3 &: |The Daily British Whig: KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, RE DAY "GRAND DUCHESS YEAR 98; No. 65. Trying to Bring the Political Do WILL CHAMBERLAIN RESIGN AS | Kingston Hockey Team a Port - i BRITAIN'S FOREIGN SECRETARY? rr is Goren Ps Hong Bry Blt 0 Bing Mou fs nem oa ori | Political and Briand Are Blamed ot Collapse at Geneva. says: "Speed versus strength," This tion from the local men of promi London, March 18---Discussion of | Briand of France, is declared to be it is declared will be the deciding nence.- An invitation for a drive [factor in the Kingston-Fort William around the Twin Cities was cordially Sir Austen Chamberlain's mission to | the author of the Geneva collapse, Geneva will be the feature of next contest tonight. The' Kingston team given us. We hope to accept the |is far heavier than the Fett William same for to-morrow. representatives, but will find the lat- '"To-night's the night, and the boys week's sessions Jf the' House of Commons, and it is possible, al- though this has not yet finally been fastest expect a stiff battle, but are not lack- fof ante of the fastest Sexieties over detgmined upon, that & vote of cen- "ifr be moved against him. In su 18, 1926. CRIPPLE PPPEPIOOS MILLION BUS RIDERS PRESENT A PETITION BRACKIN DOES NOTSPEAKFOR LIBERALS Leader Sinclair Repudiates His Stand the LTA z A STRONG STATENENT Made by Mr. Sinclair in Legisle- ture---Liberal Party Stands for Temperance. London, March 18--1It took 11 sturdy men to carry into 'the House of Commons yesterday petitions from different parts of London bearing nearly 1, 000,000 signatures agalust a reduction in the omnibus ser- vice in the metropolis. The Ministry of Transport has de- creed that, in order to lighten the .positively appalling traffic congestion, a considerable num- ber of the motor buses must be withdrawn from the streets. Mr. James T. Sutherland wires to- day from Port Arthur to the Whig as follows: Hon. J.- A. Robb Intimates in the House "of Commoas. NOT ANNOUNCING YET PREP FLRRSEP CII I PODS $4242 240 0400080020000 Recognize Germany. Geneva, March '18.--The decision by the League of Nations Council at its secret session last night to pull Germany on the commission which is to study the revision of the cove- nant clauses concerning the compo- sition of and methods of election to the Council rouses considerable dis- cussion today, The decision was in- CEFF REPEOOISIOIOITS CO-OPERATION BASIS OF FARM SUCCESS Ontario Agricultural Com- Sales Tax Will Be Reduced ~Dr. Edwards' Opinion. tu out at the head of the lake. ing in confidence. 'We are very com- . fortably located ath the Prince Are Great interest in the coming contest thur hotel and will enter into" enter | !® Shown by local fans, thousands of cage the present Indications are that the foreign secretary would be saved by a big Conservative major- Into to-night's battle in the hope that | Whom will witness to-night's game ours will be the victory. If real/and the ushering in of a cold wave determination counts, we should |this morning promised 1deal ice con- make a good®showing, but 1.200 ditions, ity. Therq are rumors that he may forestall an 'attack upon him by re- signing his $ Bortzolte, although these Seem to be based on speculation. [Sereteen Chinese Students The antl-Government press is mak- , 8very effort to bring about the litical , downfall of Sir Austen mberiain, who, with Premier &. R terpretedéby many as indicating that the Council virtually regards Ger- meny as a member of the League de- tion on her application for member- ship until September. Germany's ac- ceptance of répresentation commission is expected. DAILY CATCH OF BASS IS REDUCED TO FIVE Lofature Committee Will ot Establish Closed Season for Bear. ---------- Toronto, March 18--The fish and fame committee of the Legislature at a meeting today rejected the re- pmmendation of various hunters as- plations fof a closed season for r. The committee also decided to leave the present regulations on beaver in effect for another year. A recommendation that shooting does be prohibited by permitting on- ly shipment of bucks | pring the deer rason was not ado The 200-yard limit on ducks was > BRIAND LAUDS GERMANS. | Conditions. (Geneva, March 18.