urday, March 20, 1926. ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG MONDAY TUESDAY ' WEDNESDAY terso. 3 | characterization. GRAND With Orcheourn $000. Mail Order, enclose Seif addressed y our cheek, draft or money order. h Balcony $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, Add 10% tax. Stamped envelope, Gallery $1.00. WITH THE GREAT ORGANIZATION OF Too THAT PL Remember that "Rose Marie faw: on both sides of the Atlantic. ; NOW by MAIL offi Direct from Royal Alexandra, cess Theatre, Montreal. roctire your seats ible clamor at the box to AYED 29 STRAIGHT WEEKS IN BOSTON is the greatest box office S0 it is Detter to and escape the in- ce. Toronto, and thence bd x Yorkshire Fish Pand Chip Cafe We deliver all day Sat. a . EASTER MON. & TUES. NIGHTS APRIL 5th & 6th ERR there is a stunning Sous of England BS. 1 \AMUSEMENTS | What the Press Agents Say About | Coming Attractions AT THE CAPITOL. Menjou and Vidor in "The Grand ! Duchess and the Waiter." | A sparkling, delicately wrought { farcical tale is "The Grand Duchess j and the Waiter," at the Capitol Thea- {tre Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- { day, with scintillating action, super- I { lative acting, smooth direction_and | | magnificent mounting. ne This is the Paramofint film version { Of the senational Fremch stage suc- THE CANADIAN HOMEMAKER A Series 9 weekly arfices covering. PLANNING . BUILDING FINANCING DECORATING . FURNISHING . G Pan ARDENING Copyright 1926. * Windows---The E By W..L. Symons. The gospel of sunlight is spread. | ing, and far and wife the marvellous cess by Alfred Savoir, which Pierre | 8 i Collings adapted and which Malcolm | St. Clair has produced with subtlety | and sumptuousness. { Adolphe Menjou and Florence | Vidor are the central characiers in the fun-filled story, which details the exploits of a rich Parisian Beau | Brumntel! who masquerades as a {'waiter in order to be near the out- | wardly haughty, inwardly emotional, | Grand Duchess, -who has caught his | taney: The ease and sophistication with { Which Menjou registers his comedy { points stamp him as an actor with- lout a peer in the field of Continental | Miss Vidor, glori- ously beautiful in a variety of Paris [oa and the latest French bob, | fits the role of the Gfand Duchess down to the last dot/And dash and is the personification of feminine charm and regal hauteur. These two, Menjou and Miss Vidor, hold the centre of the stage through- out the unreeling of the plcture and 1 The adequate heatin effects of its healing influences-- mental and physical -- are being taught, The dim, mouldy, -arpeted parlor | is being replaced by the sun room and the sanitary hardwood floors, and the queston of light and air fn our homes is now conceded first place. How can we build to get | most sunlight and the best views | and bring all out' doors into our | rooms---is the question of the day. & of our home Is now possible--warm air and hot water superceding the old base bur- ners and self feedérs--and we can safely have a few more window openings in our rooms, without dread of cold houses. Windows have been well termed | "the eyes of architecture," not only | to look through, but to be seen, and to evidence the character of the in- mate. by the factor of our home environ- provoke a continuous Succession of laughs and chuckles. The plot, though of light substance, has been 80 deftly handled by St. Clair that it by ecomes a matter of considerable in- | terest in ftself and keeps the audi- ence wondering what's coming next and how it's all 80ing to end. ---- "ROSE MARIE" COMING GRAND THEATRE Boston critics are proveérbially se- vere, so it means a great yleal when any production receives such un- stinted praise as that given "Rose- Marie," which, with the entire Bos- ton cast, will be presented by Arthur Hammerstein at Kingston, starting Monday, April Sth, for an engagement of twd nights. - For twenty-nine weeks this oper- etta held sway in the Massachusetts capital. Bveéry member of the prin- cipals is rated A-1 in the files of Broadway's "Who's Who." They are Virginia Johnson, . June Roberts, Paul Donah, Houston Richards, Mar- guerite McNulty, Arthur J. Geary, De lores Suarez, Frank Harrington, Paul Porter, William Gaston, Ann Silver. and Ruth Scholfietd. Fully 100 persons form the roster and be- sides there is an augmented orches- tra, which is directed 'by Herbert Stothart, who wrote "Rose Marie" Score in collaboration with Rudolph Friml, As for stage settings and cos- tumes, nothing more striking has been offered to date, Besides the DOW famous" "totem pole' ballet, bridal proces- slon and many other groups that draw applause for the sheer beauty. ANNUAL MEETING oF THE CONSERVATIVES J. F. Sowards Again Ohosén President clation--Mem of Kingston Asso- bers Pres ---- The sanual meeting of the Kings. When you want that | Indl, eall up Ww. ton Conservative Association was held on Friday night in the Sons of England Hall, there being about a hundred people in attendance. mber for Kingston in Provincial House, were Present and {made brief addresses. The chair j{ ¥8s occupied by President J, ¥. Sowards. The reports of the Secretary, Ww. M. Nickle, and the treasurer, A. E, Day, were read; both reports review. [IDg what had been done since the last meeting two years ago. Mr. Day's report showed that the receipts since the last meeting were $576.88 and the disbursements to $551.24, leaving a balance of $25.64. 