® THE AGONIZING « RHEUMATISM & OF 5 YEARS STANDING COMPLETELY | RELIEVED BY "FAUITA-TIVES" 'HH yom suffer with " well and keep you well, and 50c. ht dealers. 3 AWAY THE SNOW. Portland, March 4.--The snow storm left the roads in a very bad state" for driving. Evéryone was out shovelling to clear the way. Joseph Lyons, 7 the sick list, is improv- ing. He Is able to be down stairs. Mrs. Pamater, Syracuse, N.Y., re- taal Bitne on Monday. rs. ie Harte, Alberta, who pins her brothers here, was ing on friends in Portland last week. 'Miss Hattle Doneban, who spent a couple of days in Brockville, has returned home. Mrs. A. Galla- gher, who has been visiting friends in Ottawa and Smith's Falls, has re- turned home. George Byongton who A (has been on the sick list is able to -- DAILY BRITI > tt nt . EE erik 4 By Gratton D. Thompson, Architect. 'The illustrations show a compact and, at the same time, thoughtfully planned house,--the living«foom snd dining-room well lighted .and with floor and wall space quite sufficient for furniture and pictures for rooms of such sizes. Kitchen with its ser- vice entrances to .the dinimg-room and basement and pide entrances well arranged--a very important factor. The bedrooms each entered directly from the hall and provided with cupboard accommodation. The direct éonmection between: the main bedroom and bathroom as well as from the hall should be noted. No waste hall space--just floor area sufficient for service to the varl- ous rooms, The vestibule is tiled with six fach Dutch tile and the bathfoom dado and floors of same-material in delft blue and white, Birch' floors are laid throughout, those in the ground floor rooms being walnut color. Walls of rooms halls throughout are finished in sand stucco for water color finish, the plastering being applied = direct to composition board plaster base, in- stead of the ordinary wood lath. The mantels, doors and trim, of simple Colonfal design are of pine. for paint finish. Heating is with hot water, the radiators being placed un- 'der the windows, and plumbing with all standard fixtures, built in. Btor- age for house use, as well as a pro- perly fitted up laundry, is provided in the basement, together with coal {#torage and boiler-room. The exterior shows a homelike,.yet jdignified design--the entrance suf- ficiently marked with a hooded door- way, the door itself being partly glazed and with simple panelling. The walls--finished with clap- bohrding over composition board-- have been painted a deep créam, and BIG PLAN BOOK Handsomely illustrated with } plans of moderate priced: homes igned dy Canadian Architects. dau - Builders' Buide will on, 'Send 20e. for a copy. "MacLean i. THE YELLOW STUB GREAT NEW MYSTERY SERIAL By Ernest Lynn £8 ry 2 i i 1:72 it ge £8 2 F i $F i i 8 £ 2 i i ih k £ ki i 3 { i reading the = inscription inside the ring, "September 26th, 1898. Sep- tember 26th was my father's birth- day, Barry." He glanced up at Barry. "What did Janet say? Does mother know about 1?" "Janet said your mother knew nothing about it. You see, Jim, the ring was given to your dad after his marriage. That's why Janet didn't want your mother to know." "Barry, yon once asked me if there could have been another wo- man in dad's life." Jim." dened. 454 LV%"There was. | know who this Marie was. Her name was Marie Real, T've just heard about her. It was a boyhood romance. Listen.' He sank down on the bed and, with the ring in his hand, he told Barry Colvin the whole story, just a8 O'Day had told it to him. . . . "What a pity!" commented Barry when Jimmy was through. "And so they did see each other again, after Barry /red- "A WELL-PLANNED COLONIAL HOUSE | dy i [Ral | | | ==) past ploen Han, stained the wood shutters in Lincoln green. and The windows throughout are case- mént, the sash being subdivided into small lights--giving a proper scale to the general design. Roofiing mé- terial is slate surface multi-¢dlored shingles, giving a very pleasing help to the general calor scheme. This home could be built on a Jot [pf with fifty febt frontage, with a depth of not less than one hundred and ten feet; more ground .than this, of course, would add very much to the possibilities for a. well planned gar- den, with tennis court, flower and truck gardens and drying area and garage yard i Readers desiring further informa- tion regarding the plans and specifi- gations of this house should ecom- mupnicate with the architect diréct Address Mr. Gratton