'FROM ST. JOHN, N.B. To LIVEREODL.OLASGOW eG aSaitoss TO LIVERPOOL 12 Apr, ~Montealm . 19 - . Montelare Mountnairn Metagama we UTHAMP. Ry» v . Marioch wo ou ERNOURG ~ ee Minnedosa vee. Melitta ~~ Ask About Our Tourist Third Cabin and European Tours 3 Apply Local Agents ¢ 7 J. B. PARKER Gen, t, Ocean Trafic CP, Bldg. Toronto Evening Spent. at 8. E. Soaslip's on Friday. | Bay, March 1.-~The rain, on iy, made the roads quite Now things are frozen and rough. 8B. E. Heaslip lost a cow. Mrs. Samuel Fair daughter, = Bessie, Miss Goff, South Lake, has re- | home after spending a week Friday evening, H a there being or forty in attendance. d music were indulged in o'clock; then the ladies . nents enjoyed by all, will be held in Sand Bay Palrtax, | .} Victor's Life Robe." | borne street. House of the Lord." -- Church Services on Sunday "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into tue Psalm exxii., 1. teacher, oF St. . Paul"s--~Holy communion, 11 a.m., preacher, Rev. Canon FitzGer- ald, M.A. Sunday school, 3 o'clock. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Rev, Canon FitzGerald, M.A. St. James' Church, corner Union and Barrie streets--T. W. Savary, rector. 11 am. holy communion and sermon. Sermon subject--"The 3 p.m. Sunday school. 7 p.m., evenlug prayer and sermon. Sermon subject--'"The Supreme Duty." - St. Goorge's Cathedral--Rev. W. E. Kidd, M.A., M.C,, acting rector 3rd Sunday in Lent. 8 a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m., holy commun- fon. Preacher, Rev. W. E. Kidd, 3 p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m. -boly baptism; 7 p.m., evensong. Preach~ er, Rev, J, C. Dixon. St. Luke's Church, corner of Prine cess and Nelson streets--Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, M.A,, B.D., rector, 311 Alfred street. . Phone 2973. 3rd Sunday in Lent, 11 a.m., holy com- munion; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evening prayer. Rev, A. E, Smart will be the special preacher at the Wednesday Lenten service. Seats free. Strang- ers and visitors cordially invited to attend, Calvary United Church, The Friendly Churech,. Bagot and Charles streets-- Rev. Frank. Sanders, min- ster." 11 a.m., "A Need of To-day." 3 pom., Sabbath school. 7 pm, "Visions and Service." A hearty wel- come to all. Cocke's Chilrch, Brock street-- Rev, T. J. 8. Ferguson, B.A., minis- ter. 11 a.m., special services for the 'teen age girls, A choir of twenty- five girls, Theme, "The Quest of the Best." 3 p.m., Bible school. 7 p.m., "The Joy of True Religion," tion, chapter 14. A cordial invita- tion to all. Queen Street Church--Minister, W. H. Raney, B.A, B.D, 30 Col- Morning worship--11 a.m, subject: "What Shall I Render Unto the Lord?" Sunday school, 3 p.m. Evening worship--Subject, "Deliverance From Temptation." Young People's Meeting, Monday, 8 p.m. The United Chr~ch of Canada, Sydenham street--xev. W. T. G. Brown, minister. Services 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach. Evening subject, "The Potter and the Clay." Fellowship Class-at 10 a.m. Sunday school and Bible classes | at 2.45 pm. Mid-week service, Wednesday at 8 pm, og Chalmers Church of the' United Church of Canada---Minister, Rev. George Brown, M.A, B.D." Public worship: 11 a:m., Prof. W, G. Jor- dan, D.D.; 7 p.m. Prof. William Morgan, D.D.; 2 p.m, Bible class, Prof. McFadyen; 3 p.m. Sunday school. Strangers and stu- NEWS FROM LEE VALLEY. The Weather Has Been Far From : yable. Lee Valley, March 3.--A telephone | mpeting was held. in the" hall last Wednesday night. Little Dorothy Spencer has been ill with a cold. Ruth Patterson has been ill for a week with pleurisy. George Lang has had a severe attack of stqmach flu. "Miss Laura Hunt has been {II with a cold. . William McKnight has had teams hired to haul gravel for the road to ""McKnight's Pavilion." The assessor is again making his rounds. T./Coburn has returned home from camp. Mr. Gordon 'and Miss Lucy Andress were calling at J. Root's on Sunday. - Miss Emma Hammond is working at F. J. Lee's. Miss Marie Patter- son is suffering with & bealed finger. Mr. Leacock, road inspector, was in the Valley, Tuesday. A severe snow- storm started on Sunday and along with wind-storms Tasted for three days, ' Leonard Hill spent the week-end in Espanola. Miss Alida Hunter spedt a few days in Webbwood last week. Owing to the bad storms the mail was unable to come through on Tuesday. w| A director's meeting, of the Wo- | a Institute, was held at Mrs, /lers are hauling wood for the saw- Revela-, {friend is improving rapdily. from a dents cordially. welcomed. Anniver- | sary, March 28th. . Preacher, Rev. John Dow, of Knox College, Toronto. Princess Street Church Anniver- | ----Rev. 8. D. Chown, preacher, | morning and evening. Special ses- sion of the Bible school, 2.45 p.m. Musical programme: Morning---An- | them, "Hast Thou Not Known" | (Pflueger), solo part, Mr. H Wiskin: vocal solo, Miss L. Sanders; mixed | quartette; vocal solo, Mr. H. Wiskin. | Evening---Anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord" (Roberts); solo, obligato, Mr. | L. Loney; vocal solo, Mrs. J. Evans; mixed quartette; vocal solo, Mr. Emil Mueller. Mr, Carl Cannan and Mr. Walter King, violinists, will as- | sist at both services, | First Baptist Church--Rev. M. C.