Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1926, p. 9

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/ Cg THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ENDED YEARS OF |___ FURNISHING A SMALL HOUSE | MHC TRATHEME « AD HEADACHES "Frait-a-tives Completely Relieves ¥ a : ; Lo Indigestion Comes With a Run-Down ) Waterproof Paper, Filler, Shellac, Var« J 2 ? 7 2 ' § 'Condition--Relief Comes Through 3 : ? a a n all forms of Headachs gy : Hi Baviching the Biowd -- or. Wa (|| Dish and Saturday, February 27, 1926. liams' Pink Pills Make New Blood. There are many symptoms of in- 2 SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD : digestion such as acute pain after FLOORING i eating, belching of wind, nausea and All ' oy a vomiting, bloating and Pains in the with the same guarantee of highest region of the heart, a dread of food : qua ity. ; for the misery ft cduses. Dieting and . ! the use of pre-digested foods may | give easd, but that is all, and mean- . E while the stomach grows steadily B R CO. mn weaker. The wofk of digestion de- pends upon the blood and nerves and i Victoria Street, near Union. . 'P hone 1042 : the only way to get rid of indiges- tion is * to tone up ths stomach thrBugh the blood, to do the work - nature intended it should do. The one thorough way to do this is through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which renew the blood, See na strengthen the nerves and enable the omunion ex ¢ stomach to do its work with ease and wy comfort. Neglected indigestion wu ; . 4 i | means prelonged misery. If you have : (Limited) For over three years, I was 4 any of the symptoms of this trouble troubled with very bad Headaches, ; . | try the tonie treatment with Dr. Wil- hl MANUFACTURERS > and ver | llams' Pink Pills at once and y & | r you will | Troubles, Then, pl taking j be gratified with the results. | "Fruita ! ; ! te rs id ws > : | |~ Among the many who have found™] "PRUE CO i i ON" i q y 5 {pew health through the use of Dr. | » to th w : % ! lo these 3 vaderful trif tabicts : : = | Willlams* Pink Pills is Mrs. Ads irely well $i ! | Webb, R.R. No, 3, Prescott, Ont, | / " ; ] | says: -- "For a long time 1 went] MONTRFEAL---TORONTO--WINNIPEG i | through the tortures of nervous indl- | | | gestion; 1 call it tofture because na I {other word can describe what I en- The wonders of the famous 3 Fruit Treatment are only re i vealed when you read a leiter | like this, w comes from | Madame V 1133 Notre | by Dame St. W,, Montreal, | y "a . La y "Fruit-a-tives" is the juices of | EDIMOR'S NOTE--This article is| The Breakfast Room can be quite | fabric is ured in the draperies and | reached. If] took food I vomited. 1! : apples, oranges, figs and prunes, { one of a series on Furnishing, Deco-| 2 contrast to this, thus assuring a | upholstering. It ghould also be of | did not sleep, and I was stoadty || oe A intensified and combined with | Gi 1 Gardening as pertaining | PTi€ht and cheerful aspect gained, |a darker hue than the wall to sus. | Browing weaker. 1 doetared tor {fl "W ava H {onies---and | Jorma a : complete | "tng and Gar 15-08 pertaining. of course, hy 'the use of'yellows ar] tain the balance of tone that is very | months but-with no benefit. . One day | A || Te Kid - i Ski Stomach, | to moderate priced Canadian Homes. light colours of this nature. { desirable in the successful decora- Wy husband said as the tréatinent you 25e. and S50c. a oh | Copyright 1925, MacLean Building| The best treatment for the Kit- | tion of all houses. 'If this is Hot By ha hoy Helped you Why | i - es | Re, ® i y considered a very disturbi affect | For, x ink «- k dealers or sent by Fruit-a-tives | Reports, Limited. *hen is paint, whieh will not- absorb | Songidered 3 mony in ufhug Site *| consented and he got me a supply. | Washer and Dryer metre the odours and greasy spots that! Limited, Ottawa, Git { g Y_ 8D | f highly naturalistic pat. | After I had been taking the pills 44) Pe -- -- # ean - tr {dured. If my stoiiach was empty I! Z2= ~ - ---------- 8 re . . fii -------- Fre The house which it is proposed to! are certain to be the trial of the] Carpet ta while Tknoy he 525 D olin a At Bunker's Hill, furnish is to belong to the $8,000.00 | occupant when a paper is used. It) tern had st be avoided, as an un- EW they wera helping me ~ : Nv Bunker's Hill, Feb. 25.--A great | to $7,000.00 class, and taking the! can be easily washed, and is very! comfortable sensation of walking! 