S LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613 Private Phone 857w. NO Se. w= "An annual linen shower for the' Dieu Hospital was held on ; Bi 17th in St, Jgseph Hall and a Wednesday the 'guests were re- "geived by Mrs: 'W. D. Sughrue, the ent, assisted by Mrs. Peter ¢ Peviin, Quanaities of linen and the trance fee were taken at the door | + Miss M. O'Connor and Miss M. pley, and 'around the room were , all decorated with the green at is the color of Ireland's patron pint. At the home cooking' table, . W. G. Bailey and Mrs. Fred mb were conveners and Mrs. M. ih and Miss B. McCormack sold aprons, A table with sweets in "green boxes was in charge of Mrs, A. 'B. Lawlor, Miss Corinne Madden and "Miss Irene Nicholson, The charming- 9y arranged tea table was centred ith a large green harp set in green tulle and flanked with two tall can- painted with shamrocks #hd set in sliver candlesticks. Here Mrs. J. Lawrence and Mrs. W. J. Logue pour ted, assisted by Mrs. J. Sowards d Miss Margaret Bailey, Several pung girls asked for throws on a peautiful doll and on a 'large box of enndy. J * sw The assembly hall of the Eastern Dairy School was decked in green d white in honor of St. Patrick on ednesday evening when the King- pn Junior Farmers' Association the Frontenac Junior Women's titute gave a pleasant dance. 1 erhead were streamers cleverly 'made, and the lights were hung with " Shamrocks, even the pretty white eurtains at the windows, that are a } rrr | COMING EVENTS ) The annual meeting of the Women's Liberal Aseocimdon will be held on Friday, March 19th at 7.30 p.m. sharp, in the Y.W.C.A. A social half hour will be held dfter the meeting. ) ADVY. RATES, WOMAN'S PAGE! + Coming events. not intended to False m . 2c. a word; minimum JIE held lo hiss money, fc. & um $1. he engagements, mAr- riage announcements, personal no- tices, 25 words or less, $1.00 per Insertion. Entertainments, concerts, , meet ings, etc, 15c. per line for readers; 10¢. per line for Qisplay advts. Minj- mum charge §1.00. recent addition to the hall, were tied with green. Supper was served and « special treat was the delicious homemade candy made by the Insti- tute girls. The guests were receiv- ed by Miss Aleatha Gates and Mr. James Henderson, the presidents of the clubs, and, Miss Lillas Henderson Miss Helen Wilmot, Messrs. G. H. Sibbit, Harold Cliff and Willlam Patterson. Sid Fox and His Serenad- ers provided the excellent music and altogether the party was a jolly one. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sirett, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zufelt and several mem- bers of the Dairy, School staff and their wives were present. » . . Green and gold was the color scheme of the decorations used at the Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday when the Ladies Auxiliary gave. their an- npal St. Patrick's tea. The entrance fee was taken by Mrs. W. Gill and Mrs. M. Vanluven and the guests were received by Mrs. R. H. Ward, the president, and Mrs. C. C. Nash. Attractive tables were surrounded by buyers and laden with good things. At the home made table Mrs. T. Moore and Mrs. E. Spencer were in charge and the prettily ar- ranged candy table was presided over by Mrs.-Charles Anglin. Aprons was sold by Mrs. Walter Cooke and Mrs. F. Angrove awd the novelty ta- 'ble was in charge of Mrs. J. H. Hopbpes and Mrs, T. J. Lockhart. The tea table centred the daffodils and gey with green favors was presided over by Mrss Oliver Chow, Mrs. D. A. Shaw and Mrs. John Wright. The tea was a most successful one and a good sum was realized. CR On Tuesday evening the Wo- men Teachers' Association gave an exceedingly pleasant party in. Vie- toria school. Each teacher was dressed to represent a book, and great fun came from guessing the various books represented. A sing- song, in which many old favorites were tunefully sung, was added to by a faculty song composed by one of the teachers, Miss I. Bureau. This is a Sniqus tumposition and all' the ught into jt. most tlaverly. Miss