Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1926, p. 7

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20% OFF all Winter Underwear TIGER BRAND, | WATSON'S BRAND, | TURNBULL'S CEETEE ( : @ # George Van Horne oh "Phone 362-w. 213 Princess Street. Pouch The season's craze in t Hand Bags. These we have in Blue, Rose, Grey, Brown and Black -- ranging Where do those crows' feet come from ? | When your eye muscles be- Hi e overworked they call on | ¥ facial muscles for ~aid. Iii "Whe results are obvious--crows' feet. { . Unconsciously you use these | muscles many times a day in trying to overcome defective eyesight. A) An eye examination is the Bloonly sure way of telling the ondition of your eyes. Let us "examine yours and prevent many crows' feet and wrinkles. Evenings by appointment. W. D. GRAHAM Registered Optometrist, 140 Wellington Street Telephone 609. in price from $2.25 to $4.50 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET ee THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter :: "Phone 987 See us, for all Kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on new floors laid. Haye your hardwood floors clean ed with "bur new floor cleaning ma. TY Ahiviwiwiwiuiuiuirkubuiurskrskrhrhsrhrkheikbt dh od 2 ha hk PT TOYO THE DAILY BRITISH Horizontal. . To revolve. . 'Agriculturist. 12. Composition for one voice, 3 To annoy. Average. Yoy and I. Series of cars, Variant of "a." To map. Fit, To get up. Sorrowful. To guide, 13. 15. =17. 18. 197 21. 23. 24. 286. 27. | 33, railway | 65.. 66. 67. 68. 70. 73. 73. 74. 57. To knot again. 39. To stitch, . Child's marble of glass, . Distant. To reduce, to an evenly progressive descent. Mother. To repulse. Preposition of place. Slave. Scarlet, Legal claim. Suggesting a rose. To rove. | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | 27. Slim. 28. Repetition . Lets it stand. . Morindin dye. 34. Measure of area. 5. Not having reached . Seasoned . Beverage. . Yellow bugle, . To put on. . Exclamation of in- B= moaning. with su- gar. (music). the age of major- ity. To daub. 161. 29. 30. Pee. Reverential fear, - Standard type mea- sure. i Auction. 33. Joint. 36. Deity. 37%To calm. 40. Plumes. 42. Born. 43. At no time. '44. Negative adverb. 45. Afirmed. 47. Pressed. 650. Third note in scale. Barn. Emperor. 64. Negative. 65. To finish. . Bone. 3. Pulled ther. . To 9. Back. . Frenzy. . Angry. 53. . Almost . Pares. Vertical. . Opposite . Toward. arrange gracefully. . Part of verb to be. . Half an em. . Child's air toys. . Sorrowing quiry. . Solar dise. . Portion of real es- tate allowed to a widow by law. . To postpone. . Wearied. ."Women, . Insulated. . Satiated. . Net weight container. To shower. Therefore. Fourth scale, Minor note. Point of compass. along. of awea- cloth of a 64. 68. 69. note in donkeys. i1. 72. or be- . YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most aesthetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C.W. LINDSAY'S Warerocoms, : Select your Furs from good makers 'Good Furs make warm friends _ W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET Equal to Pocohontas +++ +. $15.00 per ton +++. $10.00 per load ) SLABS (Cut) ....... ¥ Pi JL yee. $4.00 per load Il Softwood Slabs (Cut) -..--......... $3.50 per load SOWARDS COAL Co. TELEPHONE 155 McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. Quaker Buckle, Wo. and | Strap Slip- [ORIDIE IREZIDIOMWIE IL. ZIS]AC] RIE IAMNHIOIRIAIL RYTIAIPI BIAITIAD [All RK{GIA DIEIFIE IRPN SIE IPAM IBRISIAIVIE IDRC RIA) AME, LLL 24 GANANOQUE | pected here to-day owing to the ill- ness of her father, Charles Bryant, who is suffering from a serious at- tack of pneumonia. ' W. G. Bates is in Kingston day attending the funeral of uncle, Samuel Richards. Little Miss Betty Battams was the hostess of a jolly sleighing party last Friday on the occasion of 'her birthday, after which she entertain- ed her little friends at her home. Upwards of forty/ new members were received into Grace" Church yesterday as as-result of the recent evangelistic services," and several others have signified their intention to- his 4}| of joining the church who could not make it convenient to do so yester- day: Con and Sanford Delaney are in Prescott to-day for the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs, Albert De- laney. . James Lattimore caused his friends some uneasihess on' Satur- day last when he had .an attack of acute indigestion at the Parmenter and Bulloch Company. Enquiries yesterday, however, proved him to be entirely recovered. 