Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1926, p. 11

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Coming Attractions tmeere]| OBTUARY T"spoRT [I~ ,pramsKY'S Mrs. William James. "HW . : Mrs. William James, 8 well : "LOS * BREAKS ' i X Tr WORLD AT CAPITOL] known resident of Kingston, passed EXCITEMENT HIGH ! f " 1away at her residence, York street, | . \ g b ® 9 ; Local film -patrons are invited to] °" Wednesday. The deceased . was VER THE BIG GAME { bring their pronouncing dictionaries | POT® in Salsbury, England, but came ! to Canada many years ago and had } : to the Capitol Theatre where "The resided in this city for about twenty | s woo i _| reside s ¢ 0 Lost World" is drawing _record-| = CC. as a Methodist in re. |The Relative Merits of the Two breaking crowds. The dictionaries may be needed | i8lon and a prominent member of Teams Freely Discussed | to pronounce the names of members Queen street church. She is surviv- To-day. : of the cast, sheh as megalosaurus,| ®d DY three sons, Charles E., and i Ambrose of Moore township, and ------ ° . triceratops, diplodueus, alosaurus,| oF . . Fort William, March 19.--<As a' trachodon, pterodacytl and other| ' aiter of Claresholm, Alberta; and ight's three-to-three five daughters, Mrs. James Capes result of last night's ee prehistoric dinosaurs of 10,000,000 ta * Saturday be- : $ h Sombra, Ont.; Mrs. .G. Stewart, deadlock, the game on Saturday i years ago that are brought to lift to Sarnia: Mrs. H. Hatton, Moore |tWeen Fort Willlam and Kingston, | : These new Coats are featured in the | is used also. The colors of Love Bird play parts with Bessie Love, Lloyd township; Mrs, J. McQueen, King-| Winners of which will quality to \ newest materials--Tweeds in all shades, Green, new Blues, Greys and Black, ¢om. Hughes, Lewis Stone, Wallace Beery, P: "We ' & meet the western champions in the Poiret Twill, Chatmeeh Silk-Cord and Ve- bine to mak: ery effective a complete : Bull Montana and other famous film soa} Na OE. Fraser, Melita, final series for the Memorial Trophy, ! Jome. SE ns a bined witt ne of bomen ont a. . - oi Players. fe 2 The funeral took place on Friday [emblamatic of the Dominion Junior Janet Fn tar OF eho i real low figure in Riu, #% © Disture, is from Sir Arthur) 0p from her late residence |¢hdmpionship, will be a sudden- : s Conan Doyle's novel of love and ad- Raney officiating at the service National. which was conducted at ' the late |contest was the wonderful return of - % residence of the deceased. : Kingston in the third period, when ; x : the fans had almost. made ready to! 4 ' de the game to Fort William | ; by a decent margin. It showed that ! { 4 Yorkshire Fish| i ger, Gunered vy ne-|| STOCK MARKETS | thie vistors had something wp mete f AT A BIG DISCOUNT Fy) . Er sleeve that could be relied upon to | We were extremely lucky to purchase | ) d Chip Cafe porters--What the Merch- : TW puzzle the home team. a lot of » Travellers' Samples at a big | WOMEN AND MISSES fos 2 alk . < { ; : ering. (Reported by Johnston ard,| To-day nothing is talked in hoe-, scount. No two of these Suits-are alike, e deliver all day Sat. ants Are Off 9 corner King and Clarenee Streets, |key circles, but the relative merits of | Prices fr $12 49 | Flat Crepe, Crepe Satin and Georgette k H : There was no session of the Po-|members of the Montreal and Toronto (the teams and the chances for their are from -. . * up | q ----self or combined to make some of the Fran al Ss Ho hove | hi Bo Seas Stock Exchanges). : next encounter. Itgs admitted that, Most desirable Spring modes we have eves '13 MONTREAL ST "Lacq." Easy to apply. Watch it 'lit the Kingston boys can start out fn J had. New shades of Greens, Blues and dry. = Beautiful_and durable. Lem- Montreal. the samé form as that in which they | 55 | "Black: = or ee March 19th, 1.30 p.m. [ended on Thursday, they will take a ! | Priced + Sth iia i oe} i i n the 'other' , \ : S i 1 tuner. | Abitibi Power ,.. ... .... 76% |lot of beating, but, o : ' ric ATAWOO FIOOIS: former oon, tr Aire 1 ga ot ine, om, Je, Tt rom $10 to $65.00 . y Asbestos, pfd. ... ... ... 114% |coaching will assist in helping. the Z Floo ' 5 n 704 want that 00. r boat, Bhoue Sow. expects to leave |Bell Telephone ... ... ... 