Continuing until our ENT IRE STOCK of Used Carsis sold FORDS, CHEVROLETS, McLAUGHLINS, REOS, STUDEBAKERS, OVERLANDS » Prices have been slashed for the benefit of the man who is ready to take advantage of the fact that: we must move the Used Cars on hand to make room "for the new merchandise that is due to arrive in March. The time to buy is when the other fellow must sell, and the man who is seeking unusual-economies ins transportation will find what he is looking for Thirty Days' Guarantee BOYD'S GARAGE LIMIT Terms arranged if desired SA HUDSON We have looked them over as carefully as a life insurance doctor examines an applicant for a $10,- 000 policy. - They have been re-conditioned by thorough automobile mechanics and when sold are. delivered to the purchaser under our 30-day guaran- tee agreement. When they are offered to you we will tell you who owned them, what has been done to them, and just what you can expect from them. sale unless the'Cars ge you to come and look them over while ast. Some of our oldest and best friends became acquainted with us through the of a Used Car, and as Used Car selling is a perma- nent part of our business, we give special attention to the man who is in the market for a re-conditioned Automobile. One cannot appreciate the values offered at this are inspected, so we strongly 1 he J Your Old Car considered as part payment on any a we have D LAN SILVER HURT "BY SAWING MACHINE While Working In the Neigh= _borhood of Yarker--Op- | erator Taken Off. ------ Yarker, March 3.---All country roads, in this section, are well filled with snow and autos are stopped. Some, recently, who undertook to run ¢ame to grief. Allan Silver's sawing outfit is at a standstill as his hand was badly cut on the 'circulge saw. It was a very narrow escape from losing his hand. "The building, known as Benjamin's ~ terrace, has been bought by M: Van- alstyne. It will be cut in two and of it razed to be utilized in an- - building. Mrs. (Dr) 0. Old- , who has been seriously ill, is recovering. A trained nurse had to 3 called on the case. A. Connolly and wife have returned from King- ston also Mrs. Charles. Two more families have moved to Yarker. R. Middleton to the George Deare residence, and Mr. Gifford to the Manson Lee: house. Thomas Keyes bought the G. Walker butcher shop and will use it for a garage. Mrs. F. E. Benjamin wintering at Yarker, left for her home at Good- water, Sask. : The night operator a the C.N.R. station here has been cut out for the present, The station will be left open and lit up for passengers tak- ing the night trains. Both factories in Yarker are very busy filling or- ders. The ice harvested this year is free from snow-ice and is fifteen inches thick. Jed Irish, a former resident of Yarker,; is spending a: few days here. "The public school children wera treated to a drive and enjoyed it, cheering and singing as they drove along the country roads. Yarker teachers are alive to the scholars' in- teratte both In sdncation ach hes ure. s Mrs, A. H. Montgomery has return- Lou Com--root and all 'than any other salts, it is obvi- ed home from Toronto, Coke will Hkely become more in general use and 1s taking well with the users of it. The Wednesday night prayer meetings, held at- the home of R. 'Wilson, are open for all. It is the people's prayer meeting and all are welcome, AT SHARBOT LAKE. Big Snow Storm n in th that District Over the Week-end, * Sharbot Lake, Mar. 4--In the big snow storm here on Sunday night and all day Monday several inches of snow fell. 3 A show was given in the hall on Friday night last. Mr, and Mrs. W. Johnson and daughters, Long Lake, visited at J. Scott's. Miss Ross Clar- endon visited friends on Saturday. Miss Blanche Armstrong visited her sister at Echo Lake. Mrs. J. Armstrong spent a couple of days in Kingston last week. ' Miss Nicholson, Portsmouth, re- turned home with Mrs. J. Allen. Mrs. Eagleson spent a few days in King- ston last week. Miss M. Eagleson is visiting with friends in Kingston this week. Mr. M: Drew spent last week in Toronto. Mrs. Drew and son visited friends at Long Lake. Mrs. Percy Milliken. and son have home. Mrs." W. Millikin is better. Mrs. W. H. Mallett is in Smith's Falls. * Mrs. J. Collins and daughter, Cob- den, visited ab W. Davis' recently. Mrs. L. Kelll visited her daughter, Mrs, H. Graham, in Kingston, a few weeks, Wesley Thomlinson, Barry's Bay, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. H, Lee has had a radio installed in his home. Mrs. R. Brice has been confined to her bed with a severe cold. Miss M. Sheridan spent the week end with Mrs. A. Middle- ton. returned | _ Township Comncils LOUGHBORO, Sydenham, March 1.