5 Among those who entertained on Friday last were Mrs. Oscar Hefine Expell Catarrh Germs ~~ From Your Throat You can guard your throat ras stres g ) 8 TARRHOZONE. . by in- of_ CA- Gananoque, March 1.--Miss Olive: Bryant, R.N., Brooklyn, N.Y., is ex- "t4isit with his aunt, Mrs. W. J. Beau- i nn and Mrs. William Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston. Brewer's Mills were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lynn at the week-end. A large number will accompany the Wanderers to Brockville to- night in quest of that coveted trophy, and ' hete's hoping they bring it back. * | DESERONTO Deseronto, Mar, 1--Over two hun- dred and sixty of the town citizens, old agd young, went to Belleville on the 5.15 train on Friday gvening and had the great satisfaction of seeing the Deseronto High School hockey team win the game which makes ghiem the champions. Bracebridge sent the team, all good clean players, but the little De- seronto chaps were too swift for them. The score 'was 7-1 and al- though it sounds too one sided to be interesing, a lot of hard Work was done by both sides. Horace Thompson returned to To- ronto on Wednesday after a pleasant bien, Mill street. Alton Hamilton of Windsor spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cronk. Miss Leta Thompson has- gone to Elm Tree to spend a few months with relatives. W. D. Perry is a Phtient in the General Hospital, Kingston. Miss Rachel Champagne Saturday in Napanee. "The Glass factory closed 'at four o'clock dn Friday in order to let the office and factory staff attend the big hockey match in Belleville. + -- 'MOVED HOUSE 'SEVEN MILES. Hay Bay Ico Made It a Smooth Trip. | Adolphustown, Feb. 26.-- The thaw on Thursday 8poiled the good roads but the snow, which is coming to-day, may repair some of the dam spent on the county road. The measles epi- demic seems to have nearly rum its a i i - s WHIG . DRUGS EXCITE THE KIDNEYS, DRINK WATER Take Salts at First Sign of Bladder Irritation or Backache. The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often eat too much rich food. Our blood is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken ffom over- work, become sluggish, the elimina- tive tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you saf- fer with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or .if you have rheumatism when the wea- ther is bad, begin drinking lots of good soft water and get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts. Take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a_few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate, clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer are a source of irritation, thus of- ten relieving bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can pot injure, makes a delightful efferves- cent lithia-water drink and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kid- ney flushing any time. RADIO 11--Cuvier WKRC, Quartette, or- chestra and entertainers. & ---- ' WRO, Washington (469). 7.30 p.m.--U. 8. Marine Band. 8.30--New York Philharmonic So- ciety concert. 1 9.30--To be_announced. 10.30-- Hotel Mayflower orches- tra. 11.30--Organ recital from Tivoli Theatre. WGY, Schenectady (879.5). 5.30 p.m.--Hotel Van Curler or- chestra. 7.45---Marine band from Wagh- ington. 8.30--Edison York. 9.30---WGY orchestra. 10--Grand Tour, Devonshire and Cornwall, Hour from New WOR, Newark (408). 7 p.m.--Copénhagen Quartette, Tuesday, March 2. * . CKAC, Montreal (411). 4 p.m ---Weather, stocks, grain re- port. 7--Kiddies' chat on prevention of accidents. hed 7.16--Windsor hotel dinner con- cert, featuring Mr. N. Eichorn, pian- List. 8.30--=Studio concert. 10.30---Hafold Leonard's Red Jac- kets from the Windsor Hotel Grill Rom. WSAIL, Cincinnatti (826), . 8 p.m.