Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1926, p. 12

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Wit Women in Tor ORGANZER W. BOLI = 552% 7 | Wa Your Need "TALKED TEMPERANCE "The Island Beautiful." | An Enjoyable Function. BY A SPECIALIST Women Everywhere Are Talking About the Great Values at Jackson-Metivier' s pring Coats Gat ited A pleasant function under the At herings in the Un auspices of the Mission Band took GLOVES (Pull-ons) A Glove to be worn with smart, tail. and Baptist Churches at plaée in the Baptist church here last : Many womén approach the critical Athens. Monday evening. The occasion was a New Sport Ribbed Hose ohaniiak period of their lives that aE com 3 ce to thelr future health andi. .;.4 sddresses were delivered on |Supper, served in the basement of tional wearing qualigies. bodies, they work beyond théir| Organizer o ' fol- a wo, esa bodies suffering | Union, when he spoke in the United |©0ld. An interesting programme fo 4 wo J added < IE then b svusded: the note of "Advancement; sions," in six acts. The management All Styles _- New For To Top the overworked nerve centres and lon eriod of grad- Following # Jong D Blush, Astic and Bloom. All sizes. effective resuity are often given in such s--the large aged and esteemed resident passed of the best nerve vitalizing elements found on much higher priced abit. forming drugs and are entirely tled by the EnglisH, Scottish and Mrs. S. A. Coon, where she has been a ) k Ferro-Pep.ine strengthens the temperance legislature. Other prov- UNTIL WANTED ' om & From Saskatchowan comes the ery es cne to stand up under the| foreign "element to militate against ture, in all the new shades for Si cogs nothing. fcr many. yearsiowner of the pro- ots 0 . } | D . |in every movement for the uplift of | Wife was a daughter of the late TO SMARTNESS church affiliation, must present a|Robinson, who passed away about | youthful, it will find great favor among very young girls, as well as those who ences blind us to, the proper course | Wiltse, and was born about a mile goctor's remedy that is selling so rap. of religion," the speaker | novel experience of our townsman, $1 9. 4 5 'and up It matters not whether you are tor-},.4'tpon Jegiglation would protect invitation to be present at the mar- Winges, Rheuma Is guaranteed to end |hlocks out of people's way. Some say | whose store here Mr. Lee is man- of lumbago, sciatica," arthritis .and [create a desire for intoxicants. The ten commandments are prohibitive, | factory progress at the General Hos- | slightest degree get a bottle of Rheu- System at once. tion of the law against theft, murder, | Among out-of-town guests here for, ON SALE SATURDAY P her grandson, Eric, eldest son of Mr. [result in an increase. This-applies to| Mass, Mrs. Grant, Lyn, Robert and Mrs. E. R. Houghton (nee Ethel |the law regarding the sale of in-|gigrgen, Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. ored Suits and; Tweed Coat tex fabric--in natural, Faw The death occurred at Hoard's Sen, but rather increase thelr con-|y ine Mrs J. H. S. McKay, Smith's Grey shades, seven years old. it down." Melvin Trickey, North Williams- ; o - to his daughter Grace. Miss Reba L. Young, B.A, (Tren-|Mps M. A. Ducolon, Mill street . ' . straight line Dresses or F and Circular Skirts. A host of hive 1 sho at this "Aunt Dinah's Quilting." Other in- Sizes 16 to 40. OR gramme, the proceeds to be used & ---------- The W.C.T.U. Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. is to be held on Thurs. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. 8S. L. Snowden, Wiltse street, -. The Ladies' Aid quarterly tea at Mrs. W. F. Earl's on Tuesday after So noon of last week, proved to be very erjoyable. Mrs. W. J. Taber open- S. S LOR A ed her spacious home on Thursday Lafternoon of 'last week, for the thank-offering service of the Wo- man's Missionary Soclety of [Glen Klbe auxiliary, extending the in- His Remains Were Buried at vitation, to 'the ladies of Athens auxiliary. Owing to the Kindness - Wellington--W. M. 8. of Morgan King, who took a load Annual Meeting. of passengers, several local ladies were able to accept the invitation, Wellington, March "Birthday Thank- Offering service," : f forty and Of Silk Lisle----ribbed to the fifty, ie Nee its "Tremendous im- Athens, March 17.