Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1926, p. 14

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1 HE DAILY ------ re ei ---- RE SR A RITISH WHIG She Could Hardly || : Po Her Hoiisework | CROSS-WORD P UZZLE i : \ NEWS OF T E F ARM For Investors Nerves Were So Bad | -- Seeding in the West--O0Id and Young Seed--Fruit Grow= JNVESTORS find our Bond Mrs, I. M. Parks, Consaaon, Ont, p i ers Get Tegether--Plan Your Garden. Department of great assist itas--1 bad Hea dr gps Fit 2 = ance in selectin suitable in- breath IT could bardly do my daily d : ; ; ort ; i -- vestments, and in arrang- I : Despatches from Alberta Yeport;year will hinge around markets, with Bousework, and was so Refyius ing the purchase or sale of . eould not. think of stayin miata that seeding ofp alfalfa has started Andrew Fulton, of the Dominion securities. every little sound I hear tele X on land in the irrigated sections and | Fruit Branch, giving a talk on the to me. | quite a lot of cultivation has been! British outlet, and Perey Hodgetts, AMONTHLY list of offeriqgs will be sent on request. ,, = carried out during a couple of short of the Ontario branch, dealing with ! Saw spells of good weather. This is ra- the home markets. It is also expected recommended, so T ; C ther early, even for Sunny Alberta, | that freight and express charges will tried a box, and Capital Paid Up 320000000 Reserve Fund but not at all remarkable. Alfalfa, it | come in. for considerable criticism after taking the might be explained, can go in on the {and steps taken to adopt a govern- second one I am last snow, or any snow that is expect- ment grade for tender fruits in bas: now feeltng like a ed to melt in a few hours. Provided , kets. different woman." there is no frost in the ground, and This preparation there seldom is at this time of year y has bein o the in Southern Alberta. The Seed will v market for the y sink down to the proper depth in the pat st Josia-2ad Bp Bo iOy el soil and germinate in March or Ap- wonderful reputation for the relief | [220 and germinate fn Mare re BE Hil bent ang nerve pablo ! very little mud to hinder the farmer Put up p only by The T. Milbura | yO oh Ls wight after the Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. snow, in this patt of the west. Fre- | quent Chinook winds prevent any heavy accumulation of smow. These { melt the snow and dry up the land | practically in one operation, Sleighs |are often used one day, and cars, with dust flying, the next. It is these warm winds which allow the farmer { to get on the land so quickly. Better Seed Train. On Monday next the better seed train, consisting of three cars, con- taining seed cleaning machinery, ex- hibits and a lecture room, will pull into Whitby on its six weeks tour of Eastern Ontario. Full day stops will be made at intervals of about 15 miles along the main line of the Can. adian National to Cornwall, then north, and back along the Canadian Pacific. Farmers will be invited by the local agricultural representatives to bring their grain along and have it cleaned, while exhibits and lectures will emphasize the importance of sow ing only clean, high quality grain and clover. $20,000,000 A. G. Mordy, Manager 3 AT Ts = eA The profits you make from r crops depend on the guality of the seeds you sow. Steele, Briggs' Clover and Timothy seeds are . grown from specially selected stock, the finest strains in the world. Kingston Branch sno | (News In Condensed Form Off the Wires k | Rare first edition of John Milton's | "Comus"" has been sold to Dr. Al} Rosénbach, of New York, for $11,-| 500. i Mrs. Albert Whitney, 65, died of | "burns received when she spilled | * melted butter on a range in Weston, 12. Horizontal. 1. To command. 5. Wooden pin used in fastening furniture. Membraneous . bag. quires of special colony hav- ing scaly sickness, i8. To thrum. . You and IL . Women, . Artist's frame. . Above, . Satan. 