D. Thompson, 65 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, Que. Copyright = 1926, MacLean Building Reports Limited. all--this* Marie Real and youd fa- ther." i "We can only guess. The ring would make it appear so. . .Barry, did you ever hear of a concert or stage singer nam Marie Real? It would Have to be Some time back, for she'd be nearly fifty-five years old now." \ Barry shook his head. "Of course," Jimmy went on, "we {| don't know whether they met aecl- dentally years after they had both left Durbin, or whether they were in communication with each other all along." , "Probably the first, Jim. You see, your dad married someone else." "Oh well, they both might have decided they made a mistake." Barry shrugged. , "I confess it's got me guessing. .Do you think it's linked up in ahy way with the murder?" 5 Jimmy threw up his hands in a de- spairing gesture. "Lord knows. I can't see how." : "But if this. Marie Real is still living, and we can find her, it might help." "I'll turn the ring over to' Detec~ tive Mooney, Barry. Maybe he can do something." 24% > "Ot course, she might have had another 2ame, a professional name. It might be possible to trace her through some of the theatrical hook- ing houses and other agencies fin New York." : Jimmy was pacing the floor. + He stopped, "Is that why you came EURITIS SH WHIGC Hair Dry, Brittle from Constant TOLD ID 1D sme se mire The. constant curling and waving demanded by present styles in bob- bed hair, slowly. burns the color, lus- tre and very life froth the hair, leav- ing it dry, faded, brittle, and full of dandruff; then the hair roots shrink and the hair falls put fast. Since gifls just must curl and wave the hair to appear thelr pret- tiest, try "Dandetine' to offset any bad effects. After the first applica- tion your hafr will take on new life and that healthy, Joutatn lustre, Le- come incomparably soft," wavy and appear twice as tINck and abundant, Falling hair stops and dandruff dis- appears, A 35-¢ent bottle of refreshing "Danderine" from any drug store or toilet , counter will do wonders for any girl's hair. It goes right to the roots, invigorates, nourishes and strengthens them, helping the hiir to grow thick, healthy and luxuriant. 7 Here, Barry? To show me this ng?" "Not entirely. I've got some busi- ness here. . . .And there's another reason, Jim. Janet wants you to come home. There was another let- ter." "You mean" "Another one of those unsigned warnings. 'It's got: her pretty scared." ¥ "What did this one say? Did you bring it?" "No; I gave it to Mooney. If sim- ply said there wouldn't be any more warnings--that you had had your last change." "Good! I'm glad there won't be any more." Jimmy laughed, but a trifle nervously. "Jim, it's got you worried. worried myself." "Well; to be truthful with you, it's not exactly a pleasant sensation to know I'm being watched like this. «+ « Oh welll, . ..By the way, I Saw the man that Olga Maynard went otit with that niglit--the man shé™said might have got the stub and the handkerchief. He was one of the men who tried to waylay me that night that I wrote you about." He told Barry the detatls. "It might be," Barry, sald, "that this Tke Jensen is the one who is writing the notes." "Or somebody he knows," plemented Jimmy. "There's more than one man mixed up in this. Jensen, if he's still in town, isn't taking any chances being seen mail- ing letters. He's lying low, Barry--- for two reasons. In the first place, there was that mizup with me, And then he saw Olga with me and saw Olga recognize him. Lord knows what he thought when he saw us together, -but he must have a sus- Picion that she's told me about the handkerchief. 2 "I don't think he knows anything about the ticket stub, Barty. I think that fell out of his pocket and he didn't see it. At any rate, it's suffi- cient to make him . hide. I bet he's worried sick, wondering how much know." "Yes, and how you came to know Olga Maynard." "What does Mooney think about it? About those letters I've been get: I'm sup- ting?" .