--Eveready Hour of Music, 9.30--Programme from the WSAI Studio, featuring Hawaiian Guitars, amd KDKA, Pittsburgh (809). 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. 8.30--S8acred Song Half Hour. 9---KDKA Symphony orchestra, 11.35--Concert from the Grand Theatre, + WEAF, New York (492). 6 to 12 p.m. --Dinner music from Waldorf Astoria Hotel;John Bboth, baritone; Half Hour with Americsin Composers, Harold Vincent Milligan: Blue Ribbon Male Quartette; The Gold Dust. Twins; Eveready Hour: Radio Bridge; Vincent Lopez and orchestra; Ross Gorman and orch- estra : WKRC, Cincinnati (3286). 10 p.m.--Hotel Alms orchestra. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. At one time in England beaver, hats were compulsory, and makers were prohibited from using any ay e---- PNY wv RR Have You Small Feet? 4 Adhd a WY Ny yyy If you wear size 2} to 4 Shoes and want a real bargain, drop in and look over our Bargain table DON'T" DELAY--COME EARLY! C i. 2 Andhra dd hh hhh hl 4 lh a a a Ad AdaA Padded db da Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers - Our Big February Furniture Sale "Now On" DIG FUR A rare chance to furnish for present or future use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying in- * vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, satisfac- tion and happiness. 'Satisfied with the price, satis fied with the quality. When you buy here you have the added comfort in knowing that you are pro- tected from inferior goods. JAMES REID 'Phone 147 for Service. ROBERT GREEN, PERTH ROAD. Is Credited With Having Made a Re- markable Recovery. Perth Road, Feb. 25.--The heavy thaw on Thursday put the roads in a very sloppy condition, but was a great ald in refilling the.wells and cisterns. All are glad to hear that Robert Green, returned from the Kingston General Hospital, on Satur- day afternoon, in a fair condition of convalesence. Mr. Green's recovery is very remarkable. The M.L.M.C. will hold its next meeting at Mrs. Edward Stokes', | Raymond's Corners, on the after- noon of March 4th. On Friday fore- noon Mrs. George Webb underwent a very serious operation at the Gen- eral Hospital, but is now doing fav- orably. BE. Stokes has been confined to the house this week with an at- tack of grippe. Mrs. A. Darling and J. Middleton were recent guests of Mrs. William Ritcjhle. H. Blacklogk has been through the vicinity buying calves, W. Wilson and L. Austin are cut- ting wood for R. R. Ritchie. Measles are visiting the village, H. Timmer- man is moving this wpek out near Forest. where he has rented a farm. The neighborhood will be sorry to lose him. Miss Ora' Botting spent the week-end at M. Sands, Batte#- sea. Miss D. Guthrie is spending the week in the city. Stanley Timmer- man, who had the misfortune of hav- ing a couple of fingers blown off by a dynamite-cap, has retu¥ned from the hospitaf at Kingston. A. Ruttan sold four fine cows, Thursday, to H. Timmerman.' > SHIPPING HAY AND CALVES. iin, The Prices at Which These Are Purchased. can market, the price being fiom $19 to $12 a ton according to guality. Fred Constance, LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. .D. T. \ANCASTER GOES TO BRISTOL, QUE. : Present Minister of St. John's, Pittsburgh, to Be Inducte ed March 12, rms A call which has been received by Rev. D. T. Lancaster, of St. John's' chufech, Pittsburgh, in the Kingston' Presbytery, from Bristol, Que., was dealt with at a& meeting of the Of- tawa Presbytery on Friday last, inl Chalmers church, Ottawa, over which Rev, M. C. Flatt, moderator, presided. The call was sustained, and will be forwarded to the transe fer committee with a recommenda tion that it be accepted. Provisional arrangements were made for Rev. Mr. Lancaster's induction, which will take place March 12th, when Rev. F. 5. Milliken will preach the ser- mon. Rev. H. L. Horsey will ad~ dress the new minister, and Rev, George A. MacDonald will deliver the address to the congregation. : \ Letters are delivered in soms of the islands of the Tonga group, in the Pacific, by skyrockets fired from for making carpets were set up at Lowell, Mass., in 1839, ft

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