--An outstand- ing feature of the assembly session yesterday was a tribute to the Ger- man delegation by Premier Briand. which was so eloquent and moving that the delegates separated pro- foundly convinced that -Franco-Ger- man relations, instead of having suf- fered from the present impasse, had actually made a step forward. M. Briand's famed oratory was never more resonant. While the French Premier was lauding the German - delegations' sincerity; calmness, patience and nobility of Agar under trying con- ditions," ' Chancellor *Luther and Foreign Minister Stresemann were listening table speech by radio: in their hotel a block from the as- sembly ball. The German spite yesterllay"s adjournment of ac, on the | For Nobility of Heart Under Trying | COMMITTEE TOLD OF * HUACKING EPISODE On a Street In Montreal--Two- Barrels of Oustoms Whiskey Taken. Ottawa; March 18.--A hijacking | episode on a street of Montreal was recounted before the customs com- mittee this morning by C. M, Latimer, driver, who carried goods fog customs office in that city. structions of one of the customs of- ficers, Latimer took two barrels of whiskey from the office and was driv- ing through the streets when he was | assaulted by four men. was thrown over his head, and he! was pulled down. According to his own story, "'a'lady" jumped. in the sleigh and drove it self was not inju ported the incident to Officer Daigle, of the Department, whose only com- ment was: gone." The same driver testified to having fmequently delivered bottles from, .the customs | office to' indtvid- uals R. D. Tighe, of Edmonto, was, on Killed by Peking Guards Peking, March 18-----Seventeen students were killed and six- teen wounded taday By guards who fired on a thousand stud- ents who werems demonstrating before the cabinet offices. The ,demonstration was in protest against the government's ac- quiesence to the mitimatum of the powers regarding the res- toration--of free -eommunication between Peking and Tientsin and the sea. = SMOKED AND OHEWED OVER NINETY YEARS! Peterboro, March 18--- To have smoked and chewed tobacco for more than ninety years is a record to which few Canadisns can lay a claim, yet such is the assertion of James Hendley of She. township of Burleigh, po driver, hunger," his. 104th birthday on 'Monday, March 15th, and who is still active, hale 4 | Liberal party who adopted 'Toronto, March 18.--Before the orders of the day,in the legislature yesterday afternoon, W. E. N. Sin- clair, X.C., Liberal leader, replied to R. L. Brackin's government control speech of Tuesday, which was made against the arrangements of the Lib- eral leader and whip, who had ex- pected Harold Fisher, Liberal fin- ancial ¥ritic to speak. After pointing ont that both J, A. Pinard, who moved the adjournment Friday, in order that' Mr. Brackin might speak, and Brackin, took an active part in forming the 'temper ance policy of the Liberal party Mr. Sinclair declared, "They have chosen to create discord in the ranks of the Liberal party in this house by aban- doning and denouncing A the they created without consulting the their policy and platform of 1919. They have a right to their individual opin- fon on any questions. They do not speak for the Liberal party when they speak and act as.they have done in, debate. The honorable member for West Ottawa is the recognized fin- ancial critic of the Liberal party. It was his right to move the adjourn- ment of the debate and speak first, following a custom in vogue here for years. policy | mittee Advises Standard Products for Export. Toronto, March 18---The report of the agricultural committee of the legislature was tabled in the On- tario house yesterday, and advises that the outlook . for marketing in larger volume in England should be considered representatively * and without delay in_connection with the work of the imperial economic committee. The eo ittee does not accept the view that represemtation by the federal departments of trade and commerce and agriculture is enough. With regard to co-operation, the report, which was tabled by Hon. David Jamieson, chairman of the committee, says: "We recommend a co-operative council for Ontario. Without making definite recommendations at the present time, concerning the conmsti- tution and the representative mature of such a council, we are of the opinion that the Wisconsin, as well as Manitoba co-operative law, also to functions of the State of Wiscon- sin department of markets, which is fn charge of a market commissioner, should first be carefully studied. Ottawa, March 18--Intimation of Some moderation of the burden of taxation was given in the House o Commons yesterday afternoon Hon. J. A. Robb, Minister of Fis- ance, on a resolution proposed by