88 the pains and reaching grew less | FAST EST IN THE WORLD % deal of snow has fallen during the | present day prices as a basis for| much mors sanitary than a paper. | upon, a flower garden earnot be | 20d I sept better. 1 gladly contny- | Week, ahd the farmers are busy saw- | size, would contain eight rooms, | The colour fs best kept as light as | overeome ed the ues 3 the pills and in a Tow! The Savage Washer and Dryer does ing wood with their sawing ma- | namely, Living Room, Dining Room, possible, as this will give added light| "For the bedrooms, where. a figur. | ONLhS I felt like a new woman, et- | - > chines. The ice on the lakes is very | Breakfast Room and a Kitchen on | to the person working therein. | ed paper has been used, a plain | ter than J he for Fars, and able) more of the work of washing and will wash thick mow and ice supplies are he- | the ground floor, and three Bed- The Bedrooms afford interesting hanging of a colour that has been | t2 Work for my husbadd and children | a greater variet t an other ing laid in' for the coming summer. | rooms snd a Sunroom on the second. | treatments for either plain or fig-| taken from the papers is advisable. gan. After such a wonderful ex-| 8 Y an y washer Some feldspar mines are running, In every case, where the occupant ured papers of smal pattern. These | It forms a pleasing contrast t5 the periente how can I do anything else | . Inaae, » ' 4 but there are several closed bocansa has no existing decoration to inter-| had better Be lett to the individual | surrounding pattern and the effect commend Dr. Willams' Pink | Unnecessary to put hands in water--better washing--ail of the cold weather. Howard Arket | fore vith any schemes that he may Hage. Joss Proterving Jaites, is Twi} ane sppasite treatment DE od weed a bided-buildlug 'oalel rinsing done In washer. You can use scalding water for rinsing, visiting friends at Picton. Martha | have proposed, attention should at] othérs plain, but it shou e borne | would be used in the case of a plain | 3 | as you do not put hands in water. The Dryer extracts walls ilson is visiting at the home of het | once be directed to the walls. The| In mind that over elaboration.in the! paper * | begin taking Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills! : 2 EH Sryer father, Hiram Hopins. Stephen Bab- | walls of a house, with few excep- | matter. of colouring and pattern is{ For the Sunroom -raw silken tionary. Sold-by sib medicine deaterst aad seep Demonstration: cock is visiting at his home® Hiram | tions, form the largest space to dec-1 not conducive to a restlul state of | tains, or « 118 made of a guar- (OF sent by mail at 50 cents a box by | * Hopkins and his wife are visiting | orate and, of course, must be con-| mind, and a bedroom is primarily a|anteed sunfast fabric, are best | Writing The Dr. Willlams' Ey | James Wilson's. S sidered essentially as a background | place in which to steep. | Many patterns ore available with a C0., Brockville, Ont. --------eeAs anno ~ | [OF 'any further decoration in the The Sunroom walls had betier be | small all-over figure of a different | es tstt-- Stevenson ¢ Hunter 85-87 PRINCESS STREET. TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS. way of drapes, carpets, furniture, | left as plain as possible, as in most | thread in self-colour that make TWENTE 2 HRN A ADVICE FOR HOME ete. . cases the wall areas mre too clit up| highly successful Sunroom draper- | EVENTS AT SYDENHAM. | Hundreds of home makers [| Pearing this in mind, it naturally |to permit the use of pattern. | fos. 5 {"At Home" at the High School Was have availed themselves of the || follows that the colour of the walls Coming now to hangings, carpets | The Bathrecom where not ited] a Most Enjoyable Event Information on Planning, Build- || should be low in tone or, if pattern | and any upholstery materials 'we | had better be painted, and finished | oo geonibam Feb, 26.---The annual | ARE LEAVING CROYDEN: '|Mr, and Mrs. W. Bradshaw, ing, Financing, Decorating, Fur- || 1s used, it must not be too over-| find that, if plainer papers have | with as hard a surface a3 possible, |g 4 ham High School "At Home" | »: Lake, and Miss Amey had ten at ' nishing and Gardening contained bearing in colour or design. In the | Deen used, we Mave a perfscily clear so that any moisture can! easily befcag a great Suckesa It took" pi | Presentation Was Made to Mr. and George Barragar's on / in the MacL®an Builderd' Guide. || case of halls, however, where there | field in' which to indulge our taste| wiped off. lin' the Sydenham High Sch aes | Mrs. George Barragar. Mr. James Hughes and' Protugely illustrated. Send 20¢. ||is little Or no furniture and very for colour, The size' of pattern Lighting is best effected by side- oar F b Re ro Og ay Croyden. Feb. 26.