o LENTEN BOOKS We list below six inspirational books that have a particular appeal dusing the Lenten season. THE MODERN USE OF THE BIBLE ; THE ETHICAL TEACHING OF JESUS ..., SONGS OF SERVICE AND SACRIFICE THROUG! ERNAL SPIRIT THE L. OF HEREAFTER ....... GREAT CANADIAN PREACHING ..,. "ADVENTUKES IN UNDERSLANG R. RUGIOW & CO. ..Dr. Jordan Dr. McFadyen ++ J. Patterson Smyth . W, Harold Young David Grayson The delicate touch of the true artist is well represented in : the display of beautiful Prayer I Beads now being shown at Kin- 4 near & d'Esterre's. Some of the most l noticeable examples are in Amethyst, To- t paz and Jet, alene, p f with pure white cry- stals. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS ? 168 PRINCESS STREET W. C. Cannon my Barres PRINCESS wr." Per and in combination Aaah ah a a aia Adhd ia ha aa 4 oa THE DAILY LY BRITISH WHIG 1 CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | 1. Allowance 8. 2, 14. Pertaining on 15. 186. 18. 19. 20. 22. 23. 24. 26. ai. Satisfy. 29. 32. 34. 6. Desserts. 38. 40. 41. Traders. Horizontal. of pro- visions. Floating. Unfastens, parcel. as a to the cheek. To spread across as a bridge. Blue grass, To value. Sick. Harvests. Inlet. Point of compass. Torture. Alleged foree pro- ducing hypnotism. To press. Bed lath. To box. I Wigwams. Toward. rT - 44. 46. 47. 48. 0. Call for help at sea. *51. 652. 54. §5. Be. To steal. Lets fall. Drone bee. Thought. Portion of a base- board. Officers of a college. Thin metal disc. Whirlpodls. Perfumed ment. oint- Vertical, . Material used to rub violin bows, . Fruits. . Wild duck. » Roadhouse. Bone. Part of verb to be. Sallor. . -Péntaining to wings. . Body of people unit- ed under one :§0V- ment, . Footsteép. 16. 17. 20. 21. -ia By. To mimie. Revolved. Sharp-shooter. 24. Covered with glazed 25. . To employ. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. 3 39. 42. 45. 47. 49. 51. 53. cldy blocks. Snares. Native metal. Astraddle, Emperors. Stairs, Crystalline pound. com-~ . Covered by trees as a plot of ground. Eaten away. To " appear above the surface _either land or sea. Portion of a neck- lace. Granted facts. Cuckoo. * Obstruction stream. Point of compass. in a Good Furs mahe' 'warm friends ~ + '$15.00 per ton OOKE :-....... '$10.00 per load fou) Sass sarsenas $4.00 per load EE 43. Solar disc. . To wander. 54. Italian river. TOINEEL 1 | IBIRIATRIYIE NR [1511 INIE. Sf ALAN 4A oF 3H EFS A | VIAIR AA 1 GC} x Is i oy QI NEMA) L JAD | : EINIE [FR] A LITTANY OIPEIRIEILILEIFS Westbrooke Dramatic Olub Was En- Odessa. tertained. at Mrs. J. B. Smith, Odessa, enter- tained 'the Westbrooke Dramatic Club to an oyster supper, after the play which they presented in the town hall, Saturday evening, March Gth Odessa base ball club. The table, set for twelve, looked real enticing, laden with dainties and centred with white hyacinths and all did justice to the good things. Mrs, R. F. Smith, the former manager's wife, assisted the hostess. Upon leaving, Mr. Betts, ontertainer, of Kingston, moved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, for their kind hospitality, ------------ A heavy ten days of campaigning is planed in the West Middlesex bye-slection, ' Simple Mixture Makes - Stomach Feel Fine Simple buckthorn bark, magne bn sulph. ¢. p. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, helps stomach trouble in TEN minutes by removing GAS. Brings out a surprising 'Amount of old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Stops that full, bloated feeling and you happy 1. cellent for chronic consti: lerika works QUICK and ~T. H. Sargent. o v - on. Ad- Yi a RADIO Friday, March 10 CKAC, Montreal (411). 3.46 p.m.--~Windsor Hotel Trio, under tha direction of Mr. Raou! Duquette. 