7. Mallet. of a presid- ing official. . Deadly. . Pertaining Pope. Royal Fair Judges Prominent. Apparently the Royal Agricultural Fair knew what it was doing when Captain John MacQ@illivray was chos- en a year ago, and R. L. P. Duncan Plan Your Garden. the This is the proper time to plan to 9. Twenty 7 ' the age of six, Ohio. Miss Jerusha Bell, 99, who arrived first in Ohio in a covered wagon at is dead in Stow Cor- ners. Jesse H. president of Purdy, 77 senior vice- the American Water- * works and Electric Co!, dfed in Pitts- burg, Pa. Mrs. Mabel Lyman, member "of prohibition force in Chicago, Til, jeaped to her death from a fifth floor balcony. : Mr. Justice Hill, at London, Eng- Jud, created a speed record by en- tering sixty-one divorges in the di- yoree court in one hour, Wife of ¥. Gower, of Ailsa Craig, Ont., told the poifee she feared hus- band missing since Jan. 6th, had been victim of foul play. "A corondr's jury at Belleville held William H. Gilbert responsible or the death of Harold Naylor in|,, an automobile accident, finding that Gilbert was drunk and driving at pssive speed. Gilbert is in hos- "here. Buckley's "Modified" Mixture. - Pleasant to take and brings instant Buckley's Mixture "Strong" of "Modified" acts like a flash on Croup and Whooping or any affection of Shroat, chest and lungs. cep a bottle handy. * Wonderful at paper. Hourly. Woven string: Wooden club. 16, Challenged. 17. Yawned, 18. To delay. 20. Leat division +the calyx. .. Point of compass. « Rescued. 26. Rants. . Part of.verb to be. 30. Shrinking or cow- ardly. Nuisance, Pink animal skele- ton used for beads. Iron, steel, tin, ete. To soak flax, Verbal. Jaflective ~ishment: "13. . Flower 14. 0. . Insipid. . Frosts. of . Drove ity. . Globe. 32. 34. 3. Fruits, . Standar ure. 36. 38. 40. 41. . Rocks metals. . Heron. 8---Deity: 9. 10. 11." Yielded. 13. Turkish for wiv 14. Stories. of pun- 2. To heal. 43. To scold 1y. Hndures. Engine, Person who lives in constant- 144. | 45. 46. SANTATUIS]] EAT 4 AF a AE NOES St NAME IT] [CIAILEISIO REF I aE EPEN BLS Answer To Friday's ed Puzzle, RADIO SUNDAY, FEB. 28TH. KDEKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309). 4 p.m,--Organ recital. WBBR, New York (293), p.m.--~Orchestra. 2.20 p.m.~--Tenor solos. 3.40 p.m.-----Orchestra. 9 p.m.--String quartette. o ° Id, Mass. (833). 8 pam.--Violin solos. 7 p.m.--Musical programme. WEAF, New York (401). 6 p.m. --Orchestra,. WEEI, Boston, Mass. 2' p.m.--Golden Music. 3 p.m.--Organ recitak 7.20 p.m.--Capitol family. (848). Rule Hour of ho WGBS, New York (815). 3 pam.--Orchestra. 3.30 p.m.~--Dance music. WGY, Schenectady, N.Y. (879). 12.30 p.m.--Musical programme, MONDAY; FEB. 28TH.. CKNC, Toronto, (856). 8-10 p.m.---Little symphony on chestra; Verdi quartette; Madeline Bell, soprano; Ella McQuillan, con- tralto; Lawrence De Foe, tenor; Ed: gar Smith, bass. DEA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (300). 6. . p.m. --Dinper concert. 8.15 p.m.--Programme. 9 . Is defeated. 2. Burdened. . Cooking vessel. .»Alotted. 70. Withered, . Cooking utensil. , Vampire. -- Vertical. . To pursue. . Drone be. Fluid in a tree. Intimates. a, rt ants. . The back and sides of a pig salted and roasted. 5. Ten-cent pieces. ..To swagger. . Ethical. . Small .depressions. 3. Asiatic goat. . Raved, . Flavor. 39. Sandpaper. 41.% Peels. 42. Heavenly body with a nebulous train. Citric fruit. Meditated. Bécomes wan. , Swift. Bulb flower. To divide. Portion of collar. 57. Central rodent. . To satiafe . Learning. 3. Lalr. . Sty. . To scatter. . Third note in scale. "0. Therefore. Ay 6.45 p.m.--Arthur Scott Brook, organist, p.m. ~--Hofel Morton music. 8. 40 p.m.--+Programme. 9 p.m.--Hotel Ambassador orches- ira. 10 p.m.-- Programme, 11 p.m.--Silver . Slipper club orchestra. WOR, New York, N.Y. (403). 6.30 p.m.--Billy Wathey's sport talk. 6.45-7.30 p.m. ~--Jacques hotel ensemble. 8.30-9.30 p.m.--Al Reed's nour, 9.45 p.m.--Percy Boat, baritone. 10 p.m.--Sydney Lobsenx, pianist. 10.15 p.m.--Percy Boat, baritone. leaf. into a cav- 44. 45. 47. 49. 51. 53. 55. d type meas- a coat containing ¢ American apartment es, supper Jacops' 'Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. Case or Rabies. - Smith's Falls, Peb® 26.--The dread disease rabies, which has been prevalent among dogs and cattle In Kemptville and Ottawa Valley dis- trict, has appeared here. A dog thought to be mad was shot by the police and its head sent to Ottawa for analysis. The report received stated that the examination revealed rabies symptoms. A second dog also died here recently from the disease. i -------- . Presbyterian Request Refused. Quebec, Feb. 26--~By a vote of 25 to 4, the Private Bills Commit tee of the Quebec Legislative Assem- '| bly yesterday refused to accept the idea of the continuing Presbyterians that a two-thirds vote of each con- gregation be required before the con- gregation property should be turn- ed into the United Chure Can- ada. Another Threatening Letter. Brockton, Mass, Feb. 26.