Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1926, p. 12

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day, March 18, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG _ = "The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place The British Why ED ADVERTAEIN CLASSIFI i classification, snd the hia Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: ily are Per hig or consecutive Mipimum AR aily rater per line daays ... days . , Ergagem rt i arsed. $1.60; as, th & pus: $l anks, and "Memoriam c - barged. 41 $1.50; cash, $1.00 = artion. ordered for Irregular ye takes the one-time inser- "26 ce pio Cash 4 3 on no ad taken for less Laan four lines, Suit six average words to the received by at The Brit. harged ads. bsp be n 6 days from rtion, cash rate one and hig Shel 1 thi he first date of Insel ili be allo ds. ordered for more than one nd stopped before expiration wi ly be charged for the number of f the ad. appeared and adjust. nt made at the rate earned. te' per line, for white space Is fhe same pecial Tate tor arty shvartising ;pon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit eject mil Classified sdvertising. h Be 243; ask for a want sd. March jeu Hos~ J. Creighton 4 ' 1938, "at oD tal, to Mr ewliands, & LiL Ontario, on at his son's resi- Connell. of 431 ral, RinKnos Ont., on Satur- LEN Sydenham on March 1923, ellington J. Carscal- in his 76th year. masice later. Monday, ingeten Sarah Ellen Flem- toved Site of William eins -- PILE TIRE CHAIN--- Found. may have same at Manufacturs AS a Inmarance Coppany, rock UNTAIN fternoon on may have D N--Found, on Saturday nn College Gro ds. n- Bo. Clarence Breet. Be Frontenac Loan 3 p.m. between 10a 1 lynx neck Fur, i nt on Earl or William Wioae ¢ please 'phone 332-J. ! AWN. 3. JAEGER MITT==Child's ound. ot, near Johnson St, on RB Albert nee owner may have same __Help Wanted a Female Help Wanted 8 CAPABLE MAID-General, wanted; no washing or ironing. Apply to.28 Bar- rie Street In evenings. EXPERIENCE BN Wanted. to * Mrs. Lessile, 4 47 App! fam Street. HOUSEK EBPER--Waniod for country; eforences famfly of two; convenient to daily trains and bus Hn. Good ages. Apply to Box J- 18 Whig Off MAND Tr eneral housework. Apply rdiner., 90 Johnson Street. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN-- Wanted for lisht housework; one in family, elder- y lady. Apply 396 Princess Street. MAID James F. MAID-Wianted for general housework. ya to 138 Albert Street or phone # Male and Female Help Wanted 8b AT ONCE----One rellable orderly and one reliable. cleaner. Apply to Sup- pr Kingston General Hospi a MEN AND ROYS WANTED- To pat- ronize J. W. Curzon's Barber op. Men's hair cuts, 2c. Shaves 10c. Boys' hair cuts 15¢c. ladies, 25c. 201 Wel- Mngton Street. Teachers VYanted 5 QUALIFIED TEACHER -- Wanted for school section No. §, Bedford. Salary Jao Apbly to Edward Turner, Sec.- Westport, Ont. Positions Wanted 6 YOUNG MAN--Of good standing; best references; good education; desires po- sition in cheese factory as helper; br tends learning business. Apply Box C»15, Whig Office. 'Real Estate For Rent _ Apartments and Flats 7 BATH FLAT--Of Three rooms, furnish- ed or unfurnished; all conveniences. Apply 6 Jenkin Street or 'phone 1319-J. FURNISHED APARTMENT @ Of 4 rooms, 1 bedroom, kitchen, dining room and living room. Suitable for family of two, without children. Ap- ply 236 Barrie Street, am Business Places . STORES -- Three stores, Princess Street, south wide; heated, commodious, rear entrance. Also fAxtures, mirrors, ete, for sale. Apply 1. Cohen & Co, On- tario Street. n STORE fonse and lot wanted. Apply to x K-18, Whig lg Office. 