3 % "Thursday, March hd, 1926. « iB THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG T "The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place HEARD ON THE STREET & township, 'aged seventy, booed Briefs at Briefs Gathered by Re- ants Bo There was no no session of the Po- lice Cour: om Thursday morning. william Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street " west, 'phone B64w. The Hamilton Club of Queen's Uni- versity held its annual banquet and election of officers last night. The name of Miss Marguerite Mul- "was omitted from the executive Queen's Alumnae Association. Robert ¥. Gagen, well-known Canadian artist, dropped dead at the Toronto art gallery Wednesday after-|, noon. Princess Street Church anniver- sary banquet and concert, Monday evening, March - 8th. Tickets for sale. Mrs. H. Heagle has returned to Kingston aftér spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Scott, Belle- ville. i Egg, stove, . chestnut, pea, split pea now ready for immediate deliv- ery. New, fresh mined coal. Jas. swift & Co., phone 135. A lad was before Magistrate Far- $i in the Juvenile Court, on ng school, and the case was ged for week. » Prof. H. Heaton, Litt. D., head of the Department of Political Econ- omy at Queen's University, today addressed the Empire Club, Toron- to, "Canadian-Australian Con- trasts." . Prof. A. E. Prince, Queen's Univ- ersity, speaks on Friday night, be- fore the Napanee Historical Society, on "Life, Manners and Customs in Medieval England," illustrated by lantern slides, harsday, for net a NEWS OF THE DISTRICT lied F e Whig's Many utes prose nis an ------------ Mrs. William Dean, South Napa- nee, had the misfortune to fall on the fcy walk and break her arm. Mrs. John Anderson, Burgess pi away February 20th ve years from par- alysis. Belleville Poultry Association asks the city council for an advance of grant from $150 to $400 to meet de- At Pembroke on Tuesday, the mar- riage took place of Jean Margaret, : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Beat- ty, to Norman Eliott May, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. May, Ottawa. Mrs. W. Bennett, Thurslow town- ship, died on Tuesday, aged ninety- three years. She had lived in the township for sixty-elghi years. Six sons and a daughter survive. J. W. Cannon, agent of the Metro- politan Insurance Company at Smiths Falls for five years, was notified of his promotion to the position of op erintendent of the Owen Sound dis- triet. In Belleville on Monday the mar- riage took piace of Mabel Elizabeth, daughter of the late B. Greene and of Mrs. Greene, Cannifton Road, and William Henry Whiteman, Cannifton aged curred February 36th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William L. Kaiser, at Whitneyville, Conn. Death was due to a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clark, South Elmsley, on leaving to reside in Smith's Falls, were farswelled by neighbors and presented with a thirty-three plece China Tea Set to Mrs. Clark and a pipe and pouch to Godfrey. Godfrey, March 2.--Many are sorry to hear that Russell 'Peters is : "The stork visited the TA ia ee The itis KINGSTON, CLASSIFIED SS SVERT.SING All ads. are Jesricied to their proper classifica snd to the regular Dally Whts style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per line or consecutive Mint a ha pa: 25 ce mum rge, Dally nin per 1 6 days ... 