New Taiored Pouch Bags $2.95 and up Envelope and swagger styles too. The very Bags you want for that new Tailored Suit. There's the large Pouch with pierced metal flap and flat envelope styles. All the beauty of Spring color is theirs--Phantom Red, French Blue, Metallic Grey, Green, Tan, Purple, Black and Brown. ELCO-LIGHT The Complete Electric ight and Power Plant. Write or see W. C. Carrion TELEPHONE 130-w, BIBBY BLOCK, PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON THOMAS COPLEY tor See ws for all kinds of Carpentry work, Estimates given on mew floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean ed with our mew floor cleaning ma. chine. 3 a BA a ooo fr i "Phone 987 b s 3 ; p b - 4 t we have in Blue, § WN VN Ry Pouch Bag The season's craze in Hand Bags. These ] Ahhh hahah dhe dh ch dh hh hh Rose, Grey, Brown i and Black -- ranging | in price from $2.25 to $4.50 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET 4 <4 4 4 y 4 3 4 ET -- 'Ml! The flames were seén first by Miss, §fl| discovered lying dead =| table In the kitchen. TH AGED DESERONTO LADY 1 FOUND DEAD IN HOME li!She Died From Shock When - Fire Broke Out in a Gouch. Deseronto, March 1.--A tragedy occurred at 2.30 am. Monday on the outskirts of the town when Mrs, Bridget Harrison, a widow of eighky years, died, it is supposed from shock of seeing her place on fire. Gussie McCuliough, attending-- her sister, who is ill. Don McCullough went down the road to the little Har- rison home and saw through the window that a couch, on which wére piled magazines and papers, was in flames, which were soon .extinguish- ed by him and Mr. Bert Mowers another nearby resident. A crowd soon gathered and searched in the sleeping apartments far the old lady was made, and she was finally under the Mrs. Harrison has been a hard working respectable citizen for years. The sympathy of the com- munity ig extended to her daugh- ter, Miss Eva, who at present is teaching in Simpson, Sask. An- other marrjed daughter, who with Miss Eva are the .only living con- nections of Miss Harrison lives in Marquis, Sask. It is expected that the remains will be kept at the home of Mrs. A. Gartland until the daugh- ters arrive. The remains of Mrs. Melville Woodcock was brought to the Deseronto vault on. Monday after noon, accompanied by a number of relatives. Mr. Warren's ice boat came to grief-on Sunday afternood, when Mr. Warren was host to a number of friends. The_boat dipped into an fee hole here the ice harvest was being -#hthered. No one was injured, ut the boat has been laid by for re- pairs. Mr. Johnston, manager of the local branch of the. Standard Bank, has been transferred temporarily to Ottawa, and ,Jeaves on Moagay eve- ning. for his new duties. Though Mr. Johnston's sojourn here has been short he will be much missed by the large number of acquaintances he has made. Rev, W. G. Richardson of the Presbyterian church accepted an invitation to preach in Torento on L Sunday, Destine hie oer pat WAR YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality ig the Weber Piano appeals to the most aesthetic taste, HEAR FOR SOURSELF AND BE CONVINOED. A) C. W, LINDSAY'S Warerooms, 4 e hn Princess Street" - £3 . IS VY Vy Ahhh db dh Select your Furs, i from good makers ph Good Furs make warm friends 'W. F. GOURDIER . 76-80 BROCK STREET VIRGINIA LUMP pit was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Bond of Kingston. Mrs. Leo Therrien was hostess at a quilting bee on Monday afternoon. During the absence of Mr. Fred Hoppings his brotlier is employed at Miss Goodman's dry goods store om St. George street. A fire was discovered late yester- day afternoon in the old chemical works, but the damage was very small, Lan : ton Township Council, A mpgeting of the Kingston Town- ll | ship Council was held on Monday-af- ternoon, but on account of the ab- || sence of two of the members of the council on aécount of illness, no bus- iness was transacted. One of the members of the family of W. R, Aylesworth, deputy reeve, beldg ll in the hospital, both he and his brother, R. L. Aylesworth, also a member of the council, were ab- li | sent. a Equal to Pocohontas TELEPHONE 155 | When Does Oi Age Come? I! Will Lack of Vital Nerve Force, Am- bition, Strength and Endurance Make You Old in Early Life ! To some 'old age" may seem to | come at 40 or 50, while others ap- pear young and vigorous at 70 or 75. What makes this big and ter- rible difference? Why must so many folks give up their "youth" in the i very prime of life? : The trouble, in most instances, lies in depleted nerve force----that 'vital spark" that gives enduring energy and laughs at age! The lack of which robs us most of our life---steals our youth apd brings wrinkles, dim- med eyesight and grey hairs to those i! no more than 40 years old! The Will to do and the Power to perform---the ambition, courage, con- fidence and strength to carry you to the Bigger, Better and more enjoy- able things of life--are unmistakable signs of youthfulness, even though you may be a hundred years old! In regard to keeping our "Youth" and the deferment of old age, we have heard and read much--but only recently have mews articles told of Young and old alike report speedy and satisfactory benefits--changed in a few days from a nerve starved vic tim of weakness and despondency to feeling of courage and confidence with the strength and endurance of azing | The Candidates in Cape Vincent, N. | Y,, Elections. E DAILY. BRITI REAL ESTATE BRISK - IN CITY AT PRESENT Vacant Houses Being Rented ~~Locomotive Works Helps Landlords and Merchants. According to information re- "ceived by the Whig, real estate in Kingston is quite brisk at the pres- ent time. One real . estate agent, speaking to a representative of the Whig, stated that he had a very large numbé* of demands for houses. When asked how this' winter com- pared with last winter, he stated that it was a great deal better, In his own"case, he stated that he had houses of his own vacant last winter which caused him a loss of $100 per month. This winter he has but one house vacant, renting at $15 per month. There are some Rouses va- cant in Kingston but they have been filling up since Christmas. It is stated, that as & result of the Canadian Locomotive Works get- ting busy, a large number of mechanits who left Kingston are re- turning. The return of the men not only benefits the landlords but also the store keepers. in. LETTERS To The Editor Of The Whig Amherst Island Ferry. Sir: The prospects of our ferry steamer being in operation very early in 1926 are not very briglit, at least not before autumn, but we believe that our gendal reeve, Mr. Miller, is getting it a little closer every day. We must expect that it will take a considerable time to get business of that kind into shape. One or two petitions whieh were circulated around the township in the past year, also gave the ques- tion a slight set back. Many people have the idea that the cost of operating a ferry would be very ex- pensive. Not so. Mr. Davis of the Davis Dry Dock Co., Kingston, got out plans a few years ago, at the re- quest of our council for a boat which he thought would be suf- ficiently large enough for the route. TO WOHid be, 1 belidve about 80 feet long and 24 foot beam. If would be equipped with special oil burning engines, speed about 8 miles an hour, and fuel cost 'crude oil" small, We have it from good au- thority on boat construction and operation, men who have been. in the business all their lives, on Am- erican and Canadian waters, that only one licensed man is reguired by: law to operate boats of this size, and that one a captain, assisted by a machinist. % Now a boat such as I have men- tioned could operate two-days per week to Kingston and daily if needed to Millhaven wharf, from Emerall and Stella. With a good business 'man as manager, an up-to- date ian who would always be on the alert for more and better busi- ness. I believe 'the ferry would be a success. Yours very truly, G. A. BOYLE, Stella, Feb. 27. R.R."3. NOT TO BUILD SUNDAY SCHOOL HALL AT PRESENT Queen 8 Have Church People 18,000--Church Out of Debt. It is not expected that the work of building the new Sunday school hall in connection with Queen street United church will be undertaken this year. The matter has been con- sidered by the trustees on several occasions but nothing definite has been decided upon. At the present time, the trustees have a fund amounting to about $18,000 for the erection of such a building. It is understood that some should be avaliable before any build: ing scheme is undertaken. Since the ime the church edifice was destroyed by fire the members of the congregation have worked very hard to get the new building out of debt, with the result that it is now free of encumberance, increase the weekly offerings, and this has resulted in increased Trev- enue being secured. 3 Ht has been suggested that per- haps through co-operation on the part of local congregations of the United Church of Canada in King- ston, a new Sunday school hall might not be required by the Queen street church. TO RUN FOR OFFICE. . At Cape Vincent, N.Y., at the Re- publican caucus A. H. Bowe was chosen chairman and G. I. Grandjean secretary. The following were nom- Lowe, dent; "Robert of the trustees feel that more money |' Recently a campaign. was held to | SH WHIG - Restored Strength and Former Good Health ly Nervous, Depressed and Weighed Down With Lumbago. Mrs, E. Boyd Took Three Weeks' Treatment of Dodd's Kidney Pills " and Amazing Résults Followed. Dunany, P." Q., Mar. 1. (Special) ~--That Dodd's Kidney Pills bring back health and strength is proved by the following statement from Mrs, E. Boyd, who resides at Dunany. Kidney Pills because I was weak and excessively nervous. I was unable to "work without feeling depressed, was also weighed down with lumbago and had no appetite. It has only taken a fey weeks' treatment of Dodd's Kidney Pills to restore my strength and courage and former good health." ; : This statement speaks for itself. Ninety per cent. of the ills from which women suffer come from weak or diseased kidneys. They are the organs that strain all the impurities out of the blood. If they fail to do this, the impurities remain in the blood and are deposited all over the body. { Buy a box to-day, b50c. from all druggists or The Dodd's Medicine Co., Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. Quebec Lady Was Weak, Excessive. | She writes:--*"I took your Dodd's "3 YY TTY YY Y If you wear size 24 to 4 Shoes and want a real bargain, drop in and look over our 25° Bargain table DON'T DELAY--COME EARLY! GANANOQUE Gananoque, March 2.