Bureau also sang during the qvening, and Miss Easson and Miss nald contributed a duet to the programme, while Miss Mildred Lee recited. The table from which refreshments were served was gay with St. Patrick's decorations. Tall green candles in green sticks and tiny green candles were set among the shamrocks that were reminiscent of the "Green Isle." Miss Cunningham and Miss Davis presid- ed at the silver tea and coffee ser- vices assisted by the teachers. . . Badminton was played at the Armouries on Saturday by the mem- bers of the Garrison Club and sev- eral people came in for tea. Among those present were Col. Constantine, Col. and Mrs. Schmidlin, Col. and Mrs. Harris, Coli and Mrs. Alexander, Major and Mrs. Tremaine, Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson, Mts. Holloway Waddell, Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, - Mrs, BE. H. Bickford, Mrs. Heber Late. Mrs. Travers Hora, Mrs. F. M. Har vey, Capt. and Mrs. Ronald Fortt, 'Capt. and Mrs. Westmorland, Mrs. Frederick Alderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eliot, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss | Amy McGill, Miss Emma Pense, Miss '| Alleen Rogers, Miss Aline and Miss Edith Col. Cecily = Rutherford, Miss Ritchie, Miss Gwen Dawson, Dawaes, Major Williams. eo. 2 An Interesting event took Pata s on Mr. and Mrs. James Hendry, Fron- tenac street, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. | Hendry were married - March 15th, lite and happlhess. A vefy jolly time was spent in dancing, music, voeal Messrs. C. E. Patience, L. B. | ruthers, T. Thomas Gibson and Miss M. Austin. [Many of the girls wore green frocks and much of the music was Irish, "Come Back to Erin" being a fav- orite. The committee included Car- D. Dufour, H. M, Graham and H. L. Tobin (convener). ss * Mr. and Mrs. James Cruze, Alfred street, gave a delightful St. Patrick's Day party on Wednesday , evening when five hundred was played and the prizes were won by Mrs' W. J. Arniel, Mrs. H. L. McCrum and Mr. MW. Laird and Mr. J. Lemmon, Dainty refr ahments were served during the evening. * * * Mrs. Stewart M. Robertson, Syd- enham street, entertained at bridge on Wednesday afternoon for her cousin, Mrs. Randal K. Robertson, Montreal. Green decorations were about the rooms and on the tea table, and all thé confections were in St. Patrick's colors. Mrs. Garnet Ldckett made tea and Miss Grace Mooers cut the ices. The prizes were won by Mrs. W. K. Macnee and Miss Ruth Martin. > * . Sir Arthur and Lady Currie are entertaining at an at home on Thurs- day, March 25th, at the Rjtz-Carl- ton, in hohor of Lord dnd Lady Al- lenby. * » . Mrs. Duncan McArthur, Welling- ton street, entertained at bridge on Wednesday afternoon for her guest, Miss Alison Dickison, London, Ont. when Miss Polson made tea at the effectively arranged table. . . . Miss Dickison, Londorw, Ont. is visiting Prof. and Mrs. Duncan Me- Arthur, Wellington street. Mr.-and Mrs. Jack Hickey, John- son street, have returned from At- lantic City and Florida. Mrs. W. B.. Dalton, Johnson 'street, has returned from Toronto. Mrs, J. Howard Box, Arnprior, and her little daughter, Jean, are with Mrs. Box's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street. Mrs. A. L. McTear, Trenton, is visiting her daughters, the Misses Bessie and Lucia McTear, Univer- sity avenue. (Continued on Page 12) A number of tickets are'still avail- able for the Horicultural Society dance on Friday evening and may be had by phoning 2028M. Miss Frances Nickawa the cele- brated Indian entertainer, will give a concert with "Hiawatha set .to music, and other selections, in Syden~ ham street Sunday school hall, on Friday, March 19th, at 8 pm. Miss Daisy Chown will also give a piano solo. The Editor Hears That in spite of the frosty nights and -the cold wind that keep the suow on the shady side of the street, the walks" are béing cleared ~ and soon will be dry enough for even the prudent to discard rubbers. But this desired result would be accom- plished more