4--B8tock and weather geports. CNRA, Moncton (291). 7.20 p.m. --Studio programme by St. John artists. 11--CNRA Dance orchestra. -- ONRT, Toronto (856.0). 6.30 p.m.-- King Edward Hotel Concert orchestra. 9--Choir and organ recital from Trinity United church. ' 11--Dance programme. . KBKA, Pittsburg (309). 6.15 p.m.~Dinner concert. 8.15~=University of Phisburg ud: dress, : 9---Concert. 10.05--Teaberry time, WCAP, Washington (469). 9 to 12.30 p.m.---- Mazart String Quintette and playlet music from studio; cohcert by the orchestrs of the U. S. Army Band, Washington, "The Vikings" and "Anglo-Persians" from New York; Wardman Park Hotel orchestra, Washington. WEAF, New York (409). § to 12 p.m.--Dinter mugic from Waldorf Astoria Hotel; Club Flor- ide orchestra; Ballin and Race, pian- ists; Happiness Candy Boys; Bagle Neutrodyne Trio: Whittal Anglo- Persians; Hotel Roosevelt Dance or- chestra. wWGY, Schenentady ( (879). 6 p.m.--Dinner programme from Eastman Theatre, Rochester. 8.15--Third episode of Mystery Play. A Step on the Stairs, 8.30-- Programme from _Pough- keepaie. on rieal Srogrannie from New 10.30--Contralto, piano and vio- lin solos. 4 » WGBS, New ow York (310). 6.20 p.m ihe) Musie. GANANOQUE'S TAX RATE IS 43 MILLS Signs Are to be Placed at the Entrances to the =~ Town. Gananoque, March 18 -- The Town Connell held its regular ing on Tuesday evening orden the rate wad struck for the year at 48 mills, as -follows: Public and Separ- ate Schools, 12.9 mills; High School, 5.95 mills; total for schools, 18.14 mills; géneral purposes, 29.86 mills; total, 48 mills. In viéw of the many improvements during the past year, this rate was really more of a pleas. ant surprise than otherwise, as the majority of ratepayers had been an- ticipating even a higher rate. The Ladies' Orange Lodge were given permission to hold a tag day on the 12th July next, that being the occasion of the big Orange celebra- tion here. . J. Pullaw advocated the placing of signs at the entrances to. the town, which suggestion was very fa- vorably teceived, and no doubt this &eason our visitors will be greeted with hearty and Dbréezy welcomes and adieus to and from our little burg. On Monday 'aftérndon last Major Gray, Provincial representative, was in town and had discussions with those, interested in a cquple of very important matters. Oné was a com- plaint in regard to so many licénses being granted for hook netting ig the back' lakes, it being claimed that at present these numbered twenty. six between Marble Rock and Lynd. hurst, and being much out of pro- portion with those granted on the St. Lawrence for this territory. An- other important matter was in re- gard- t0 a request from the town council that the Government take over the road from Maple street west to the western limits also from Herbert street to the eastern iim- its Mayor Wilson was unable to be present at the couneil meeting of this special meeting due to his sev are cold, In his worship's absence, Councillor James Karr was in the | chair on Tuesday evening. Gananoque, March 18.---Mrs. W. H. Britton left on Tuesday for Ot tawa to visit her daughter, Mrs, Harry Barnes. She was accom- panied by her little grandchild, Mary Barnes, who has been spend- ing the past few weeks here. Mrs, Harold Valleau's dinner party given in honor of her guest, Mrs, Spellen, at the St. Lawrende Cafe, on Tuesday evening was a very jolly affair. Mrs. Valleau, al- ways a charming hostess and full of novel ideas to add to the pleas of her guests, had many and various ones for this occasion.' The decorations, favors, flowers, ete. wére symbolic. of the 17th, and made a it hitractive aouting. he guests in TS. len, 0 ronto, Mise Helen Bain, Mrs. George Gibson, Miss Violet Britton, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Miss Helen Bain, Miss Rachel Gordon, Miss 'Heffer- nan, Mrs. T. Sherril, Miss Janet MacKellar, Mrs. Aubrey Lott, Mra. Floyd Bernie, Toronto, Mrs. 