| Johaston, minister. 11 am. Tne Sanctity of the Sababth." 7 "The Compassion of Christ." Moons body welcome. W.C.T.U.--~The regular meeting of ia the Woman's Christian Temperance | .Union will~be held in the Y.W.C.A. parlors, Johnson street, Tuesday, | March 9th at 3 p.m. All ladies wel- come. 5 St. Andrew's Presbyterian--Anni- versary services 11 am. and 7 p.m, conductéd by Rev. Thomas Eakin, D.D., acting-principal Knox College, Toronto. Special music by the chair. Students, soldiers -and strangers cor- | t dially invited. Bethel Congregational Church--s|t Rev. W. H. Ebersole, minister. 11 am. theme, "The Lord's Prayer," |i subject, Our Father. 3 p.m. the Bible school. 7 p.m., The present 'position of "The Flect." Monday, 8 p.m. the Y.P.S.C.E. The New Church, Alfred street-- |t Who changed the Sabbath from Sat- 'urday to Sunday? Did Christ, Paul, Peter? Who did the Act? This made very plain at the New Church, | I Alfred street, Sunday night, 7.45 p.m. Picture slides used. You are invited. Gospel Tabernacle, corner Union and. Collingwood streets--Lord's Supper, 11 a.m.; Sunday #chool and |t Bible class, 3. p.m.; gospel service,|s 7 pm. Mr. Alfred Mace, New Zea-| land, will speak in the evening. His subject will be "The Birth of a Na-|s tion." 4 Christian Science, First Church of Christ, Scientist, 121 Johnson street --~Services at 11 'a.m. Subject, an." Sunday school, 9.45 am.|~ Wednesday, 8 pm, testimonial meeting, including testimonies of healing: through Christian Science. Free public reading room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, bor- rowed or purchased. Open every|t { afternoon except Sundays and holi- days, from 3 to 5 p.m. All are cor- dially invited to the services and to make use of the public reading room. t Buell's, last Monday night. On ac- gount of so uch illness and the bad | f roads the ladies here had to dis- appoint Mrs. Douglas, ' Webbwood, | j who had invited the Institute to her home this month. 25 Days' Tour to Alaska. Once Alaska was identified witht the gold seeker, Today it is closely linked with tourist traffic, for men have found that there is more sheer gold in oné Alaskan sunset than ever came out of the rockbound mines. It is a land of strange con- tradictions and never-ending sur- prises, It is the desire of every tour- {st to visit this enchanted country, the land of the midnight sun. The Kerr-Bryson tour via the Can- adian Nationdl Railways offers you the desired opportunity under most advantageous auspices and at a min-|t imum cost. The tour embaces Jasp- er National Park, the famous Trian- gle Tour, the Pacific Coast, Alaska, and the Great Lakes Trip on the re- turn journey. e! "Write for full information and de- scriptive booklet to Mr. A. E. Bry son, 44 Silverthorn avenue, Toronto, 9, Ont.; or Mr. Martin Kerr, 4 Beu- lah avenue, Hamilton, Ont. roads nearly impassable; The farm: ing machine. Patrick Lachance is un- der the doctor's ears. Florence el 'serfous operation. Hugh Gibson was taken to the Hotel Dieu; Hospital Richard Runnings' filled Thursday. andria Bay. has been visiting Miss Pearl Thomp- hall, on March 11th. gramme is to be given. of Athens, will address the meeting and also illustrate with moving pic- very on Thursday evening, when twelve El aa 8 ell iss lid Romald Colman, Bert Lytell and May McAvoy in Windermere's Fan," at the Ca pitol Wednesday. "Lady Monday, Tuesday and F-- A HORSE IS DROWNED DOWN AT IVY LEA One Animal Was Saved, But the Other Went Under the Ice. Ivy Lea, March 5.--While scrap- {ing ice to fill Mr. Leath's ice house {at Dano's Point, Thursday morning, he team of horses owned and driven by Pete Truesdell broke through the ice. The horses were cut loose from he scraper and one of them brought out to safety, with only a bad cut on ts leg.. In attempting to get the other horse out, Wilfred Huntly was knocked down when the horse made a lunge out of the water on the ice. The animal fell back in the water on its back and was carried] under he ice out of reach. Several holes were cut in an attempt to locate the animal but it perished. Hartley Ferguson and Lawrence .atimer drove to Gananoque, Friday. ice house was = Charles Dano purchased three new' milch cows at a sale in Escott, Tues- day. Miss Jennette Robertson has re- urned from a two weeks yisit to her ister, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Alex- Miss Celia Robertson on. W. W. Shipman and Gerald Ship- man are repairing and putting their wharves sbason. with a cold, in shape for the coming Kenneth Shipman is ill EVENTS AT LANSDOWNE. Junior Farmers' Association Annual Meeting on the 11th, Lansdowne, March 5.