quickly if household- ers and institutions would take the snow and ice off when the sun has melted it. They leave it on the walk for everyone to wade through and at night it freezes enough to give them excuse to say it is frogem. But all the walks in Kingston that get the morhing sun could be clear- ed by this time if a determined effort were made, That the Wolfe Islanders expeet to see the ice in the harbor at Eas- ter. There is no sign of it getting thin as yet, and it takes more than two weeks generally for the harbor to_clear even after the ice is weak 'ening, That the knitted frock and sult will be even more the vogue than ever this year and ensemble knitted suits with long coats are exceeding- ly smart and are being shown in Kiggston shops. That Kingston may have a visit from an overseas visitor of note this spring who will arrive ia Montreal Monday evening, March 15th when | SR st Charles Recipe Book Simply send a card letter to The ) Co. Limited, Mont- real, to receive this beau illustrated boo of practical re- i 32 Pages I --, HER OWN' WAY By a Girl of To-day. IRISH BLOOD. In 4 moment all was confusion. Sterns the manager, and Sellers, the house detective were immediately on 'the spot, Horton had managed to plant one good blow in Jimmie's face, but he had caught his tooth in his lip and he was a mess in a bright red stiff bosom shirt as the detective helped him up. Sterns tried to push Jimmie and me into his office, but the moment ke laid his hand on me, Jimifie's fighting blood was up. He would have none of it. - He hauled off and lcoked so flerce that the manager 'backed down. "Young man," he said, "you can't make a rough house here You get cut and you too, young woman. You gc with him. I've had quite enough trouble with you ever sihce you've been here. You don't seem to Tre- niember that I took you in"when you were on your uppers." "Cut it. Cut it out," saidfimmie with his fists clenched in the man- ager's face as he opened his face to say more. "You can make up your mind I'll be glad to get out of this biasted dump. Come on, Judy." Wa started for the hat-checking ¢ounter, when the manager Tellow- ed: "Here, I want your name. and ad- dress, young man, Lear you call this young woman by some other name than the one she gave us? Jimmie looked at me in conster- nation. He did mot know whether he had spilled the beans or not. At the sight of my face he recovered and blurted out: "You go to hell, will you?" With this he turned and followed me the hat rack. "Get your hat and coat quickly, Judy. Let's get out of this. I guess we've picked up a devil of a rum- pus, enough to last these people for some time." Mamie had started forward as she saw me coming and she was helpmg we on with my coat. "Say, Julie, is that your gengle- man friend?" "No, dear, I'll introduce him to you if you like. He's a mice chap. Miss Riley, this is an old friend of nine from home, Jimmie Costello. I guess you know enough about what's just happened to know that we're not very welcome here. We're golag out to some dinner now." . Mamie understood immediately. fhe knew I didn't want Jimmie Cos- tello or anyone else to know that I was, friendless in the city of /Chi- cago. She neglected a man who wanted his hat and was asking if he couldn't get a little service while she talked to Jimmie and me. "Let him take you out to ou apartment when you've finished your dinner and I'll come home as soon as I can." have Next: Explanations. AUNT HET "I aimed to put this table cover in the wash, but. Emmie phoned she an' the children was comin' over for sup- " Tao CONNAN You Can Buy. It In 1b. and 11b; Packages, Too! And, didn't 1} around |, Comfort Ly~ removes it Dissolve a can of Comfort L gallon water. Apply with an old a acl BUY ADVERTISED GOODS The Sure Way To A Square Deal q Knitted Suits, Coats and Dresses FOR SPRING WEAR Fashion's popular styles in tlfe new: colors; all exclusive models. W. N. Linton & Co. The Waldron Store FRIEDBERG THE GREAT PIANIST UNDER THE AUSPICES OF = 'S UNIVERSITY, "March 19th, 1926