YOUR - EASTER HAVE IT TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE You still have time if you order at .once. > "An exceptional fine showing of ex- 'clusive imported Suitings. The sea- son's new fabrics are unusually attrac- tive--entirely new; entirely different, and wonderfully good looking. Specially priced. FOR EASTER w | LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk Founded 1847, ----------= L "FOR BREAKFAST Specify Limerick Breakfast Bacon, LIMERICK BACON is of the fiyest quality. The rind is re- flavor delicious. > moved---the PERFECTION BRAND EGGS are put up in cartons, con- taining 1 dozen Eggs. Every Egg guaranteed to be fresh gath- MADE IN : : 8 2 : KINGSTON - | Looking Forward to Demand these brands, We are looking forward to having Seat one of the finest ays we have # Limerick Sausage Toe re shaglags we Let Limerick Bacon |" ®uwply your needs for your Eas- Limerick Pure - - Limerick Smoked . ~~ Hams 300 tis Brettfas . Hams Pure Clover Honey, 5 1b. pail .. ...69¢. Jello-O, 3 pags. . . 25e, Brooms, 4 string, Kine. a ew. nied Let these labels protect your SPs sansa canny, CITY AND DISTRICT Musical Comedy, "Silly Isles." By choir, Cooke's 8.8. Hall, Thurs- day, March 25th, Friday, March 26th, 8 o'clock. Adults 50c., children 25c¢. To Give Address. Mr. G. P. Thompson, of the Silica Sand Company, will address ioe Mathematics and Physics Club, of Queen's University, on "The Theory of Parallels." Reeve Kennedy TIL The many friends of Reeve Mich- ae: J. Kennedy of Portsmouth will regret to learn that he is confined to the Hotel Dieu Hospital suffering from an attack of la grippe. Had Clean Sheet. The local police had a very quiet time over the week-end. No arrests were made, and as a result there was no session of the Police Court . on Monday morning. Funeral of Mrs. Hinchcliffe. The funeral of the late Mrs. Alice Hinchcliffe took place on Monday afternoon to Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. J. K. Curtis officiated at the service which was held at the parlors of the James Reid firm. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Thompson, Ot- tawa, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Annie Morris, to Dr. John Allen Johnston, Carleton Place, son of the late Mr. James Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, North Gower. The marriage will take place early in April, His Shoulder Crushed. " Elmer Demille, aged eighteen, son of Charles Demille, Chatterton, Sid- ney township, while riding upbn a sleigh laden with wood, fell off, one runner passing over his shoulder which "was broken and badly crushed. In addition his right hip was severely bruised. * To Dedicate MemoMal. At the service at Christ Church, Belleville, in the evening of March 28th, a memorial to the late Canon Forneri, former rector of Christ Church, will be dedicated by his Lordship the Bishop of Ontario. The marble memorial is the gift to the church by the Rev. A. L. Geen: Steamship Hinckley Seized. An order of attachment has been served on the owners of the Hinck- ley, a steamer at Alexandria Bay. The order was issued Hy Federal Judge Frank Cooper following a $393 claim presented 'against the owners of the Hinckley by Michael Ross, boiler repairer, Oswego. Dies After Long Tiness. Peter Wiley, aged eighty, ' for years a widely known farmer of the town of Cape Vincent, living near Rosiere, dled last week after a long Allness. He is survived by two daugh- ters, Mrs. Francis Butland, Water. town, and Ella Wiley, Rosiere; two sons, Edward and Albert, Rosiere; one brother, Frank, Roslere. Want a Bathing Beach. Purchase of Barney 'Castle at the] foot of James street, Alexandria Bay, N.Y.. by the village for use as a bathing beach is being seriously considered by the Chamber of Com- merce and a committee has heen ap- pointed to carry on the: negotiotions which were started gome time ago with Oliver Rafferty estate. \ Asked for Eighth Year, The official board of the Method- ist Epfscopal Church, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., has given a unanimous invitation to the pastor, Rev. Oliver E. Raymond, to return to the charge for another year. He has already served seven consecutive years and ancther year would make it eight years in the parish. Was Almost Smothered. A gasoline tank crossing the Otta- wa river from Pembroke to Wal- tham, upset and Joseph Biggs, on the sleigh, was thrown into a big snow drift, the tank partly settling on the snow and