oN ---------- Ha HG i and Furious Fun! YOU'LL art n FOR SALE Frost & Wood Farm Implements. 4 Line Wire Fencing 27c, rod. 5 Line Wird Fencing 83¢. rod. Wire Fencing 38¢. rod. 7 oe Wire Fencing 45¢. rod. Bayne Buggies and Waggons, Finley Stoves and Ranges. Jeffery ' Harness, Furnituré and Ready Roofing. Sy Dain Hay Loaders. Beatty Bros. Hay Forks and Slings, Washing 'Machines and Churns, Cheese Factory Supplies, Milk Cans, Seed, Grain, Flour and Feed; all kinds General Merchan- dise. > : Nr All orders receive my attention. I chip promptly, "= SIMON JACKSON, Wagarville. + NOTIC REGISTERED NURSES' ASSOCIA: TION OF ONTARIO A Mass Meeting of District No. 7 will be held at the Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, on THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1926, at 3.30 p.m, All Graduate Nurses resident in ntenac, Leeds, Grenville, Lanark, Lennox and Addington Counties are urgeptly requested to attend. Work a Specialty Brick, Stone, Plastering and Setting Paper Hanging, Paint. First class work, Prices reasonable FRED YOUNG 198 COLBORNE STREET C8 Steril ri - TAXI Iw cree 20¢ THE CITY F | 64 BLACK? \ WHITE ANY PLACE IN in the City Tk Yorkshire Fish # and Chip Cafe We deliver all day Sat. Frisky, Frenchy, Fast. prediction that within a compara- #:rved 'overseas with the R.C.H.A. and £1 it an | AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions AT THE CAPITOL. Adolphe Menjou and Florence Vidor a in Screen Success. Alfred Savior's celebrated Success, "The Grand Duchess and the Waiter" has found its way to the screen via the directorial gen- ius of Malcolm St. Clair and the histrionie. artistry of Adolphe Men- jou and Florence Vidor. KH comes to the Capitol to-day, Tuesday and Wednesday. These three, with the expert assistance of Plerre Collings who mada the film adaptation, and the help of a capable supporting cast, have turned Monsieur Savoir's cle: ver French love comedy into a high- ly polished, sumptuously staged photoplay, whose gorgeousness daz- zles the eye, while its scintillating action and fresh humor stir the emo- tions and tickle the funny bone. As the wealthy boulevardier, who mas- querades as a waiter 10 be near the haughty Duchess fie adores. Menjou is his own suave, sophisticated sel? PORCUPINE WILL HAVE WORLD'S DEEPEST MINES stage Lecture Given at Queen's on Saturday by Mr. C. W. -@reenland. Mr. C.' W. Greenland, formerly of the Department of Mineralogy of Queen's University, now connected with prominent mining interests in Northern Ontario and Quebec, deliv- ered a lecture before Queen's Mining and Metallurgical Society at 11 o'- clock on Saturday. He discubssed in Some detall the process of déposi- tion of the gold ores of several of the large mines of the Porcupine @district and outlined the essential features of the formation of com- mercial deposits. The reasons for the variations im the gold content of veins in the same area were very clearly presented. Mr. Greenland stated that the depth to which mining could be car- ried at Porcupine depended only on the costs, and made the interesting tively few years that district would have the deepest mines in the world. TO GO ON PENSION. William Lowry, Regimental Sergeant- Major of R.C.A., to Retire. ~ Willlam Lowry, regimental serge- ant-major, R.C.A., will go on pen- sion shortly, Major Lowry enlisted with the R.C.H.A., going overseas with that unit and went through many of its important engagements in France. Major Lowry is now head N.C.O. in the brigade, having been for twenty-four years in the service. He was recently given two months' leave and it is understood that the pension will take effect at the con- clusion of his period of rest. He returned on leave in March, 1018. Until the conclusion of hostilities he was detained in Canada, and re. joined his unit after the' war was over. Another Sale of Small Oranges, Until Easter we will sell Little Lady Orangés 15c., 17c., 20¢. per) dozen at Carnoveky's. i ' "Morn ~ Colds and Sore Throats SYBILLA SPAHR'S TONSILITIS REMEDY y Pot Pourri" at Gibson's. A » leas quick ker or oS and Diseased Tonstie. Teat se our' Complete and direvtions' bottle. Kingston nt FLUKE GOAL GAVE droppers for nse accompany emch | n VARSITY A WIN 'With Teams Tied, Moran of Ottawa Put Puck