140 [Forts to maintain the advantage 4 \ * : 3 We M. HU for a rea- for Vienna on op about April 216t. [Brazil ... ... ... sea. 90 that they had in the first" two peri-, { } » i fe pipe. Also all kinds 'of Car- He will ba absent from. his office un- | Brompton... ... .:. ... 33% |ods last night. Where they seemed | NY Smart er als ter Wud Joblug werk, - til the first week in August B.C. Fish ©... !....c. vs» .. 68 [to fall down was in accepting their y 3 / LUM ST. PHONE 1430-W. F Se Mushrooms, | Can. Cement, com. ... .. .., 108% {two-goal lead at the end of the f ad : Our Millinery Department is . | Swarr Popp Young Beets, Spin-| Cap. Cement, pfd. ... .. ... 118 [second as enough and laying their || "Zi ' resplendent in beauty with the sea per Hanging, Paint- ach. Caulifiowers Cabbage, Carrots, |Detroit ...l ... ... . ... 3 [plans to maintain it rather than in-| 7 son's newest and most refreshing : 0) te.. at Carnovsky's Dom. Bridge ... ... ... .. 94 [crease it. It is realized that their HM |¥ .§ colors with the nitra chic trimmings mg and Graining en " Pr Dom. Textile ... ... ... .. 91% [best defence would have been an suggested in a tailored touch of Gros t clnes Work. reasonable 3 Laurentide ... ... ... .. 87% |attack and that, if they. play more | 8 Grain Ribbon. The close fitting small / Y Roads Still Bad, Mackay ... ... +.: « +... 132% |aggressively to-morrow they will] a . Hat with the deftly creased Crown is bk FRED OUNG | The roads leading into Kingston Montreal Power. ... ... A stand a better chance of winning. y v : seen in great numbers. A number of LASS LOLBORNE STREET {are in very bad condition at present, |u.i,nq) Breweries, com. . .. The weather remains cool and | ¢ g--- : d ; large head sizes are also included. . Priced from $2.49 up pe ml | and indications are' that they will re- Natjonal Breweries, pfd. ... there is every prospect that ice will {4 main so for several days. Bus driv- Ottawa Power 2 , . a again be keen for Saturday's game. | [ 4 W. . ers are still relying on the horse and |. gi00l Products ... .4l. ¢ { \ Children's H 79¢. up ork a sleigh. ; BOYS ARE CONFIDENT. | ts Price Bros. ... .. . & | - | } k Plastering and . . , TI Getting ny . Quebec Power .. se yee Expect to Defeat Fort William in . % « x Notice fo Creditors Spanish River, com. ... ... 4 Second Game. J . Spanish River, pfd. ... ... The following telegram was re- } : ---- Shawinigan ... ... ... .. ceived from Carl Voss on Friday S J po - IN THE MATTER of the Estate of(g 1° 0 ou ooo aT A ; STREET ALPHONSO «= DERBY- Cer ee a vy 3.8) : i . BERT SHIRE, Juve of The City of Kingston, | Smelters . .. TRE TR "Had tough game to-night. We ones 2207F--028W in the County of Frontemae, CoB~ Twin City ... ... . ... .. did not hit our stride till third peri Sh iL. Dy eran cane eoy WIRBIDOEC LL LLL od. Taugher had a little hard luck - LIMITED - - . NOTICE is reby given, purs but played good gamb Gang all f the T te Aot, R.8.0., y " 814, nap. 121, that aii creditors and 'New York. well and everybody studying hard. ITE OEPAR TMENTAL .STORE others having. claims or demands March 19, 1.30 p.m. [Should win next game." . . to Cataraqui cemetery, Rev. W. E. [death one. Wa an Te = venture, and was produced for First A sensational part of last night's 25 SAMPLES OF NEW SOMETHI 5 : ok NG NEW IN A Sin, 3 ray ahi y = J et Amer; Loco : : ' phonso erbyshire. who ¢ te sae swe aw .e > } a A ho Cty 'a Khimston, in the County | AMET. CAB. ... ... ours. THE OL COMERS PHONE 1446. 265 PRINCESS STREET. of Frontenac, are required, on or be-| Baldwin Loco. ... ... 8 A 5 fore the 12th day of April, 1826, to|B and O. ..... ... sev by t epaid, or dellver to d Jim Sutherland's Lusty Voice Spurred y pos pre + 3 : Lut en the undersigned solicitors for - MARY | California Pete... ... a : FINNIF 3 IRE and BD-LOPR. ©... «i: vos oa ngston On, AUTOMOBI CRASHED : : WARD. BAK FHOMPRON. the seve] Colt ooo The Toronto Glove says: Kingston | TENTATIVE PLANS OBiLE ORA FEAR THAT S tors. of the Last Will and TestamentP ™ ge ALS as tay were outskated and outplayed for INTO STORE FRONT 7 of the said deceased, their Christian Continental Baking "B" .... t Tos; . names aud surnames, addresses and| oo. os aoe wo periods, but not for a third. When M @G @ -- de: ona es Hulsom Matisse. . . she fans had begun to think it merely . Car Went on to Sidewalk When LIVES oF ther aogoan is and he a ET ter Comb Big. a use of Soupting the goals, the A the