THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Te Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and' a True Market Place ge British 1 Whig KINGSTON, ONT SPASSIFIED ADVERT.SING } ads. are restricted to Walz oper classification, and to tbe ular Dally Whig style of to CLASSIFIED RATES: ly rate Ret or Hine ov or TE ecoutive soinlimuse Rares 2 cents. ily rater per line 3 6 tes Mar py 'ane (he, Bons Bement $1.60; a. hanks, and Memoriam tices Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.0 irregular . Ia rdered for tising of Dana oe the one-limg inser on rate; no ad. taken for 168s Laan is of four lines. oun average wordg to the ne. Ee ds. will be received by . one and if paid at The Brit- ig Office within 6 days from o first date of insertion, cash rate 411 be allowed. ordered for more than one day d stopped before expiration will gly be charged for the number of Imes the ad. appeared and adjusts nt made at the rate earned. 3 te per line Sor whits space is he same 84 & line © > ial rate Jor yearly WBVerustng reques hgblishers co the right to eject all classified ad fel phoné 24%; ask er & want ad. Lost and Found i A ------------------ a ------ PMOPILE TIRE CHAIN. Found J have A at Manufactu fe Y Insurance Comps: ny. Lo OH---Silver Star with o. en raved, lost on Friday morn- Fin le@se return to 350 Brock ot or *p one 498-J. Reward. B BAG--Lost Thirsdiy evening at : oD r Station ob on Montreal, Brock, nham, lam or 5 ol Slothes and band enclosed. Re- for. return to 3% King Stresét, or pe "P. HER PUPPY ~ Lost, 'Wire- © eye nd ear ¢ black: black y.. Finder please 'phone ard. Help Wanted Female Help Wanted 3 EXPERIENCED 'GENERAL MA Wanted. Appl} So Mrs. James F. LessMe, 47 William Street, HOUSEKEEPER--Wanted 'tor. con country; references requ amily of two; convenient to -daily trains. and bus Hines. Good wages, Apply to Box J-13, 'Whig Office, MAID--Vor gerieral housework. Apply Mrs. R. J. diner, 90 Johnson Street. MAID--Wanted for general housework. Apply 10 138 Albert Street or phone Male and Female Help Wanted 8b AT ONCE---One reliable orderly and one Die cleaner. Apply to Sup- Ee Kingston General Hospl- ¥S WANTED--- To pat 50 3 . Curzon"s Barber Bhop. Man's h r cuts, 26c. Shaves 10c. Boys' ir ow Ladies, 26c. 201 Wel- on tr ae MEN AND WOMEN--Any age, Ron, do distribute good literature, on salary or commission. Whole or rt 'time Sontract, Apply Box A-16, Whig Of- ce. . Agénts Wanted LIGHTNING --- Strange Battery Com- und. Charges discharged Batteries netantly. Eliminates old method en- tirely. Particulars. Lightning Co. St. Paul, Minn. 4 Real Estate For Rent. = | Houses { | HOUSE~--Corner Colborne and Sydeu-' ham streets, 3 rooms; 269 and 258 "i-| deau St. 5 rooms and €& rooms: 61 Queen St, § rooms; all improvements | each. Apply 185 Queen Street. Téled phone 988-w. ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on| harles Street; electric light and, gas Apply to ¥. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--Eight rooms furnace 'and 'all convenlences, situate near Clty Park. Possession May 1st. Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence reet, Kingston, Ont. SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE--AI] conveni- ences, fruit garden; close to car line. Immediate possession. Apply 27 Liv- ingston Avenue. 