- "Well, Mooney, of course, th ght he was going to find this H. A. Jones. person in Grafton. But he's pretty sure, he says, that these threats against you are all mixed up in some way with the thurder. He thinks you ought to leave town, and fo home( Says if you don't he's going "Nor for 'me. The a lot of finicky notioms out of our heads, didn't it? By the way, while you're here I want you to meet this Olga Maynard. Maybe after you see her you'll agree with me that she's all right now." Barry was silent. "Qld doubting Jimmy laughed.. . . . "Give me a' cigarette, Barry," Jimmy sald a few minutes later. He shivered. "Lord, I'm as nervous as an old woman." "I should think you would be" sald Barry, lighting the cigarette for him, "A sensible person would clear out and go home." =~ "It's this feeling of being con- stantly watched, Barry. It's not the threats. I think they are a school boy 'trick. . .But to be haunted by the feeling that every move of Thomas, eh?" mine {8 knowa to this--this some- one, whoever it is." He clasped and unclasped his hands nervously. "If only he would cothe out In the open. . . .Barry, have you ever read about any of these vendetta murders?" He forced a smile. "I feel as I Imagine a man who has béen marked as a vendetta victim must feel. . .Not exactly you undérstand. . . .It isn't fear actually--" J "It's a plain case of nerves, Jim." Barry laid his hand on the other's shoulder. "Come home and take a rest, before you go to pieces, Maybe that's just what these people are trying to do---make you a nervous wreck." "Oh, probably I exaggerate feelings. It's not that bad. I get présentiments, you know. The night I was followed home and I had that mixup with Jensen, something kept telling me that I was bejug fol- lowed. + .And tonight--" He& paused. "--tonight,' on the short walk from the street car here, I kept imagining the same thing" "Oh, Jim, go to bed. You need sleep,.that's all." "1 suppose 80. No reason to think anybody -was following 'me to-night. There's a policeman detailed to do nothing but patrol this block singe that otheér night." Barry yawned. "I'm ready for the hay myselt." He got foét and stretched. . "By the way, Jim, are you a polar bear or something?" "What do you mean?" "Well, when I came in the room, the window was open. If wef cold as the devil. It's raw outside." "That's funny." Jimmy stroked his chin thoughtfully. "It wasn't open when I left. Maybe Mrs. King came in to clean and wanted to alr the room. Unusual, though, for her to clean at night." He laughed. "Maybe it's Barry. Better--"' His voice was drowned out in the sudden sharp roar of sound that fol- lowed--a crashing pistol shot, and then the tinkling of breaking glass. The bullet g past Jimmy's head and buried iyfelf in the wall gver the head of the bed. Jimmy dropped to the floor. "My my spooks, army took | Can beeila Cl use r After Every Meal More, Hemlock until Now, I out havi Put Co. Teaming is Quite Tpossidle 4 Philipgville, March 4 Ladies" Auxfliary, which was to held at Mrs. William Tackabel on Wednesday afternoon, was jp poned until Friday afternoon tng to disagreeable weather. A wee | has arrived at the home of Mr. Mrs," Ward Lawson. Marley Wil lows was in Ottawa recently. Mi Julia Myers, R.N,, is on pro | duty at Elgin, Mrs, Atcheson was a giest at the of "her daughter, Mrs. God!" gasped Barry, "are you hit, Jim?" } . "No. Get down, that's all, Quick! Get down on the floor." But there was no need. The sound of scuffling feet came from the porch, onto which the: window open- ed. There was dead silen for a space, and then the two of tHem, white of face and stunned, ran to the window together and looked out into the night. (To Be, Continued). Pittsburg cheque protector sales- man wad arrested on charges of pass- ing bad cheques. - Premier Pangalos,. of Greece, seeks to co-operate with Italy the Eastern Mediterranean, Air mail service across the Baltic between Sweden apd Finland will be started at once. _ ° Owing to great depth of snow in| Northern New York State schools were closed. Italian Cabinet approved ap- propriation of $4,020,000 to build inf Stevens,' on Wednesday. Teamifig is at a standstill sent following the heavy storms which left the roads in most impassable condition. Miss Elliott is visiting her aunt om ¢ Hearts gravel road. Measles guite prevalent in the locality. ley Tackaberry was in Bro one day this week. Mrs. Olive man is quite {ll with grippe Mrs. Haskins is sewing in ta week. | AN are glad to know William Phelps, who has been ¢ fined to his home for & few feeling fine and able to be around again. At Marmora, Mr. and Mrs. Cl r 'Naylor's little son, eight years | age, had his leg broken while p ing at school. Rubber vacuum disks wilk used instead of dogs in co French Arctic exploration trip. China has formally applied for houses for the poor. permanent seat on the 'Council the League cf Nations, :