Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1926, p. 7

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~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG fIKINGSTON PRINTERS |e sod sare GANANOQUE | OBSERVE BIRTHDAY |.coces sires, ss me Wy Vv ae Rh dh oo a oo Turner and Mr, Crosley, Mr. Sals. ; Sanatoage, Marsh Safin And i ruck service ween bid || Typographival Union Estab | 2" bein the Mr Repos a4 21 Brockville And thin Dol mary bo lished Here In 1886--8ome | much enjoyed. minus quantities for over a week Timers Present. now, and with yesterdays storm Old» P t a. 2. Shiite ion od hdreased She piled on the rest the relief would gr Spns.and ex-1 "to De further delayed. Tho The fortieth anniversary of the | Pokal his anticipation at seeing a truckmen have been bringing their Kingston Typographical Union No. [still Merger gathering for the next cargoes Bown by "making part : 204 was celebrated at the Queen's | anniversary of the Kingston Typo- of the journey one day and finish. ; 2 oi Cafe Saturday night, there being a | graphical Union No. 204. in 18 tho mek : : See us for the very newest in Spring Top yery large number ot members pre-| _ ST Douglas Burridge, who 'was oper- oi WA sent, among them being Mr® G. H. | 3 ing ? citis last Frid "Coats. All the new shades and latest Tweed Comer, one of the oldest printers in R A D I 0 ae 9.50 Io sppendic Hospital, rd N\ - ' : If you wear size 2} to 4 Shoes and a real bargain, drop in and lock over our 5 : : Kingston. The principal speaker of icely. His mother is in / ; progressing nicely. patterns. P. riced the evening was Mr. A, Crosley who Kingston with him. 3 ll eave a highly instructive and inter- The "funerals of @harles Bryant ; FY li] evting talk on education fh the peni- " : : } Saturday and P1800, 2200, $2250 and 32500 en |i Si Mr. J. Chatterton, chairman Bf the , tended. birthday ¢ommittee, welcomed the CRAC, Montreal, (411). «Mrs. F. H. Lutz and Miss Jean are George Van Horne [== im iiiit | «ro voli orn | 3 nt ssn in ss es | 9 a. 'fil at seeing so large a gathering pre- | FePOrt. they will be the guests of Mrs. 213 Princess Street. NPP 'Phone 362-w. fl | sent to celebrate the fortieth anniver- J=Rlaae chat on prevention of | yume McMillan, , sary of the local union. President |2¢¢idents. y z A son was born on Friday last to James Laturney also spoke a few 7.15--Windsor Hotel Trio, direct-| np ana. Mrs.. Herbert Nelson, King j| Works extending a welcome to those [¢d PY Raoul Duquette. street east. ot : present. After the banquet, toasts| $-30--Studio concert. Miss Fiorence Abbott entertalned : - " 10.30--Harold Leonard's Red : sider ¢ were pro d to "The King," by Mr. at bridge on Friday afternoon. ] . J. Laturney and to "The Typographi. | Jackets from the Windsor Hotel. Mts. D, M, Ovens, Kingston, who : J] Ab re TS 4 wv ees il Bargain table Th oC -------- Mrs. W. Newberry, return responded to by Secretary J. C. Ben CNRA, Moncton, (201). Ho TY, J y g nett. 3 8 p.m.--Juvenile programme, un- M Eula Scott and I Nut- Mr, J. Crosley, speaking of educa- issey Eula Scott a rma Nu tion in the oy reviewed der the direction of Prof. C. R. tall were home from Brockville over Wright. h k-end. ¥ : : the work done by the: teachers and Rudin programme by stu- t ae vol Berry entertained on -DON'T DELAY--COME EARLY! showed some examples of the work : done in art ry Ample ot he » ore dents of Halifax Conservatory of Friday evening for her sister, Mrs. Musie. Bradley, who retirns to her home Rhy Where do those crows' feet come from ? When your eye muscles be- Ahhh dh i A Why Adhhdh American Composers; Blue Ribbon . By or Intrelion. Se-rriism Male Quartette: The Gold Dust Miss [Gertrude Pennock, Seeley's rae y . Bay, has" returned home after a uced in the library to keep records Twins; Eveready Hour; Moment pleasent visit with 'Mr. and Mis, of where the numerous books are | Monae; Sinent Lopes ang oyches John Talbot. and of how they are distributed. | *#: pe . Miss Margaret Orser, John street, ' There are 14,000 volumes in the had the misfortune to fall down- ( library and.during February 14,365 10 RO clad, ia stairs yesterday afternoon but ' / I books of various descriptions Wr |. y0.30--Organ recital "| luckily suffered nothing more than | M wR iseuad to the convicts, The speaker] 11--Cuvier WKRC Quartette Or. | ® #evere shaking up. Being a lady of] ED NY ynentioned that there are many of chestra and Entertainers ' advanced years her escape from ) G $e ts Ou BUY WHEN! the convicts Who can not read and serious injury . was almost mir. \ Co" - . . fu their cases picture books are is- . - | aculous, . . iThe exceptional tone quality in the Weber WRC, Washington, (409). ; A rare chance to furnish for present or fu sued, from which they were able to 7.30 p.m.