'Phone 2669-J, SIX-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW - All modern; fikeplace; gas for cooking. Apply 73 Pembroke Street. Rooma 10 FURNISHED HOOMS--For one or two women for light housekeeping. Ap- ply 129 Union Street West. FURNISHED FLAT--Of~four rooms as bedrooms or as oné or two apartments, for light housekeeping. Apply to 214 Willtam Street, corner Barrie Street. TWO ROOMS--Furnished; suitable for light housekeeping; on bathroom flat; for cooking. Possession April Bas Fer Apply to 87 Wellington Street. SEL! Lefiusrantecd Ladder-Proof Silk Stoekin, New pair for every pair that Ja Br Pay daily. Family Hos- fery oatalogus fry Sterling Hosiery Mills, Dept. 8. yronto. $225--For ninety days' work (spare or Jull time), guaranteed man or WwWo- man to interview mothers and distri- bute etaiure for religious eéduca- home. Commission and beanides, offering good a rn $30 to $560 weekly. re samples free. Winston Ton to. Teachers Wanted QUALIFIED TEACHER -- Wanted for school section No. 8, Bedford. Salary 600. Applx to dwar Turner, Sec.- Teas. Vestport, 5 ' Positions Wanted -0 UNTAIN PEN---Lost, Tuesday after- Barrie or Brock 3 kindly return to In- me Pax Princess Street. Re- YOUNG MAN--Of good standin best references; good education; deslt ros po- sition in cheese factory as helper; in- tends learning business. Apply Box C-15, Whig Office. -- Wanted To Rent 11 FOR MAY 1st--One single bedroom fur- ndshed or unfurnished; one large room or one room with an arch, unfurnish- ed, on second floor, for mother and son. Apply 448 John Johnson St et. Real Estate For Salo Farms and Land Choice Farm 185 acres, two frame dwellings, In Adolphustown; faces Bay -0 uinte; five miles east of Picton. All ice land. About 25 acres plow- ed; 25 acres in all wheat; fine sugar bush, fruit troe Finest scenery in Canada, dd by summer resorts. Che@p to quick buyer. Titles erfect. Mrs. J. W. Dorland, 150 in Street, Kingston, or 'phone 1 -W. Business Places 13 ~Tg "Sires on Johnson Street, near reet. Owner may have me hig Office. Fale Off} Ly Aad +s ming: & co morning. ner may Dave She o at ig Oftice $---On ring, found en Ordnance eet. Owner may have same at the § Office. RY--Found, on 3 Monday, Svining. Fher' may have 8 same at e Lower n Street. BYS----On chain, found, in front lice . Owner may have same he Whi Oftice. Live Stoex \ 1a LATEIN CALYES-----Fully accredited : Foundation cow May Echo via's slater; Shs Rell, Onort Walker. $15. rey Valley, St Ted i: Sven male Cocker Spaniel ir Ee aD en 0 en iy Rite ih 371-373 King nners 180, Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 7 APARTMENTS---4 rooms and tiled bath room; centrally located, modern in gvery respect. Apply M-20, Whig Of- ce. BATH FLAT--Of Three rooms, furnish. ed or-unfurnished; all conveniences Apply 6 Jenkin Street or 'phone 1319-7. FLAT-Suitable for small family; all conveniences. Possession April 1. Rent $20.00 per month, includes light and water. Apply Dr. Nash, 183 Princess Stree. one 736 or 1148 after 6. FURNISHED APARTMENT «= Of 4 rooms, 1 bedroom, -kitchen, dining Joam and SlYing, room. able Br 0 wo, Ww out ¢ ren. - ply de Barrie Street. » GROUND FLOOR AP. 8 p. bath, olothes clogets, large range, hot Water eating: month; also 7 roomed ho venienoes, Sa i fay ist. month, ply een 'phone 1 1128 ni 'MENT----F 0 a Deater, 5 ; all con~ 3is.00 per treet or mirror it for ie 4 act L hen & ce. = tarfo STORE~House and jot wanted. Appl to Box K-18, Whig Oftice. PY i House ® TEN ROOMED HOUSE--With store wt- hed; 00d business I eal locality on corner. 