THE DAILY BRITISH W HIG A genuine dictibnary of words in ordi- nary use, with all the important words of like or similar meaning followed by chief words of opposite meaning. Here are five thousand leading words. Publisher's price $1.00. Our price 23c. R. UGLOW & CO. 141 Princess Street, Kingston - ll eral of the late Mrs. Eliza Truesdell, | li | aged eighty-four, widow of the late | | survived by one daughter, Susie, her i and J.-B. Foley, Toronto, and two sisters, Mrs, Torrance, Lyn, and Mrs. || hockey match in Brockville on Mon- day evening when Newboro was the Pouch ag The season's craze in Hand Bags. These we have in Blue, Rose, Grey, Brown and Black -- ranging in price from $2.25 to $4.50 Kinnear & d'Esterre \ JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET MES ono oo "The Complete Electric 'Light and Power Plant. Write or see W. C. Cannon i! TELEPHONE 129-w. BIBEBY BLOCK, PRINCESS ST. 5 GSTON k : a G THOMAS COPLEY &oonter #8 'Phone 987 See us for all kinds of Carpentry rik. Estimates given on new floors Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our new floor cleaning ma. yyy yyy Ah hdd AAA dd fd A 4 4a A A AAA Ads Aa chine, nr 'YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano a to the most aesthetic taste, : FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. . AY C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, *, Select your Furs from good makers Good Furs make warm friends " W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET DVIRGINIACLUME i is Vocoiania. 3% Po ton QOKE - - : i ioc coviiiiny sania a $15.00 pei ton OD Am! Cy 1." $100 por load SOWARDS COAL CO. _ oat = TELEPHONE 155 'CIGAR STORE. "Phone 811, LANSDOWNE CHURCH _ "CALLS A MINISTER Chalmers Church Case to be Heard Friday -- Late Mrs. Eliza Truesdell. Lansdowne, March 3.--The fun- Brock Truesdell, was held on Mon- day afternoon ftom her late resi- dence to St. John's Anglican church, where the rector, Rev. Cecil Winter, preacher to a large congregation. The remains were placed in the Union vault. The deceased, whose maiden name was Bliza Foley, Is other daughter passing away sts years ago. She is also survived by two brothers, R. A. Foley, Rockfield, McCleary, Glen Elbe. About fifty from here attended the winning team, Miss Jessie Haig, Gananoque, is visiting Mrs. G. ¥. Deané.. Miss Ena Bigford, of the Kingston General Hospital staff of nurses, spent Sat- urday at hér home. Mr. W. C." Ellis, the teacher in the Senior room of Victoria public school, 18 confined to his home . by illness. Mrs. B. BE. Johnston, who has been ill, is con- valescing. Mrs. Jane Bowen is visiting Mr. | and Mrs. Thomas 'Ruttle, Warburton. Mr. John timer and sisters moved from the Mrm on the highway near Lansdowne, to the home he purchas- ed from James H. Graham. Little Vera Warren, daughter of Mrs. W. Warren, who has been {11 with blood- poisoning, is convalescing. There was born to Mr. and Mrs, Bryce Burns on 'i .esday, March 2nd, a daughter, Messrs. William Me- Connell and Son received a carload of Alberta coal on Saturday. The Social Club masquerade dance held on Friday night in the Stewart House hall was as usual a success. A dance is to be held at the Stewart House hall on Friday, March 5th, the tommittee being Messrs. Harold Johnston, Charles Foley and Frank Guiness. A progressive euchre will be held under-the direction of the L.O.B.A. In the L.O.L. hall 6n Thurs- day, March 4th. The many friends of Mrs. William Burns will be glad to learn that she is recovering from a serious illness. Rev. Mr. Fulford of Montreal has accepted a call from the Continuing Presbyterians in Lansdowne. The funeral of the late James Cor- nett. took place on Friday last from his late residence in Eden Grove. He leaves'a wife, son and two daughters. Ray Cornett and sister, Miss Grace. Cornett, are 'visiting relatives in Bigin. The hearing in connection with Chalmers, church property takes' place on Friday in Brogkville. Nelsen Farewell Party at Sydenham. Sydenham, March 3---On Tuesday, Feb. 28rd, a party .of. over fifty friends from the village arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fardell to bid them farewell. They are leav- ing Sydenham for Yarker where they have bought a farm. Another party of friends and neighbors arriv- ed on Friday, Feb. 26th, to wish them farewell. Both evenings were much enjoyed by all. James Walker expressed regret at Mr. and Mrs. Fardell leaving and Mr. Fardell res- ponded suitably. Both parties left in the early hours of the morning wish- ing Mr. and Mrs. Fardell every suc- cess in their new home at Yarker. © Hamilton Presbytery favored the purchase of land at the lake shore and Fruitlands for a summer camp at a price of $25,000, and a vote to go ahead with the scheme was un- animously passed. : ST Years Old Claims Hel Feel Like Boy Again: UTTERLY DISCOURAGED This Was the Condition of a P. B. L | Woman Before Taking Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, "My illness began," says Mrs. M. J. Ahern, R. R. No. 2, Alberton, P.E.L, when my husband went over- seas apd I was left with the care of a farm and stock, with no help but that of a young boy. My health broke down and for the first time in my life 1 became utterly discouraged. I lost my appetite, had no strength, and was ready to have a crying spell any moment of thedlay, as the