1 aenshnen sesrswassne 8 Deaths, Births, Engagements, Mar- ris ges, one insertion charged, §1.50; Card of Thanks, and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 « each insertion. Advertising ordered for (irregular insertions takes the one-time Inser- + tion rate; no ad taken for less than of four lines. Satint six average words to the ne. Cl ads. will be Feceived by ed nd if paid at The Brit- ish Sis o Office within 6 days from the first date of insegtion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one any and stopped fore expiration will Only be charged Yor the number of times the ad."appeared and adjust. nt made at the rate earned. Rate per line for White space 1s the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243; ask for a want ad. 'taker. . Charge Cash BIRTHS. BARTLETT At Rochester, N." ¥., on March lst, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bartlett, a daughter. a ound on King Bt. near nt 's clothing store. Owner | may have me at 72,Princess Street. GIRLS HOCKEY BOOT AND SKATE | ~--Found at the Arena on Saturday. 'morning; Owner may have same at 364 Barrie Street. LEFT HAND KID GLOVE -- Found. Owner, may have same at Jarvis' Shoe Repair Store, Princess Street. | 4 LENS AND RIM~For one automobile headlight, found near Union Street. Owner may have same 'at Whig Of- ce, LADY'S - WRIST WATCH Found, in Portsmouth. Owner may have same by proving property at 252 University Avenue. PACKAGE -- Of Stedman's Teething Powders, found. Owner may have same at 143. Montreal Sireet. ' POCKET WATOH.~-- Valued as keep- sake, lost on Wednesday between Russell and Charles Streets. Finder please return to 19 Russell Street or at Whig Office. WALKING STICK--Found, Owner may Baye . same by applying at the Whig Oi YALE LATCH KEY---With safety pin attached, found on Sydenham St. Own-|- er may have same At 98 Lower Alber Street. Live Stock 1a REGISTERED HOLATHIN COWee Due to freshen soon. ARR, to A... H Chambers, Barriefiel (Gore Road). Help Wantea Male, Help: Wanted 2 - MARRIAGES. BABOOCK--FOX »Attapanee, on Feb, 36th, Frank/ Charles Babcock and Bentha Luella, daughter of Albert Fox, both of Napanee. DEATHS. AMEY---At Camden Bast, on Feb. 25th, Joseph William Amey, aged 77 ears. ¥ COLE--At Richmond, on Feb.* 26th, Elisa Jane Cole, aged 32 years. CHERRY At her late residence, 146 Colborne Street, on Thursday, Mar. #th, 1026, Nettie M .Dick; Witow of the late Capt, John T. Cherry. Funeral Saturday, March 6th, at 2.30.- Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. DILLENBECK----- At Napanee on Feb, 28th, Donald Bruce Diliénback, in- nt of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dilleabec. agéd 11 16 months, ILLS---At North Fredericksburgh, on . Feb. 25th, Rachel Ann Sills, widow of the late Abram B. Sills, aged 1 Years. THOMPSON--At Napanee on Feb. 24th, Amon Thompson, aged 33 years. IN MEMORIAM. In doving of C. Stone, who passed "away "March 4th, 1925. "Untdl the day breaks and. the shadows flee away." Sadly missed by wife and family. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Richards and family wish to thank their many frends and neigh- bors for kindness and sympathy shown them, also for the beautiful flora] tri- butes received in their recent sad be- reavement. g JAMES REID a ae Dr rer "Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID "Phone 577. $50 Princess Street WM. P. KEYES HOME: FUNERAL 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE "PHONE 1889. JOHN OORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: $74 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 686 a - H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND ALMER PARLORS---Sydenham, Verena, aud Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 33. CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE "Phones 453 and 1218-J. = BOYS--Wanted to sell week-2nd paper. Hustlers treated right. See me and smile. Apply now. Harold J. Smith, Barrack at King Street. DELIVERY BOY~Wanted. Apply to W. Herd, manager, A. Martin Ltd. 272 Princess Street. EXPERIENCED GROCER---Wanted for large retail store. Apply at