-~Ths com- bined teams of the public and sep- arate schools visited Kingston on Saturday and defeated St. Mary's in the morning by a score of 7-1 and Reglopolis -6-2 in the afternoon. The above teams will probably play re- turn matches here in the near future. Fully 150. journeyed to Brocke ville last evening for the champion ship game. Charles Bryant, who is quite ill with pneumonia, was reported as being slightly improved yesterday. The ladies of St. John's church are planning a large euchre in the Lyceum for the 17th March, follow- ed by an 'entertainment. The children's division of Graee Church Sunday school will hold a birthday tea on Thursday. C. 8. MacKenzie and Fred V. Skinner gre in Chatham for a couple of days. Miss Jane Macdonald, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs: Richard Johnson, Jr. 5 " Miss Loretta Littiséfohn and Miss Maynie McDonald spent the week- end with friends in Prescott. W. O. Jones, Ford Petch, Harold McCarney, Frank McIntyre, Fred Mooney, George Gibson, George Baker, Lyons Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. George Whaley, Miss Lola Baker, Art Pullaw, C.J. Wilson, Eddie Gray, W. B. Mudie, Frank Petch, Oliver Bower, W. Byoucher, Lindsay Barr, Garfield Boyle and a couple of hundred more from here saw the game in Brockville last night. Mowat Hospital Shortage Larger Than First Thought Although nothing official is being given out, it is understood -that the authorities at Mowat Hospital have discovered that more money is mis- sing than was first announced. The amount of the additional loss is not known, but it is understood that it is quite an amount, Although the Provincial Police have been working on the particu- lars surrounding the sudden disap- pearance of the former accountant at the hospital, they hive been unable to get any trace of him. ¢ Recital at Lansdowne, Mr. Valliancourt will give an organ recital in Grove United Church, Lans- downe, Wednesday evening, March 3rd. He will be assisted by other focal talent in vocal and instrumental numbers. Programme at 8 o'clock. The man who tries to drown his troubles always seems to have the idea that they are located in his stomach, ; C The manufacturer of a flesh-re- | dusing remedy lives on the fat of ihe land, * ag for ad ahhh Brn Kingston's Biggest Home F urnishers Our Big Clearing Furni ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Prandin dh a, ! LAE CU Phone 147 for Servive. Miss Jane McCool. 'On Tuesday morning last at 9 o'clock, death claimed a respected citizen in' the person of Miss Jane McCool, who passed away at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, after a short illness of heart trouble. Deceased was born in Kingston, being a school teacher for many years and was known as a lady of a kindly and pleasing personality. She is surviv- ed by two sisters, Mrs. McCambridge and Mrs. McGlade, one brother, Capt. L. Whelan, city, also four nephews, Francis McCambridge, city, Dr. Charles J. and Dr. James BE. McCam« bridge, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Dr, Leonard A. McCambridge, of Bur- lington, Vermont, four nieces, Mrs. Edward Halligan, Brooklyn, N.Y. Mrs. John Clark, New York city, Mrs. 'Patrick J. Norris and Mrs. Henry P. McGrath, eity., The fun- eral took place Saturday morning from the residence of M. P. Keys to St. Mary's Cathedral, thence to St. Mary's cemetery. The pallbearers were Alexander O'Connor, New York city, Capt. James Martin, W. Me- Kenna, Patrick J. Norris and Henry P. McGrath, city. Sale "Now On" A rare chance to furnish for present or future use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying in- vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, satisfac- tion and happiness. = Satisfied with the price, satis fied with the quality. When you buy here you ha the added comfort in knowing that you are tected from inferior goods. JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. Builds Distributors: Pe ro tt ns ---- Lr sempre "homers D. Minnes Appointed ! Accountant of Mowat Hospital It was officially announced on Tuesday that Thomas D. Migpes had: been appointed accountant at the, Mowat Banatorium. The new aé ountant has spent his Kiog= ston, For some years he was countant at the Portsmouth pen tiary, but was retired on account ill health about two years ago. H oldest son, the late Harry Minnes,| made the supreme sacrifice whil serving with the Canadian En in France. Now. if Adam had eaten spinach and lost his standing, one could wi derstand it. : Enemies aren't so bad. They don' 7 suggest 736 ways to cure your cold.|