T, L. Church, of Toronto, calling for & reduction in income tax. While he did not make any definite promise that it would be in either the in- come tax or the sales tax, the minis- ter declared that he "hoped to give some little relief to the people.' What that will be must remain a sec ret, until after Easter, when the bud- gel will be brought down. "Mr. Church maintained that the |income tax was formerly the exclu sive right of the provinces, and as they had not many sofirces of re enue, it should be restored to them now that the war, which had led t the invasion of the provincial Meld by the federal authorities, was over. He further argued that the income tax was as excessive burden on the salaried class, who provided 85 per cent, of jt, and who were liable to provincial and municipal taxes which would not be so heavy if municipal ties had .the right to fmpose own income tax {mstead of the inion Government. motion of D. M. Kennedy, of Bd- monto, appointed junior counsel to the committee, "The financial critic in the bud- and hearty, 3 ; got debate speaks for official Liberal lor "was profoundly the eloquence of tHe great French Manitoba P Plan. Canada Not Heavily Taxed, : conderve the game "fish of the prove ince. Lunge and pickerel 'were left as they are. erent EWART AND SKELTON 90.70 WASHINGTON \ hnister of Interior to Discuss] » the Questiori of Water Ottawa, March 18--Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister of the Interior, companied by Dr. Oscar Skelton. jider Secretary of Btate for Exter. Affairs, and Chief ineer Johnston, of the Water wers well as the water powers, but the Chicago drainage diversion and its oct. upan- Jake levels. wiY alte, be & o latter question, has come repeatedly in the House, and heavy. _ Official of orator, while Dr. Stresemann re- marked simply: "Never before has any French minister said such a fine thing about Germany. " To Avoid Re-Election. Ottawa, March 18--Cabinet mints- election when accepting Cabinet po- sitions, if a motions placed on the order paper by A. BE. Maclean (Lib- eral, Prince) is given effect. ORANGEMEN GATHER IN ANNUAL SESSION Qrand' "Lodge of of Eastern On- tario Holding Convention in Belleville. "Belleville, March 18. --The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East, com. prising the Orange lodges of 25 couh- ties, assembled here yesterday in the sixty-seventh annual session. Thare Was an inusually large attendance of the brethren, particularly from the '{ Counties of Hastings and Prince Ed- | ward. : Grand Master H. A. Graham of Kingston, addressed the gathering. The business of Grdnd Lodge was suspended to listen to an address of welcome from Mayor Graham{ A unique part of the ceremony was the fact that two of his namesakes, H. A. Graham, Grand Master, and W. Graham, former Mayor of Lindsay, replied, The aaventh annual session of the Provinefal Grand Lodge of Ontario of the Ladies' ters will not be required to sesk re-' to January 1 last during which they 'his 87th year. The deceased's mother DR. EDWARDS' QUESTION --e ~i As to Cost of Ministers Without P N Ottawa, March 18--"'With respect to the following Ministers and ex- Ministers without portfolio, Hon. Messrs, Marler, Massey, Sinclair; McGiverin and Dandurand, what has been the cost to the country, Inclusive of . expenses, secretarial and other assistance, of each of such j ministers for each of the years up 4 were in office," asks Hon. J. W. Edwards, Conservative of Fronten- ac-Addingron, in a question placed seri second game will be played Friday. : - FIRST GAME TIED, Western Junior Teams, Winnipeg and Calgary, Even Count, Winnipeg, March 18.-- Winnipeg and Calgary played a 3 to 3 tie here Tuesday n'ght in the first game of a two-game series to decide which team will hold the Western Canadian jun- for championship for 1926. The winner will take the Abbott Cup and earn the right to play the Eastern champions for the Dominion the The nipr title. = Total goals of will decide the winner. on the order paper. of the House ot AUSTES DRUG STORE Commons. pottish Chief's Cornwall, March 18--Gléngarry is mourning the death of one of its most noted residents, Angus Mec- Donald, who died on the farm on which he was born at Glenroy, in Was a relative of the first bishop of | re Deceased will be buried in on the torner MOVES UP ONE BLOCK A Glengarry McDonald, Dies Leases Splendid Store at Oorner of WeNington and * Princess An important business deal was closed on Wednesday, as a result of which the Austin Drug Store will be moved to the commodious premises Princess gnd Wel- Canada. the historic cemetery at St. Rap- hael. In thet cemetery is buried his great-grandfather, lingston streets, until recently oc- cupied by Modler & Co. This is one of the finest locations in the city end admirably suitad to, the drug business. 