work loom- ed up ahead of me. A friend happen- ed to speak one day of the good Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done her and urged me to try them. I had not energy enough, or perhaps confidence enough, to try them, but she would not be denied and sent me three boxes, and by the time I had taken them I knew they were helping me and was anxious for more. I contin- ued taking the. pills-for nearly six months and by that time I had safe- ly passed a critical period in my-life, and regained by usual good 'health. To all overworked, mnerve-racked 'women----and there are a great many of them--1I still say, and at all times, take Dr. Willlam's Pink Pills and I know you will regain your energy." There are many troubles due to weak, watery blood easily overcome by a fair use of Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills. The whole mission of fhis medicine is to purify and enrich the blood, and when that is done all the varied symptoms of anaemia disap- pear and good health returns. You can get Dr, Willlam's Pink Pills from any druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. William's Medi- cipe Co., Brockville, Ont. GANANOQUE Gananoque, March: 4.----Those who motored to Kipgston on Tuesday évening for the hockey game had quite an interesting and not alto- gether delightful experiénce on their return journey. The trip «up was made in about an hour, but during the course of the evening with quite a wind blowing the drifts made the road almost impassable. The first of the twenty cars or more left King- ston around 10.30 and spent about three hours shovelling, pushing, and using every means available to get the car just beyond Barriefield hill. By this time there was quite a pro- cession of cars coming along, each car and its occupants taking turns in paving the way and they arrived home something after 2 a.m. There were some ladies in the party, who enjoyed the novelty of the exper- ience, but as yet none of the gentle- men. memhers have been heard to enthuse much. They would all prob- ably take the same chance again though to see another good game, .Mrs. Cowan, Brockville, ' is the guest of her sister Mrs. G. L, John- ston, : a Mayor W. J. Wilson was in Kingston yesterday and reports Dr. Fergus O'Connor as convalescing very satisfactorily; also Mrs. John Davis and, Mrs. J. Mullin (nee Myrtle Shiels) also patients in the Hotel Dieu in whom @ananoqueans are interested. Morris Altenberg 1s the guest of the Misses Colton, Stone street. Mrs. Harold McCarney and Mrs. Stanley Shiels were In Kingston yes- . terday. Garnet Sheppard entertained as his guests the Wanderers hockey team and officers at supper at 6.30 last evening. It is understood that some prom- Inent citizens have intimated their willingness to invest funds in a covered rink. One of the biggest radio fans in town was heard to-remark that he got just as much service out of his motor boat this winter as he did out of his radio. -------------- MARRIED AT BATTERSEA. Interesting Event on Febru- ary 24th. Battersea, March 3.--Mrs. N. V. Freeman gave a shower in honor of Miss Annie Miller; on February 13th. 5 On Monday, February 22nd, a miscel- "Not leaping: from bough to tree top in the glands of a monkey"'-- but, from a tiny little box in "is vest pocket, came this change from a] "weakened, all in" condition to a' feeling of youthful health and activ- He says: "The new Erbac dis- ch thankfulness for At 511 ed p much "all in" and had t badly for several years-- no Erbac, I feel like a =, laneous shower was given at the par- sonage in honor of Miss Annle Mil- ler.' Miss Ann Hanley has returned to her home after a lengthy absence in Kingston. i The short courses, held under the direction of the Department of Agri- culture, during the past month, have now closed. Some of the classes were well attended. The many friends of Joseph Ducette are glad to hear that he has returned home from the Kingston General Hospital. = toning, the. Bae Hr tending . ! h school, pent the week-end kv by | damaged by THE NEWS GATHERED IN ATHENS VILLAGE Surprise Party for Mrs. H. H.; Arnold--Mrs. Yaies 82 | "Years Old. Athens, March 3.---Special features at the meeting of the Young People's i Sociéty on Monday evening last were a paper on "unconscious Influence," by Miss Marjorie . Hollingsworth, wherein she traced the subtle influ- cnce exerted, unconscionsly, upon the growing child in the home. A well rendered vocal solo, "Anchored," was contributed by S. Hollingsworth, Jn, and a pleasing piano selo wag ren- dered by Miss R. I. Young, B.A, of the high school staff, An open meeting of the Pansy 'Mission Band was held on Tuesday evening, most of the members being | present, and several members of . Woman's Missionary Society being in | attendance, The President, Mrs. Gqorge. F.. Gainford occupied the hair, and a creditable programms was presented by the juniors. There 'were, as special numbers, recitations, a pantomine and song, vocal duets and a trio. The mite-boxes were | opened, revealing the fact that the children had not been unmindful-of the claims of the children of other lands upon them. Thomas Kavanagh has purchased from Mr. Keyes the Gibson property at the corner of Mill and Joseph skreets. "J. Hone and family have moved to one of the flats in the Parish block, that he may be nearer his