Tuesday, March 2, 1926. THE DAILY eart Trouble' or Indigestion? 4 " 'Weartbury, Pressure Around Heart, Pal. pitation, A Feeling of Fulnem, wi ad Shortness of Hreath. m Si 3 THIS SIMPLE S-MINUTE TEST TELLS WHAT'S WRONG Ww ple, there are man people who | Heart 'Trouble, there are 1sands mrore who are literal- | CANADA'S POWER T0 BUILD UP INDUSTRY Eighteen Million Horse-Power Available--Ontario Has Larg- est Turbine Installation, Niagara Falls, March 1.--Eigh- teen million horsepower is available to drive the wheels. of Canadian com- a soared to death" because they think | moves © These eighteen millions to- they have 1 To live in fear of Heat wre ls. a terrible handicap, espechal- when pr robably Jo 2 cent. of the | eart day are tumbling down cascades and | {| Waterfalls rushing ~ helterskelter symptoms | through narraw gorges or tumbling mn, St nes of breath, daif-| ing, a feeling of fullness pressu around the Heart -- are mainly ca d by & sour, gassy, upset prove that this is true r past worries have been ake--simply make this three- t and watch results! gist abd Sbisin a urated Mag- powder or tablets) ith to-morrow take a tea- f the powder or four tab- rar nediately after each meal and, the usual distres#ing symptoms fail year, you may safely rest assured that you have found your trouble, ! This is a pleasant, inexpensive test t seldom fails to relieve stomach se\ Gas, Sourness and Bloating-- t ins antly, and a single trial proves its value! Be sure and ask Bisu- od Magnesia, not a laxative. Ses ra ama = Your Own Colds Safely Dr. Hickey's Cough and Cold Remedies have proved a oon to hundreds of people in and vicinity for the howe treatment of colds. No Cough or Cold can with 'stand these. famous time-tried PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 'DETACHED BRICK DWELLING ~-- 7 rooms, B. and T.,, electric and gas, H. W. ficors, hot air; garden; central. 3 111% BROCK AT. KINGSION w-- m-- The éntire ocean, if dried up, would yield approximately four and half cubic miles of salt. over rapids in a hundred streams and rivers of Canada. Three and a quarter million horse- power has already. been harnessed by man for his needs and bitsby bit the engineer is locking up more streams and turning them into the power that drives big turbines that in their turn make newsprint, supply light and power to cities and do a thous- and daily chores in the industrial life of Canada. Of the three and a quarter millien hoFsepower already developed about 800,000 horsepower are used in the Remove Your Corns _ By Hot Foot Bath By combining the hot foot bath with the dissolving action of Put- nam's Corn Extractor, you quickly rid your toes of sore corns. Not a bit of pain, no disappointment! the corns drop out and leave the toe as smooth as silk. For such results no- thing equals Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Satisfaction guaranteed. 25 cents at all dealers. CEPA or STARR PHONOGRAPHS AT LESS THAN COST We are offering the remainder of . our stock of these famous Phono- graphs at really remarkable prices. There are three full. sized cabinet models. It will pay you well to inves- iT Sar hme RAED a BACKAC 0 pt Cover FIN BOK ohh Sider Sa [Een or Er in semi sarpehor) THE MUT Is Canada's Leading UAL LIFE Annual Dividend Co. On modern Life Insurance contracts the dividends may be applied to reduce your annual premiums. Therefore the bigger tho QitiieM as the dowcr She cost of your usurance. Remember this when thinking of insuring. S. ROUGHTON, istic age o BROCK STREET "PHONE 810 When you are in need of any of the following work Call we for prompt service. * PLUMBING REPAIRS Ne, uy = TINSMITHING. OR SHEET METAL | CARPENTER WORK OR MASON REPAIRS Switzerland ... 