once to Box H-2, Whig Office. BARN---Upwards of $25 weekly grow- ing mushrooms for us all spring and summer. Commence now. Illustrated booklet and barticnlars sent any- where for stamp. Dominion Mushroom Company, Toronto. MARRIED MAN--For farm work. $65 month. Good house, milk, wood and arden included. Apply Employment rvice Bureau, 35 Clarence Street, Kingston. MAN---Who can operate band saw and sticker, wanted. Apply to K. & D. Manufacturing Co., Montreal St. SING! For aPpoiatment ' ph 608-4, or write "Jas, A. Cowan, 3, Gananoque, Ont. 4 ¥emale Help Wanted COMPETENT COOK -- General; washing or ironing. Apply to West street. 3 no 61 ' OUT OUR WAY. BAA tne THET A OEER \. Sh Real Estate For Rent. Rooms 10 FURNISHED ROOMS--With - dll con- veniences; suitable for Hght house- keeping; in good locality; rent rea- sonable. Apply do 208 University Ave, or 'phone 2770 ROOMS -- On Wellington Street, over William's Drug Store, No. 167. Six rooms with bath, Suitable for dwell- ing or offices. Possession lst March. Apply to C. Livingston & Bro. Brock treet ROOM---Furnished bedroom and sitting) room in private home. All convend- ences. Use of 'phone. Gentlemen pre- Jarred. Apply to Box L-4, Whig Of- ce. HOUSEKEEFER--Wanted by widower; two in family. Would ngt object to widow with itl inl; Sood home alt Nery convendent. PP ox X- Whig Office. y ? UNDERGRADUATE NURSE--- Hospital Exp. desires position, caring for ¢n- valid or Shi Address P. O. Box 725, ROOMS----Two large, bright, comfort- able furnished bedrooms; steam heat- od ana electric light; ladies prefer- light housekeeping TIT ilog os ir fed Rent reasonable, Apply Box ¥-26, Whig Offfee. Wanted To 'Rent 11 Gananoque, Ont. 'Male and Female Help Wanted 8b MEN AND BOYS WANTED--- To t- ronize W. Curzon's Barber Shop. EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE --S8elf tained, within 3% mile of General Hom: pital, wanted to rent from May 1st. Apply R. F. ATIStrOnE. 47 George St. "Phone 1950, Man's hn cuts, 25¢." Shaves 10c. Boys' hair cuts 15c. Ladies, 25c. 201 Wel Mngton Street. Real Estate For Rent Apartmients and Flats 7 APARTMENT a fenham Apartments, 227 Brock Street, ground floor; five rooms, incloding tired bathroom; well heated. Apply 69 Brack Street. Business ¥Flaces 8 'Bree stores, Princess Street, south side; heated, commodious, rear entrance. Also fixtures, mirrors, ete, for sale. Apply I Cohen & Co. On- tario Street. Comfortable Summer Cottage Wanted to rent for July and August, within five miles of King- ston; furnished preferred. State rent, location and whether milk and ice is procurable; also what water supply. Apply Box C-20, 'Whig Office. " Houscs NEW HOUSE--Ellerbeck Avenue, completed, 7 rooms. DP to EB Wathen, 127 Nelgon street. HOUSE~. § rooms, electric gh vom rent J18.00, on Cowdy street; small rooms, water and tollet; rent $10.00, on Stanley street; al real street Appl Patrick Street. Just E house on Mont. Norman, 69 None 730-w. Lost and Found 1 BROWN KID SLOVE---Ly t, last Tues- day between Belmo Toner Fire Hall Finder please leave t Whig Office. BBERS .. Black, new, ound on oe ncess Street in fromt of Laldiaw's store on Thureday after 4d may have same at James Swift 8 5 Pootof 4 1 | Pa Coal and Coke Our Specialty! This popular combination is again avail- able. More economical than anthracite. Hered | in any quantity, 'mixed or Separate as & Co., Limited olipsod Street. "Phone 135, HOUSE -- § Fo%ma; all on ehiences; fly heated; Teabinable. hophy' to Box } a 7 wh HOUSE---Corner Colborne and ham streets, 8 rooms; 259 and 355 rH ot, 7 6 rooms; '61 i rooms and ueen sfrest. 