barber shop. Mrs. H, Plerce has leased a part of Mrs. Lucy Wiltse's residence, cor- ner of Victoria and Central streets. C. G. Young has been in Trenton for a few days, disposing of his pro- perty in that town, Several of the citizens have bden in attendance at the recent sales held by Jesse Webster, Oak Leaf, Peter Ducolon, Redan, and Everett Row- some, Ad@lson road. The locs! rink has closed for the present sezson. Many hockey fans went to the county town on Monday evening to witness the final contest for the Stewart trophy, Gananoque vs. Newboro. Mrs. J. B. Barrie was called to To- ronto, owing to the {illness of her son. Jet Hawkins was recently call- ed to St. Catharines, owing to the illness and subsequent death of his only daughter, Mrs. C. R. Rathwell, a native Athenian, who is fondly re- membered by many friends here. Little Miss Amy Young was taken by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Young, to Brockville, on Tuesday evening, to undergo an operation for mastoid which developed following her recent attack of scarlet fever. The wee girlie is a universal favorite, 'and all hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs, E. Fair, Reid street, was stricken with a slight stroke, a féw' days ago, but her condition is not now considered dangerous. Mrs. H. H. Arnold has been suf- fering for some time with rheuma- tism which prevented her mingling with her friends, but recently, her | daughter-in-law arranged a little surprise. party for her, when a num- ber of friends were invited in to meet Mrs. Arnold's guests, Mrs. Mal- lett, Sharbot Lake, and Mrs. Gilroy, Smith's Falls, Mrs. D. Klyne, Prince street, was a recent hostess, when several lady friends wel'S entertained at tea. An- other hostesses of last week, were Mrs. Frank Johnston, Church street, who entertained on Thursday even- ing. : - Afterg spending the past' month or morn thé southland, Mrs, E. Taylor and Miss Kathleen returned to their Afhenian home the latter part of the week. Others of our people are expected home from Flor- ida in the course of a few days. , Glenn ®arl, who recently made a business trip to New York, has re- turned, and tells of many interesiing thinks he saw in that metropolis. Lyman Judson, who has been tak- ing a course in Toronto, arrived home recently, to spend a few days. Mrs. Charter, Gouveneur, N.Y., arrived Wednesday evening on a visit to her aunts, the Misses Freeman, Prince street. Mrs. McMonigle was at Lyn, last week, on a brief visit to her sister, Mrs. Judson. Mrs. Giles Brown, Lyn, was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Robeson. : / On Tuesday last, Miss Isabella Yates, Wiltse street, quietly celebrat- ed her eighty-second birthday anni- versary, several friends dropping in to offer congratulations. . Grenville Hall, Thorold, owned' by the Roman Catholle church and used for recreation purposes, was badly fire. ! OUCH LUNBGO! tism or & strain and > the 1s quickest relief Chu Have You Small Feet? 3 If you 'wear size 2} to 4 Shoes and want a real bargain, drop in and look over our 25° | Bargain table | DON'T DELAY--COME EARLY! ABERNETHY'S i ; SHOE STORE Anau dhe - = Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Our Big Clearing Furniture - A rare chance to furnish for present or future use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying in« vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, satisfac tion and happiness. Satisfied with the price, satis- ¢ fied with the quality. When you buy here you hs y the added comfort in knowing that you are pro tected from inferior goods. JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. 'Phone 147 for Service. GIFTS WERE GIVEN 10 ODESSA TEACHERS Who Had Charge of Special Classes Held for Some Time Past. Odessa, March 1.--A social event was held in the town hall, Thurs day night, the closing of the Agri- cultural and Domestic Science classes. Delicious refreshments were served by the ladies and the large crowd consisting of all who attend- ed the classes and their friends spent, the time very enjoyably with danc- ing, music and cards. To each of the instructors of the Agricultural class, the young. men presented handsome watch chains apd the lady, Miss Cook, in charge of the Domes- ti® Science class, was presented by the ladies with a set of silver, Mothers, Do This. B. L. King, who has been in the Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, for) the past two weeks' returned 'home last Monday greatly improved. Miss Georgfe Ettinger, Kingston, spent the week-end guest of Mr. and 'The Grange poultry ranch at Osh awa was destroyed by fire pn Wednes day morning. Loss $50,000. D. F. Cameron, Ariss, Ont., is the new C.P.R, agent at Maberly. Mrs. H. J. Smith. Fred Rutledge, Sydenham, was a recent caller at B, L, King's. Miss Fern Sproule left Friday to visit relatives in Syracuse, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert left last 'week to make their home in Syracuse, N.Y: Miss Geraldine Fraser spent the 'week-end with Miss L. Aylesworth, Napanee. Mrs. H. J. Bmith spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Watts, and sisters, Mre. Bttinger and Mrs, Jen-| kins, Kingston. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon are moving to their farm recently pur- chased from Stanley Peters, THorpe Mr. and Mrs. Melville Lee are moy-