600 1,531 206 ll] L-O.B.A. ball held in Orange hall on i] see him home agains soon. | end at Christie Lake. Miss McGin- manufacture of pulp into paper with] huge additions to existing plants al- | ready planned and with new mills | under way that will within the next | few months bring. the 'usage of 'waterpower in this industry to over|, a million. * The balance is used for | commercial stations and municipal | stations for the generation of Hght] and power which is distributed to| about 70 per cent of the 8,788,483] people which the last census' credits tb the dominion. Ontario Leads. { Ontario is the province with the largest turbine installation with an | estimated output of 1,387,246 with| its neighbor Quebec a close second | with a 'development of 1,196,549. | Then there is a wide gap to British | Columbia with a turbine installation | of 387,000 and then comes Manitoba | with about one-third of this amount. Alberta, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia come next with the Yukon de- veloping 15,249 horsepower. Prince Edward Island 2,239. There is no record of any waterpower develop- ment in the province of Saskatche- wan. In spite of the war the waterpow er development has nearly -doibled since 1914. In that year the water power developed in central stations was 1,807,006 in pulp and paper mills 339,607 and in other industries 241,411 making a total turbine in- stallation of 1,888,023. To-day the estimated total developed is 3,311,- 577. Built Up Industry. No- resource of the country has seen such phenomenal development in so short a time and none has re- acted so favorably on industry, The development of the water power of the country has practically built up the newsprint industry of the domin- fon until to-day Canada is the larg- est newsprint producing country in the world. Yet with only about one-sixth of her visible power developed there is a sum of over '§712,000,000 invested in the work which #&t the present rate of increase should have reached $1,000,000,000 within the next ten years. Canada's position with re- gard to other nations not only in the extent of her resources but in the amount already developed and ener- gized makes a showing of which she may well be proud. The heavy rise in the cost of oval has no doubt been a main factor in stimulating this development. The figures in thousands of horsepower installed in the various countries of the world since the war.is as fol- lows: p1914- 1922- Ime. 1915. 1923. Pet. Canada ...... 1,936 2974 '64 France ....... 800 2,100 164 Italy ........-1,000% 1,650 65 JAPAR "iv sans ve 6590 1,500 154 Norway ...... 630 1,654 211 Spain 2.i.evs.. 281 580 108 Sweden ..,... 850 1,660 84 United States .. 8,609 9,540 11 Canada had a far greater per capita development than any other nation in the world before the war, except Norway, and while the in- crease since that time has not been as great as In some of the other nations, she has nevertheless made substantial progress and despite the great difference in population she stands second to the United: States in total development. ett HIS FOOT AMPUTATED. William Lapointe Undergoes Opera-1 tion in Kingston Hospital, , Tichborne, March 1.--The storm on Wednesday and Thursday left the roads very heav§ for travelling. The Tuesday night was a decided suc- cess. A number from here attended Oriental meeting at Parham on Fri- day night. The Ladies' Aid intend holding an old time tea-meeting on March 10th. William Lapointe had his foot amputated In Kingston hospital on Monday last. It is reported that he is doing fine. His friends hope to Mrs, T. N. Swerbrick spent week- nis, of Ottawa, at A. R. Revell's; My. and Mrs. Joseph Steele at D. J. Howes; Willlam Kennedy spent a few days in Toronto; Mr. William McKenna at Sydenham; Miss Jewel Thompson spegt the week-end with her parents, - I-------------- PLEVNA NEWS BUDGET. Several Fire Extinguishers Are Plac- ed in the Vicinity." Plevna, March 1.--The snow- storms of the past week were very severe, the roads, in some parts be- ing logs to his new mill site in Plevna. J. D, Flake has completed his winter's lumber haul. P. J. Wensley-passed through here Thurs- day on a business trip to Lavant Station, Rev, William Pointin spent the week-end with friends at Beach Corners. Ross Thompson, popular cheesemaker, has been successful in placing several fire-extingutshers in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs Stanley ing impassable. J. F. Card is draw-!{f SH : 20 Draw the ri out of in i 'onsils. substitute or imita- 'tion, but make sure f f quick relief by get get- g the genuine. Soy "Ben' Gay" to your druggist. , Ror Free Sample 1 Sknd 10c. to cover cost of packing and mailing :-- The Leeming Miles Co. Lid., Montreal. KIREWO0OD APOLOGIZES, For His Accusation Against British Commons' Speaker. London, March 1.