9 BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE -- 208 Alfred Street; modern cofiveniences; newly decorated. Apply 208 Alfred Street. HOUSE---Corner Colborne and Sydeu- ham streets, § rooms; 259 and 255 Ri- dean St, . rooms And § rooms; 61 Queen 8t., rooms; all improvements each. Agoly 185 Queen Street, Tele- pp Tousvy $14 Albert Street. ER _PUEPY : black, ack ; e and par on b bod Finder please 'phone Rewara ek kindly return to In- 7 anger Einaly Torn Rer GLOVE Gentleman's, Thureday ha ve Lost, wir phone 98! ing: yp RS 1 Bein rel a je lig! ole ugs for lamps, fans. be Sunshine 2 weal e and stables. Atiefact key at Gilberts Grocery, 1 4 Be "Phone "2 Possession at a 00. Apply J. B. Cooke, HOUSE-98 Earl Birget, § rooms and 3 raace, heating Raber Sek 130 gonsot Street, posite Phone Res or 1781-M. NEw HO SigEilorbeck Avenue, Just rooms. Apply om plet B Wathen, yr Nelgon street. to 4 ham fn Street, in front Whig ar urd jnolning. Dwne har Bieta is 3 § Oftice apd, SO denham, Haro vomith And Jisase return to Monday evening. Found, on eh war same at Jey, nave . ' ghain, found, in front 'Owner may have same Valve anted well H ana vi wn Pp Coresentalive, 66 Moy Avenue, may frend SIX ROOMED HOUSE ~~ To let on Charles Street; eléctric light and gas. Apply to H. ¥. orman, 69 Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. . | SOLID BRICK HOUSE--Bight rooms, situate ay 1st Apply King & Smythe, 71-13 Clarence treet, XK ngston, Ont, furnace and all egnvenientes, SEVEN ences, tir ingston Avenue, SIX-ROOMED HO At 556 Al Street, electric gas, re Jord new Sw Jecorated. Rent reasonable, once. 1 Princess Street. APpi. ta 1; Zacks SIX-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW - All modern: fireplace; gas fi Apply 18 embrokes Strecy: cooking. TEN ROOMED HOUSE--WIth store at- tach food business sppontunity ; ideal loca ity on corner. i 240 Montreal street or 'phone | ih, ooMED HOUSE--All convenl- t garden; close to car line. possession, Apply 37 Liv- 'Phone 2669-J. to sell Se in= Direet i wear: =r Tot. . Fooma "10 ; | FURNISHED ROOMS-wFop one or two amen for light b ki - ply 129 Union Btrect Wea ine. Ap FURNMHED FLAT--Of four rooms ax ONS OF 48 One or two apart light housekeepin Appl Y iam Street, corner Barre Steoet Pocahontas Smokeless Black Gem". ......:. Coke in Stove and Nut Choice, D wood Slabs James Swift & oe eee. , Body Hardwood and Hard- Foot of Johnson Street. +' Phone 125. Real Estate For Rent. Wanted To Rent 11 | nished or unfurnished; one large room | or one room with an arch, unfurnish- ed, on second floor, for mother and son. Apply 448 Johnson Street. SMALL FLAT OR HOUSE-- Containing | three or four rooms, wanted by March 27th. All conveniences and in central foenlity. Apply to Box E-17, Whig Office. Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land . ; Choice Farm 185 acres, two frame dwellings, in Adol hustown; faces Bay of five miles east of Picton. All Arg 1 About 25 acres plow- ed; 35 acres in fall wheat; fine SUBST bush, fruit trees. Finest scene in Canada, surrounded by summer resorts. Sep Pr Jie buyer. Title erfect. Mrs Dorland, 150 Ling Street, Bigmon: 'phone 12568-w. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $ Farm, immediate pos- session, 185 acres Ploughing done," well watered, good barns and stome house, maple bush; excellent new silo; 1 mile east of Westbrook, and 6 miles west of Kingston, on Provincial Highway. A real money-maker. Terms to suit. Would exchange for other 'property, city or eduntry. Apply Box D-16, Whig Office. or. Business Places For Sale or To Rent GARAGE in country village; good location, lighted with hydro power, with or without gasoline pump; battery charger, stock, etc. This garage also has a splendid Farm Implement and equipment business connected with it. Basy terms. Apply to Box H-18, Whis Oftice isin Houses 14 BRICK HOUSE Semi-detached; 7 rooms and bath; all modern improve. ments. Apply 19 44 Ordnance St. 'BUNGALOW rooms, modern, 2.990; brick, 8 rooms, modern, south, building Jota, central, south side. "Voy . farms city. Houses to Insurance. | 77 Mong 3 Joan. , OR. 851 Prinosss Street 'Phone 1189-7, JE. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. COUNTRY HOMii-- On Wolfe Island, twelve rooms, suitable for summer re- sort or club house for one or two Jamiliey, on waterfront, large fce- house, barn, large hen house, 4 acres of land. Good place for (poultry farm. Sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 19 Bills Street. HOUSE -- And five lots. New brick house; gil im vements; large veran- dah, garage. n house 40x14. Near Princaas, $4.908 for quick sale. Ap- of red Thomson, 110 Drayton Ave, ston. RBSIDENCE--S0lld brick, bs good ¢on- dition; all conveniences; 325 Univer- #ity Averiue. If very desirable local- ity. For, particulars, apply at the phone 2468-w. SIX ROOMED BRICK MOUSE -- On Princess Street, 3 bedfooms. slectric