--Council met at 1.30 p.m. with the reeve and Councillor Smith absent. The reeve was absent through illness and Coun- cillor Storms 'acted in that capacity. The minutes of last regular meet- ing were adopted. On motion of Davy and Thomas, the huditors' report for 1925 was adopted. On motion of Davy and Thomas the following bills were ordered paid: $20, F. W. Read, premium on treasurer's bond; $70, Frank Anglin, street lights for January and Febru ary; $19.38, The Municipal World, dog tags and supplies; $11.55, The Jackson Press, printing 200 copies of finance statement; $17.42, Han- son and Edgar ballots and. election supplies; $74.70, Rigney and Hickey legal account for 1924 and 1925% $10, H. FP. MacNamara and R. Wart- man, auditors of 1925, township ac- counts, Council adjourned to meet Mon- day, April 5th, or at the call of the reeve. Women/are eligrole tor five ranks of honor in the Order of the British Empire. GETTING SKINNIER EVERY DAY ---- Hollows in Checks nd Nock Grow. rons of thousands of thin, run- down men--yes, and women, too-- MOVED TO KINGSTON. Gus Clarke and Family Came Here From Outlet. Outlet, March 3.--Mark Fodey left on Saturday for Detroit, Mich., where he expects to spend some time, Mr. apd "Mss, Clarence Cross returned nday from Picton where they spent the past week. W. A, Delr and W. Burns shipped a car load of live- stock to Montreal on Saturday. Mrs. Benedict Fodey is suffering from an attack of bronchitis. Mrs. Gordon Hall spent a day receatly in King- ston with her husband, who is in the General Hospital. > Several attended the party at Sam- uel Heaslip's on Friday night. An- drew Fodey is spending a few days in' Brockville. Some of the local hockey fans went jo Brockville, Mon- | day, to see the finals between Brock- ville, Gananoque and Newboro. Gus Clarke and family have gone to Kingston to reside, having disposed of their property here to Fred Wat- son, y 5 Chase and R. Burt have moved to Morton. Leaves with Best Wishes. Findley Station, March 2---Rev. D. T. Lanéaster will preach jn Woodburn church on Sunday night. He and his family carry away the best wishes of a host of friends to the new charge at Bristol, Que. Mrs. Frank Lake, who has been visiting friends here, has gone to Kingston to visit friends before re- turning to her home in Hamilton. Mrs. Thomas Steacey and Mrs. Wil- Ham Rofgers and little ughter, Lansdowne, visited at William Wil- son's recently. Mrs. David Carpenter has return- ed from visiting her daughter, Mrs. | Hogan, in Belleville. Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Mttle son spelt a few days at her father's, F. Thomson's, Kingston. Mrs. Fred Wilson spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Cum mings, Gananoque. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and the boys at E, Connor's; Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, at Mr. Wm. Bell's, Woodburn: Mr. and Mrs. Bibbie Abrams at Mr. O. Abrams. Meanness. "I wish I had money enqugh to get married,' Jim remarked. Katherine looked down and blush- ed, asked, looking very hard at the car- pet. "I would spend it travelling," Jim replied.--Punch Bowl. Sailors used to wear their hair in a long pigtail. Mi ny KIDNEY NN «|office altogether, "And-what-would-you-do?"* she |- Mrs. Henry Landes is a candidate for mayor of Seattle, Wash. She is at the same time trying to abolish the oo oy for the city manager form of ment. She gained fame two ago when, as acting mayor, ae fi | the chief of police. \ PERRIN'S ARROWROOT BISCUITS CHILDREN LOVE THEM AND THRIVE ON 'THEM, DAIRY CREAM SODAS THE BEST, SRISERST AND FLARISSD OF THEM Atl. CHAS. A. SMART, on TELEPHONE 116 163-3.