3 Blection of officers caused consig- erable discussion and the motion of T. W. Milo, that the officers be re. elected in a block, was voted down, Mayor 's amendment to have the elected individually be- ing carried. T. ©, Crozier and some others at the meetin, He Opinion that the moved on and election of lows: President--Mr. J. ¥. Sowards. Vieo-President--Mr, T. A: Kida. the Grand Theatre, ment is beyond question, and our health and disposition will be in direct proport®n to the amount of sunlight we admit into our homes; | and also in the degree that this heatihy 'environment is beautttui | and comfortable it fll affect us | favorably, or vice-versa. Without doubt, in house planning, the locatizn and #ize of the win- dows mupt be considered to a great extent Trom the interior, Bach room ----aven the kitchen--<ghould have, at least, one window through which HOMES OF CHARACTER Homes of all types costing from $4,000 to $10,000 are fllustrated in MacLean Builders' Gulde with floor plans. Also articles delight- fully {llustrated on decorating. furnishing and gardening. A book of immense value to the ' home bufider, Twenty cents a. copy. MacLean {Building Reports, Ltd., 331 Adeliiae st. West, Toronto. . [for Baving elected A ---- vrs Fred Whitney, Mrs. T. King, Mrs. C. McKay. & pe Victoria Ward--Mr, C. R. Webster, Mr. W. Laird, Mr, C. Dalton, Mrs, 8. EB. Revelle, Mrs. 6. H. Lockett. Portsmouth--Mr W. Westlake, Mr. T. Nicholson, Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Law- less. Mr. Sowards thanked the meeting him president, but stated that they would not have to elect him next year. Mr. C. Crozier, who had held the office of second vice-president, refused to take any office in the association. Members Gave Addresses. Dr. A. E. Ross, Dominion member for Kingston, wab called on and in a short address expressed his thanks to the Cotissrvative electors for hav- Ing elected him in the last election. That our well being is conditioned | { Easter open Dr. Ross stated that he believed he held the sconfidence of the Govern- ment, because when he made any re- commendation he dsually got it. He stated that when the ,Government again goes to the country, he was convinced that he would be able to carry out the Conservative wishes more fully. He y that the time was not far distant when the nt would go to the country. He urged the Col ves not te worry about the Liberal bloc direct sunlight may, come into the room, Plan and replan your house until this is accomplished--and in old house, watch your sumny walls and cut openings to let in the sunlight, The plan of each room in your new home should be carefully con- sidered as to the right location of the windows, in order to give proper wall and floor space for the furni- ture. The living room can be well sunlit from ohe side, with a four or five light mullioned widow, and small. openings on each side of the fireplace. Bedroom windows, two if possible, must be placed so as to give proper light to the dressing table, and so that the bed may be located out of the draught. if you cannot get direct sunlight --as on a north wall--throw out a deep hay window, to project as far out as possible. Remember the word "bay" originally meant A unit of measurement of sixteen feet. What a caricature of the "bay" our mod- ern planning has made! - Regarding types of windows -- yes of Architecture tage in bed rooms, for night veatil- ation. The charm of the casement as far as designing goes, is without doubt, its adaptability to grouping in the rooms, as well as for heights in stair halls, thus ailowing great variety in application and design. As far as the weather is concerned, the case- ment can be made as serviceable' as the lifting sash, by means of metal weather siripping. given In the selection of suitable hardware, on which depends the én- tire service of this style of window ~--a8 is evidenced by the types used by the meta' casement sash manu- facturers. / Regarding the exterior of. our window openings --- the essential thing to remember is. that we have walls in which must be made sim- ple opénings--placed rythmically-- and all ornament on or about them is of secondary importance, the im- portant factor being - study the proper