--A threatening letter, the third since the trial of Anthony Bimba for blas- phemy, opened here three days ago, was received to-day by Associate City Attorney Veracka, assisting in the prosecution of the Bimbaunder sta- tute, 229 years old. The letter came from Portland, Maine. orf To Montreal, Feb. 26.--The Earl and Countess of Craven gpént last night in Montreal and left this city this morning for Halifax, from where they expect to sail for Bermuda, When the barometer rises grad- aaly 3 it indicates settled Weather. last fall ®%0 come out from Scotland and judge the Shorthorn classes at Toronto's big stock show. At the Perth (Scotland) Show and Sale the other day, which ig the leading an- nual Shorthorn auction of the world, both these men figured very prom- inently. Captain MacOiuerey paid the highest price ofthe Yale, £3,780 for the young bull Naemoor lan, and Mr. Duncan the second highest price £2,310, for Garguston Chancellor. These men also consigned several high priced animals. Old and Young Seed. With the approach of spring, seed comes in for much discussion in bul- letins sent out by the agricultural colleges. One such publication receiv: ed by the writer recently had some information on the age of seed. Some seeds, such as that from'certain flow "ters; pumpkins; mangets-and-the-itke;} will not show much vitality after a year, but others such as clover, will grow well after ten years of careful storage. It all depends on the thick- ness of the coat. A clover seed, for instance has a, tough, hard skin, which protects the germ. In fact this very skin may prove a disadvantage for ordinary sowing, as only half or a quarter of the seeds may germinate the first year. Scientists have got around this point by scarifying or scratching the géed so that the bulk will germinate within a few days of planting, and not lie dormant for a year or two and then grow up in another crop. ® ™ Fruit Growers Get Together. . Next week the Ontario fruit grow- ers meetings commence. The course adopted two years ago, consisting of spreading local meetings over the province instead of a central gather- ing at Toronto, will be followed again. Much of the discussion this both the flower and vegetable gar den the experts tell us, the job is a bigger one than it appears. The av- erage plot devoted to fibwers is us- ually overcrowded. This particularly applies to that portion of the back or front yard where the perennials are grown. Herbaceous perennial flowers require at least a foot of room, and 18 inches is usually better. Further- more these plants should be divided every third year or ihe foliage will MEDIUM RED CLOVER , "Libn" brand G.S. No. 1 MAMMOTH CLOVER "Lion" brand ALSIKE CLOVER "Lion" brand GS. No. 1 v GS. No.1 STEELE,.BRIG TORONTO = WAMILTON' become. too rank-and the flowers too few. One should not hesitate to take | a spade into the garden the first | really warm day in the spring, and! space the plants, divide the crowns properly, It may look like slaughter, and the space between each plant may appear enormous, but later re- sults will justify the course you have adopted. This "is a good time, too, to make up lists of plants and seeds wanted, as well as another list of to a neighbor's will allow you to bal- ance these accounts to mutual advan- tage. Good Farm Sales. At the sales of #ive stock, farm ma- chinery and other equipment which are always very numerous through rural Ontario at this time of the year; prices are reported much higher than formerly. Good milk cows, sheep and sows are in keen demand and there is more enquiry for medium weight horses. Second hand machinery in many cafes is commanding within few dollars of the brand new price. Land too is receiving more atten- tion. A few years ago it was almost impossible to give a farm away, and practically every holding in Ontario was for sale. Today, as a result of the increase in the values of agri- cultural produce, farmers are not so anxious to sell out and the 'price of land is rising. Prosperity is returning to the concession lines. QUEEN'S STANDS FOR ELEVATED TYPE THRIFT Lieutenant-Governor Alkens of Manitoba Writes Letter to Principal Taylor. Principal Dr. R. Bruce Taylor | ceived the following letter from ; Lieutenant-Governor I. A. M. Alkens, for the Province of Manitoba: "Bver since I heard of Queen's, and that was when I was a student at University College, it has been a 'source of wonder to me and admira- Kingston Markets Friday, Feb. 26. Dairy Produce. Butter, creamery, 1b. I. .. . Butter, dairy, Ib. . Cheese, new, 1b. ... Cheese, old, Ib... v'a Eggs, new laid, doz. No. 1 storage .. .48-50 a 48 .