Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1926, p. 5

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Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY taxi, sleighs for driving par- ties, hacks and cutters. Also ice. boat for sale. KINGSTON TRANSFER C0. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip ment, Machinery, ety. AGAINST MORTGAGES Phones 377. Evenings 2231. | General Insurance Plate Glass Liability Burglary Baggage . Guarantee Bonds. Fire Auto Agent Great West Life Assurance Company. PR. H. Waddell - Dr. Waug 106 Wellington St. Phone 250. PIANO TUNING ard 5 S- ------. 5 so. sus The Real Cause Of Constipation Is A Bad Liver Mrs. Jean Bocheir, Nelson, B.C, | have | and sufs | 1 writes: --' 'For many been troubled with 5 homig fered terribly with constipation, I HEARD ABOUT ¢ Milburn's LAXA-LIVER a EM | i CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | } i | | | 1 { 8nd bave been greatly improved stnee | I started to take them. I cannot recommend them too | to any ome who is troubled | highly with their liver." Milburn 's Laxa-Liver Pills are not & new and untried remedy. They have been on the market for the past 82 years; put up only by The T. Mibora Co., Limited, Toronto, Ost FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY] Loeal 'and long distance. All Motor Tucks With Alr Tires. L. BRYANT Street. 'Phone 1758, ------ H. 384 Division there nr to be tomorrow 8 0 any regrets Away tonight. Bother abe Serger Serio. Any drug store. DR.J. CW. BROOH . Second scale. Horizontal. . To abscond. 7. Alleviation. « Small square rubber. . To retaliate. . Hog flesh, . Annoyed. «Upon. of . Deity, | . Viler, . Possesses. 9. Trains as for regular pace. . Cat's foot. ."To put In a line. . To secrete. * 19 11. One who thinks ex- cessively of him- self. Walls around gar- dens, . Long grass. - Plant bud capable of propagation. < Small ples. - In motion, . Trite. note in a horse [12. £0 °o = The Women's Institute, of Morton, | is Actively % Morton, March 16.--The Institute met on Tuesday of last week, with | 2 fine attendance. Mrs. Q. Leggett was with us and gave us a number | of helps and ideas. All felt greatly | helped by her visit. Our business | part of ins meeting was. the buying | of our Hall. Norman Bracken is visiting at Morton . this week. Mrs. - Henry | Dean. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. | J. Dormer, for a few days. Thomas | Wills attended the sale at Chaffey's | Locks on Monday. A business meet- | ing, on Monday night, in the school | house, got a number out to see about the moving of a building for | the Institute for a new hall. { Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bury were the guests of Owen Birch's on Sun- day. George Roantree was helping Harry Johnson to move on Monday back to his own farm. Arnott | Gamble 'is at Kingston for this | week, Mrs. Charlie Dawson went home, on Saturday, from John Perrin's where she haé been visit- ing. The sawing machine has been in the neighborhood for a number of | days. ' Muzsling dogs is quite the talk of the day. Milton had the misfortune to hurt his hand quite badly while sawin H. Mec- Fadden's, Cecil M. dden's baby has been pretty but is reported a little better of late. Ella Birch at Leonard Galfaway"s one day lately. . BODY COME FROM . GEORGIA, The Funeral of George McVeety Held at Newboro. Hudson 3 ¥o nthracite Coal WE NOW HAVE SCRANTON STOVE | COAL -- FRESH FROM THE MINES, |} BAY AND WELLINGTON Chestnut on the way S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO COAL BINS, Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571, All Kinds of Electric Apparatus : Satisfaction glaranteed. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Best work at reasonable prices, Player Piano Adjusting. C o 46. Cheerer or applaud- 0. er. "Phone 04 .. Whirlpools. Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. "Phone 679. Newboro, March 15.