sleighs for driving par- and cutters. Also ice-| it for sale. ! NGSTON TRANSFER C0 WELLINGTON STREET { Freight, Steel, Building Equip | Machinery, Safes, Planos, etc. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGFS ones 877. Evenings 2231. General Insurance Plate Glass Liability | Burglary Baggage | Guarantee Bonds. | re uto ent Great West Life Assurance Company. R4H. Waddell Dr. Waugh 106 0 PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ard Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. , 27 Pine Street, FF prox 184 Phone 256. §lage of water, Does the trick ' 1 like new. Do Your Bowels Ever Become Constipated? A free motion of the bowels, every | day, should be the sim of every one who aspires to perfect health, for | once the bewels become eclogged-up ; sll the other organs of the body get de; and all kinds of diseases and disorders are liable to attack the | system. If you take our advices andfuse Milburn's YS RIT) id | RET you will find that they will regulate and your bowels and liver ia proper and when this is done there is not much chance of you ever being sick. | This valuable remedy has been on the market for the past 32 years; only by The fF. Milbura Ce, Pinte Toronto, Oat. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. that tired, lay-me-down-and-die to 30 drops of Seigel's S; ina and safely. ou'll When you feeling take DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST §4 Princess Street. "Phone 1550 Gag for Painless Ext © OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- COAL of Alberta Coal--just a Buy oo amount left. - Coal Pocahontas, nut size clean $18.00 Aylsworth Bros. or "Phone U. MR. Knight 1795-w. "easy boss"--if you get the right kind of coal. We sell the Grandmother Knew There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But the old-fashioned mustard burned and blistered, Ge oh aa Sty ha sian] isis gave, wi t withou Musterole does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus- tard. Cently rub it in. See how quickly the pain ppears. 2 Musterole for sore throat, bron- " chitis, tonsillitis, croup, stiff neck, ot : 01 the chest may prevent pneumonia). The Musterole --- All sizes of fresh mined Lackawanna Coal EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT, SPLIT PEA ee This Coal is pronounced by housewives as the very best American Coal that comes into Canada. W. A. MITCHELL & Co. Telephone 67. SEE OUR RANGE MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S All latest styles and coors i, Prevost's Est'd 1871. 55 Brock St. "The Home of Good Clothes" { { { | f | | | Jackets from the Windsor Hotel. 'banjo music, Half Héur with: Ameri- Ta | | RADIO TUESDAY, MARCH 23RD. | CKAC, Montreal (411). 1 4 p.m.--Weather, Stocks, Graig report. | 7, p.m.--Kiddies' chat on preven-| tion of accidents. 7.15 p.m.--Windsor Hotel Trio, di- rected by Raoul Duquette. 8.30 p.m.--Special studio enter- tainment. 10.30 p.m.--Harold Leonard's Red CNRA, Moncton (201). 8 p.m.--Juvenile programme, un- der the direction of Prof. C. R. Wright. "9 p.m--Stutdio Moncton Artists. 10.30 p.m.--CNRA Orchestra. programme by CKCL, Toronto (3857). 7 p.m.--Baldwin Hour, Bert Flet-, cher, entertainer. 8.15 p.m.--Masonic Male Voice Choir. 9.30 p.m.--Robert Simpson Co. Musical Hour; R. N. Cornfield -and his Palm Room Orchestra. 10.30 p.m.--Fada Radio Dance Orchestra. 11.30 p.m.--Travelogue, Cook and Sons. WSAI, Cincinnatl (326). \ 8 p.m.--Eveready Hour of Music. 9.30 p.m.--Programme. from the WSAI Studio, featuring Hawaiian Guitars. 8 p.m. --Freda Sanker's Orchestra. Thomas KDKA, Pittsburgh (309), 6.30 p.m.--Dinnér concert. 8.30 p.m.--Sacred Song Half Hour. 9 p.m. --Little Symphony Quar- tette and the Pittsburgh Vpera Quar- telte, 11.35 p.m.--Concert Grand Theatre. from the WEAF, New York (402). 6 to '2 p.m.--Dinner music from Waldorf Astoria Hotel; Allan Harris, can Composers; The Gold Dust Twins; Eveready Hour; Moment Musicale; Ross Gorman and orches- tra. WERC, Cincinnati ,326). 10 p.m.--Hotel Alms Orchestra. 10.30 p.m.--Organ recital. 11 p.m.--Cuvier WKRC Quartette, Orchestra and Entertainers. WRC, Washington (469). 