-28-30 Fish. Cod, B.. .. .. .. Fillets, ®... ...... Vinnan Haddie, Ib. . Flounders, . . .16 «22-26 »aesds ou 18 +. 15 "ee ss tion also, how Queen's University took root and grew; withstood ad-! versity; and with ever déepening | grip on its ground, weathered all! kinds of opposing winds and thunder and sleet;and was not stunted there- by but grew sturdily; bore the finest | of fruit and is still doing so. Surely, it was, nourished by some under-' ground, certainly unobtrusive,' stream of honest and noble purpose; steadied by the persistent attach- ment of its founders and their suc-| cessors: upheld by thé unusually strong loyalty of its graduates; sed- ulously cared for, tended and culti- vated by its professors and lecturers, that it might produce sthe best re-! sults; purged that it might bring, forth more fruit. "As examples of the thousands of | its faithful leaders and supporters 'through its past history are id men whom I knew and benefited thereby; Principal Grant, strong in every way, yet of simple faith and gentle; and Gordon, cultured and kind but' inflexible in high purpose. While} these are outstanding instances, they nevertheless exhibit truly the nature! and the work of their associates. Is, that tree not only worth sparing and 'maintaining 'untouched by destruc- tive forces, but 1 enthusiastic 'Fresh White Fish... 3 v ve22 Haddock, fresh, Ib. ; Halibut, fresh, Ib. aan Kippers, pair... ..... Oysters, pt... ... Pike, ®...". ... Salmon, fresh, ™. Trout, salmon, ob. a White Fillets, . ! Mackeral... melts... Scallops ... 'Shrimps... .., ncn .a Bananas, doz... Oranges, doz... Peaches, Evap., ®.. .. Buckwheat, bus...) ... ....80-85 Corn, imported... ... ... ..$1.09 Cream of the West. ... .....§4.50 Hay, baled, ton... ... +. $11-812 Hay, loose, ton... ..... + ...$16 Household ... ... ........34:50 Oats, local, DUE Sh A Middiings, ton «. ...... .. ..540 Sime, SE Baki ve aw $0.18 surplus-stutt on hand. Often a trip [ff gy; Hinde 'Hogs, dressed, cwt. .. ... Bacon, breakfast Sow the most profitable brands ALFALFA Genuine Grimm Canadian Variegated TIMOTHY SEED "Beaver" Brand "Ermine" Brand (Purity No. 1) GS. Nal * GS. No.1 G.8. No. 1 GB. No.3 Sold by leading merchants throughout Canada GS SEED Cli "CANADA'S GREATEST SEED House" ¥ = REGINA = WINNIPEG OF YOU | REQUIRE ANY A hopse, flat or a posal. TELEPHONE 703. KIND OF INSURANCE lot, all well located, our "Service Department" is at your dis- Agents: Canada Life Assurance Company: KINGSTON AGENCIES Ltd. J. 0. HUTTON, MANAGER. 67 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. THAT IT wot n os one ERE Clare TO- A TER IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT NUMEROUS CURATIVE TIES. Wehavea First Class Sawmill Equipment i Come once and be Clean sawdust for sale. DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. 'KINGSTON, ONT. and can give you more well cut lumber le from you} logs at reasonable rates. Prompt service 4nd a square deal. convinced. 3 ' Tallow, rendered in cakes, Ib ....7 Ginseng, wild, B».. .. .. $11 Bees wax, clear, BH... ..... ..27 Wool, unwassed, Ib. .. .. «.20-32 Wool, washed, 1b. .... 28-26 Red foxes ,... .- <.up to $10 Raccoon. ... ..up to $56 Skunk... ip to 76c Mink.. ... Lup to $7 Meats and Pouitry. Steak, porterhouse, 1b.. .. .. .35 Steak, round, Ib... .. (.. 4 ws 2D Bdiling cut. Ib.. .. .. wv 12-15 Stewing cuts, Ib. . .. .. ..,10-12% Bef, western. a Bee!, local, nh... ike ese Bell Loin, roasts, Tv..." ven 2b-30 Shoulders, roasts... ... 20 Hogs, live weight, cwt. 12% Chops, 1b... .. +s csv + 25-35 .e Awa ww ee cons i an uri avin ne SIRE 19-20 i Cae fam. = smoked... ..... i+. ...38 "nea $ lon. avian rela dve et Wee, es 30 aw n...0o. 0 0m et TS ah ee ew «eh wa baie Front... ...« ..0.yiey oo18:20 iH crane wu 3800 4 » » Fronts.. .iu. su svinsine 101i " Cutlets ..... AEE eens rr PR 5 ; ui Sugar, 100 Ibs: .. .. a. Sugar, granulated, ™.. ., ,. ...8 Bugar, yellow, Ib. . "sa we ahie nl Sugar leing, Ib. . wi Vo Lat 1 Rolllbed oats, 1b.<. ... iv. .5..5 Honey, 5:1b. pall... c.v.. 4 4.75 Honey, comb .... .. ,y .. 25:30 Potatoes, bag. . +o $3.50-83.75 Cabbage, each. . i. iy vy vuivubel : Carrots, 1b. Onions, Ih. ae Ferse ide anda oul CRE EY ees Was esun -------- ------ Charles and Allle Geiger, of New. ark, Ohio, aré asking for divorce, after being married thirty-five years. a: A «$8.50

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