* SEAMANKENT FLOOR FINSH | #5 Watnproof Paper, F iller, Shellac, Var-+ SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING All with the same guarantee of highest quality. ALLAN LUMBER CO. 7 Victoria Street, near Union. © 'Phone 1042 A IS DANGEROUS Recommends Dally Use of Magnesia to Overcome Trouble Caused by Fermenting Food and Acid Indigestion. old t and' varmash re- snd yer enr clad with plate finlsh--DUCU, Gas and wind in the stomach ac- companied by that full, bloated feel- ing after eating are almost certain evidence of the presence of excessive hydrochloric acid in the stomach, creating so-called "acid indigestion." Acid stomachs are dangerous ' be- cause too much acid irritates the deli- cate lining of the stomach, often lead- ing to gastritis accompanied by ser- fous stomach ulcers," Food ferments and sours, creating the distressing gas which distends the stemach and hampers the normal functions of the vital internal organs, often affecting the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Blsurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful in 2 quarter glass of water right after | eating. This will driye the gas, wind and bloat right out of - the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralize the excess acid and prevent its formation and there is no sourness or pain. Bi- surated Magnesia (in powder or tab- let form-- never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and the best form of magnesia for stomach purposes. It is used by thousands of people who énjoy, their Authorised Duco Refintshers and Queen Streets, i KINGSTON 1 pair Solid Brick . Houses, Avenue; - just come pleted. 7 rooms. Will. 'sell separately. GH A Also three new houses, in good location, on south side of E.E.WATHEN VELSON STREET 'PHONE 1391.J, J La ZR TN k Gl ASSES Cc E NERVOI o STRAINS / tion. INSTALL Chamberlin Metal Weatherstrip Saves Coal. Ends Draughts. J.R.C. DOBBS & C0. 44 Clarence St 'Phoue 819. Your ous sys- em Is eas|ly affect~ ed by eyp strains. Our QGlagses elim- inate eye strain. A 7 N ZN | TR NS TSeN u make from r crops ality of the seeds you sow.: ity nd Timothy seeds re elected stock, the fines ; Corn , = | substitute. 25c. all dealers. GAS IN THE STOMACH! meals with no more fear of indiges-;' CROSS-WORD PUZZLE NZ FB place. . Shapes. Horizontal. + Those of the Euro- pean upper class. . To stroke. . Fancy net, 14. Mammal raccoon. 15. Wan. . Falsehood. . To frighten, . Boundef as mental- ly. . Diety. . Wind instrument. 21. To address playful [5 ridicule, 22. Bellows. 23.. Beguiles. '4. Chairs, . Deadly. . Provided. . To humiliate. 28. Pealed. . Cuckoo. . Wooden trays. 31. Principal pipes. 82. To arrange methodically. . Aurora. . Girls' toys. . Domesticated. . Preposition . Ossa. . Made a . Keg. . Young o . Mother. . Angry. allied to . Corjunc . Row. . Boy, '3. Delineat. . Narrow . Runway cars. . Frozen . Point of 0 mortar ducts (or W 003M OV to . Seventh scale, papers -- pri er. --- rn of IGE RM] OVE] DUTE " elle CIOL! 1 ASS) FIARMSEID! BN ES) RB 9 2 A Vil Po i IL), MPT SCO 8 he Sl mY QIN Ee "oman fee Answer to Wednesday's Crossword Puzzle. RADIO THURSDAY, MARCH 4. ------ CKAC, Montreal (411): 1.45 p.m.--Windsor Hote] Trio, under the direction of Mr. Raoul Dy- quette. , 4--8tock and weather reports. ONRA, Moncton (201). 9 p.m.--S8tudio programme by art- ists' from Sydney, Cape Breton. 11--~CNRA Dance Orchestra. CNRT, Toronto (350). 6.30 p.m.--King , Bdward -- "Hétel : Concert Orchestra. 7.30--S8tudlo. concert by Florence M. Benjamin, Canadian composer. 9--Concert by The Music Makers. 12--Dance programme. BE KDKA, Pittsburgh (809). 6.15 p.m.