-~The Junior Farmers's Association are to hold heir annual meeting in the town A short pro- E. F. Neft, ures. Master John Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young is convalesing rom an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Webster are re- oicing over the birth of a daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8S. Shields: Lansdowne L.O.B.A. held another successful progressive euchre ables were in play. The. ladies royal was won by Mrs. William Fair, and the gentléemen's royal by Mr. Samuel Warren, and the consolation prizes by Mrs. Ross McNeill and Mr. Floyd McRae. Monopolies and Trusts, New York Times: How can we condemn a foreign government for raising prices by legislation, when our own Government sets out to do the very same thing, and often ac- tually does it, by means of protec- ive duties? Republicans are be- ginning to speak with hands lifted in horror *cartels" which work out to the dis- advantage of the American consum- of foreign controls and r. But it is impossible for those who talk like this to prevent Demo- crats from asking {f trusts and com- binations and monopolies at home do mot bear with equal hardship upon our consuming public." When once you begin asking questions dbout monopoly, you have keep on to the end of the list. got to A ---------------- Napoleon put artillery frst fa im- | Simkins on Wednesday, vale. MARRIED AT ELGINBURG A Shower of Good Things Preceded the Wedding. Elginbrug, March .5--On Monday evening at the lwme of Mrs. Harry Bearance, a miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Miss Helen Hughson, the bride to be. Many beautiful and useful gifts were re-! ceived. The evening was spent in playing games and singing. Wed- nesday afternoon the marriage of Miss Helen Hughson and Mr. Walter Puttenham was solemnized at the Princess street parsonage by Rev. J. K. Curtis. The happy couple left for Toronto where they will spend a short honeymoon. On their return a reception will be given them at the home of the bride's father, The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. B. seventeen ladies were present. The president, Mrs. A, L. Stover, was in the chair. The next meeting will be at Mrs, W. McFadden's. Last night Harry Dar- ling took a load of twenty-eight peo- | ple to the special services at Glen- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stover, whose house was burned last Sat- urday, are making their home in Miss Elsie Bearance's house. MOTHERS WHO HAVE USED BABY'S OWN TABLETS Always Strongly Recommend Them to Other Mothers. Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else---actual experi. ence teaches her that there is no other medicine to equal them for any of the minor ailments from which her baby or little ones suffer. Hav- ing found the value of the Tablets in her own home, she is always anxious that other mothers should share her knowledge. That is why Mrs. Creigh- ton White, North Noel Road, N.S. writes the following:--"I have a baby seventeen months old and have given him nothing but Baby's Own Tablets ever since he was a week old. I know of no other medicine to equal them, and it fs certainly a plea- sure to recommend them to other mothers." Baby's Own Tablets are a mid. but thorough laxative that regulate the stomach and bowels; banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the sickly baby well and happy again. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William's Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. REVIVAL SERVICES. Have Been Arousing the People of Arden. Arden, March 4.--Revival services have been held in the village in the Standard church. Revs. Mr. Harris and T. Thompson, real christian workers, are in charge. Between thirty and forty have professed con- version. Mrs. J. BE. Barker is not improving as fast as wished. * Rev. Mr. Frayer has returned from Toronto, after visiting his wife, who is under the doctor's care. The village is fuil of visitors on account of the revival meetings. T. J. Alexander has un- loaded a car of grain and-flour. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cox, also Mrs. M. Mil- ler, ar® leaving on Friday, for Sas- | katchewan.. They have been visit- ing friends here for about two . months. 2 ; ABSOLUTE comfort and safety at all speeds are assured in the Better McLaughlin-Buick through the torqué tube drive. This: sturdy -tube with rigid strut rods keeps the rear end in perfect alignment and relieves the springs of the "driving" -strain. Only one universal joint, auto- matically lubricated, is required. As'a result, this construction gives' extra sturdiness and longer life to the McLaughlin-Buick. The new low GMAC financing rates are available to purchasers of McLaughlin-Buick on time, Aw DISTRIBUTORS / CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED CORNER BROCK AND MONTREAL, STREETS. "PHONE 600. PERRIN'S ARROWROOT BISCUITS CHILDREN LOVE THEM AND THRIVE ON THEM. DAIRY CREAM 'SODAS THE BEST, CRISPEST AND FLAKIEST OF THEM ALL. CHAS, A MART AGENT . TPLEPHUNE 1 146), READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Keep Up With Progress House Wiring and Repairing All Kinds of Eléctric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC co. (Limited) MANUFACTURERS "PRUE TRA