Bondy, March 1, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC A The Whig' s Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place Wasn BETTER OFF THAN MOST PLACES Employment "Conditions Here Are the Best-for Several Winters. Ww. A. Stroud, the local el i ive of the Ontario Government ¥mployment Bureau, when asked' by a representative of the Whig about labor conditions in Kingston, stated that the weekly report for the prov- agile that Kingston is a great deal'Petter off than any other place. Mr. Stroud stated that on account of there being considerable building work going on this winter, a large number of mechanics have been giv- en employment. It is safe toisay that Ahe majority of the mechanics in Kingston have had considerable work during the entire winter. When @epeaking about unskillell r, Mr. Stroud stated that while there were a number of men in. this class out. of work the number was not nearly as large as it has been in previous years, On account of the number of snow storms a large num- be vegheen able to get casual em- rigor Ice cutting in the harbor, wh¥®h has been underway for some time, has given a lot of work. In the course of a week or ten days the repair work om a lot of steamers which have wintered in Kingston harbor will get underway. The captains, mates 'and engineers " been appointed, which means work should commence in the 'near future. It is stated that ere are enough experienced sailges in Kingstoa to do all this work with- out bringing in outside labor. The machinists of Kingston have kept on the jump for some weeks making some necefsary repairs to the engines and boilers of some of the steamers. APELGINBURG HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE erheated Stove Caused Serl- ous Loss at Albert Stover's on Saturday. A fire which destroyed the house and burned half the furniture in it, broke out in the home of Albert Stov- , Blginburg, on Saturday -morn- . The 'fire was discovered about .80 o'clock and residents of the age rushed to the burning house did their best to overcome the mes but it was of no use. The Stovers were in Kingston but ~/ before they had left they put in a good coal fire and had evidently left the drafts on. The fire became o hot that the flooringrin front of he stove took fire, and the flames read rapidly, going up into the £0 With so many of the resid- of the village in the city, jt he- 1 ing Saturday morning, there were few left to fight the fire. The little band got togethér, however, and sav- ed half the furniture in the house, but the house itself was burncd to the ground. The loss is estimated at er $2,000, It is stated that there a small amount of insurance on house and contents. VANCOUVER CL CLERGYMAN. } sought as Rector of 5t. George's Cathedral. It is understood that Rev. J. Richmond Craig, Vancouver, B.C, has. been offered the position of rector' of St. George's cathedral to the vacancy eaused by the death the late Dean Starr. A member of the cathedral com- mittee, when asked about the mat- ter, would neither deny nor confirm the report. Rev. Mr. Craig 1s well known mn & Ontario, having been curate o 8t. George's Church, Ottawa, and of a Montreal church. He has been in the west for the past few burg, Kepler, Wolfe Island. On Sunday the service in the ak church, Glenvale, was held at the h KINGSTON, itish 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERT.SING All ads. are restricted to - thelr proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions; Minimum charge, Daily rater per line 6 days ... 25 centa. Charge Cash 1 1 da, Deaths, Births, Engagements; Mar- rages, one insertion charged, §1.00; cas Card of THEnKS; and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion Advertising a dered for frregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Taunt #ix average words' to ne. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brite ish Whig Oftice"withip 6 days from the first date of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day stopped before expiration will a y be charged for the number of times the ad. appedred and adjust. ment made at the rate earned. ate per line for white apace is he same ag a line of typ Special rate for yearly SR vertising upon request. Publighers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243; ask for a wast ad. taker. the 3» DEATHS. MAXWELI~At the Kingston General tal on Sunday, February 28th, 1908, Frances Elizabeth Burke, wi- gow of the late George W. Max- Pune oy (private) from the undentak- ing parlors of R. J. Reid, on Tues- day, March 2nd,°at 11.00 am. to Cataragud cemeter TY. SIGSWORTH -- In Hatrrowsmith, on Feb. 28th, 1926, Hester Ann Guess, wife of the late John Sigsworth, in her §2nd year. Funeral Tuesday, March 2nd, at 1.30 from her son's residence, Charles H sywortn, to Harrowamith ceme- Friends 'and acquaintances respecti:lly invited to attend. WOODRUFF ---- In Sydenham, Ont, on Tuff, relict of the late Woodruff, Aged 83 years. Funeral from her late residence, Wed- Bede March 3rd, at 1.30 p.m. to 8 am Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers £254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET "Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID "Phose B 577. Joseph _ AMBULANCE 'PHONE . £889. JOHN OORNELIUS balmer" ham, ¥ Verens. I CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE "Phones 452 and 1218-J. Onnifed-Dispiay. W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Jyriting Fire, Lite, Automobile, Ao- ent, cCKness, late ia Other lues of Insurance. ag ang 33 BROCK ST. - "PHONE 585-w, COOK STOVES REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. Also a full line of FURNITURE, Everything reasonable. Turk's Store 'PHONE 708. Stove Pipe Overheated. The firemen rec d a call to 652 Bay street on Sunday morning where an overheated stove pipe caused some excitement. There was little damage done. dry bod Soft oft Slabs. or othe if desired. wift & James Feb. 28th, 1926, Annie Bell Wood- | 1 latest addition is Conserve Your Coal For using during the day 'we offer good, Hardwood, Hardwood Slabs and All dry and cut in [ foot lengths a, of Johnson Street. Lost and Found ALUMINUM FUNNEL-- Found at the | corner of Johnson and King Streets on | Tuesday. Owner may have same at| 39 Rideau Street or 'phone 2260-J. | BUCKSKIN GLOVE Gentleman's, found in taxi Fyiday night. Owner may have same at 250 Montreal Street or phone 549, 1! BROWN KID GLOVE---Lost, last' Tues day between Belmont Restaurant and Lower Fire Hall. Finder please leave at Whig Office, 4 OHILAYS RUBBERS ~. Black, new, found on Princess Street in front of Owner may have same al the Whig Office. ROSARY -- With "name engraved, lost about ten Sh ago on Albert, Mack or Alfred Streets. Finder please notify or Toturh to 167 Wellington Street. Re- ward. : STRING OF PRAYER BEADS---Found on corner of Queen and Bagut Streets. Owner may have same by proving property at.C. H. rack Btreel. Spencer, 112 Bar- SUM OF MONEY-Lost, on Saturday afternoon, between Asselstine's Bak- ery, King street, to Bagot Street or on Russell or street car. Finder kindly Tatum 10 8 Russell Street: or telephone 2579 ' Live Stock 1a REGISTERED HOLSPEIN ow Due 40 freshen soon. to A. H Chambers, P. 0. (Gore PRY, Bartiene) Road) Help Waniea Male Help Wanted BOYS--Wanted to sell week-end paper. Hustlers treated right- See me and smile. Apply. now. Harold J. Smith, Barrack at ing Street. EARN--Upwards of $25 weekly grow- ing mushrooms for us all spring and summer. Commence now. lllustrated booklet and particulars sent any- where for stamp. Dominfion Mushroom Company, Toromto, amor Female Help Wanted 3 YOUNG WOMAN--FOr general house- work; references required. 