remained in his room at home until | out-of-town investigators, and. from Clerk Tells of Changing His | sée necessary to enforce the On- The latter suggested the formation CANADA"S POSITION ; : about moon the mext day, following time to timc reports of meetings Handwriting on instruc- takio Teniyerance Act," 'There the ola Sompany to be controlled by the the strenuous occasion.' of 'heirs' Yreld in Ottawa have been incident closed. nterested provinces, and to which i ! he. "dry: members, lx- | reported to the press. tions From Bisaillion. the oad would be presented. This British Income Tax Rate ls cluding Major J. F. B. Belford, ot| "The information received by the Sp ENNIS BS MONTE CARO. | SSWISEY could complete the rallway;| Four Times That in This ' | CG berland, are reported to R.C.M.P.'has been passed on to the| OMES. 5 ' 3 Raith Sak » . : rg) 31d enjoy Wistever ro: Dominion. ' |Understood Melbourne Gov 3 : . o September, . uced. have been almost as violent in ad- Attorney-General for ' Ontario, and ment Is Paying Bonus of Suzanne Lenglen Not Yet Fit for ---- to. Chief of Police Ross, of Ottawa. | clerk 1n the office of J. A. B. Bls- 4 -- FY * Teac of their stage a8 Was Colonel BE a as ony Tos sailfon, then acting chief preventive Strenuous: Play. London, Feb. 26.--Figures com 8ix Cents a Pound. urrie upon the other side. : Monte Carlo, Feb. 26.--Helen Would Bill the TU. 8. paring Canadian: and American noon swore at the customs probe Wills reached the filaal for the Duke Later, T. L. Church, Conservative rates of income were published a The net result of the discussion | mental in collecting the money trom officer at Montreal, yesterday after- ® owas that nothing was determined supposed heirs reside in the United th i tC ht's Gold C to-d de- ber for North = 1 da in a Canadian des- Ottawa, Feb. 28.--Butter ~ 4 : at, at the instance of Mr. Bis-|Of Connsught's Go up to-day, de-| member for Northwest Toronto, re-|a few days ago ! end the Government did not. an- States H is wnitesly that any offi-| 0 he disguised his writing and |feating E. Bennett, of Bugland, 6-3,| ferred to the diversion of water by patch. They were quoted to show | Australia imported into Canada nounée any new policy, The caucus | ¢'8 on e taken at present." | oo 4 ciznatures on 'two or|S-3: Miss Bennett had previously | the Chicago sanitary district. He |how serious is the situation Of be subjected to the provisions of & » ron forgot to apoio: a Deputy rept -- three" official documents which re-|defeated F. Neppach, German cham-| advocated sending a bill to the Unit- | Canadian taxpayers compared with - p to replace Harl Rowe, who re- 0 fon, in a three-set match. od States amounting to $35,000,000 |the American, The chief effect © Hos Naturalization of Women. leased smuggled ghitomobiles hela |Plon. in 8 «000, ¥ signed trom the House to win South | p. i, Feb, 26.-- Personal] under seizure. 2 Doctors decided to-day that Suz-|a year for the past five years:as a [their perusal by the British income | Was made in the House of Comi Simcoe in the Federal election. saturalization of married women| The report of Walter Duncan, one [300 Lenglen is not in fit condition | reparation for damage resulting taxpayer, however, has been to ex-| yesterday afternoon by Hon. J. is confirmed that future and uniform ' provinciil = legislation |-of sHe investigators whose findings to play strenuous tennis, before the | from diversion. 'cite envy, not only of a lot of Am-| Robb, Minister of Trade and Co caucuses will continue to discuss the | sv. 0 wit anecession duties are|afé furnishing the committee with French championships in June. She Maritims rights were discussed by |erican, but also of Canadian citizens | merce, in reply to a question O.T.A. issue, and further scenes of two of the more important prin-| mater al, war brought out as R. L. will, therefore, not meet Miss Wills | Finlay MzcDonald, Conservative, |and the expression of a desiré that] Donald Sntherland (Conserv: ,. verbal violence are to be expected. |, ies endorsed by resolution by the| Calder, K.C., applied the pressure. until the games at St. Cloud and | Cape Breton South, "who declared |this load be similarly lightened. South Oxford). ------ women's section of the Canadian| The witness flatly denied statements | Wimbledon. against the dppointment of a com- Although the Canadian inceme Mr. Sutherland enquired if > NOT AIMED AT ONTARIO. Coupell of Agriculture in Regina| attributed to him, questioning the -------------------- mission as suggested by the Gov-|tax is twice as heavy as the' American | reply had been received from Six 4 "| yéiferday. Mrs. R. D. Gunn, New| veracity of the report supposedly Late Robert Hobson. ernment. it is still less than a quarter of the | Government of Australia with Québec Legislation to Apply Only to | Lindsay, Alberta, wai re-elected | mate under oath. The committee| Hamilton, Feb. 26. Robert Hob-| The debate will be continued to-|British rate for moderate incomes. | gard to.the reported payment ; United States. president and Mrs. 8. E. Gée, Virden,| bad reached that point when' it son, president of the Steel Company | day by G. T. MacNutt, Conservative A table has been published by The| bonus of <ix cents per pound, Toronto, Feb. 26.