--The body |{f Corner King and Princess Streets. of George McVeety arrived here on i Monday, March 8th, from Georgia, NO od 09 to to . Presses, - Women's sleeveless cloaks. . Opposite of even. . To leer. . Twitching. ND Cd (5) ton of Alberta Coal--just a limited amount left. Pocahontas, nut size, clean $13.00 Bros. or "Phone U. R. Knight 1705-w. Old King Coal Tae ts "easy boss"--if you get the | right kind of coal. We sell the | right kind, and nothing else, BOOTH & CO. | "PHONE 133 Grove Inn Yard for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT » GAINED 10 POUNDS . IN 22 DAYS That's going some--- but skinny men, women and children just can't help putting on good healthy flesh when they take McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Chock full of vitamines--the kind that are extracted from the livers of the cod--the kind that are a real help to frail, rundown, anaemic, skinny men and women. Try these sugar costed tasteless tablets for 30 days--Iif they don't help greatly get your money back. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, sixty cents. Ask Jas. B. McLeod, Mahood's Drug Store, Branigan's Drug Store or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Directions and for- mula on each box. "Get McCoy's the original and gen- nine." Fresh Mined "Lackawanna" American Stove Coal JUST ARRIVED $16.00 per ton W. A. MITCHELL & C0. Telephone 67. call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 residence. j [| money-back Don't Without Salves or Cutting Raaousands who have piles have mot that quick and JSrimanent re- Hef tan only be accomplished with in ternal medicine, Neither cutting nor any amount of tr ont with oint- ments and supposl! will remove the Bad circulation cavees plies. There ls a complete stagnation of blood in fhe lower bowel and a weakening of the parts. Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt was first to And she ead and called his pre. sori ~ROID. Dr. Leonhardt rt t in 19d 'casey he A then decided 1t be sold ists every Whore une - ret guaran more time with out- tee. waste side apploation. Get a package EECES Tom S58 iat not ve a ef to thousands and will do the Sams. 3 . Point of compass. . Performed. . Bottom. . Instructed. . Light wagons. . Crueifix. . To rave. . Implement consist: ing of long handle and small bowl used to convey food to the mouth. . Feasts. . Penny. . Pane as of glass. duce. . Square board. 5. Myself. . Scraped . Always. . Guided. .- Within. . Scissors. | Vertical. . To degrade or 2. Worn away. . To question. . Published. in a garden, ° . Tenants, 30. Plan. 31. Resounded. 32. To shower. |33. Dealer or merchant. of paste- 34. Drains. |36. Couples. [3 Cheerfulness. 40. Fiber obtained from | the century plant. as the soil 42. Cuckoo. 43. Garden tool. 45. 47. re- Paid publicity, Exclamation surprise. of A RAITT [OTNEEINTATTTAINIT] OIPIEINISEERIEIMAIL AR] | SPIAINFAPIOIALRIAITIE] LIL EARIE AIR SER] 1A] INE ETTIOIRIME INI TIO ESIUT) THEE) [RIONE A: SIL [ATE SIBIA RITA) SIWEETISEITIEIPEE(S] TIOEADIE IAL [E RISE IRA] RIRIOIDISIEIDIOIR RIOD IDIAID IO] DIRIAINISEIMEHPIATT [ETA EIOIDI IEISEHPIOIMAIDIE Gordon Conboy Meets With Unfor- tunate Accident. Mountain Grove, March 16--While working in the woods on Wednes- day, Gordon Conboy had the misfor- tune to have a heavy log roll on his leg, which oke it just above the ankle. He was removed to his home, and Dr. Suddaby, Sharbot Lake, was summoned. The injured member was set, and on Saturday he was removed to the General Hospital, Kingston, J. Godfrey, also Mrs. York, is on the sick list. Cecfl Hartrick spent a few days in Kingston recently. T. Fox and Miss Dorothy Fox spent Sunday at George Barr's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Woodcock at R. Hawley's. R. Coulter'at A. W. Thompson's. A num- ber attended the sale at George As- selstine's, Long Lake, on Monday. -------------- Bunker Hill News. Bunker's Hill, March 17--The oads are in good condition after the storm. "The assessor made his calls last week. The farmers are kept busy drawing rock and cutting ice and wood. Miss Stella McGow- an has returned from Smith's Falls. Stephen Babcock, Godfrey, is visit- ing his parents here. Edward Bab- cock is in the Kingston General Hos- pital. : The eold weather has been hard on the wood supply and the farmers will be very glad when it moderates. The nights are very cold although the bright sun makes it warm during the day. think up any secret of success, Buccesstul men are too busy to u RADIO Saturday, March 20. CHIC, Toronto (356). 