'Phone 2698. Laidlaw's store om Thursday afternoon. [* loUT OUR WAY. NAAN AY A} - TEE a MN can AW % ALL T™ wWiDs LL BE Bumpy ina ME AN SLAPDIN ME ON TH BACLY N EVERTHING ~-O0 OO! ww Gosw MA ~EAS-EASY? WELL WEEP AwAv FROM HiDS! HERE, GET, INTO THIS COAT ¢ "OU'RE NOT GONG "TO STAM, HOME. FROM SCHOOL FOR A LITTLE THING LIKE A BOIL! THATS EAN SN Ra ~. / AAS HEROES ARE ADE » - NOT BORN: BY WILLIAMS. / SRwlas Ag \ » (3 '3-35 ©1006 BY WEA SERVICE WNC. : Water LN Round . BUSINESS ERVIC PIOOT EDGING w= Hematiehing, Pleating, work guaranteed. MPs. Field, 363 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. 'Phone 2433-J. ladies' Hair Parlor we IRST ° CLASS PARA Lage Tronster: bed curls, swit, ring. ingh A Sirost, am, Jasham, 35 2999. Curling. Hair B: Facial nd Scalp Suention ATR i eient 'phone a &. bing ANSE PERMANENT WAVING For the very latest in Ladies' hair dressing. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Strest. "Phong 2015-7. | Insurance an, ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, | all branches of Insurance in old lns! companies of highest financial stand- ing. 281 Ki reet Bast. 'Phones 2578-w. Res. 1131. i FiRBewAutemablle and Casgualt an Sramley, 420 Kar "Phone Hah INSURANCE---Only the most pana companies represented. Strange Strange, established in 1860 Office Clarence Street, pe Post Sod 3. B. COOK E~Life, Fi Sickness, in reliable Ko anion trict manager Lmpetinl Lite. Office 603-w. Res. 1731.m. Insure Street. de on Male and Female Help Wanted ab MEN AND BOYS WANTED To pat- ronize J. W. Curzon's Barber 8hop. Men's hair cuts, 26c. Shaves 10c. Boys' hair cuts 16c. Ladies, 26c. lington Street. Sm 201 Wel- Agents Wanted. AGENTS-- Ligiftiing Strange Battery Compound. Charges discharged bat- teries instantly. Eliminates old me- thod eMtirely. Particulars. Lightning Co., St. Paul, Minn. cnt gat Real Estate For Rent Real Estate For Rent. Real Estate For Sale Business Services ! Rooma FURNISHED ROOMS---With all. con- veniences; suitable for light house- keeping; in good locality; rent rea- sonable. Apply to 208 University Ave, or 'phone 2770, ROOMS -- On Wellington Street, over William's Drug Store, No. 167. Six rooms with bath. Suitable for dwell- ing or offices, PossesBion 1st March. Apply to C. Livingston & Bro., Brock Street. 10 Apartments and Plats APART INT Sydenham Apartments, 227 Bi k Street, ground floor; five rooms, including tiled bathroom; well heated. Apply 69 Brock Street. Business Flaces 7 south side; heated, commodious, rear entrance, Also DXiures, wirrors, etc. + for sale. Apply. lL Coben & Co. Oa tario Street. ee DWELLINGS -- April 1st, $14.00 and $15.00; electric light and tollet; May $15. 00, eisetrig ight and toilet; , $40.00; all with how. heating. ha 40.00 house has gar- age for three cars, which may be sub- let, Rs Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence St. 'Phone 1002-w. HOUSE--- 6 rooms, electric light, tent $16.00, on Cowdy street: small house, 5 rooms, water and tollet; rent $10.00, on Stanley street; also house on Mont- real street Apply H. F, Norman, 68 Patrick Street. "Phone 130-w. HOUSE~--Corner Colborne and Syden- ham streets, & rooms; 269 and 265 Ri- deau St, 7 rooms and 6 rooms; 61 Queen street, 6 rooms; 45 Concession Street, 5 rooms; all improvements each. Apply 185 Queen Street. Tele- phone 988-w. 2 NEW HOUSE--Ellerbeck Avenue, just completed, 7 rooms. Apply to E. BE Wathen, 127 Nelgon street. Takes Up Extension Work. Another Canadian univérsity has decided to take up extention work in connection with the college. The Mount Allision University of Sackville, N.S. Queen's University, Kingston, was the first university in Canada to introduce extension work, Some Rare Old Gent! The Montreal Gazette records that in March 1632, Samuel de Cham- plain was re-appointed Governor of New France, & post which he held until his death on Christmas Day, 1926 at Quebec! y dy Co., Limited FTORIBS-- Three stores, Princess SLTet, | » ROOMS---Two large, bright, comfort- able furnished bedrooms; steam heat- ed ana electric light; laddes prefer- light housekeepln rT Hares it py Py Rent reasonable. Apply Box F-26, Whig Office. Summer Cottage Wanted to rent for July and August, within five milés of King- ston; * furnished preferred. State rent, location and whether milk and ice is procurable; also 'what water supply. Apply Box C-20, Whig Office. 