=--Dinner concert. Corns Dissolve = In Hot Water A It's a wonderful combination--the special hot foot bath and Putnam's Corn Extractor. You get quick relief. The sting disappears. Your sore toe feels better at once, another applich- tion or two-and the corn goes away. Any corn that grows on the foot of can be removed by Putnam's Refuse a 28. Plane surface on ¢ diamond. . Banquet. . To brag. . To relieve, Vertical. Happens. Outergarments, . Uncommon) . Devoured. . Breathes heavily. . Opposite of aweath- . Frightened. is § tette. -r . To indict, '7. Roofing material, . Prepared lettuce. 10. Froths. . Wounds "teeth. 22. Petuses. 3. Cautious: . To fire a gum £5. Becomes bankrupt. . Ria. £7, The black mer (bird). 3. Fleshy or 'inner part of the hands. . Pointed at, Fdible fungus. . Lined. . Recipient of a gift. 5. Playing card. $7. Strong point. . Ices (as a cake). . Stigma, . To rub out. . Noted the time ot writing. . Melody. . To carry. . To ponder. 47. Dandy. 48. Wooden club. 50. To exist, 51. Half an em. -~ A i ---- 8.15 --Pittsburgh ensemble. 9---Concert. 10.05--Teaberry Time. with the mistake. { birds. tion. skim- ed. lanes for street water. compass. note in 2 WCAP, Washington (160). 6 to 12.30 p.m.-- Mozart String Quintette, and features from'Station WEAF, New York, including music and Blayiet; Norwegian music; the glo Persians and iL. 4 Park Hotel Orchestra, Washington. WGR, Buffalo (319). 43 p.m.--Crescent Park Enteriain- ers. Won aaiut Broadcasting AF, New York. 0.30---Hewitt Humbrists. 11--Lopez Orchestra, with Gunderman at the organ. with John WEAF, New York (492). 6 to 12 pm.--Dinner music from Waldorf Astoria Hotel; Club Florida Orchestra; Pauline Watson, violin- ist; Happiness Candy Boys; Eagle Neutrodyne Trio; Chamber Musicale; Whittal Anglo-Persians; Shakes- pearian Hour; Hotel Roosevelt Dance Orchestra. WIP, Philadelphia (508). £.05 p.m.--Dinner Music; Benja- min Franklin Concert Orchestra. - WGY, Schenectady (870). "9 -p.m.~--Dinner programme from Eastman Theatre, Rochester. §.15--Georgia Minstrel Boys. 10--Baldwin Plano Hour' New York. 11--WGY' Orchestra Martin, baritone, from and John WOR, Newark (403). p.m.--Copenhagen Quar- 6.40 WGBS, New York (816). - 6.30 p.m.--Perl House Orchestra. 7.10==To be announced. i » WBZ, New England (388). 7 p.m.--Music Story Hour from the Estey Organ Studio. 8---Me¢Enelly and his orchestra, Springfield, 8.30--Concert broadcast from the Hotel = Vendome, Boston, With a group from the Boston Symphony 9--""What-do-you-calli( Clud," Ho- Studio. the |' i ose om opportunity. aul silver aevces ie thy tion of Canada is growing at such a rate as to attract. predictions ok world dominance from the most eminent geologsts. From coast to coast are with Hollinger! Premier! Nipgs Trail! Flin ! Sullivan! Rot! To ~ ' hames to HS Saupe of the Canadian people on a basis' of oF helpful, friendly co-operation, © WHEN STILLMANS | AND THEIR DAUGHTER 1 'RE-UNITED Here's another picture of the new tranquility which hovers over the house of Stillman. It shows Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stillman in the Paris apartment of their daughter, Mrs. lienry P. Davison (right). The daughter is said to have been influential in the reconciliation of the former New York banker and his wife. n--_---- The .mayorality of 'Surville,| The United States 'government A new sun dial that tells time .to France, a village of 316 inhabitants, | printing office, lar, est-printing plant | within half miWute on an ordinary has been in the same. family 117 | in the world, makes its 6wn ink and | clock face has been perfected. in years, , othey supplies at a preat saving, Austria. : ye 2200104, 1 Ls In '&/(«/7/4