10.30 pfo.-- Dance programme A. Linton's orchestra. -- CKAC, Montreal, Can. (410). 7.15 p.m.--~Windsor Hotel orches. tra. 8.3 dio. programme, 10.30--Windsor Hotel Dance or chestra, . CRCL, Toronto (857). 6.456 p.m.--Lowe " Bros. orches- tra. ONRO, Ottawa, t. (484). 8 p.m.--Chatean Lailitier orches- tra. 9--Markowski Trio, Luclen Lab- elle, cellist; Chateau Laurier dance orchestra. KDEKA, Pittsburg, Pa. (272). 6.30 p.m.--Waestinghouse band. 8.30--Westinghouse band. WBBR, New York (272). 8 p.m.--Carl Park, violinist. 8.20--Fred Twaroschk, tenor. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333). 6.45 p.m.--Hotel Lennox ensem- ble. 7.30--Winnifred Beaver, pianist. 9.16-01d First . Baptist Church orchestra. WEAF, New York (401). 7.46 p.m.--Morning prayer ser- vice. i hte p-m.--Viaco Kolitsch, violin- WEEL Boston, Mass. (348). 7.10 pm-~D. and I. Slade Co. programme. & 8.10 p.m.--Boston Symphony or- chestra. WGBS, New York, (3185). . 3 p.m.---Bud ' Fisher's Happy Players. 6.30 p.m.--Viscent Storey Trio. 8.40 p.m.--Musical comedy. 9 p.m. --Kips Bay Boys' Club instrels. : 10.30 p.m~<Arrowhead Inn Or- chestra. 3 3" WGY, Schenectady, N.Y., (379). 6.30 D-m.--Hotel*concers, am i 10.30 p.m~--Orchestra. Yiu ---- whers he died February 25th. The funeral was held at the United Church on Tuesday, March 9th. The pall bearers were George Warren. TIRED, NERVOUS MOTHERS are the direct cause of much unhap- piness in our homes; their condition irritates and wears upon the hus- bang and often ruins a child's dis position. This condition of the mo- ther is often due to some weakness which makes her entirely unfit to perform her household duties and bear the strain upon her nerves that governing children involves. Every woman who 'finds herself 'in this condition should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and Jose no time in giving it a fair rial. -, Ross Knapp, Delbert Adrain, Donald Adrain, Giles Wright and Eldon Wright. The body was placed in vault to wait interment in spring The stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Taylor and left a 'by boy to brighten = their home. J. P. Cavanagh, Belleville, made a flying trip' here this week. He re- turned, home on Saturday. George Baxter, of the Royal Bank | staff, has resumed his duties, hav- 'ng returned after three weeks holi- lays at his home. Lionel Williams and Melvin Hall are at Montreal this week. Miss Edna Berry, King- ston Mills, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. Butler, Stephen street. Mrs. J. Nichol, Smith's Falls, is Story. Dr. R. H. Preston celebra €d his eighty-sixth birthday and at home to a few of his frie | Robert Steadman was the guest Mr. and Mrs. C. Wiltse on. Th day. Mrs, Robert Bilton is on # list suffering from a severe cold. -------------------------- At the Brockville assizes the e; of King vs. George Willlamse Brockville, tharged with a e 1 offence against a girl under fo teen years of age, was traversed the June sessions. Elmer Demile, Chatterton, the victim of a painful accident wh he was run over by a sleigh causi a broken and dislocated left she er. ' A: the their home.. A the guest of her mother, ' Mrs. E. | | | | j EE -- beautiful wonderful : rest and enjoy the fruits of their years of Won Stewart Wa the world outside Why did they buy a Stewart: Warner? Because it Js the product of a i EN or, ber i, a

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