11 Farms and Land 12 CHOICE FARM-.185 acres, two frame dwellings, in Adoiphustown; faces Bay of Quinte; five miles east of Pic- ton. All choles land. About 25 acres Ploweds 26 acres in- fall wheat; fine sug fruit trees. Finest scenery in (nada, surrounded br Fymme ré- sorts. Cheap to 'quick or Title perfect. J. W, 0 King Street, Kingston, or 'phone 1886. -W. Real Estate For Sale. Houses J. B. CUNNINGHAM . Real Estate \ Insurance and Loans % 79 Clarence Street. ep ci -- COUNTRY HOME On Wolfe Island, twelve rooms, suitable for summer re- or one -or two ront, large ho of land. place for poultry farm, Sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 19 Bilis Street. SIX ROOMED BRICK: HOUSE ON Princess Street, 3 bedrooms, Slectrle W. ioe ur, 37 'Phone Tramp; 1205-4. rick, 5 rooms, central rooms, cent It makes it easier for Toad swer your classified ads both your ree ads 1f it = "Phone 135. _ ae he Wal iE aauring you. gd Houses 14 BE. W, ULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets 'Phone 639-w. See Advt. Page 2. hy PRINCESS STREET-- Containing large living room with open fireplace oak overmantel, dining room, kit- chen, back stairs, front and side ves- tibul seven bath room, separate todet, stone foundation, hot water and h. a. heat! ng system. Lot approx. 44x180. "Phone 2263-w for ap- po ntment. } SUITS--Indigo Serge, armors | To Buy 14a Fuel and Feed 18 DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard and soft Wood Slabs. We handle none but . the best. 'Phone 2516-w. J. GC Swain. ~ DRY HARDWOOD-Any quantity. Ap- ply Highway Service and Bupply Co. dornér Princess and Smith Btreets. "Phone 2706. GOOD HARDWOOD---$3.50 quarter cord mixed wood $3.00 and $3.20 quarter cord---hard slabs $3.50---soft slabs a. L716 quarter ry. Rough and dressed wmber always in stock. Clean saw- dust 5 cents b 'Phone 2763-3. W. H. Talbot, oe noession Btreet. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--POl-, icy will protect your salary. All lines of Fire and Automobile Insurarce. H. Williams, 2 Couper street. ANDERSON, A~~Palnter and Dégorats or. Estimates given on large or smal / Jobs." Choice wtoc ot Wall Paper one 1966. samples carried. PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING ob, Batimates siven -A real good for February prices. 1926 samples. H. t Rowley. 1352-F, 3 SIGN PAINTING---J. 8 Robingop, rear: 175 bagot Btrest DWELLIN GeeW. room dwelling; cash, Box E- to buy, central. 26, Whig Offi ig th oar pay Articles For Sale # Miscellaneous 15 from $30.00; our measurements, also large cloths for Easter. Order My easy terms allow plenty of time for payment. 'Phone 2308-w. J, & Patterson, 120 Johnston Street. BABY CHICKS Pure) bred to lay. Bar. red Rocks, White Wyandottes, R. I. Reds and White Leghorns. Discount for early orders. Your eggs hatched if desired. Kingston Hatchery, 101 Queen Btreet, Kingston. NOTICE--This week only, all grades of Mattresses renovated for 32 75. Reg- ular price $4.00. New tick extra at cost. Also new Mattress at reduced rices. 'Phones 1§61-J. Frontenac attress Co, 277 King Street Kast. ENGINES----One new Magnet 9 Stationea Gasoline hein © clutch pulley; one 300 H.P. Fiat Gaso- line Engine, suitable for fast oruiser. Bargains for quick sales. " Address 104 Gore Street or phone 1793-w. FISH AND CHIPS ne oldest fish and ohip cafe in city. P. den, 260 Montreal Street, 0, 9 a.m. to 1.00 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2625-m. LAMP SHADE FRAMES Fire dogg and screens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire Works, Try us for silver plating and refinishing. RADIO-~ 8 tube DeForest; 50.00. C. noess made to enge complete, Ww. lindsay, Limited, 131}, eet. eT OF SURVEYORS INSTRUMENTS --For sale. Appl Welkeor & Walkem, 93 Cistence Stree UARE PIANO-In condition; also Antique Clock. ilr sell cheap. Apply 19 Ells Street. 