--U. 8. Marine Band. . hs . 3 Piano appeals to the most aesthetic taste, Jetive some entertainment. Thobest. yyo Plc. Marine use. Good Furniture in your home is a payin; HEAR FOR YOUKSELF AND BE CONVINCED. 0 Dac SF Toman ae Samat 19-39--Hotel. Mayflower. Orches- NAPANEE | ||vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, sat come overworked they call on | the convicts have practically no- educa- r your fseial muscles for aid. The delicate touch of § [tion whatever, School is held daily. 10.30--CNRA Orchestra. in Colonsay, Sask., in a few days, in 4 The results are obvious--crows' | true artist is well represented from twelve to ome o'clock, during Sant -- after a extended visit here with feet. . \ ill § the display of beautiful Prayer which time tha convicts are given . WS! or ndinnatl, (326). oy Idler and sister. - ih Unconsclously you use these [ii| § Beads now being shown at Kin- their lessons and assisted with their p.m. Eveready Hour of Music. Dona France attending muscles many times a day in [i near & d'Esterre's. studles. The correspondence system 9.30--Programme from. the WSAI| Queen's was home over the week- trying to overcome defective [f ; is used the inmates receiving their | Studio, featuring Hawaiian Guitars. | end. eyesight. i i kh . . 2--Freda Banker's Orchestra. Mrs. Fred Wilson, Woodburn, is An eye examination isthe Some of the most Jodagus. yo mangle them, in the : visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Cum- B of telling the || ; x y e er for correc- a a a Se a AA Aig a only Sur of your eyes. Let.us ii § noticeable examples tion. Mr, Crosley stated that the 6 20 rs Littaburgh, (309). inks, Mr Perry of Grace Church examine yours and prevent | . T convicts were allowed by the De- ' a . i . : : : - | e st O~ 8.30--Sacred Song Half Hour. is considerable of & wit, and yester- 2 ' . . many crows' feet and wrinkles. 4 dare 1n Am thy i Dartment of Saucation to Sy. thelr 9--Concert by Musicians' Club of | day morning just before beginning Kingston 8 Biggest Home Furnishers % | hi T h Evenings by appointment. i pat an Jet, 4 i we the Japery - faut ¥_Suaua DALIAN ii from the Grand i A doit ae that | TI In combinatio - exal on. uring ® past S| Rev. Mr. Halpen: in th - b a . three years, between twenty-five and | Theatre. , i "hin POURY: Wis 13 e con. . eV, | . h h t : % gregation--this knowledge not hav. metrist f with pure white Cry- 3 | thirty inmates passed their entrance WEAF, New York, (i02). ing come to him until he noticed Registered Opton » examinations and abou: ten their ¥ i tals 6 to 12 p.m.--Dipner music from | Mm reaching out €o place his con é » 140 Wellington Street ili § S . maticulation tosis, which, Mr Cros- [to 12 Don Hotel; Margaret | tribution on the collection place, ' = | ey pointed out, was a very creditable | Hamilton, soprano; Half Hour with | #041ng: "There's nothing like a col. ' il feat considering the very short time | lection plate to discover a man." » y none 087! § Kinnear & d'Esterre See us for all kinds of Carpemtry| JEWELLERS ah atiaten 168 PRINCESS STREET oF w Afar dh A 4 4 p the chaplains. Education in peniten- 11.30--Orgafl recital from Tivoli tiaries is being developed on a higher 4 . , w---- -- . ul > . Eg z {scaleand in this way the inmates are | T 108tTe. ; ; Napanee, March 8--The seventy- fied with the quality. When you buy here re a s Year MIC YM voy guamenay, (TEE). TED SA ot Ti usdey.| the added comfort in knowing that you are | s | they leave the institution. "When a 6.3 ay : .| Church was celebrated on Sunday. . Sect doxves ths DURST. Wa, pam, PC TOLT VaR: Culler, Or | /RCISE NL Solobrated oh Sunday. tected from inferior goods. + dot want to see him back again," 7.45--Marfhe Band from Wash-|Of The Dominfon Church, Ottawa, il | said Mr. Srosley Jn Sosing lis re- ington was the special preacher for the oc- ll | marks, "and By educating him, we 8 oS i casion. Special music by the choir y : prépare them for a better life. Men eae Edison, Hopr from New was prepared for the .anniversary. ; g l t ; ' who take an interest in their studies oy : \ George White, soloist of Ottawa, a Se ec your urs | 9.30--Plano, soprano and baritone LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. and books of religion are issued by tia. d h Sa tish ed fo the * tion and happiness. i with pr ira 4 4a 4 2a f while confined to penitentiaries very, solos » former Napanee boy, was welcomed 4 4 seldom come back sud in the majors Wall back, and delighted the congregation | "Phone 147 for Service. ity of