1 ntreal street or 'phone ny? EIGHT RQOMED HOUSE -- 208 Alfred Street; modern convenie howly decorated. Apply 208 Alfred Sireet HOUSE = 138 Wallington Street, 8 ms, furnace, electric light and gas. (5 piece bath. Ww Vii re. decorate to ena ssion to 83 Clergy Street East, , Soviy BRICK BO HOUSE---~§ rooms, at, cpvoalie Robert: Meek" e. ent ply J. B. Cooke, 'Phone 805 or 118i. & NEW HOUSE--Ellerbeck '7 rooms. Te ATenue, Just Pathan 127 37 Nelson street. Su. Coke i, Stove and Nut sizes 81S. 00 ton ,'Body Hardwood and Hard- he er ice ws iminie +. $4.00 load es Swift & Co., Limited Fobt of Johnson Street. 'Phone 1385. Choice, "wood S En | Jom For Sale or To Rent GARAGE in country village; good location, lighted with hydro power, with or without gasoline pump; battery charger, stocky ote. This garage also has a splendid Farm Implement and' pment business connected with it. XEasy terms. Apply to Box H-18, Whig Office. ep m---------------------------- a \ 13 Houses BRICK HOUSE Semi-detached; 7 rooms and bath; all medern improve- ments. Apply to 44 Ordnance St. BUNGALOW---¢ rooms, modern, 3900; brick, 8 rooms, modern, south, building lots, central, south side. 90; farms close to city. Houses to let. Insurance. Monoy, Xo to loan. OR, $51 Princess Bo ND Rhone 1189-3. J. E. E. CUNNINGHAM 'Real Estate Insuinate and Loans 79 Clarence Street. HOUSE ~ And five lots. New brick house; all jmprovements; large veran- hen house 40x Near 34, 900' for quick jo. Ap- Thomson, 110 Drayton Ave, h, Princess. Fred NEW HOUSE--7 rooms, barn, § acres land; north Alfred, for $2,500.00. Sufit- able for gardening or henery. Bar. 'Phone 1083-m, or call at 332 iversity Avenue. RESIDENCE--Solid brick, in good con- dition; all conveniences; 335 Univer sity ave ue. In very desirable lotal- ity. gasticuiaa, apply at the "house 'p 8) ROOMED BRICK HOUSE On incess ets 3 bedrooms, sletris ht, ece floors A ownSTAlrS: vera h, Sie of as 4 ¥ % fronta OR a umpo ur; 'Phone 704 or Cashed 4eo00. ho, Apo ud ¢ E Frump TEN-ROOMED HOUSE---Brick, all mod- ern improvements, at 363 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. Apply on prem E »~. Real, Estite and 1 nce Broker ¥ Earl Strbet, § rooms and 3. Tid FEN WR 0 . ing: Sani ating G Johnson reo Division sreets sw. See Ad ouT OUR WAY. > BY WILLIAMS. PANT Articles For Sale. Wanted To Buy 14a DERRICK-- Half to one ton derrick wanted to rent or buy. State condi- tion and price. Apply to Box G+17, Whig Office. LIGHT DELIVERY WAGGON--Wanted. ust be in good condition, Apply to 30 Tum Street or phone 2553-w. LIGHT SPRING WAGON<=In good con- dition, wanted to buy. Apply 324 King Street or 'phone 928, CK---Must SECOND HAND FORD TRU Ay be in good condition. State LOONSS __Articles For Sale is SQUARE PIANO--Water Power Wash- ing Machine, kitchen cabinet, parlor stove, Oxford Oak. 61 Livingston Ave. SRT or SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS For sale. Apply to Walke & Walkem, 93 Clatence Street. UPRient IANG-.1h ce reasonable. y borne Street. i condition. at 149 Col. YOUR AUTO PARTS. 311ver vere can be replated like new. Phoné 380. Part- ridge Wire & Iron Works. Gates, Fehces, eto., close prices. price Jor cash. Apply Box L-230, Wi Office 2/6 ©1926 BY NEA SERVICE WC. |) Busines) Services Wanted To Buy ASHES---And other fill wanted at new school, on McDonald Street. Will pay 10c. per load. Apply to HL. 