Tire Came . -- : mestone City boys turned on thé|announced in the House of off : . . | When Freight Train Left Ralls ° , if any. held by them. "NOTICE that after such! Inter. Nickle pressure. and assumed an aggressive #| Mack 'Proex. ., that in the final stages of the game Commons by the Minister Ta ~--Missing Men Not or . d among the parties| Marland Ofl About 12,30 o'clock on Friday , having regard only to{ N'Y, C. ... AF we had the locals bottled up. So com of Customs. morning, a car being driven along Found. f Which they shall then pletely did they turn the tables that King street, by William Tallhurst, ? urst, ---- 0 8 Ay have hotice, and that the sald execu-| Northern Pacific 'at the fini { . ? tors will not be Hable for the said as-| Pacific Oil at the finish it was the Forts Who! Ottawa, March 19. --Tentative| "5 larg Vancouver, B.C., M sets or any part thereof to any person her were the lucky ones not to be rashed into one of the large plate » B.C,, March 19.--Fears Pan. Amer, Pete. "B 3 y 0 on | plans to stop smugelips into Canada glass windows: of the Halliday Elec-|that six men may have lost thelr or persons of whose claim notice shall ; not have been received by them at the Pierce Arrow the Short Sud i the Sgt In anti) Jule wiklind i the ee oy aso: | trie. Company. $45 King Street. lives whea five or six cars of a C.P.R. DAY & REVELLE, fou. Paeific ... ..: ... In the third period the situation his department were under consid-| MT Tallhurst claims that ong of cast bound freight train left the rails " Sarence +o Sinclair Oil an was altogether reversed. The bell enling While these arrangements his front tire cgme off, while he (at Sicamous Lake late Wednesday Soliejtors for the Executors.| Standard Oil of N.J. was but a signal for Kingston to put| were under his consideration, Mr, | ¥2# driving on the icy pavement, [MIEDt, was expressed by travellers DATED at Kingston. this 13th day| Texas Ol... ...... ...... on its oliensive. Tho lod vio 2 Pat Boivin emphasized that*it was his|thTOWINg his car onto the sidewalk {Who arrived here last night on pass- ~ Union Pacific ra H that time had shown nothing but! desire and intention to carry out|2"d Into the window before he was °P8er train that was held at the . . L. S. Rubber Ld weight and length of arm suddenly | whatever recommendations were | 2Dle to right it. . Scene of the wreck for more than ' to ors U.S. Steel... ... ........ became a bunch of skating mania made by the present custome en-| The cost of the window is covered {*™O hours Thursday: According to Westinghouse Air Brake . ..1143% They bottled up the Fort os. auiry committee. «=. by insurance. The value of some |Rformation brought here, the train- IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Jhite Motors Spr team in its own territory, and were| The special preventive force, he|!2MmPs and other goods which were eho, mike, il the ans, found LAURA ANNA KILBORN, Late of the 00! not contemt to shoot from long| declared, which had been authorized destroyed amounts to about $5, 'the foot of " k n the water at Froatense. Widow: arr " : GRAIN QUOTATIONS range, hut insisted on carrying the| last year under an appropriation of | Otherwise there is no loss to the Hal- the sinking Eni aud stavel an NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to S , puck right in to "the goal-tender's| $350,000 was not operating sutis- {liday company. railment. Both his legs were brok- Revised Statutes of Ontarfo, 1914, Chap. | . ; territory betore loosing it for their | factorily. Forty men out of 67 now May Save § Per Cent. He told hi 86, that March 19, 1.30 p.m. shots. engaged would be dismissed and a| Toronto, March 19.-- Thrifty a od rb s rescuers, it was wh Wheat-- The voice of James Sutherjand|force of approximatsly 260 men (Citizens may save five per cent. in- eight on Dating thom A TARE out above the diminishing noise| SStablished. Fifty-six membora ap- ({orect on thelr takes by paying them |", Cy a (IE on SOF GASH " roximately would be allotted ¢o!in advance, under provisions of a bill calling to his boys to "Come on; hit| P y which was passed by the municipal his tombanions, . who as ¢ only committee of the Ontario Legislatyre slightly injured. but no o |found of the other six. Neither of se Post p : - ; : Baad SoHo Ton ths adi, UE nis is her up, take the bit, and "Score| Nove Scotia, 20 to New Brunswick, Ci er wilh Sgn io) 10, Fit, Eta itd Ta" Como i Cui i a urgings, the Kingsti : y = ¥ Te § 28 Md the hature:of securities Cif] May(. .... Cat oes complete comimang of them took | fre 13 to British Columbia, and a [Permitting any municlpliify' to |'he two men rescued was able 10 give ) he! by them, sich claims to ee and of the situation. cortain number to AISA and Sas |adopt the scheme. 