cages, make a success of lite.'s| , 10--Grand Tour, The Shakespeare a a services with his solos. Large oi ; a ¥ fee : J : Country. : : f Tr om g ood makers Zo a hearty vota of thanks and ap] "PiaUT oo. Orchestra. conkregations were present morning | ONE OF CANADA'S BEST HIGHLY ESTEEMED preciation for the address was mov- ond evening. The Presbyterian and "Hilec to Mr. Crosley, WBZ, New England, (338.1). Grace Churches both withdrew. the OHEESEMAKERS DEAD Died at Picasa Salley in } =e p fli Mr. AMan Stroud, Mr. E. E. Horsey, v yd evening service in order that every S-- Mrs. 4 il| Mr. P. Scanlan, Mr. A, W. Catheart 345 bm Hotel Jeuok use ble one might atfend the anniversary. (James Sprott of Eastern Dairy| pleasant Valley, March 3. oa 4 ii | and Mr. G. H. Comer, former mem- key game from Boston Arena be-| Mrs. W. H. Harvey, who has been School Passed Away on has again visited our little co 3 00 i urs ma e ll | bers of the local union, were request- tween Boston Bruins and New York. | With her sister, Mrs. E. R. Todd, for 3 Saturda i ity and removed a highly estes 3 i ed to say a few words, and spoke of '| the past month, left on Sunday for Ys resident in the person of Mrs. H i ; " fl | the forming of the union in King- WGBS, New York (316), ber home in Minneapolis. v hit ate A. Sigsworth, who passed a li | ston in 1886 and of the early days of 7 p.am.--Arrowhead Inn Cédeert Harry Loucks of Toronto, spen(- on 'Saturday -- aetoood James | the Dome of her son, Charles, on. st m f d | printing, when the type was set by Orchestra. the week in town with his pareats, day, Feb. 28th. A Cre war r en S ill hand. All mentioned the splendid | or Mr and Mrs, Ham, Loneks, - . - ;|BPrott, chief checsemaker at the|TOh\ 'Sh. Mrs. Sigsworth had 8--Y.M.T.A. Vocational Forum. if | opportunities in printing, and advis- IE Fare ational Trio, nc.| Mrs. J. P. Vrooman, who has béen Sastors Quiario airs Schou), puseed a resident of this district for 1 ¢ y v ed the younger members to take ad- cordion, banjo and plano. spending the past month in Mont- nay 2 years, and her kindly manner LE ll | vantage of all the opportunities offer- 8.30--The Threshold Players in|real, returned to her, home yester- |? The late Mr. Sprott, who was born{ Won for her the love and h 4 : : DIER od. Mr. Comer showed the mem-|.ryng Only Way," From Dicken's|day accompanied by her daughter, in Scotland, came to Canada and|®!. Thero are left to mourn, 2 . ° || bers original copies of the New "Tale of Two Cities." Mrs. Charles Burpee and her 1fle bought the Cataraqui cheese factory | ons and one daughter, name! Said en 1 cor sreetings of the British Whig of | §__orygtal Palace Orohestra. baby. uh thirteen years ago, For some years| mot. Westbrook; Stanley, en 7 [il] the years 1843 and 1872. .| 9.30--- Herma, Menth, two piano| Mrs. Joseph Ingram of Toronto, is he 'continued to manufacture cfieese | Smith; Charles and Dexter of es ; : . A message from W. E. Ricard, a recitals. * |srending a few days in Napanes with at Cataraqui, until he was appointed | Place and Mrs. Bruce Hepderson charter member living in Now York, por harents, Mr. aud Mrs. Hamilton pier maker at the daily schoo) after] Westbrook. of Fe Complete radio programmes sold | Loucks. the school was rebuilt. . As a cheese-| The funeral was conducted ai Sd : o t Canada Radio Stores. MiSs Helen Loyst, who fs attend- | over k all over the home of her son, Charles, on ; DRINK WATER 10 ,e . ores, . irg Faculty of Education, Jotonto; rid Pog ay known 4 best. Two |day, Rev. W. W. Brown om p i : : : : i spent the week-end In town with her he entered cheese In' the [thence to Harrowsmith vault, Lump .......... +++++$8,00 per ton J. E. HARTE CASE paresis, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lovat. | Koval Agricultural Shou. Londons Equal to Pocohontas : ~~ REMANDED A WEEK| Mrs. Truscott of West Huntington England, and was successful in car-| Tortoises are found for | Yas uses «+ $15.00 per ton | . 3 Is spending a few days in town with |rying off the third prise in a -com- cabbages and strawberries. and COKE: --.........$10.00 per load 'A ag~ | her parents, Mr. ad Mrs. M. B. Mills. | petition which was open to the Brit. a has Bo, os 2 > * i sini 8 to make love { OD SLABS (Cut) ttrrereeeaes. $4.00 por load Gh ; the ~ Slabs (Out) «-.............. $3.50 per load ) : hh where you must go a long way to be honor which he had brought to the So { ) : por. a hs [naughty without attracting atten Sounty: and made a presentation to tion, + ! him. It seems strange that nobody has {compiled an anthology of the 'best alibls. . "4 massed a

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