'Mr. Austin has secured a ten-year lease of the property, and Eastern Orange Be-| nevolent Association also opened | '| here yesterday, . _ There are over]. ism. I spoke in the debate on the ad- dress and expressed the view of of- ficial Liberalism upon the O.T.A. until a convention of Liberals pro- nounce' otherwise. "I will go further and say that no member of the Liberal party in this house, while he conducts a business in another province which by law is illegal in this province, as doeg the member for East Ottawa, or any membe®™ of the Liberal party in this house who holds a retainer as solici- tor for distillery interests, as does fhe member for West Kent, will be recognized as speaking. for the Lib- eral party in this house upon' the temperance questions. "Members of all. parties in this house will regret the episode which has occurred and will discountenance the effort made to disrupt this legis- lature on a question which thought- ful men wish solved by careful thought and disinterested parties." Claims Specific Serum Te gr Eps \ Rochester, N.Y., March 18---A spe- citic serum for the cure of erysipelas and produced from a single type of streptococus erispelitas has been an- nounced here by Dr. Konrade Birk- haug, assistant in bacteriology at the School of Medicine of the University of Rochester. Dr. Birkhaug, who began study of 'the serum while at Johns Hopkins, declared that never before has the specific serum been ordered. He said 'that through its injection dur- ing the first three days no 12 to 18 hours, and dec | depression and skin eruption. Agcording to Dr. Birkhadg, the the | with advsaced cases, but that its use 10 various tests had brought mumer- {oun Instances of recover. v -------------- "The province of Manitoba has set up an advisory council on co- operative marketing the function of which is to co-relate tie aims and activities of the various associations with a registrar or associations re- sponsible to the minister of agri- culture, The committee has careful- ly considered plans for a co-opera- tive council constituted to represent the co-operative associations now in existence. "It falls outside our scope to sug- gest remedies for the dumping of interior eggs on the Canadian mar- ket. Statistical evidence makes the fact abundantly clear that the home market has been greatly stimulated by its steady Improvement of dom- estic poultry products. The same complaint exists as to the dumping of Canadian chicks. We can only point again fo the responsibility that rests with the federal govern- ment. DOMINION'S SHARE IN LOCARNO PACTS House of Lords Discusses Can= adian Premier's State- ment on Publicity. London, March 18---The attitude of the Dominions towards the Lo- carno treaty as raised in the House of Lords yesterday by Lord Parmoor, who referred to Premier Jowrt ng's statement in the of gee FeV ji Mr. Robb was not, however, pre. pared to agree with the argument of the member from Toronto, A though the war was over, the Hable lities incurred in it by the Canadian people still remained and had to be met. He contended, and quoted fig ures to support his contention, that Caenada bore less taxation of various kinds than did either Great Britain or other parts of the commonwealth of nations,.gnd even less than the Ubited States. Quite a variety of suggestions were proffered the Minister of Fin- aace from various parts of the House, Mr. McLean, looked for the solu- tion of many problems by the amals gamation of the two railways, while W. D. Buler urged the abolition of the "nuisance taxes," about which business men from all parts of the country have periodically complain- ad as being of a nature to hamper business without bringing much re- venue to the public treasury. He also put forward the suggestion of a tax on stock market transactions and advocated the basing of the in tax on the income of a hres period, as being more caviai business men subject to the re Sot. tions of trade, This latter proposal found a supporter in T. L. Progressive from Lisgar, but his col- league, John Millar, of Qu'Appelie, held that income tax was the fairest form of taxation that could be devis-