---8tirring tem- the first item being-a Well appointed in beautiful, Spring shades. ran derstand! the) | ] Baopinene onaniges taking place in| Sabbath fi 'by W. Bolam, Toronto, | the shurch, Jie vimision Dung, work beyond i 'the Ontario Prohibition 5c f choruses, duets, with fatigue and their weakened| church in the morning, and in the [lowed consisting o ' : fierves trembling at every step. Often a drill, etc., the main feature, per- - . . » in ihe Yenkensd condfion eapiliary Baptist ehureh fy the evesing. He haps being a playlet "Tired of Mis- / * Silk Hosiery With Silk dra ling th to take . ! Sdded dra hn rom nersous exhaustion | Dot being content with past achieve- is to be congratulated upon the 'What these women need is something | ment. That had been the undoing of Beautiful appearing Silk and Art that will instantly relieve the pressure! yp, temperance cause--and had been | Success of the enterprise. WOMEN AND MISSES a ul ap ng SU 4 vy the vitality to stand un- | the reason of a refrogression in other 3 , Bamboo, give them fh it strain. Wondettully provinces. Indifference led so many | ual decline, and many weeks of ser-| Values and styles that will appeal to the fet a | fous illness, Mrs. Sterns Ransome, an conditions by the simple use of Ferro-| to neglect to register their vote, an selection--th les are all C Peptine, a skillful combination of eix|the franchise is a sacred trust, not 1 ec © styles new with be light! d. All are [away on Tuesday morning at the added smartness in detail, which can be known to modern chemistry. These| 0 be lightly esteemed. eyes Mill street home of her daughter, Coats. Mitle tablets contain no dangerous|turned to Ontario, the province set- % Xt is . + deal 'of satiaf o New Spring Check with a grea action TRONSaridn of Women ch testify that| Irish stock, to set the example in Sendesly cured for during her. de- A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY GARMENT that we' present this Srey collection Jaded Berves, revives the tired brain and puts Sizes 16 to 43, . Just arrived the new Check Hos- . : the, energy 'and courage Into the body| inces have greater numbers of the news ofthe death at Jansen, of a fery for Spring. Silk and Lisle mix- Perrop a Arran of the chan -| Anglo Saxon ideas, so we must be| former Athenian, Delorma Wiltse, ; ' a ng true to our noblest selves, and lead J 2 ov C APE B CO AT Bolter or honey hack ve Euarantes of| the way in moral reforms. The|Derty now occupied and owne Bi : church must ever be in the vanguard, | E. J. Purcell, Henry street. His : the race, and her members, every-| Isaac Robimson, Wiltse street, and where, regardless of any particular] vas a sister of the late Almeron| Out All united front against the encroaches|two years ago. Some time after| The Cape Back Coat will travel the most fashionable thoroughfares this L of the enemy of our youths. While | the death of his wife, the late Mr. Spring, in all the smart coat fabrics of the mode. Because it's so new and . . all fall under its blight, yet the Wiltse went west, and has since that | young are marked as victims-as grist | time resided there. He was a son | dress youthfull Th od all, in T -fof t Mr. Mrs: Samuel | y y ere are modes and colors becoming to all, in Tweed, Rheumatic Poison for the mill. Let not party prefer he late Mr. and " | Charmeen, Poiret and Tricotine. to pursue. Stand by the right, re-| and a half from this village. To| The first day you take Rheuma, the, qjagq of) party. Some say. "Keep attend a Jewish wedding was the | idly, you'll realize that when Rheuma | politics ou #908 in Rheumatism goes out. diid, "Put religion into politics," | George Lee, who responded to an tured wit in, erippled with 1k Joints it arosted with one) the youths and keep stumbling-|riage of Max Ain, Montreal, of BEAUTIFUL, BRAND NEW your rheumatic trouble or money back. | Rheuma ig just as effective in cases [that prohibitive measures but | ager. | ohronio beuraigie - . Miss Amy Young is making satis- | eumat a ngero 1 It oftén affects the heart A pon yet the constitution of the British pital, Brockville, following her ser- | Sudden death. 