disposition, and proportion of the openings, so as to give a fac- ade dignity as well as repose, Remember. again, that. windows we have a choice o ing balanced sash, and the casement. Both "hive advantages, but without doubt the latter is the most artistic: If the sash are made to open out- wards, much better chance is giy- en for hanging of curtains--roller blinds are out of the question | and should be. The window frames | may be divided by a {ransom so as to give a small upper sash, which | can be oponed without opening the | entire height of the window; this ' will be found to be of great advan- ARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Qathered by Re- porters--What the Merch ants Are Offering, -- There was no session of the Po- iee Court on Saturday morning. William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, "phone, 564w; Mr. George Jarrell, '142 Lower Bagot street, returned today from a business trip to Toronto. Mrs. G. A. Bateman, University | avenue, is to be a speaker at the meeting of the W. M.S, Newburgh. # Dr. H. A. Boyce expects to leave for Vienna on or about April 21ef. He will be absent from his office un- til the first week in August. © The contract for the providing of music for the dances at Harold rt ri err WILUANS must be governed to. a large extent by the interior arrangements, and that the outside should never control the Inside. Exterior design can be modified to meet interior necessities, and the interior planning can give way somewhat to exterior design. "Custom dulls observation and sends reason to sléep"--but let us for that reason all the more be strong advocates of the crusade for "more light and air.' Copyright, 1926, Macl.ean Building Reports, Limited. A An Clark's pavilion, Collin's Bay, _ for this summer has been again award- ed to Sid Fox and His Serenaders, Eastern Ontario's popular ' orches- tra. ------ Girls in fashiopable dress stood guard while"two companions held up and robbed taxi-cab driver at Chi- cago. ~ It will take China a generation to create: a great army, and perhaps another to learn the art of being in- sulting. - The resolve to have move faith in your fellows peters out when you notice how a picked chicken looks, Now is the time to get your front teeth all tightened up for corn-on- the-ceb season. Cash-on-delivery parcel post ser- vice is being instituted for wholé of United Kingdom on March 29th. Matthew and Mark Gunn, twins, Celebrated their 93rd birthday at Brighton, England, on Mareh 16th, NT ww - Care should be ---- 3 ge . nd registered 24eh , 19234, at 2.35 pm. in the Regis try Office for the Registery Division of the County of Fronteriae in Book's for the Township of Kingsion as Nof 10,438, from Muriel"L Stark and William A Stark to James Howes. TIME The sale will take place at 11 a.m. on Monday, 5th April, 18286. s PLACE~ALt the rooms of T. J. Munro, Auctioneer, § Market Street, Kingston. TERMS--Ten per cent. at time of sale and balance in thirty days. Sub. Jeot to a reserve bid. x LAND---In the Township of Kingston and County of Frontenac, being coms ed of part of the South half of Lot Ewenty thre (23), and part of the South-east quarter of Lot Twenty two (22), in the Second {Concession of the said Townehis. containing hundred acrés more or less, one hundred acres being Bound on the North by the North halves the said Jots, on the West by the centre Hne of the said Lot twenty-two, on the South by 'the property known as "Dovercourt," and on the East by the easterly limit of said Lot Twenty hree. reserve bid, I offered in three Of thirty-three and a third ACres more or.less each at reserve bids Or upon such other termy mortgagee may deem fit Full pariculars may be from WW. H. Herringtow, 151 W ton Street, mortgagee obtained Felling + Kingston, solicitor for the JANE HOWES, By her SoMcitor, W. H Herrington, EXECUTORS SALE Valable City Property There will be offered. for sale on MONDAY, the oa hay of March, 1926, Bt twelve o'clock i, by T. J. Munro, Auctioneer, at 35 Aberdeen Street, the following property: A de'ached brick dwelling house, con- taining seven rooms and bath room, and the lands appurtenant thereto, slee- trie light and furnace. The said house is No. 35 Aberdeen Street. according to the Kingston City Directory. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms 10% of the purchase money to be paid dows at the time of the sale, the balance fin thirty days. For fusther Rprifculars apply to Nickle & Farrell, 194 Catario Street, Solicitors for the Executor. thea "THE FLORENCE HUDOR PRIVATE SCHOOL of BALLET, CLASSIC AND MoDERN ANCING Cl mow forming for Chil: 18nmen dren and Adults, Private Lessons by =a - Wren 39 UNION BEST SERVICE IN THE RT TT -- - It is said that sunlight id of less J. ¥. WALKER, Frop. benefit to a growing crop of wile oats than the electric light, 4 NA rts tty