'W. Wats, 296 Frontenac Street. Talloring and Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON--- Tailor, Cleanin 3 fasting. Repairing; your own cloth ade up. mples In stock. $30.00 and up. -273 Dusor Street. Frofessionat an $8 PRACTITIONER ... W. A. roe corner of Barrie snd Prin. cess Streets. Chiropractic adjust- 19 DRUG ts, electric treatments and hand- Miscellaneous 15 EASTER SUITS-For Ho. 00,' made to Zour oiler on easy i choice of newest patter - anteed: 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Pajter- son, 120 Johnston Street. ASHES -- And heavy Clinkers Especially suited, 1 for road work To or drawing. App! to Angrove's Foundry, King Sod Queen Streets. BABY CHICKS «= Bred-to-lay Barred Rock Baby Chicks of Guild and John. ston strain, April hatch. $30.00 per hundred. May hatoh $15.00 r hun- dred. Apply. 1 to Mrs. John W, Spence, Brewer's BLANKETS-~Robés a bargain; hand aril Lion Dise Harrow; 2 sled See Our Dew Cockshutt Bise Deis 3 Spring \Tooth Cultivator, Lion pies Haru Shite, Seopatis an ilkers at A J. % Cramer, 31 Brook Street. 'Phone Binet. or T- 1 arr Se -------------------- ia -------- EGGS AND iD RADY ON PHICKS-From pure bred Batred White yan a4 Dosks. Black Slits ode and Reds, Bul Orpin Golden Sebrights, Banta Foxin Ducks; also custom Patching. For rices and congditl rite or call C. Hicks, Market Moscow, Ontario, R. R. No. FISH AND CHIPS.The oldest fish and chip cafe in city. W. F. Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Hours § a.m. to 1.00 am. We deliver. "Phone 2625-m. ener, 2. Two Electric Motors For Sale 1 horse power Wagner Motor -1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 220 . volts, A.C. ED) 'PHONE 2014. TFarnnture FURNITURE Antique and modern furniture sold and Suet M. Cram- er, 507 Princess Street, successors to Lesbeg Antique ' $y Fuel and Feed 18 DRY BODY HARDWOOD... and soft wood Slabs. We h Dut the best. . 'Phone Bite, s bons re WOO! AFIor SOR eit) oord 3.76 quarter cord. BnT tue "58 "H. Taldat, C ston Clean saw- one 2753-J. W. KOTIOE--This ress 1y, all Mattresses reno io 4 fer 8 RE ular price $4. 05. hone has "Fro , 371 King Street 'Ei Also new bit nds. bie 17 1 Re "ae Rpt Sais: Fp ot Be | = Or Sal 00 lat ba, "Ean Se ne a Tr and Bell er Ordnance. site ket. "Phone 2440-w. "Ce i "eleitlyused Er Feast, contitfon otug treet. + W. Lihdsay , 131 DRY HARDW Br PERLE 'Phone i reell when. hardwood 2 Hw TT #4 i LE TE Sel 14 ar AES Ray A oad Stovs ih. mow. Cation Tipo sna reek i a EE asa] Dee} 3.50 cord $3.28 quarter 3.50--s0ft slabs e. X-ray service. Coneulta- tion ree. Hours 9-13 am. 1-6 pm. Bvenings by appointment. Office tele- phone 332 sidence "phene 957-J. LUCY-~Geo. F. and Jennle A. Chiro- Bireet™ Registered Nurse, 303 Bagot tr 'Phone 951-w. Hours "9-12, 16, 8-79.30. Consultation free. SKIN BLEMIS ~= Hair, Mol Warts, ire Amariks. Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed parmanent- Benen Cr rr failed s Goltre cured with t i Lae experience. Sire House vo 11887 oars ye, Nose got Street. Phono Sor au _ Barristers and Solicitors 1b . H. HERRINGTON---Barrister, Sollei- tor and Notary Pu Pubie 151 Welling- ton Street. 548-w. CUNNINGHAM & 8 d Solicitors, ngston., A. B. yril M. Smith. gd AND ABVELLIBarriswrs and $9 Clarence Street, King. ston. ox E. Day, ian IL Revelle. Mortgages 'Phone 208. REYNOLDS, J. DS, J. ComBarriate Fister and Solicl- Raised on ai on city and Ph operty. 