-- "At the offices was elected vice-president. : adjourned for the day. of Canada, and ome of the Do- Colchester. London Times to illustrate this fact. | the stabilisation committee in ot the "Hydro Elec tric Power Com- ---- # ---- minion's industrial pioneers, died at It shows the rate' of mame sou tralia, on butter exported from i 3 o y ¥ income © ' e| country. ' 3 ission for Ontario, no concern was Moving to the Hills. LIEUT.-GENERAL LLOYD his home here yesterday afternoon ples. On an 4 ressed that Premier Taschereau| Los Angeles, Calif., Feb. 26.--The IS DEAD IN L He was 65 pears old. BRITONS ARE EAGER Canadian rate is §40, while in Eng-{ = Mr. Robh answered that no of Quebec was introducing 8 bill \a | Beverley Hills. estate of Mary Piek- ONDON a TO COME TO CANADA land it is $162; on a8, income ot had beer received from the Go » the Legislature to prohibit the ex-|ford and Douglas Fairbanks is up for Agree on Check-off. $4,000 the Canadian rate ,| ment of Australia. He und P dumping clause. This announcem wo out of sale because the 8 Decorated for Servicgs in Bate| Glace Bay, N.S, Feb. 26. --Agree- while the English is $329; on an| there was no Government subsidy. fof SlssfHe Power at Ea atl A ant Wa tle of oe Servis) in ment on the check-off question was Awakening of Interest Results income of $10,000 the Canadian rate| telegram had been received trom (i ; - : : reached at yesterday's conference From New Immigration is $619, while the English is $1,412.| Canadian Trade Comimnisstoner tar as I know," explained C.|back in the hills. Boer War i mig thas the disparity | Melto A. Magrath, chairman of the Hydro ai 3 . between the B bh Empire Steel A te It will be notice e parity | Melbourne, who advised i Commission, "Premier . Taschereau Reverses Scott Decision, : Corporation executive and the exccu- : diminishes with the increase in the) scheme was purely voluntary, has taken the position, and has been Sacramento, Calif... Feb, 36. pondon, Feb. 26.--Lieut.-General {tive of the United Miné Workers of amount of icome. On $20,000 al not under Government control. interviewed in the press more than | Réversing his previous decision, | Sit Francis Lloyd died today, aged | America. : ; €' Ottawa. Feb. 26--As 4 Josult of yeut, & man fu Canada pays 32,089... This schome raised the price otce, that power was to be allowed | Governor Richardson has consented | MOT RtY-1ve.. He: retired Irom the the new immigration agreement be- while in England he has to pay} Australlan consumers by three to come to the province of Ontario. [to the return to Illinois of Robert | => in 1920 and since then was Attempt Abandoned. tween Canada the United King-{$4,006. On an income of $100,000, per pound "above the export The question of refusal of export | B. Scott, San Quentin convict, want- commissioner in the Duke of York's| Fairbanks, Alaska, Feb. 28.--The dom there has been a marked awak- [a man pays practically as much Injdon parity." This fs, they ae opticable only fo the United [od in Chicago for the murder ' of | Miiary SEROCk Sir Francis had a [transportation of supplies to Point|SHDE of intersst in this' Dominion | Canada as in England, the respective | charge their own people three He' ORY oN MO run store eletk. [long 'and distinguished military re- | Marrow by snow motors for the wil-|0n the other side. taxes being $32,000, as compared | per pound more than they : : . { cord." He: 'won decorations for. his|kins - trans-polan expedition, has], Cable advices received here yes- with $36,000. = : charge export. The federal services in the battle of Khartoum |peen a failure and the attempt jg | terday show that hundreds of appli- ------------ men here int'mated that and in 'the Boer war, in which he|abandoned. cations. are' being received in Lon- this was under the Petersen sc was severely wounded. From 1919 don from prospective settlers. Owing Gayest Season of Opera, and a voluntary agreement, to 1920 he served as food commis Talmadge to Wed. « to the fact that the agreement ap- London, Feb. 24.--The opera sea- Australian shipments wonld> distriet. Los res al Feb. 26.11 Js| plies only 10 farmers, farm laborers | SOF opeping in May with the King| ypder our dumping Act. The reported that Constance Talmadge and domestics, a considerable num-|and Queen in the audience and Mel- | sant of customs and excise will embark on a second matrimonial been re- | ba, Chaliapin and Jeritzsa on the| .ujing pr El be a 4 L since long J staf will wed Oliver Mcintosh off vent Garden will once again be the S990 500809908 London. center of the Spring social season. "La Boheme" in which Melba will ne td si Sa » esesesetates

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