--In connection with a bill that was fathered by the Socialists in the House of Commons to .nationalize the Bank of England being remitted, on the Speaker's or- | ders, to the examiner of private bills for a decision as to whether the bill was admissible or pot, David Kirk- wood, Labor, accufih the Speaker of having given s ruling because the bill struck at the root of the "hellish capithlist systém." The Speaker, Rt. Hon. J. H. Whit- ley, sharply rebuked Kirkwood for daring to attack the integFity of the chair. Kirkwood quickly withdrew the offensive remark. He then proceed- ed to move a resolution giving the Speaker a certificate of character and said that nobody could have more respect for the Speaker than he himself. If the bill in question had pro- posed to naPonalize all the banks in Great Britain doubtless it would have béén in order, but the Speaker apparently believed that in singling out a solitary bank it was a chal- lenge to private interests, hence his action in sending it to the éxaminer of private bills. Rheumatic Pains Go Swollen Joints Vanish eit. Thousands of sufferers have freed themselves from the bondage of rheu- matism; rid themselves of the torturing pain: reduced the swollen joints; throws away canes and orutches, and helpless beings became able to bie 3 pe Jot of use to themselves and thelr a £ They took Rheuma: the modern enemy of rheumatism, jumbago, sciatica, arth- ritls, and chronic neuralgia. Don't be skeptical about Rheuma. You will know in @& few hours after be- ginning the treatment that the poison- ous waste matter is leaving your sys- tem through the natural channels. You will feel better in a day: you will know you are goine to be helped in leas than a wee There is ne guess work about Rheu- ma brin you back to health. That's why Jas. Mdlieod and dru hs everywhere "sell it with A of money back if it 'does not give quick reilef. . THE NATIONAL CLEAN- -ERS AND DYERS Sanitary Steam Pressing and Steam Cleaning. Also French Dry Cleaning. Repairs and alterations. Cerner Bagot and Jyiliam Streets 'T'hons 3100. J. F. WALKER, Prop. PROBS: Strong, northwest winds and colder to-night and Wednesday. OLD ENGLISH RECIPE ForFalling Hair and Baldness Thousands of who find their hair coming out ad- vertised hair tonics hair Erowers withow. rpauits. and anaily resign them selves to baldness and its attendant dis- comfort. Yet their case is not hopeless. The following simple home prescription in inany $n instances has hair grow again after years of partial baldness, and almost Instantly stops any further loss of hair. noi wit tnake the halt 4ry or greasy, is pleasant and easy use, inexpensive and can be put up in bar RL 3 ona {d Composse); LR um, 03. vona (de 2 Crysta haif Menthol 1s, Tachi. Ald a little te of your Pavorite rfume. is preparation is absolute- Ny mre: but "highly eff rip Be oral t t fer iption sh ou! care not to the face or where hair is Kring and dabghter were Sualay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lemke. Herman Ohiman spent Sun- day with friends at Ompah. Mr. and Mrs. D. Albert and family at C.| 'Barton's. Mr. and Mrs. D. White] | 2, daughter at 7: Cousins. March Ushers in | Fashion Week In formal displays of Millinery, Ready-to-wear and Yardage Goods Suits Frocks Coats Millinery Dress Accessories "Fabric Wraps 2 - irk, v MEI SY Sein . You are cordially invited toview de new Spring Fashions to-morrow and the following days. A large and varied assort- ment of Spring's smartest fashions await you at this formal opening display, that takes place annually four' weeks before i Faster. - . '. New Coats The newest Coats. wear Capes and there' are many other smart conceptions of the new styles in an end- less variety of color and fabric, Priced" from $10.00 up to $130.00 New Frocks Curves everywhere re- place straight lines. Frocks make up in full- ness what they lack, in Nlength. Sleeves are rg ? and the neckline is smart- est when fashioned high about the throat. All the new styles, fabrics and colors are here, at popu- lar prices. New Millinery The crown's the thing that characterizes the new mode. The small Hat still comes first in Paris and New York. And our showing depicts fashion right- ness in shape, color an fabrics. Priced from $3.50 up to $18.50 New Suits O'Rossen Suits arrest atten- Brevity of cut is the soul of smartness in their Coats, their Skirts are Wrap- arounds. Then New Colors | _In Ready-to-wear, Millinery blues, new rose tones, lovely _ pastel shadings, love-bird