1f you have it in the | Empire and the other great nations |{cus operation. The 'condition of ; : ma from Jas. B. McLeod or any drug-|©f the world are based upon them. | Chauncey Blancher, Mill street, is : . @ist to-day and drive it from your Consider the result of the abroga- causing his friends grave alarm. Mrs. Benjamin Redding, Stan-|etc. Would their repeal result in &|t1o funeral of the late Miss Isabella | A wood, received news of the death of {diminution of crime? No, it woulld| yates were William Yates, Andover, | % Redden) at the hospital in Moose | toxicants. To make it easier to obtain | 1y,00mas Moulton, Chantry, Mr. and ; Jaw. alcoholic beverages, would not les- Mrs. William Tackaberry, Phillips- ® Station on March 15th, of William sumption. Our duty is plain--when | pu)e Mrs William Stafford, Delta, | . John Parks. The deceased was fifty. jthe opportunity presents itself, "Vote| po Glegn Sherman, Lanark. Mrs. Values regular to $25.00. At the Belleville assizes $600 was| Much valuable information was burg, has been renewing acquaint- - : awarded Fred Hayward for injuries (given on Monday evening last, by|lances here, a guest pu A host of charming, new, fashionable styles, in heavy qual. FANCY CUFFS . ity, Satin Faced Canton, Canton Crepe and Flat Crepe -- in' Th abt Gi e mos ractive oves that ~* | This evening, Group 888 of the Wo- & v men's Institute put on their comedy, bright, new shades. A few Navy and Black. These Dresses are price. Embroidered Cuffs with a 4 the last word in fashion and excellent values at ..... $12.95. ¢r turn back. Beautiful shades. teresting numbers will be added to constitute a very enjoyable pro- > for Institute purposes. K AYSER'S IN-MI 4 PRINCESS STREET winter with their twp daughters in|son, Picton. was a recent visitor at| his uncle, William McPherson. Toronto. His wite survives, also| her sister's, Mrs. Charles Pearce.|and Mrs. William Conboy spent Si three daughters, Mrs. (Rev.) Man-| Miss Winifred Pearce was in Belle-| day last at Daniel MeDo AWAY IN TORONTO son Doyle, Mrs. Patton, Toronto,| ville on Monday. Mountain Grove. Rev. Mr. Cole and Mrs. Fuller, Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Winnie Purtelle, Crofton,| spent Saturday evening and part The three daughters, also Mr.Pat-| was successful at the following mid-| Sunday with Joseph Warren. "4 ton and Mr. Fuller attended the| winter examinations of the Toronto| Mrs. Robert Carr, Dora as : funeral service. Conservatory of Music, Primary|ip called on Mrs. Joseph Warr The Women's Missionary Society | Rudiments first class honors; | Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George E of the United Church held its annu-| Junior History, honors. Miss Pur-| land and family spent Sunday i al meeting on Tuesday afternoon. | elle is & pupil of Miss Winifred | John Crawford. Mrs. John Crawfo 16--- News | At the election of officers the entire | pearce. also Mrs. Horbert Reid and Sam and enjoy a very pleasant and pro- | reached Wellington, on Saturday, of | SXecutive of last year was returned. Swain, spent. Thuzsday in rahe fitable afternoon. Plans are in pro- [the death of Samuel Saylor in To-| They are: President, Mrs. J. L. Oso Station Budget. sad gress for the Thankoffering St rice ronto that morning. Everet Hubbs Bots: I werbret, Mrs. T. M. Nash; Oso Station, March 16---Herble At Maple Grove, ©" of the local W.M.8. to be Meld on | was requested to make all arrange- or. ec, Mrs.. Emma Bowerman; | pour, Toronto, spent a few days Maple Grove, March 17 LT the evening of the 24th inst, when | ments for the funeral service here on Rec. Bet, Mrs. J. H. Davidson; with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Bell arrived home from Toronto the speaker on that occasion isto| Monday, 15th. The remains of Mr.| Fess. |] Be A. M. Thompson; | john H. Bourk. James Warren is| Friday after spending two months be Mrs. Jolliffe, Kingston, an out-| Saylor came on the 1.20 p.m. train | Strangers retary, Mrs. J. E.