in His Own Net. Ottawa, March 22--After one of the most exciting struggles of the local hockey season, Toronto Varsity defeated Ottawa Gunners at the Au- ditorlum Saturday night by 5 to 4 in the first game of the home and home series for the Eastern amateur hockey championship. The second and final game of the series will be piayed on Toronto ice tonight and the students have one goal margin to work on in'the return engagement. Lady Luck laid a heavy hand on the chances of the local team and it wae a fluke goad that gave the big blue team the margin on the evenings scoring. With the score deadlocked and three minutes to go, there was a face off inside Gunners' red line. Moran and Hudson both battled 'at the puck, Hudson missed, but Moran conneeted and in attempting to pass it back to his own men he clubbed it straight into the Gunners' net, giv- ing the Varsity teamnthe odd godl in nine. The turn of fate was a bad blow to fhe Gunners who had met ihe famed 'T" team stride for stride throughout the sixty minutes and at least deserved a tie on the night's play. Showing no. respect for repu- tations the Shrapnels hopped right into the argument from the opening whistle and had the Blue's suppor- ters considerably worried over the outcome before many minutes had passed, although before the game, the verdict was considered a "cinch" for Varsity and liberal odds were be- ing quoted on the visitors, COFCO TPPPPROPINIIPRPEOEORN + . + FORT WILLIAM MAY ENTER A PROTEST Manager Hine, of the Fort William team is quoted, as say- ing that the series wi King- ston will be appedled, on the grounds of "inefficient referee- ing and short time In the .last period of Saturday's game." PEEP r ree > * * + + * + * * * * + * EA ERE EEX ER EEE The, Gamés in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, March 22.--The hoc- key fans are looking forward to the two-game series which will be play- ed here between Kingston and Cal gary juniors Tuesday and Thursday HUNDREDS JOINED ra) 5 Te HOLY NAME: SOCIETY Men's Mission at St. Mary's Closes--Women's Mission This Week. | Hundreds were enrolled as mem- | bers of the Holy Name Society at the | closing exercises of the men's mis- | €ion at St. Mary's Cathedral on Sua-| day afternoon, bringing the local | membership of the society up to oved | a thousand now. The object of this | society is to stamp out as far as pos- i sible irreverance to the name of Je- | sus and to put down cursing, swear- | ing, blasphemy, perjury and foul | talk. The object, therefore, is a most | worthy one and following the mis- | sion, the new members took the | pladge for the first time, the old | members renewing the pledge along with them. The mission for the men came to | a close at three o'clock in the after-| noon, conducted by Rev. Father Mec-] Mahon. In his closing sermon, Fath- | er McMahon urged the men on to perseverance and to hold to them | the good that they had derived from | the miesion. He told them not to! become discouraged but to persevere | to the end. | Perhaps the clearest and most | concise sermon ever heard here on | the subject of "Penance'" was that | preached on Sunday morning at thé | ten-thirty mass by Rev. Father Mc- | Mahon. Every seat in the cathedral was occupied and there was the ut-| most attention as the speaker traced | the origin of the sae: ent from the | time of its conception by Jesus! Christ Himself right to today. | Father McMahon made a olar ex- | planation of Confession, which = he | described as the most difficult thing | in the Catholic chureh for non-Cath- | oiics to understand. His sermon took in every phase of this most difficult | subject and was the finest of its! kind ever heard in St. Mary's, The Women's Mission. { The mission for the women of the | parish commenced on Sunday night, | Rev. Father Knox being the preach- | er on this occasion. The masses dur- ing this week ar¢ at 6 and 7.30 o'-| clock. The mass is general but. a! short fifteen minutes instruction is given to the womgn after each mass. At 7.30 at night the main sermon of the day is given. The women's mis- | sion will cloze next Sunday after- noon. | HEARD ON THE STREET, Opening Soon In Kingston ' A One Price _ Millinery Shop Where Ultra-smart Paris and New York inspired Hats cost but $4 SEE 5 Kingston women will very shortly have the opportunity of purchasing Exclusive Millinery i from a link in the greatest chain of one-price hat shops in Canada. 