hemming him in. Biggs, In a partly smothered condi- tion, was removed to the hospital. Itis condition was said to be precar- fous. Evangelist Cha 's Message, "We do not earn salvation by our obedience; for salvation is the free eral has been a valued citizen. His many friends are pleased that he has received a deserved promotion in the | mank's service. > To Be an Instructor. Mrs. B. I. England has left for Erantford where she is to be an in- structor on the subject, "The Use of the Story in Religious Education," in one of the community schools conducted by the Council of Relig- ious Education for Ontario. About 200 are in attendance. "XY" Boys Take Part. The members of the Y.M.C.A. are putting on the feature of the year early in April, when the best circus ever staged at the local "Y" will ar- rive under the auspices of "Dingling and Bunpgaling Bros. All the animal and acrobatic acts are being taken by the boys and the big street parade promises to be a successful new de- parture, : Campaign Supper, A campaign supper will be held in! the Y.M.C.A. this evening, in con nection with the finaneial drive. Eight teams comprised of about fifty men, will sit down and the of- ficials in cha¥ge of the arrangements will explain to them the methods which will be employed by the can- vassers. Mr. Lou uckley of the Na- tional Council, will give a short talk and will requain for a week and as. sist in the campaign. Met the Oddfellows. * Dr, A. B. Ross, Grand Mdster of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, at- tended the annual meeting of Dis- trict No. 56, held on Thursday even- ing in the Pembroke Lodge, 1.0.0.F., with upwards of two hundred in at- tendance. District Deputy Grand Master John Russell, Renfrew, and delegates and members of the Pefn- breke, Renfrew, Arnprior and Paken- ham lodges attended. The meeting |] was an unqualified success. Cutting Tce on Roads. A Wehn grader was engaged in cutting up the ice and snow on the Wellington street road on Saurday. The machine is of the traction type with the engine at the rear and a row of sharp prongs protruding from the front. It is used to tear up the ice on the roads so that the sun can melt it away, clearing the roads quicker, A photographer was engaged in' taking pictures of the machine while in operation. Tyendinaga Farmer Dies. James Cross, eighth concession of Tyendinaga, died on Thursday at his home in Tyendinaga after an f{llness of gome months. He was a son William Cross and was in his eixt eighth year. Mourning his death are three sons Wilbur, Belleville, and Jehn and . Tyendinaga. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and of Carter's L.O.L. No. 295. He was a well-known and pros- perous farmer. Must Pay for Hound. At Smith's Falls, the division court case of Dowsett and Dewey versus Jarvis was interesting. Jarvis was alleged to have shot a hound belonging to Dowsett om Dec. 1st, 1924. Dowsett had lent the dog to Dewey and the latter was hunting when the shooting took place in Montage. Jarvis claimed to be fourteen years of age. The judge found him gullty and ordered him tc pay $50 to the plaintiffs. ! Some Weighty Chickens. 'While many poultry fanciers are planning to start their incubators in the very near future there are some local men who have had chickens out for some weeks, James B. Hol- land, Clergy street, has chickens which were hatched in 1926 and weighed two pounds, eleven ounche'] when placed on the scales last week. The birds are langshans and will be shown at some of the poul- try fairs this year: f : -Now can any person beat this? Senin Te Work in This Conference. Redligifnent of forces. directing Children's Spring Coats IN THE SPRING FASHION PARADE Mothers who want the best in smart Spring Coats will do well to see our re- cent, new arrivals in smart Spring Coats for Youths and Small Folk, They have style and youthful air all their own that young people demand and wish for. The pretty light tones and ex- cellent materials developed in jaunty, straight line models or reefer style, trim- med with colors or Self, Velveteen or Fur make them chic. Ages 5 years to 14 years. : 695 to ¥1150 » Junior Reefer Coats In Fawn and Blue, made from best quality, all wool Serge --sizes from | year to 14 years. Are priced from $4.50 to $6.50 BED SPREADS In The Showing of Spring Merchandise Sopeing the prolloin in Beil zeads with a showing o utiful and depen e, import- ed Spreads that will add both beauty and charm to the room.