6 rooms; i Concession Sst rooms; ®il Fovemstita Kooy 186 A s reet. Tele- phone 988-w. De- Farms and Land 12 i OHOICE FARM-.185 acres, two frame dwelin Adolphustown; faces Bay of Quinte; five miles east of Pic- ton. All choice land. About 25 acres Blowed; 25 acres in fall wheat; fine bush, fruit trees. Finest scenery nade, surrounded by BORER: Cheap kc Tick br o- Pula 0 K A Kegon, or one 1356-w King Real Estate For Sale Houses J. 3.0 CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. COUNTRY HOME- On Wolfe Island, twelve rooms, suitable for summer re- sort or 1 ¢ Jor one families: on Waterfront, house, barn, large hen of land. Good place for po: Sk cheap Pd duiek buyer, Bilis Stree Apply 19 I JES SEEN LOOKIN AROUND ATR ZIT F/R fl 1 7 IN a" ry YF LA « S22 , ' (BUCK AGUE -A HELPLESS CONDITION ) WES DENIES # HE HAD IT WHEN HE SAW HIS FIRSY DEER. Real Estate For Sale Houses 3. v ) Trl ©1926 BY NEA SERVICE INC Business Services * o0--Brick, 5 rooms, central. '.,100~Frame, § rooms, central $2000" rame, § rooms, central lose to city. Money to loan, T. O'CONNOR, 851 Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-J. Articles For Sale Miscellaneous = 15 SUITS----Indigo Serge, from $30.00; e to your measurements, also Jarge ms ge of cloths for ter: Order soon. My easy terms allow Jionty of of time for payment. 'Phone 22086- G. Patterson, 120 Vohnston Stréet., BABY OHIOKS---Pure bred to lay, Bar- red Rocksj\ White Wyandottes, R. IL Reds and White Leghorns. Discount for early orders. Your eggs hatched if desired. Kingston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street, Kingston. NOTIOE--This week mig attresses renovated 2.78. Reg- lar price $4.00. New "He extra at Algo new ttress at nr ho. 'Phone 1961-J. Frontenac attress Co. 377 King Street East, ENGINES--Ohe new Magaet $ H P Statione Gasoline [Engine - with clutch puiley; one 300 H.P, Fiat Gaso- ling gine, suitable for fast orulser. Baygains for quick sales. Address 104 Gore Street or phone 17§3-w. FISH AND CHIPS--The oldest fish and ohip cafe in city. W. F. Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.00 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2625-m. LAMP SHADE FRAMES Fire dogs and screens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire Wor Try us for sliver plating and refinishing. RADIY- 3 tube DeForeat; comp! hd C. W. Lindsay, Limited, noess Street. | SET OF SURVEYORS Jae IMENTS --For. sale. Apply & Walkem, $3 Clarence Breer UARE TIANG 1a so Ant ique Clock. Apply 19 ElMs Btreet. 8 Fa Insurance, 5 radon of lete, 121 good condition; Will sell cheap. 'Phone 1523-w. | RY HARDWOOD---Any quantity. Ap- ply Highway Service and Supply Co. corner Pripoess and Smith Streets. 'Phone 2706. HARDWOOD-Dry body maple 33. 75 per Joad." Dry hardwood $3.50 load. mixed $3.00. Dry FP Fale Split 25c. extra. Dry kindling under cover, $2.75 per load. 'Phone 1439-J. Mrs. Ray Parker, corner John+ son and McDohald Streets. MIXED SLABS---$6.75 cord; Sawdust 2¢. per bag. J. H. Babcock & Son, Odessa. PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL arload expected before March 1st. "Carload of Chestnut Sal coming Sol lowing week. Order: taken "Phone 28682-m. Price 1s. 50 aelivered, C. W. Neville. WOOD-+-Mixed body and soft wood slabs; cedar kindling, $2.75 load; hard- wood slabs, $3.50 load; body hardwood $4.00 quarter cord. i Peters & Son, corner Toronto and Brock Streets 'Rhone 889. WOOD--Best of Mixed Wood $3.00 a quarter of & cord; hardwood slabs Sar over, 32.78 a quarter ateet oor 0 ar wood, uarter of a 'ootd. ' peliversa * dana nders! Wood ard, oor, rrack an Bagot ts. 'Phone 2955-J. . Talloring and Pressing 20 Cleaning, va ot w. sing, Repairing; Tailor, ressing, Repa Tr your Samples in stock, made up. and up. 273 Bagot Street. rrofessionar 2 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A. Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin- cess Streets. Chiropractic Sdiuat- ments, electric treatments and hand- massage. X-ray service. Consulta $iou free. Hours 5-13 am, 1-6 p.m. venings by appel tment. Office tele- phone §32-J. lence 'phone 987-J. F. LUCY Geo. and Jennie A., Chiro- Bisel" Registered Nurse, 203 Bagot treet. 'Phone $51-w. Hours §-12, 1-8, 6-7.30. Consultation free. "Tis Gol le, Adams val Sep- repairs, re GHT PIANG.-in ce Iaacha PP borne Stree woop. load of Hard M enfrew scales, De. prod engine, milkers and equipment, harness, ty, s. barn robes, b! nets, was hers, ours. J. F. Crame TA Agency, 31 Furniture FERRFFRE= uit v5 ra | Turniiing sold and Sonenc x Cram- er, rincess Street, successors to Lesseg Antique Shep. hoy 18 GOOD nila wos 40.00 81 3.90 and So arier cord--hard : e d H. Talbot, Er OE rareas on Street. RDW OOD Or Slabs ard, re, or $2.00 AE load | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -.. Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, 5 gator. 4 A. xB Cunnpiugham, K.C.; DAY AND REV] BLLEDorristers and Solicitors, 89 Clarence Street, *%in on. AB. Day, L Reveille. ortgages arranged. 'Phone 205. REYNOLDS, J. O~Barrister and Soliel- tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. Phone 2509. A arriaver,b De Sols Or, ence e 0 arranged. BLEMISHES ~~ Hair, Moles, 'Phone 422, 5, Birthitikrks, Skin Cancers, ws; Pita, ete, removed permanent- Batistactory Glasses fitted and 'furnished after others have failed Goitre cured without operatio 38 5 S3p4risnce, Dr. r el Ere Bar N Phono J0Te: How House 11 a ABolicivor. Law Oftios, corer of King| & and Brock, al Bank. ay ary Buble 3 To eine $-w, vie aa BUSINESS AD ASS E14 matlond bob sive. ou &i ieon's Aiton Sphone. i Water wa For the very latest in hair dressing. . EXCLUSIVE PRIVA' PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBURY, » J 209 Princess Street. 'Pho! )~ LADIES' Insurance we ar D, SLITER=-Insusalion all branciies o i f Of pr t ane LE companies of highest financ tand« in, 281 King Street Bast. " 10nd 2678-w. Res. 1131. FIRE--Automoblle and Casualt ance, E. M, Crumley, 420 Ear 'Phone- 1783-M. INSURANGE=-OnlY the most re companies repre ol Strange, established in 1860 ol Clarence Street, opposite Post O J, B; COOKE--Life, Firs, Accident Sickness, In reliable companies, trict manager jmporial Lite. "Phi Office 503-w. Rea 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCID! Pole toy will protect your salary. All Ii Fire and Automobile Insurance, | Williams, 2 Couper street. ------ +p Decorators ANDERSON, A~~Painter and Dec or. Estimates given on large or 8 jobs. Choice stock of Wall Paper samples carried. 'Phone 1966. GET YOUR PAINTING--And pap done now, Prices. OAT per for sale ant, Fohone 2747- J. y ' PAPER HANGING «-- Why not that opm decorated this month fore th 3 Spring rush 7 Workmi Ee at reasonable prices. {ne show you our new 1 3¢ H. Rowley, "Phone 1353-F. » SIGN PAINTING=-J. 8, 'Robinson, 278 bagot Street Financial FRONTENAC LOAN AND ] 18 A, D. Carte ! o loan oh city an vestment. ndg fara se posits recéived and interest minimum mon Cartwright, FromAGE--For furnity ¢ key. restr or 308 en Bt. Phone. i 'Res. or 2516-m. Misccliancons out out of ASHES.Cleaned yards, clean job done. 24 Nussell Street. SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES teams, careful drivers. team wotfk done. Est Caverly Transfer C Street. 'Phone 1507-J. Expert: Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING--And Sanaa ing. leave o rs at to W. Harold, fo Trey 'Phone "J. > SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES each day, careful drivers, '8004 i eneral carting: firet or #ale. Estimates w 148 York Street. and 2516-M. ft. Doios a to Charjes sd KINGSTON AUTO SxMakers of t Aw Lig 2 de Cn Com holetering. Awnin : 347 King street. Phone 3046.