186 Princess Street is now under renovation and Saturday next should see our new store open to the public. In the meantime, if a saving of several dollars on the cost of New York.and Paris-inspired Millinery means anything to you, please be patient. We are doing our utmost {6 Serve Kingston femin- inity this week. « sym 186 Princess St. Wait just a few days to buy ~ your Spring hat--you'll be glad! nights to decide the junior hockey re -- ' championship of Canada. In case of x -- Winn : re a tie, a third game will lkely be . Wheat | peg. pry played Friday night. Loce! Briefs Qathered by Re-| | STOCK MARKETS | [vey ... evo. 148% OBITUARY Se --- porters--What the Merch- : in ad BUY a i ET sn 143% 2 ri BOWLING ants Are Offering. (i ported by Johnston & Ward, Oo FA 138% ------ +3 3 -- | corner King and Clarence Streets, |p, ~~. | 11% Michael J, Dolan. a i : orhone 220 Son Sjarugs. gt | Members of the Montreal and Toronto | yu . 1814 Wine Satutday fH sultt, Michadlsd G2 rder your hot cross uns at stock Exchanges). tT tat, "a " e oldest and most Oi Woe don riot TI | Lackie's now. Extra special. 25c. | y him "gg |respected citizens of Kingston, pass- alleys thers was very keen competl- | **q 050: 5 Monteen). oc VTL 12 Bitar); after » briet fliness at # ics: Bolin the ladies and gent. |, ¥./!8m Swaine, pianc tuner. Mareh 22nd, 1.30 p.m. NEW SETTLERS COMING. Hotel Dieu hospital, Mr. Dolan | 1émen for thé eine put up by the | Orders received at 100 Clergy street | Abitibi Power ... ... +... 16 mt : alling for the past two Academy for Saturday bowling. Mrs. |. Phome Bedw. oq | Asbestos, com... 90% | Under British Empire Family Settle. | JU the ond came as a great she Barth led the Indies' score with three |, oJ. McQuire, Collingwood Asbestos, pfd. ... 114 ment Scheme. the » 40d the city-wide strings, 181, 199 and 804, & total of|"\"°c 18 Making rapid progress at Beil Telephone .. 130% | Two mote familes are Being | ends that Mr. Dolan made : rn 8 her » B LOLAL OL) 45s -Hotel Dieu after undergoing an Brasil. oC 90 1% Brit. | MIs Ufe-time associations in Kingston, . $8 Salsbury came second], eration last week | brought to Canada under the Brit He is survived Lon, with 184, 216 and 152, a total of] ©. a be : | Brompton 35 lish Empire Family Settlement M by one da : 351, ana Mise M. Choa with a tots) Pot Pourri" Mornay, Gibson's. B.C. Fish i ST 68% | gcheme, under the direction of the | M's: A. H. Boyle, of Toronto; # : of 624. This is good bowling and| pyenss. br i po man, aoa) versity Can, 'Canaels, 3d. ;.. jos | Dominion Department of Imarigra- | 0% Claris J, of Kinguen, and Bi ¥ 4 * i an, Cement, com. ... ... .. { loniz . who will + -CARO; two sisters, i. er Bean anatuleted. Newbnroen muting of the W.M 8. Can. Cement, pid. ... ... .. 18 be aed Nant district, Thing and Mrs. M. Connolly, of Mont= : 2 u '" gentlemen's competition, leading With| "New Morny powders." Gibson's. Detsalt | dee I oon arrive on Tuesdsy or Wednes: | 0 "0 dhe brother, Frank of thiee sting, 286, 270 Aad 263, a to-| Dr. Wallace Longford Gilbert, | Dom. Texvtile ... ./ . .. ... 93 W. G. Hill, representing the de-| MF Dolan was a staunch i " r. Lewis Howard came Toronto, sentenced to-six years in Ind. Alcohol ... ++ 1"% | parement. arrived in the city on |YSHYe and a member of St. Mary's dseand ith three 4inings, 226, 228, | Portsmouth penitentiary, arrived at Laurentide 81% | Sunday for the purpose of meeting | SOn®ation, 8 third 'aud "256 205, total 1 Bartett that institution on Saturday. Mack8Y ... ciiiaiviciuves 1323 | the newcomers at the train and to| During his seventy-five years, he : , 256, , total 706. This Kleenex paper towels," Gibson's. Montreal Power otoo0 216% | agcort them to thefr new homes. had enjoyed Sorter health until the is really first class bowling and any! Charles Eden, Belleville, under- National Breweries, com. ... 