7.30 p.m.--U.S. Marine Band. 8.30 p.m.--To be announced. 10.30 p.m.--Hotel Mayflower Or- chestra. 11.30 p.m.--Organ Tivoli Theatre. recital from WGY, Schenectady (879). 6.30 p.m.--Hotel Van Curler Or- chestra. : 7.45 p.m.Z-Marine Washington. 9 p.m.--Broadcast from WJZ, New York. 9.40 p.m.--Song "recital. 10 p.m.--Grand Tour--*"Round about London," Band from WBZ, New England (333). 8 p.m.--Special feature Hotel Brunswick Studio. WOR, Newark (403). 6.40 p.m.--Bretton Hall Quartette, String WGBS, New York (316). 8 p.m.--Antonio Giampietro, con- . Puppies or cubs. . To agree. . Melody. « Plant used . Recent. : Two fives. . Correlative . Blandered. . Yellow . Peak. .- Benumbed. . To make a mistake . Exclamation of sor . Lair. . Auction. . Loaned. . Bird similar to th " ostrich. . Stepped upon. . To pierce as with : . Kind of coarse file !10. cert flautist, 8.15 p.m.--Rodolfo Scotto, atic tenor, 8.30 p.m.--Threshold Players. ; 9 p.m.--Crystal Palace Orchestra. 9.30 p.m.--"Robert of Sicily," by Longfellow, with musical accompani- ment read by Neville Brush. . 10 p.m.--Radio, Frank-Besinger and White. - 10.30 p.m.--Arrowhead Inn Dance Orchestra, oper- Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. -------- 'GAVE A SURPRISE, Hartington, March 19.--James Carleton is in the General Hospital having had an operation for appen- dicitis, on- Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown spent the week-end at Enterprise. - M rehie Gorlin is on the sick list. rs. Jane Leonard is visiting at Yarker. The frignds of Miss Madolia Bab- cock are giving her a surprise party and handkerchief shower tonight, it being the anniversary of her birth. On Wednesday a sleighlioad of In- stitute members visited Sydenham Institute at the home of Mrs. Me- Naughton, where Mrs. Sirett gave a paper on Horticulture. All report a very pleasant and profitable time. Mrs. Minerva Sigsworth was called to Ottawa by the illness of her sis- ter. ; t : " 5 ie Se2 . Overwhelming won- der. "4. Sum, . Perforated. . Parts in a drama. + To lose color. . Bill of fare. . Lowest deck ship. 25. To breathe heavily. 27. External organs of hearing. . Pistil. . Commences. . Peppernut. . To change a mond settling. . Relief supply horses. . Readily. . To }pierce . Polynesian nut, . Roll of film, Region: . To put on, . To wander aimless- ly. . Heron. . Strip of leather, . Lent. . Arid district. . Work of skill, . Behold. . Preposition of place. ° . Snake-like fish. . Twelve months. . Part of a lock. . To kill. Horizontal. for 'a bitter drug. i of a of either. Hawaiian bird. Vertical. . Exclamation laughter. ' . Sea eagle. | . Uttered a false- hood. . Beat the ground with the forefoot. . Batlated. . Coaster on runners. . Age. dia- of row. of with chest- knife. Point of. compass. . Flat fish. nc sa CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | An Ontario product, milled on the best machines obtainable. Smooth and clean and easily laid. . Approved by Architects and Carpenters. This makes a good, heavy, solid, hand- some floor that will not warp. Cheaper than 3" Oak, and very much more durable, : & S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange "Phone 15671. SUPERIOR: TEA BUY ADVERTISED GOODS The Sure Way To A Square Deal : a -- a A ¢ Name every feature you want in a spring and you describe the Slumber King If you wrote down everything you could desire in a bedspring, wouldn't your list read like this? Luxurious ease in every sleeping posi- tion. Two people cushioned as com- fortably as one. No sagging edges or centre. Quiet. Box spring heights Easy to keep clean. No sharp cor- ners to tear bedclothes. Lifetime serv- ice. Most value, Low price, It may be hard to believe that such a S11 perfect bedspring could exist. But it actually does -- the Slumber K ing. Prove it yourself. Study the features of this matchless spring, at any store. To get the full luxury from your | Slumber King, of course you will want the mattress it desérves-- the! finest cotton mattress and biggest value in Canada for more thari 30 years --the Ostermoor. Sold everywhere in the Dominion at one low price, only $25.