--Mr. and Mrs spent Saturday in for aicopy. Questions answered. little drapery 'the walls can be of a should ba in proportion to the size| lights apd the use nt portable lamps. , a oh fol a . SeeIbY | Geoe Barragar and family have Nolan and Agness made 1 MacLean Building Reports, Ltd, cheerful nature, but not effusively| of the room, and choosing from the | The centre titling ia belng lees used, a8. Toy Bioely ecoratad with] d Mr. Ge: Black's ho: t {to Tasiworth $54 331 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, 80. . #ize Of the room, and choosing from | and the other more successful form SvsIETSEN and red. and 'gresn bal. | Tete rl re a Br Siar Pot he 3 C oman In a house of this size by the|the many excellent patterns of | is taking its place. The effect of A - ain Jeits Tanwar their triends and ne: Thbors Mr, Barnard Murphy Ba ny + {eareful use of the plainer papers the | chintzes or damasks, that are at|quietly lit room is much more | oq Streamers fay, open a gathered .at theif home on Monday |Mr. P. Nolan on Tuesday. . : illusion of larger space 'is easily | present on the market should not soothing, and. is easier to the eyes. lore of the school Every committee |vening to bid them farewell, and o VITAMINS , | Bnined, for, when a paper of strik-| be difficult. Pletures enoula ve used sparing-!carried tLeir share of work out to|Dresented them with two fancy Millhaven Personals. ) © | Ing design is used in a small room, Let us suppose that we have! ly, and then careful consideration | their best ability and so the manage- \Jicker chairs and centre fable. The Millhaven, Feb. 324.--Migs -Man y grown peop edonot' | a crowded effect will be the result, | chosen a chintz for the Living Room given to the space they are intended |ment of the entire dance was of tle 6vening was spent in games and { Rickey, "Barriefleld, also Wi realize the importance of the |2nd cohsennently will be a source |and a damask for the Dining Room, [45 oceupy. It will be seen that the (best. A splendid lunch was served | music, after which refreshments Rickey and Mae Rickey, Toronto, right selection of vi s of irritation to the occupant. ' both patterns and on a plain paper: maximum effect = ig gained by the lin one of the forms. Music for the | were served and before going home [tured to their homes after sttel to d Taking 'he Living Room and, as|it is quite easy to repeat some of | placing of a picture on a plain wall. {evening wds rendered by Sid Fox |all joined in singing 'For They Are §ig the funeral of Ernest Rickey. M: rich assure a sound In many houses of this type where | this pattern in 'he small pieces "of Incidentals such as cushions, pot-!and His Serenaders. The music was Jolly Good Fellc .." Arnold Baker spent one day ree body and 4 the Dining*Room is separated only | upholstersd furniture. Tha large | tery and lamps are easily overcome. good and encores were given freely, A number of the Indies of the Wo- {ly at W. Weese's, Ernesttown, ¥ : by an arcn with perhaps French! plece, namely, the chestertisid had | From such a source of colour as we! The "At Home" is a roal mooting [men's Institute attended the sewing land Mrs. Harry Young spent Satu $ sEmulsi doors dividing, it would not be out| better be upholstered plain, and in| now have 'the ehoosing of a note of place for students' of past years, bee at Mrs. W. J. Haggerty"s on day at Napanee. Mr. and Mts | 4 rn of place tc paper both rooms with |a ,colonr that will hagmonize with| accent 3an be settled hy taking a Thig year there was a record crowd | Thurday, Mr. and' Mrs. Pat Nolan | Doyle spent Sunday at H. Yo 1 the same paper, the paper in this| the chintz. For curtaing next to the colour that we already possess and! and many of the older students wero | Visited their daughter, Mrs, Joseph | John 8. Young spent Bunday g isd x ig eg case being a neutral "stripple" or a| glass a net, sufficiently sheer not to repeating it in its brightest and pur-| grosent. Among the past teachers Murphy, Btratechone, on Saturday. Dine's, Collingwood street, Ki the rich in vita- "i tWotone effect in an all-over ,de- | obstruct the view from inside, yet! est form fn, two or three places in'was Mr. Sine, who was formerly |Mr. Stewart Close and Miss Margaret [ton. Mrs. Reginald Franklin mins. that hel solve NU | sign. Colours may. run anywhere | preventing outside intrusion, or =a!the room, one large piece dominat-| principal of the &chool