THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG [MAJOR L. F. GOODWIN misaith oo feo. co MEKAY ; Company Commanders of the Second . 3 | : 30) FURS | | COMMANDS P.W.0.R. 5mm om saisous Fis vaen DRAPERIES ; | | Exclusive and beautiful SHAW'S DAILY STORE NEWS : FOR TO-NIGHT-HOSIERY SPECIALS FINE COTTON, HOSE, GOLD DOLLAR SILK HOSE 25¢. PAIR The best value in Silk Hoslery in the trade. ~ Your choice of Grey or Black in these fine, Cot Comes in Atmosphere, Rugh, > 3 ¥ 4 ¥, Tan, Moonlight, ton Hose; In sizes 83 10 10. Absolutely fast Biege, Black a new shades. . 3 nd all the other colors and extra value at 26¢. PAIR { wonderful value at : ; A Corsets, $1.00 pr., Correct, stylish and in demand to complete the FLOOR RUGS Of distinction » | Céptain Goodwin, as he then was, Lieut.-Col. Sparks Retires-- | left his company and battalion on December 1st, Y925, being detailed | for special duty under the Director of Personal Services, and served un- der the direction of Lord Moulton's Canadian Furs for Canadian YeeDal, Sharla Retive \ Women FOXES In all the new. colors. Several changes and promotions in the Princess of Wales Own Regiment | {of Kingston are anounced, to date | | March 17th, from whiéh date Major L. P. Goodwin assumes command of the Battalion and Lieut.-Col. E.' B. Sparks transfers to the Second Re- serve Battalion, his tenure of office | heving expired. With the relinquishing of his com- mand, the Battalion loses in Efeut.- Col. Sparke one of the most popular | acd eflicient Commanding Officers Jeining the ranks of the Battalion in 1900, when he served in No, 4 con pany of which W. Y. Mills was ai! that time color sergeant, Col. Spa gerved as' a private for two years ' when he was granted a commiseion | |§ i as lieutenant after qualifying at al A Professional School of Infantry, and | § EASTMAN KODAKS, BOX BROWN- bas been a member of the local unit | ji ever since serving in the different | § ~) commissioned ranks until he eventu- or an ally succeeded to command of the Battalion. 3 ni = Col. Sparks went overseas during Developing, Printing and Enlarging the Great War with the Medical Unit commanded by Col. Etherington in : ' STORE May, 1915, seeing service with this) " The a ; ranigan us ' rug LIMITED {unit in Egypt. and also serving with | ; ~ honor in Medical Units in France MAJOit L. F. SO0DWIN 268 Princess Street 2 Guring the war as Dental Officer. | Sofia ptr Col. Sparks has' the Officers Lens signing explosives and acid factories for munitions of war, the adthorities recognizing that his knowledge of 8. eis nals Your inspection invited. John McKay Ltd. 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON new costume. Your choice of Pink or White--sizes 19 to 30--$1.00 pair. Other excellent' values to LINEN TOWELLING, 16¢ Yd. | GINGHAMS, 20c. YARD Heavy, soft finish, all pure Linen Towelling, in Usheri s 3 y ng in the Sprihg season, \ hin, with Red or Blue borders--absolutely fine Ginghams, new checks pie To nd t - ree from dressing. 27 inches wide, a real value at ., , 20¢. YA ) SILKS AN MATERIALS such subj was invaluable. oa | Real values in , | | y At thé--bnd of February, 1916, ods--the finest range { H v % : Major Goodwin was seconded to the we have ever shown. Re Ese first. General Staff of the War Office for |. - a perid of seven weeks during which he did special staff work, rejoining his battalion in France with reinfor- cements during the second battle of Ypres, taking part in the battles of Festubert and Givenchy, remaining with the second battalion until the autumn of the same year when he was detailed by special order of the Secretary of State for War to return to Canada to assist in the manufac- ture of munitions. Beds, Springs, Mattresses After his return to Canada, Major savier io he covernmens on el [Hats $3.98 (LLL bl dul A i 2 3 | matter of explosives and ammuni- EL Bok dad dd uk, dul od 4 ; Hl | tion, successfully carried gut several | Sh ERO Eh E-Gri important missions and .also proved Parisian Shop to be of the greatest assistance to the United States 'Government in 822 BROCK STREET connection with one or two problems which faced them at that time. Since his return to Kingston, in i i Kayser Gloves, sma and reasonably pric autiful Scarfs mplete that costume \ The ne Pineapp| -- ty stitch Made of fine such new shill On first mortgages. Nude, Fa We offer the facilities of ¢ sizes from Gl of te largest ioaning insti | with unlimited funds. tinctly new At lowest. rates of interest, ty Hose. depending on security offered No loan too small, or too Jiige to receive our best atten mn. pany avon the battalion shield for ef- ---- ficiency; while in 1925 the company s cl addition to his close affiliatidn with was third for 'the prise offered. LIEUT.