'Phone 1523-w. Woo! load of Hard Maj le, sloops, Renfrew scales, Bapie Aasms Sep- Lh engine, milkers and repairs, ros. barn equipment, harness, | SLA Deal) blankace. washers, churns. J. F. Frost & W Brock Street. 00d Agents, 18a orn successors to Fuel ana Feed Tare or on AE Senin by 18 HARDWOOD-Dry body Janple $3. 18 per Toad. wood $83. per load. $3.00. Dry St Me Spit 26c. extra. Dry kindling under 'cover, $2.96 per load. "Phone 1439-J. Mre. Ray Parker, corner John- son end McDonald Streets. MIXED SLABS-$6.75 cord; Sawdust 2c. per bag. J. H. Babcock & Son, Odessa. PENNSYLVANIA CITE CO. ~--Carload expected Defore March Carload of Chestnut soming fe fol- lowing week. Orden takén 'Phone 2362-m. Price "$15. 50 Qelivered. C. W. Neville. WOOD----Mixed body end woft wood slabs; cedar kindling, $2.75 load; hard- wood slabs, $3.50 load; body hardwood $4.00 quarter oord. J. Peters & Son, corner Toronto and Brock Streets 'Phone 889. y $2.76. AL 1st. W. ROBERTSON-- Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing; your own clo made up: Samples in stock. . $20.00 and up. 273 Bagot Street. _-- 2 A Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin. gess Elreets. Chiropractic adjust: ments, electric treatments and hand- massage. X-ray service. Consulta~- tion free, Hours 9-13 am, 16 p.m. Evenings b appoiniment. Office tele- phone 522-J. esidence 'phone 957-J. LUCY==Geo. ¥. and Jennies A., Chiro- ractors, Besisteled Nurse, 202 Bagot treet. 'Phone 961-w. ours 9-132, 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -.. Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Brest, Kingston, A A a Cunnaningham, K.C.; eyril DAY AND rT a and Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, Kin ng ston. - A, Day, Adrian 1. Reveille. Morigages arranged. 'Phone 305. REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Solicl- tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. Phone 2500. TER~Douglas, Barrister and Soli- gitor, 79 Clarence Btreet. Mortgages arranged. 'Phone 432. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Mol Warts, Birthmarks, Ski eo DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W, -Goltre St Jithout Ee at 8 Sxperiince. ke, e, Ear, Nose, Tron Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 11356] ~Ambrose, B.A. Heitor. Law Oftice, corner Brock, over Roya "Bank to loan. 'Phone 1989. GTON--Barrister, Sotiol- Public. 151 Welling- ne 2548-w. un are missing the Dest ie is Jf reading t Talloring and Pressing 20 GBN fpr FRUNTENAU LOAN AND INViesps MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated 1861. . ' President, A, D. PN vice-president J. M, Farrell. Money to loan on sity and and farm properti a da bought and and geld: do vestment. x posits Tostived and 26a. mum mon Sonn. rr 87 Storage STORAGE-For Jurniture, dry, rooms and spaces; your n lock! Frost's City Borage 309+ 'Phone 536. Res. § * HRAL MACHINE REPATRS--We specialize in skate sharpening, gra- | Mophons a and Snprelis Fpalral leo: Ww. Bateman, i Y Aifred Siree ASHES~Cleaned out of . yards, clean job done. 'A. 'Phone 3365. 24 Russell Street. SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES Taken. Good teams, careful drivers. General' team work done. Estimbtes van, Caverly Transter Co. pper ncess. Street. 'Phone 1507-7. Expert Plano Turis, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED. UPHOLSTERING---And general repairs ing, Leave orderg at * drop a ¥. W. Harold, 104 Ci "Phone 1600-J. sy SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES. wach day, careful drivers, good h Foneral carting; first Fiaga ar Estimates gi ale, 143 York i Pi and 2516-M. Bony a A .._Automoblies : Auto Accessdries » GARAGE--With dwelling, for Btreet, AlTrenmith; 30 x 80 ft. Deloo plant; to Charies Hie KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND ~--Makers of Auto, Buggy. 8 Cushions, Coupe bodies, California holstering. Awnings a asd King street. 'Phone Astomobiles For Sale. aUURING.- 1923 elsewhere. flac Street. hata $9-W, r none