'Phon s 3500 B.A, Barrister property. amd Bs Oftice, corn nd Brock, o over Ro ak a 'Phone 1999. Personal MITH «-- Bartisters Clarence Street, L. Sunpningham, KC; ouglas, Barrister and Soli- 79 Clarence Street. Mortgages "Phone 423. and King Money = --- Wanted to board. Apply by | BABY _ phone, 1587-w. "{ LADY Want, | to i with a lon and [ niedns; 30x A-13, entieman a | fi . "Business Services aR Ladies' Hair Partor 8 FRENCH MARCEL wavina ote A Round a Bo Fe and SE ng. For ap ne 4ttention A Buses a Halr rDev pointment "phone 30 Insurance ERNIE D. all branches of Insurance in old companies of highest financial ing. 381 King Street Bast. S-w. Res 1131. SLITER--Insurance Broker, line! 'honest ahd Casualt ley, 420 Ear Fi Tend U2 GIRGRE) E. M. Cru he 1783-M. Insure: Btreet. INSURANCE--Only com ies represented. Strange, established in 1860 * orice: the most reliable * Clarence Street, oppolite Post Office. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol« icy will protect your salary. AR lines of Fire and Automobile Ihaurance, Williams, 2 Couper street. Decorators EB A. ANDERSON--Painter and Decora Shop and residence 'phone 1966. fice 383 King Street: tor, of GET YOUR FAINPING--ADd } Bape done now. Prices ble. paper for sale. Bryant, 307 Earl "Phone 3747+J. Wall PAPER HANGING « Why not hav that room decorated this month fore the Spring rush ? Workmianais guaranteed at reasonable prices. , me show. you our w 1936 ee Pie H. Rowley. 'Phone 1352-F. ed, anywhere in cit A, a ow Natt. 879 cess Street, "Phone 351 ee ine SIGN PAINTING. "Robi . TORr 275 Bagot coer 8 nana Financial FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS--Wanted to. loan on § perty. Value fifteen thousand. est seven ' per cent. Agent, Clarence Street. efty producing pro= Inter. Cunningham, FRONTENAC LOAN "AND IN MENT SOC 1861. nt, vice-president J. M. loan on city and farm Rioparties; vestment. ndg bought and sold; posits received and interest paid minimum monthly balance. ine on Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St. Storage 20a, "UE poms ape furniture, alr, Frost's Storage, 2 key. "Phone ne 526. 305 Queen St. or 2516-m. clean, d rooms and Spaces; your own lock Res. §89-w, BOYD'S STORAGE WARBEHOUSE-For furniture or any merchandise. Fire proof building. 'Phone 1000 or 1177. Carpenter Work CARPENTER WORK--All kinds of cars punter work, TA or da ardwood" floors a specialty. moderate. 73 Street. G. Hunter, 'Phone §48-w. Miscellaneous work. Pombroke. ASHES.Cleaned cut of cellars and' nrg clean job done. Russell Street. "Phone 3265 SLEIGH DRIVING PARTIES Taken ven. Good teams, careful drivers. 'team work dome. Estimates Caverly Transter Co., Upper Street. 'Phone 1507-J. Expert Plano Tuning: Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHO LSTRRING=AD go ing leave orders & dion F. W. Harold, 104 "Creray "Phone 1600+J. rd PR SLEIGH DRIVING each day, carefu] drivers, . Sood or sale. / Transfer, Pr and 2516-M. Automobiles Auto Accessories a hotpes; eneral cart! ary wood Befnaies given: 8 given; Buk XY "Phone PARTIES... Token is GARAGE-- Wh dws tawa Street, Harrow 30 ft. x 80 ft, 3 Delco plant; to Charles Hicks Harro , for ith; Betugs Scataline » Seg APY KINGSTON Makers and Cush Cou, holstering. bodies, E 347 King street. '| anlone Commercial, Sodan one 2945. at au TOP AND BODY ons! 20. _ FOR SALE ord To 1918 Ford Touring, 1921 (WITH STARTER) 2 Ford Tourings, 1924 (WITH START Ford Touring, 1926 . Ford Coupe, 1923 Ford Coupe, 1924 Ford Co 1925 Ford et xis 924, 1925, RX Hive 1 dave I ad ae ne Tirehigiog 1 (repost these ba-.