for eleven [Close spent Sunday at Herb Close's, | Kathleen Young spent Suni 'af trition problems. It sup. from a warm tan to a cool taupe, |raw silk curtain, is highly success-| ing and that tlaced in the most | years. Mrs. Sine, his wife, who also | Beaver lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. |noon at F. Franklin's, Mrs. J. B. 3 plies She and a baiance effeced by the use of] ful. Many pleasing effects can he interesting spot. taught in the school, was present, Kearns and Miss B. Finn had tes and | Franklin spent Monday afternoon ! Ld hangings and carpets. gained by frilling and draping these{ It will then be seen that harmony Among the ex-pupils were' Mr, Wil. spent Sunday evening at Mr, P-. No-|F. Wemp's. Mr. and Mrs, ©. } ment to build health. ; By the use of neutral schemies for | curtains and it will be found to give | of colovr is the result, ard tha com-| fred Nichols and his wife, formerly |lan's, Nicholgon, Mr, and Mrs. Soott & B b Ont walls no limitations are imposed!a freer treatment to the windows, pleted room is a source of satisfac. | Miss H. McKeever; Mr, Robert Craig,| Mr. George Black spent a couple |Wemp and ¢ ---- D.Ont.. when the time arrives for hangings Carpets can either consist of one| tion to the eccupant and an object | Miss B. Craig, Miss M. Sigsworth, of days- with his daughter, Mrs. W.|F Wemp's. and the many incidentals that make | large OF 8 number of small ones,| of admiration to those who visit | Miss Olga Arthurs, Mr. B. Manson, !B. Close. Mr. and Mrs. James| nS -- -- the human clement in a room. | preferably rlain where a patterned] him. Mr, F. Martin, Mr. Botting, Miss! Dewey, Newburgh, and Mrs, Herbert | = Hardld Gilbert, former : ; Jean Guess, Miss Harriet Guess, Miss | Baron were visitors at Mr. Thomas [organizer of 'the Ku Klux Kian "ROCKPORT ANNIVERSARY, Flora Woodruff, Mr. Gordon Black-| Dewey's ox'Sunday. Messrs. Teskey, | the British Empire, was comm Ei lock, Mr. H. Keon and Miss Murray. | Galbraith and Bawn are able to befor trial on three charges of in the United Chuarch--Death of Pa L | On the whole it was one of the Out after a bad attack of measules. | mail. : : Mrs. Anne A. Coby. - ' imost successful "At Homes" even on : ; Rockport, Feb, 24.--Very im- & oy . | | held and the committees are very 1, WEL prespive were the anniversary ser- ) A : i much pleased. RY : vices, conducted by Rev. J. XK. at fife 3 : EA |ONAL 3 Curtis, Kiagston, on Sunday in the - Re , ) | A meeting of the Women's Insti- : ; y tute tock place at Mrs. H. Guess' oa United Church. On Monday evening Fa the anniversary supper in the Unit- : ull { Wednesday afternoon, Feb, 10th. i rn n : IER ELH | A meeting and social gathering of ed Church, was socially and fin 1 1 | i th -- : 3 {the Eastern Star members was held anclally a success. Proceeds were 1 \ ! : ; {at the home of Mrs. H. Guess on Mon- $76.25. A good supper was followed ' , d n v § ay evening, Feb. 8th. At this m by a eplendid programme. Mrs. F. es | fw 4 h & Mr. C. Walker, a chairhoider of A. Wireer, elocutionist, Lyn, delight- : I the 1 5 ' i a / lodge, was presented with a pair ed her listeners with her humorous b : | fb ; . " ' i of brass bookends. A pair of brass selections. Solos were rendered by 9 f : " p candlesticks was presented to Mrs. Mrs, Leoaard Williams, Clarence] : - i M.S ; i ; : M. Spafford, Miss Ruby Buck was Root, Ernest Grothier; . duets by HE - f : ; ] : y . presented with a very fine silver cake Rev. A. Bishop and Mrs. F. Hea.lip; . rom 3 Mrs. N. Patterson awd Mrs. F. { : he) {Hang the lodge. ( i | ; ) ; The marnage of Mr. J. Blakslee to Heaslip, ; . is Miss Ruby Black took place at the gs -- Saturday evening at 8.30 o'- ne ; 9 ™ a bride's brother's, Mr. H. A. | tlock there passed into rest Si N om' on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 17th. 't Anne Ala So aged ty tite | eep 18 a e S th The miniature rink which Mr. J years. WN wonderful endurance 5 r iy] Ta : d bee has bull a heed rs, Coby bore a long and painful ne Nerve Restorer | |sole use of ali the vi illness, Her husband, Edward Coby cA ' a > Salil has been a great predeceased her in October, 1924.) T may be very true," Without | : § 3 i Mra ony ous 6 devout Roman Ci- fou sy, "but that Chase's Nerve Food 'aftoras : & daughter of the A : i " 2 . olic; a daug late Mr. | ,, the trouble you are doomed . . {and Mrs. Marley O'Brien, and by 1 cannot | her demis> Rockport loses a highly TN that /j esteemed resident. ' Burviving tol ana mourn. the loss of a loving mother

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