4 B yop amis of the missing men. © 'W. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Cran eae ieee . katchewan. a - Rogers, address unknown, was tHe one he Thirty.Aret day 3 |. This preventive force would not be AT CHRISTIE'S LARL. omy of She Juan who suffered biokén 1 'ate CURLING | entirely engaged in patrofling - the ! A if % boundary points, but would also be| May Bell Marks to Open thé Little TO CHARGE LAND OWNERS. he ee employed in guarding junction Theatre, - Administratri Ww points. ; rn : sbail rot be liable to any person © Christie's Lake, March * 18.-- | With Oost of Affixing Numbers to Whose claim nucico shail no hava been| | Whe . . The Baldhouads Won. : worm ; Morley White has fled all the lee j Thr rn das of Morol® gihe" wate July BE vaaES al nue Ay Mors. Jack Derry, And PECISION WAS RESERVED. - |nouses at Christie's Lake. Mrs. H.| Toronto, March 19.--The muni DATED at Kingston. this 13th da nb osErdws . Of the; . : Burt d LIT i cipal egislatu de | of March, 1926. ©. Hh, Shr! OctODQE «ov. . x v1.0 members of the Curling Club, who|In Case Following a Fics at the| 00 "U0 WR 0 Coribine ware | cioa Boyes. of the lnsisjature En autan: Ontario Ontte» are consistent users of Herpicide, Truedell Property. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dowdall intend to} ing for an amendment. to the Solicitors for the Administrateix.| M8Y «.ovuiviiiiive oo or challenged two rinks of all.comers,| The responsibility for the damages make their. home at the lake Municipal act to permit municipalis Arr mrt | J i v % | to a battle for supremacy on the jce. |DY fire to the Truedell property, which May Bell Marks will : the 1it- | ties to charge owners of land" with F and the challenge was accepted by | Was caused by sparks from some road | ,, 'oer this su mer and will pro- | the cost of affixing ndmbers to g Mesars. H. McCartney, and L. Sleeth. | machinery, was argued before Judge duce "Red Riding Hood," "Sleeping | buildings. : - yi Last night the battle was waged, and | Lavell on Thursday afternoon and de- Beatly™ and many other pantomjmes A bill moved by A ers al the finish the Challengers had the | Cision was reserved. with children. + whieh provides that SHOPPE 8 long end of a 30 to 18 score, thus| The case came up at the Spring as- |" CL oii sf a tcanie | SNOT contribute $15 to "Last Post: TC PHONE JS stunts it ~¢coun-| demonstrating conclusively that they | sizes, and damages were arranged at odiar fund when in red os! are good at other things besides be. $3.50, but the County and the §u- a hag Caflar 108. hauling | 167 are Dario oy it sa & eligible for membership in the |Dur as ere Jolnt- |. aterial daily for Morley White to! POTted to the House. 3 . front seats at the theatre. The teams, | I¥ sued. and the hearing on Thurs} LC yo, begin Err : : Sa : , and will : 5 day afternoon was to decide the de- operations as soon as the frost leaves| Viscount ANemby passe through ; gree of responsibility of edch of these the . Toronto morni 4 ground. : nga) ng enroute. to + | parties. Tom Marks has been very busy Hamilton. He will return to Toron- 5 - 4 every Saturday with the Perth Skifng and >i a . 6) ature Jesterday, | AUSReR-Gon-1 oo Maren, Mr, George Ws Margy Olassified Dispia - : rogucsd Lh iz having his summer home all re- | | relation to "odeing. Bouses. Com. | decorated and painted. Mr. Witham} Wy KENT MACNEE| : ail, Auburn, N.Y. is adding 'two returns from New York City vex: ke to Bits. in Legislature. Club. Mr. F. Sullivan, Yonkers, 47% &n audience fn «| Neil, C.P.R., is adding a boat house . . 5 uluimobile, le Ulasg 1 more rooms 10 Restmore cottage. ranee, Sh week, He Is adding u aud score were: ii i § 7 i u i hi ; gf § Toronto, March 19.--In the Leg- N.Y... has purchased a Jot from May | | 1€ bis estate. Mr. Biton Ward, Cran- | Christopher Allen ~Allex Locgs, | 3 Smock #1 riioNs iss-v.

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