Jent. 3 plece bath, furnace, hw oors downstairs, verandah, Shee of lot 80 ft. frontage, deep. This js a gowl Dus. phisho. Apply M. Trumpb Street. ' 'Phone 704 or (2963. TEN-ROOMED HOUSE--Brick, all mod arn improvements, at 363 Barrie Street, fear Princess Street, Apply on prém- MULAN FOR MAY 1st--Ones single bedroom or | |OUT OUR WAY. (4 DION USE NO MICROMETERS 19 Real Estate For Sale Sale Ww anted To Buy giv DERRICK~~ Half to One ton derrick wanted to remt or buy, State eondi; tion and price. Apply to Box G-1 Whig Office. LIGHT DELIVERY WAGGON Wanted. Must be in good condition. Avply to 30 Plum Street or phone 2553-w ---------------------------------------- TiGaT SPRING WAGON-In good cons 'dition, wanted to buy. Apply 324 King Street or 'phone 933. = Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous +18 EASTER SUITS--i or 0.00. made (0 your order on easy Large, chotce of newest Javern, a. rit guar- Patter- anteed. 'Phone 2206-w. son, 120 Johnston Street. BABY CARRIAGT--White Nicker; also te Wicker Stroller. Bath in good condition; cheap. "Phone 2097-J. BABY OUHICKS -- Bred-to-lay Barred Rock Baby Chicks of Guild and John- ston #train, April batons $20.00 per hundred. May 'hatch $15.00 r hun- dred Apply 3 ta Mrs, John W. Spence, 'Brewer's BLANKETS---Robes a bargain; second hand drill, Lion Disc Harrow; 2 sets sleighs. See our new Cockshutt Disc Drills, 3 Spring Tooth Cultivator, Lion Disc Harrows, De daval Separators and Milkens at Frost & 00d Ageney J. PF, Cramer, 31 Brock ooh honé 585-J. or 1217-F. BABY UHICKS--Pure bred to lay. Bare red Rocks, White Wyandottes, R. IL Reds and White Leghorns. Discount for early orders. Your eggs hatched if desired. Kingston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street, Kingston. FISH AND CHIPS-The oldest fish and chip cafe gn city. W. F. Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Houfs 5 am. 1.00 ¢ deliver. Phone 2635-m. , all grades of Re am, NOTICE---This week onl Mattresses renova: or x g- ular price $4.00. New tick extras at cost. Also new Mattress at reduded ices. 'Phone 1861-J. Frontenac sttress Co. 377 King Street Kast. PONY-For sale; 11 hands. Quiet to frivs. Apply J. T. Eves, 171 Raglan oad, PIANO Mason & Risch hl slightly used;. in perfect condit Price reasonable. - Terms to suit. W. Lindsay Lid 121 Princess Street. PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED cks, R.I Reda, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. per cent. guar- antead live delivered. Five us your | usr 'Phone 181-w., Your eggs atohed if cesired. Marshall, King- ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. Cc. EW. Real Estate and A eins nve Broker Johnson and Division Streeis Phone 539-w. See Advt Page & Lump * ...$12.00 ton sree + + $12.00 ton sizes .....$15.00 ton coin), $4.00 load - FURNACE---For sale. Phone + Eh Coat, Practi~ Re imported, Ban-I' an sleeves, half eae" a ape ohn#ton Street, corner Diy ni e Sires in 8 Con Limited Leder, "30 ieee | NERY SIMPLE! ITS ALL NTH FEEL! Ts So THAT DELLE The. READS - MY EVES ANT | "ES, VERN SIMPLE, BUT SD 1S HE! iTS ALL WN TH FEEL --AN tF NOL DONT FEEL WELL" aPeeHrM IF YOU FEEL "WORKING TN THOUSANDTHS, Articles For Sale Miscellaneous 15 SET OF SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS --~ior sale. Apply to Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. SQUARE PIANOw=In good ndition; also Antique Clock. Wil} sell cheap. Apply 19 Ellis Street. 'Phome 1523-w. UPRIGHT PIANO--In good condition. Price reasonable. Apply at 149 Col- borne Street. YOUR AUTO PARTS-Silverware can be replated like new. Phone 380. Part- ridge . Wire & Iron Works. Gates, Fetces, etc, close prices. Two Electric Motors For Sale. 1 horse power Wagner Motor «1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 220 volts, A.C, 1 horse po ~ Cush Motor, 1800 R.PM., 60 cycle, 110 volts, 1 phase. : BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING C0. (LIMITED) KING ST, "PHONE 2014, HE'S AFRAID Y "MH EGG TMT T' FEEL AN CRACKED TH' i 7 ey 2 tun SY Wea SERVICE. WG, . A BY WILLIAMS. [----"reerwee: \ Personal as LADY--=Wanted to correspond with & ein of good reputation and ng & fair amount of means; Object matrimony. Address Box A-l Whig Office. b h Hemstitching 28 Icon, BDGING w- Hemstitohing. Ung, work = guaranteed. Mrs. Fiala, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess rest. 