|pusy drawing wood for David Web-| college there. Canipbeil brothers ' Noxon; Superintendent Christies | ter. Mrs. Robert Johnston spent a| deepening a well for George Bell k in th iza- | Monday, and the funcral service was Sandine WOrAer <M the orwan'm- held at the Friends' Meetihg House | Stewardship, Mrs.Charles Pearce; day last week with Mrs, John H.|number of patrons frog Cheesef u Leader of Mission Band, Mrs. T.8, factory are drawing thelr h with a large attendance. James Wild ) : ourk. Mr, and Mrs. John Crawford] factory 8 milk a alter Tabor a sola bls Jatge was assisted by Wallace Garratt and | Brenton; Mite Box Secrétary, Mrs. | atso Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Relist and| Woodburn factory, which has al) . ieCann: as aan Arkett, also by Mrs. Wilda { W. Monaghan, The mite box collec- family called on Mrs. Robert John-| running all winter. Miss Doro 'Records More Big Hits! After! Say! AW hat Can I Say ?)--Fox Trot No. 19947 Jean Goldkette and His Orch. Latimer property, corner of REigin and Wellington streets, and is mov- ing his household effects this week. Thomas Kavanagh is this 'week -{ moving to the Gibson house, corner Thanks For The Bugay Ride--Fox Tro J Waring's Pennsylvanians International Novelty Orchestra Again--Fox Trot pman and His Orchestra _ Qene Austin Show Me the Way Ge Home (Tenor) 'Frank Crumit of Mill and Joseph streets, which he recently purchased. Last week William Towriss purchased from Wesley Connell, Shane's Corners, a wood-lot below Greenbush. A LAD WAS INJURED ---- By a Fall at His Home at Shannon- ville. Shannonville, March 17--Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howard, Cannifton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sager. Mr. and Mrs. Saul Mac- Farlane, Gravel Road, took dinner on Sunday, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard, Milltown, took Sun- dey dinner with their daughter, Men The pallbearers were Ernest Greer, M. B. Clark, Alexander Ward, George Hubbs, T. M. Nash and Thos. Jacobs. The late Samuel! Saylor was born at Bloomfield seventy-five years ago, the son of Robert and Catherine Saylor. The family were members of the Society of Friends, and Cath- erine Saylor was a minister. Samuel Saylor spent the greater part of his life in Bloomfield and came to live at Wellington about sixteen years ago. He was a Conservative in poli- tics and a loyal member of Friends throughout his life. He had been in failing health during the past two years. With his wife he spent the tion street; There was a good at: 1 Miss Helena Harrison; Cor. Sec. canvas just finished. A short pro- Arthur Goodmurphy. about fifty neighbors and friends spent a most enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ross. It was the Wellington Road neigh- borhood annual oyster supper. After) bountiful repast, the evening was spent in contests and social inter- course. The party voted Mr. and Mrs. Ross ideal host and hostess, The Young Ladies' Mission Cir- cle had its annual election of offi- cers at the March meeting held at the home of Mrs. James Hunt, Sta- tendance. Officers elected are: Hon. Pres., Miss Della Phillips; Pres.. 'Miss Anna Clarke; Mrs, Boyce Wiltse; Mrs. Herbert Reid also Miss Vera gramme was given, in charge of Mrs. | Crawford spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Joseph Warren, R. Rich- On Friday evening, March 13th, | ardson is spending some time with 1 5 . The casket was placed in the vault | tions show a total of $250. Of this|gton and Mrs. Edward Warren one| Berry, Seeley's Bay, fs Suiting Sorry once." Mr. Taber has purchased the in "Wellington cemetery. sum $123.60 was reported from the evening last week. 'Bidon's Connor's. Miss Hild H man spent the week-end at he ¥ at Berrytom. Mr. and Mrs lark at George Bell's, Miss M Abrams at J. M. Abrams. everyone had done justice to the: Al A a " When Corns Talk! "The least Sign of rain, or a touch of st Vice-Pres.. | dampness in the air, and corng hegin to talk! A plercing ery of agony through your toe. Oh! ! de leaves Harold Burtt. . Mr. and Mrs. Garrison, Corbyville,| spent Friday with MY. and Mrs. Stanley MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Dcuglas Lazier and Miss Tillie Jar-| Allon @®" Records _ 10-inch double-sided Price 75¢c. At "His Master's Voice" Dealers

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