-COL. E. B. SPARKS and service in the' P.W.O.R., Major | #85 ; red Service Decoration, in addition to his | Goodwin assisted in organizing the | !2® Oanadiss hiantry 'Association, war decorations. Great War Veterans Asdociation, | P¢108 only beaten by a a Col. Sparks took over command |Scrving as president and member o ie dd SomPAnY of the OUtawa of the PW.O.R. on the occasion of | the executive committee, while he a. the resignation from this or also hatited 'the organization of | Major 4'ButeiTe Wears.the Long : is ervice Medal, and is one of the most by Col. H. E. Pense owing to | the Sécond Battalion Club being its}: ¥ tficers in the baitalion fil-heall, and during his tenure of | first president. Popuiar-oiiieers in the . command maintained the very Last year Major Goodwin passed high standarQ of efficiency set by the [the Militia Staff Course, while his Battalion under his predecessors. | Service entitles him to the Long Sér- BEGIN OPERATIONS Since the latter part of 1922, when | vice Medal for which his application ttalion has been to the fore in AT END oF MONTH sporting matters with schedules of Second in Command. ---- ol. Sparks took over command, the | Fas been forwarded to Ottawa. indoor baseball and other events ar- With Major . Goodwin assuming Willowdale Dairy, Ltd., Instal- [| } L) Applications solicited. | Special in Real Esta Detached brick bungalow, 7 rooms, electric light, three piece bath, furnace; sun pare lor, building 30 x 45, barn, and' very large yard. Th ) $4,500 Ain | S-- La ha or dil Cable, Coil, Link, Springs -- Felt and Ostermoor, Marshall Mattregses. | Robt. J. Reid Ambulance "Phone 577. Best Motor equipment. i [¢rcased establishment cf the unit, Funeral Service, ranged within the Battalion, thus creating fa spirit of esprit de corps which bas reached a high standard; while the actual efficiency during training, notwithstanding the de- has been successfully .maiptained in every particular, With the retirement of Col Sparks the Battalion loses one of its most popular commanding officers. Col. Pparks although a rigid disci- command of the battalion, Major J. @'Esterre, who heretofore has been in command of "C" Company, will be second in command of the battal- fon and will relinquish his 2ppoint- ment as company commander. Joining the P.W.O.R. in 1910, af: ter Your years previous 'service in the ranks of the Queen's Own Rifles of Capada, ip Toronto, Major d"Es- terré has served In the local unit aver since. Serving overseas during the Great War, Major d'Esterre vol- unteered for service in France with the 48th Highlanders, where he saw a great deal of fighting. being con. stantly id the line as second in com- foundry of his own in this ¢ ling Equipment in Their 'remained in business up till New Plant. d | His record in civic circles shows that J Willowdale Dairy Limited will be-|since this time he has been "'mould- Ji gin operating in the new plant in the | idg public opinion." : old cereal building at the foot of Gore street about the end of this Four Propost Car 3 ; month. The new company is using Pour aitle ne Tied ox Ih the basement and first floor and E for iH there is a possibility that in time it | Tro core Of 37.000 were easily car- v; ¥ ried at Alexandria Bay election on 8 will also'find use for the second and Tuesday. The vote was $83,000 for| x third floors, but nothing definite has advertising the resort, yes 227, no| Folger will be initiated at yet beh apranged In this regard. C2: $1,000 for entertaining state! Meeting. Ambrose Shea has bp Ph Jarge artificial fea plant, with | [Ie convention in August, yes 237, | appointed chairman of the vigil a larg Pp mo 57; $2,000 for band concerts, yes, and sick committee, and R. J, » a ] a capacity of eleven tons of ice per |. . | chairm SI, an" ; i mand of a company. day, and this will be in operation in 4. Jo 3 Hod ii for week-end) Shairsan of the transportation - i ) : dere ALY he rw OR: a a day or two. The office space, but-| bo enleriaiaments, yes, 219, a) : | x : ter room, ice cream room, and stoi-|" Portland o et - Th vi ' lent companion of Sifantey Jn Hast | 5%,700ms have bien partitioned off| LoS 000 cq" 0. Dlenigeny| Portiand, Marek T4c-The Canada. Fo his on the first foor ah Ing 18 I) \rolvin Merrils, 396; trustee for one|CT® 8re very busy hauling rn Canada. For two years this col | paginas to lay the concrete floor. AT |to the saw mill. Tp : ey The interior will be patted white | YSAT: James Cline, 391; trustees for. ; : Rare Ward two years, Fred Van Brockiin, 384; S'eat many 'logs drawn this and blue and everything in the build- Fred Swan 385: treasdrer, C. vU. ter. Herman Morris, who_ has. icg has been arranged with a view Putadm, 403: collector. "John" Shee- | #1a¥ing with his mother for the v oe ion th, has gone to Montreal w "who should do your" : "THE HAT STORE ta cleanliness. Four large floor ley, 39% - ' x drains have been installed and the : * \ % Jha wife is taking care of hes i wiring. our a : . : = ¥ 5 dability is your IY : : T ----------r-- ' g pond IL : ' B| partitions are raised so that the Kiwanis Activits father, 'who Is not very well, rance. Pe teo- er EAS R HA S whole floor can be washed off at one Hon. Dr. J. A. Amyot, Deputy dance held fn fle Orange Hall on ¢ time. 4 17th wae well re Minister of © Health, Ottawa, will *' patronised. The ich créam storage rooms will aqaress the Kiwanis Clob ar she reg- The Nockey ieam went to Gifebs 5 'O-NIGHT have a papaeity for 7,000 gallons and 'on the 16th t Portland BUY T : the buffer storage room also pro- LD 49 Slay, oe out, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson gone to Elgin to attend the fuberal of Mrs. Henderson's mother, M: Smith, who passed away on Tre day morning. : Mrs. Jennie Harte, who has visiting friends. here f