'Phone 2433-1. iS HAIR WORK FIRST Sikoe Tata Al bbed curls, swit mations, ches, sham- , SOL ing, dies ani and poOIng. SS a Bot ot. MK agston oe i RA MARGEL WAVING fied EL pg wiser, {ue PERMANENT WAVING. For the very latest in Ladies' hair Ce : dressing. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. v. B. KINGSBURY 209 pul Se Street. "Phong 3015-3. Insurance ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in old * companies of highest financial ah jo ne ALK King, Saset East. 'Phones FIRE---Automobile and Casusity Jon A ance." E. M. Crumley, 420 Ea 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANCE--Only the most Ae companies represented. e & Strange, establighed in 1860 mice: 5% Clarence Street, opposite Post Danes. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol- ly will protect your salary. All lines of Fire and Automobile Insurance. B Williams, 2 Couper street. Decorators A. ANDERSON Painter and Decorator. Shop and residence phone 19686. fice ri "kine Street. GET YOUR PAINTING--And or val done now. Prices reasonable. of- DRY HARDWOOD-=Any ply Highway Service an corner Princess and Smith 'Phone 2706. , load. ory mixed Er 00. .76. Split 26c. extra. er cover, $2.75 per load. Dry wsof son and McDowvald Streets. ty & & y © Croets. Dee Dr bod maple pas r Bry ha ood $3.60 A load. F maple Dry Kladling ul 'Phone 1439-J. Mrs. Ray Parker, corner John- paper, for ule. Bryant, 307 Ba PAPER HANGING -- Why not that room decorated this month ring rush ? Workma at reasonab ices. you _ our new $26 sam H. Rowley. 'Phone 1382-F. ¥ ROOMS-Pa rad. anywhere in elt have fore the Pra. PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL ~Carload stove in now. Ohestnut brrived and ready, bution. "Phons 2382 I ut rice $15.50 delivered. C. Carload of for distri-| suburb, §4. My t, 679 cess Street. % Pohe --_-- SIGN PAINTING=cd 5 "Robinson, a, 376 bagot Stree Pr D--Mixed body and soft wood slabs, $3.60 load; bod 34.00 quarter boid, 4. P preiers & son WOoOoD--MIi wood slabs; cedar kindung, $3. 75 Joad: hard- hard Wosd FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS--Wanted to loan on good city produ perty. Value fifteen thousand. en seven per cent n ngham, Agent, Clarence Street. - corner Torouto and 'Phone 889." WOOD---Best of Mixed Wood $3.00 quarter of a cord; hard under cover, $2.75 of a oord. Yard, oor. Ba 'Phone 2956-J. Wanted To Buy d Bagot Streets. 19 other fill wanted a school, ¢Donald Street. 10c. per load. 206 Erontanac Street. and Pressing 20 wih new pay Apply to H. W. Wats, VRUNTENAU LOAN ° NT SOCIETY er 1881 President, D. tw prea FA Se. Farrany Money loan on And farm - te tee old Bn . STORAGK-=For fur e, clean, ink airy ooms and spa ; your own an y. Frost's Murage 398 306 S9-W. ueen St. Phone 26. or 2516-m. ROBERTSON-- Tailor, Ci Krenn made up. and up. 273 Bagot str root hs Repairing: J your rn | YIFS STORAGE WAREHOUSE- Pop furniture or any merchandise. proof building. 'Phene 1000 or win 3 ey -sold cunt Cra M,C « ér, 507 Princess ree Leases Antique ne SFR is eed he Slabs. LD FURNITURE L1 oon oT! | rrofesstonay FBAUEITIONER - W. A service. Cotes ment. "Series tole- phone $57-J.. Lue F. and Jennie A. Chiro- tors, tered Nurse, 203 rest. 951-w. urs 9-13, 1-5, 8-7.30. tation free. . Moles, Cancers, ent ft and |. have a a3 my anos Ely ~= Hair, 'Skin aved Ne hmarie, Waris, Bear rnished afte e. Goltre eured pars ex Snes. Dr. J. La Ear, . Throat, Skin. t Street. Phone 801w. House 113! Carpenter Work 25h CARPENTER WORK--All kinds of cers penter work, contracting or day work. Hardwood ors 8 specialty. Cha moderate, unter, '73 Pembro Street. Phone $48-w. Miscellancous ut of cel : r fob db A. a fT Eo Wd SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES. Pei Good teams, careful drivers. Genéral team work done. hares given Caverly Transfer Co., Upper Street. 'Phone 1607-4. Expert Piano Tuning, Player-Piano Adjusting, Phone 1544. : C. W. LINDBAY, Ps UPHOLSTERING-And ~ sah, EER eT tar Sha i] dst Welli Public. 2648 ~~Barrister, Solici- ng- wp Skye Snare = op i mn Word area, iy pars -- ? REE Ape y. caretal dsliore Sood i fret class dry

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