'W. J. Wing, Miss Alma Sinclair, Mrs. W. F. LaQue. Three prizes wére drawn fer and won by Miss Jean Bain, Miss Heffernan and Mrs. Sherril. Dr. and Mrs. Graham and Miss Evelyn Bennett Jeft yesterday for Brooklyn. It is understood tha Miss Bennett will réturn shortly an continue to make her home in Gan-[Qaught anoque. Miss Mildred Wood, of the Par- menter & Bulloch staff, - who has been ill for the past week, is con- valescing nicely. The Masonic Social Club had a little "evening" Tuesday in honor of Professor Harry Thomas who leaves in a fow days to accept his new position as organist at North Bay. This evening the members of the Canadian Club will have as their guests Mr. H. J. Moore of the De- pariment of Horticulture, Toronto. The club will entertain Mr. Moore al tea at the International at 6 o'clock. At 8 o'clock "Mr. Moore will speak and present a fine sét of colored slides "in the Oddfellows Hall. ' ST. PATRICK'S Nd NIGHT CONCERT eld by Ladi Alt 8. snaps United Napanec, Aid of St. Andrew's United Church held its annual St. Patrick's su Church, h 18--The Ladies Hy $295. yay Ladies' Black Satin 2 Strap Shoe--Ilea- ther Spanish heel--a very serviceable Shoe. All sizes. This week a Special .. ... $2.95 Vy 1.10 Boys' Heavy Roll- ed Soled Rubbers-- sizes | to 5. Special Value $1.10 yyy VY Sale of Boys' School Boots. 'Sizes | to 5. Sale of Women's Rub- bers. Special brand. Sale of Children's Rub- bers. Sizes 6 to 104. Special make. $2.45 79¢. 68¢c. - IBERVETEY'S Sah dh dd SHOE STORE usm use. Good Furniture in tion and ha fied with the quality. tected from inferior goods 'Phone 147 for HORSE BREAKS LEG AND HAS 10 BE SHor Hoof in Street Oar ad a 'Princess Streets. A 'valuable horse owned by R. Harpell, of this city, fell and broke its right lep at the corner of King and Princess - streets about five o'clock, Wednesday afternoon. The Farid was teamed with another,' and drawing a load of grain on a sleigh, and as the road is bare at that, corner, the strain on the horses wag heavy. 'While crossing the street car tracks, animal caught its hoof in the ticks, falling and breaking its leg. Dr. W. A. McGill, velerinary, "was called, and put the animal out of its misery by shooting it. The Strost car service .was held e time, but finally the 'home, in Boharm, Sask. A Rr? s Biggest Home Furnishers - Our Big Clearing i A rare s chance to furnish for present or x future your home is a paying in- vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, satisfac- appiness. Viens with the price, skis en you buy here yo the added Somion in kiowing ng t you are pro- . JAMES REID sab LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. tracks. The accident attracted a | sreut deal of attention and a large crowd hovered around till the horse Was shot. ---------------------- © Newly Weds Welcomed, To welcome their son John, who had just returned with his bride, (nee Miss Hazel Synder,) Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Deyo entertained at thelr circle of friends were present from We Westview, Boharm and Moose Jaw, and the bride was the recipient of many aseful and beautiful presents. A pleasant evening was passed In games and music, after which supper was served. : Mts. Deyo is a daughter o Byard Snyder, of Harrowsmith. After their marriage, whick took place on December 16, 1925, Mr. and Mrs. J. Deyo, spent some time in Eastern Ontario, visiting, also at Sar nia, Niagara Falls, Toronto, and later: at Minneapolis and Detroit, The Rusglan ambassador to France intimates that his a may open negotiations to settle its we