Shirriff's THE DAILY BRINISH whiG Better Breakfasts Week i " £ Enjoy This Delicious F ood Every - Day This Week From a rare old Recipe 'Most good things stand the Test of Time. One reason Shirriff's Marmalade has maintained its place on many thousands of Canada's breakfast tables is because it is made from a fine old recipe. And it is skilfully made from only the finest ingr Seville oranges and purest cane sugar. But more than that. Shir- s kitchens are spotlessly clean, admirably equipped, so that this delicious fi reaches the house- hold in a form absolutely uncon- taminated. Buy it with confidence, for its good- ness never varies. i ients--first quality Your grocer has Shir- riffs Marmalade in just the quantity to suit the size of your . household----dainty individual jars, 12-0z., 1-lb., 234-1b. containers and Ib. tin sealed oreeghi You know for young children. Shirriff's Mar- malade is crystal-pure. Give your youngsters all they want, for it has a wholesome food value. Serve Shirif's Marmalade every day in the year because it's econ- omical and good for you. See Special Displays at Your Grocer's Store « MARMALADE Week - Femenens love, and in love as tested by the | precedence and which of them should | we do know the ambition and the most crucial of all experiences. Jesus be the greatest when they came into | selfishness that consumed these dis- PASSED AWAY IN GEORGIA. Lett on Wednesday, February 8. K. Breese, Syracuse, N.Y., {8 88 | is facing his last hour. He knows the Kingdom. ciples even at the very time when | George McVeity, Newboro, 'Was Viec- | Hotel Rideau this week. that a way of tragedy and trial lies | The Kingdom itself was not for |they had left all to follow Jésus. tim 'of Pneumonia. Another one of Newbore's JESUS WASHES DISCIPLES' FEET The International Uniform Sunday School Lessor; for v March 7: John 13917. BY WM. B GILROY, D.D. Hdlior of The Congregationalist. of this lesson as a topic and adults is, "Th tianity Illustrated." ot be a better title, phen takes us far distant eastern scene and widely removed from y lite, the incident that it rs the teaching sad of the Master as these must | be manifested in the modern en- vironment. Just because modern customs dif- fer so widely from those of the time of Christ, and because modern life has become so much more complex, there is all the more reason.iuet we should perceive with clearness the elem@éntal nature of the Gospel in its ideals of meékness and lowlingss, love and service. - Note how this lesson begins in before Him, and it is In this erisis them not so much a Kingdom of love that love is His sustaining power. Nor is it only the love that others bear to- Him; chiefly it is the love that he bears to them. How often we seek the love of others to up- hold us without realizing what sources of strength 'are found in giv- ing our hearts to the power of love. Jesus "having loved His own that were in the world, loved them unto the end." He is consefous that Judas is about to betray Him; but conscious | likewise of the divinity of His own missibn, He gives to the disciples an unforgetable lesson in the divinity of service. The record is that '"'ris- ing from supper He laid aside rs garments, took a towel and girded Himself." Then, pouring water into a basin, he began to wash the dis- "eiples' feet and to wiv them with the towel. Ve pcm .. Questioned by Peter. Peter, always ready to question what Jesus did if it did not fall in with his bwn conceptions of what was right and seemly; raised objee- tion. "Lord," he said, "dost thou wash my feet?" The reply of Jesus | 18 very enlightening in view of what happened to Peter in later years, "What I do thou knowest not now, but thon shalt know hereafter." 'But Peter is still obdurate. He "Iwill not allow his Master to assime |and service as a Kingdom in which they were going to rule under their chosen Lord. The mother of Zebe- dee's children had sought for her sons, James and John, the highest places in the Kingdom, and the ten had been "moved with indignation," as they had beheld the ambition of this mother and her forceful sons. * It is a theory of many that Judas himself was -moved to the betrayal of Jesus because of disappointment in not realizing the material rewards | of the Kingdom. The kindliest judg- ment of him has suggested that he was by his act forcing the hand of Jesus, hoping that Jesus would be compelled to commit himself and re- veal his power. "We do not know about that, but PAINS ALL They needed this lesson in humanity and service, and few are the modern Christians who do not need it, AT FAIRFIELD EAST. %{ Réeeption for Bridal Couple--Wo- men's Institute Holds Sapper. Fairfield, March 2.--Last. Tues- day evening a reception was held for Mrs, Alfred Ackland, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Norman Manhdrd. The. house' was filled with guests who came to con- gratulate the néwly-married couple. 'fhe many presents received spoke of the esteem in which Mrs. Ackland is held by her many friends and neighbors. The bridal couple have moved te North Augusta, where they will reside. Many = from Here ®enjored the comedy show "Thumbs Up," by the Originals in they Brockville new theatre last Friday evening. Newboro, March 1.--The funeral {men, in the person of George Mi of the late James Wright was held | Veity, aged twenty-one, son of SB on Tuesday, February 23rd, at two man MeVeity, passed away in o'clock from the residence of Wil- Benning, Georgia, of pnettmonia. liam Eaves, where the deceased had [ceased left here last 'summer in been cared for the past two years. On | very best of health. Much Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, the Rough Nocks | is extended to the bereaved fan of Newboro, played Crosby; the score | father, brother and siiters. was 0-0, neither one was able. to |boro hockey club went w B: make a goal. Miss Bushfield of the jon March 1st, to play Public School staff, spent the week-| Wanderers. The scors was end at her home in Lyn, favor of Newboro, This. game William Lake made a flying trip to [the final game for the Stewart Ottawa this week. We have had |which the Newboro club have in po la some more snappy weather this week. | session. A big crowd accom The thermometer registering as low |the club from afl along the Hund. ©. is eighteen degrées below sero. Ice cutting is the order of the day. Our John Dyer, aged twelve, P streets are in a very slippery -4died of mistreatment, it is tion owing to the recent thaw. 8S. The police hold his father Bell is the guest of his grand mother, charge of neglecting his -- Mrs. 8. Thompson. Harry Bishop, is | 8. B./Bchreiner, Hamilton, still on sick list. The Woman's In-|ed suddénly at Niagara Falls stitute met /at the home of Mrs. E, | after partaking of lunch. dix. n py Inflamed Eyelids