60 Charles G. Robbs, 'with his wife |®?d, and through his wide in 2) team picked at the Fronténac would going treatment at the Sydenham National Breweries, pid. 107 and four children will be placed on | 20d excepional personality, he & size up well with the very best. Military Houpital has so far recov-|Ogflvie ... ... err +» 185 lg farm in the Westbrooke district. | O0® Of the best known and. most pop- : -------- ered as to be able to return home. Ottawa Power ... ... ... . 96% r. "ular residents of ; he KINGSTON BOWLERS WIN. "Harriet Hubbard Ayer" com-|Ont. Steel Products ... : 74% ne ROI i» 20 Styeriencad Japuer, 'passing goes one i ha Fred Vokes, of Kingston, won the| pacts at Gibson's. Peimans .'.. ... ... 176 with the Canadian Expeditionary | !n8 links with the past, and a char sertior heavyweight championship of| The many friends of Mr. Harry Price Bros. ... ... ' 64% | Force. He has been living at Ayr |8cter that reflected the best : 3 Trinity College by defeating Cum- Coulter, Princess street, who is in Quebec Power ... ... ... .. 128 shire, Scotland Hyg ae of two generations of Ki Settures mings in the final round of the totirn- | the General Hospital, where hé un- Spanish River, com. ... 104 Richard 2 Brows wits and two The funeral will tks. mgr ment and Murray Sowards, also' of |derwent a serious operation, will be Spanish River, ptd. 116% | girls, will go to a farm located on | 0'¢lodk : Tuesday hon ace at this city ,won the junior eighty pound {pleased to hear that he is improving. Shawinigan ... : 182 the "provineial highway between : home of his sister-in-law rom class. Both local boys put ups great Harriet Hubbard Ayer ereams Smelters ... . 208% fo ' : : Kingston and Odessa. . St. Mary's cathedral, where a battle. a powders at Gibson's Drug|{Twin- City lay asin solemn requiem mass will be 5 ore. Winnipeg... ... 50% v RT, sung Toobs Head" Lett There was 28 curling at the local pes vo p-- TUG BREAKS MORE ICE. for the repose of his soul, ceberg Hea uce ten cents, {club on Saturday night, due to the a three for a quarter, all this week at unsuitable condition of the ice. The oa. om Arowad the Solting wool David Johnson Moore Carnovaky's. Mon- sd ' Company dock. i . Mrs, Martin Delaney, Prescott, a a at were a Mo Amar, Lago, «fr vie nine 20 ey ant Pyke wus succstilyl tn en ron ie ie pa Fee tudant, died on. Friday, aged | water. (Baldwin Loco. ... 107% | around the Collingwood Shipbuild-| pups py t0d4y afternoon at his o Hy Shree years. She had been ill New Morty goods," Gibson's. Bie O a 90 | ing Company's dry dock with thé tug | o'° Jesidence, 10 Cherry street, in Svar Sutteen years a Priscner Heavily clon California Pete. ... 36 Salvage Prince on Monday. The his Bxtyatnth year. The deceased had Gooner ioavily Manacled. lo. p.R."... ..: 154% [mild weather of the past week has| 'Hl It Hingston for the or. : Hard +: Jmown. of Portsmouth. ;eneral Motors . .. :. 124 tended to make the ice weaker, but|P°t Of Bis life and was bighly re 8 - Penitentiary, took charge of George yudson Motors ... 9015 [1t is still very thick and considerable | 527384. The funeral will take 3 ut ILES _ | Dickson, Toronto, a prisoner who ot {inter Comb. Eng, ... 45% {trouble was experienced in s ng) O00 Tuesday afternoon to Ca cv * Saturday completed a twelve month |1ntar. Nickel Wy 38% | throust.' Tt In capeoton ry Seg | Cemetery. og SOR a A ontario : Rejormatesy, Mack Truck ........ ... .. 118 will be broken up sufficiently to al- ml - el e. "pen" Marland Off ... .. 542% {low posit steamers : i to serve six years for a very serious |N.¥Y.C. ... . a Sn ad a Si vk ns bos Highs of the Repairs 0 BUYS MALE BUFFALO he offence. = Heavy manacles were on Northern Pacific ... ... 88% | the boat now in the dock have been FOR MAIN DUCKS FAI L Dickson's Wrists and he walked with|pacific OF ... ... ... ... 25% | completed, and it will. be POMOVEd] 0 Se aa pio difficulty on account of heavy legiPan. Amer. Pete. "B" ... . 69% and another steamer will" go into Olaude Cole Is Ba sliackles. He had threatened to es-|Plerce Arrow '... ... cis +n 283% {asek - 4 ~ fcape if be could, and the guard was Sou, Pacific ... ... ... .... 98% t : taking no chances of losing his pri-|Sinclatr OR ...' ... ... .. 28 23 it > Standard Oil of N.J. ... .. #4% Studebaker ... ... ... ... 58% Texas Off... ... co 0 coin, Fe, 1ouian Pacine wien tis id U.S. SEE el YY U.S Btdel on ii ag Fhité Motors . el ARG oolworth ... ... .., .,. 184% 4 x -- ¥ 3 o March Ie 130 0m Sr ee Ae Rao vinnaie 138% %