{ == THIRTY.THREE, NILLS 10 BE THE TAX RATE (Continued from Page 1.) YOUR EASTER HAT Brock Hat A Canadian Achievement 8 D, Total....: .. SUPER BROCK HAT Price 87.50 Ot Dog tax. . lines at $4.00 and Local improvement tax $4.50, Street watering and ofl- ing... Sewer rent . Taxes, 1926. | Assessment $17,421,300 "at 33 mills. . ..$574,902.99 Less remissions and un- collectable... .. ..".. - - k 28,000.00 ..$546,902.90 Statute labor. . 3,900.00 1,600.00 65,430.00 9,000.00 670.00 $627,602.90 ny We have these in the new shades: Pearl Grey, Dark Grey and Fawns, with Colored and Plain Bands. George Van Horne 4213 Princess Street, "Phone 362-w. "Special Tax. Garbage collection, = 1% mil... a et. 10,500.00 Taken from eurplus... 4,600.00 Total... ...., ..$15,000.00 Total revenue. . ..$704,034.65 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE, Uncontrollable. ¥ Deficit, 1925... .... 8 459.97 Debentures and sinking fund... : +. .. 158,461.88 Interest.. .. .... «+ 144,391.38 ++$302,853.26 Total... .. vo. ei Less Amounts charged as follows: Light Department.. ..$ 45,360.87 Water Department, . 16,300.65 Schools. . .. vo 32,130.55 RAbrary. ... +2 JN 2,926.00 eapeeii-- $96,718.07 6,815.60 For the Perfect t Easter Ensemble Fifth Avenue sponsors the s what every wearer of Glasses desires Our service assures you of {i i] this, as our eye examination is | thorough and our glasses cor- ffl } smartness that takes shape in rect. } these swagger Pouch Bags. Satisfaction guaranteed. ill § Rich leathers in Green, Car< ANS ll! § anal, Blues, Tan, Brown and ll Evenings by appointment. Il § Black, with chic fittings, MW. D. GRAHAM Registered Optometrist, 140 Wellington Street Telephone 699. Administration of Justice Police Department. Pdlice Magistrate... ,.. Chief Constable. . Police Constables... .: Clothing Allowance. Sundries. Ahhh 1,400.00 2,200.00 18,815.00 1,220.00 500.00 $24,135.00 " Modest in prices, $2.50 up to $6.75 Education. Public school grant 1926 $122,310.34 Debentfires and interest 27,487.40 Discount on Taxes .. .. 1,600.00 ssn Kinnear & dEstere JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STRERT $151,297.74 Collegiate grand, 1926. Debenfures and interest Discoiint on taxes 50,837.48 4,643.15 500.00 $56,980.63 "end YOU BUY WHEN! | | The excepti nal tone quality in the Weber | Piano to the most aesthetic taste. FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. Al C. W. LINDSAY'S W, St Es Sir, Wareruou, To CE hdd Ada Separate school 1926.... ... . 26,811.51 Discount on taxes 235.00 $ 27,046.51 Suburban area .. . Mothers' allowance.. .. ~ Public Library Board. Grant, 1926... «vo 10,844.50 ~ ABRAMSKY'S | ~ Card Tables | 150 More CocoaMats 2.29 4% Just received another shipment of 150 Cocoa $ Matts; worth 85c.. 16 x 24 size. Just 25 Card Tables to be sold at : this,:remarkable low price. - This Card Table has a new clasp on : Records, 39¢ each one of the legs, making it ah oe Recut orch ote. x Tuesday Sale Price ......80c., or 8 for $1.00 25 Good Comforters | $2.95 priced at $5.00. Now is your opportunity to get - 8,00.00 died dha dh a avery Marshall sold, priced | » #00 Comtorter at a price. from $25.00 up, a free Mattress 3 . Cover worth $6.00, will be given . er $5. : a : This offer lasts for 2 days Boys " Suits, .95 3 only". -.. ity Boys' Suits with 2 : : : ants. Well made. Regu- 30 value. Nearly all sizes. these in stock'. ..... .,, 8,000.00 ls Hotel Dieu ... 3 THE DAILY Debentures and interest Less rent of gardge.. .. 2.926.00 600.00 Total .... .i we o. ..15,170.50 Total uncontrollable Espenditure.... ,. '$501,041.14 Controllable, Ce ...%2000 00 1300 00 3000. © 5000 00 2200 00 1000 00 Interest lisyrance . .... Lv. fold Printing and stationery. . Refund of taxes .. Industries committees .... Election expenses .,, ,. Law expenses-- Sclicitor Incidentals. . 1500 00 100 00 Allowance for mayor .. City clerk ... . ; Assistant .. Stenographer City treasurer .. Collector Clerks ie City Engineer .,.. City assessor ... Assistant assessor .. Auditor . Stenographer .. Messenger 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 $24000,00 Less paid to Kingston Util- ities Commission 2000 00 Total ... ... + 4....522000 00 Board of Health. Health officer .. Milk inspector Rent of nuisance grounds Incidentals . 1200 13800 Tvspector Appropriation 15000 City' Property. Heat and light Market clerk . Cleaning markets . .. .. Appropriation and repairs to buildings .. Caretaker. . Bath house , Caretaker of rinks Appropriation Playgrounds. Board of Works. Foreman of streets. 2 Clerk ...>... .. Appropriation .... 1500. 00 1100 06 25500 00 28100 00 Styeet watering and oiling 7000 00 vv 2000 00 «+ 23271 00 .. 8729 00 +.$32000 00 Meh ... ... Appropriation Total Water day aid a Street lighting .... . «+ 20000 00 Charitable Grants, House of Refuge ... House of Providence General Hospital 1000 300 5000 5000 600 500 00 00 00 00 00 oo Children's Afd Society .. Infants' Home . os St. Vincent de Paul Soc- fody i. bi iugh City Poor Relief .. Victoria Order Nurses, $450; Creche, $350 rIsolation Hospital Maintenance of Neglected Children Sew ed Unemployment and other charities 60 300 00 oo 3 800 8000 00 3000 00 5000 00 33560 " 50 800 300 100 80 Teachers' Institute . Revenue stamps ... ... Stamps and telégrams . Reporters" fees ... | Selection of jurors | Registration of - births, marriages and deaths Pevision of voters' list Assistance for assessor City Registry office ... Telephones ... .... .. Delivering tax demands Rent of Anglin's whart Fauper passes ... ... 307 500 . 800 1000 300 100 400 'BRITISH WHI IF BACK. HURTS ~~ BEGH OF SALTS Flush Your Kidneys Occasion ally by Drinking Quarts of Good Water No man or woman can make.a mis take by flushing the kidneys occasion- ally, says a well-known authority. Too much rich food creates aclds which clog the kidney pores so that they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood. Then you get sick. Rheu- matism, headaches, liver troubles, nervoushess, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage, or attended by a sensation of scalding, begin to drink soft water in quanti- ties; also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine, This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activ- ity, also to help neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer cause irritation, thus often relieving blad- der disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effer- vescent lithia-water drink, which everyone can take now and them to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby often preventing serious kidney complications. Court of Revision .. Incidentals ... 150 00 4866 51 , 9883 51 Total controllable expen- diture. ceva. ..5202993 51 Total uncontrollable ex- penditure .. ., .... 501,041 14 $704.034 65 GANANOQUE | Gananoque, March 22. --Miss Myrtle Plunkett and Mrs. M. Crel- lian were both taken to Kingston on |' Thursddy last for operations for ap- pendicitis, the former to the Gen- eral and the latter to the Hotel Dieu, Many friends in Gananoque are Sorry to learn of the recent death in Toronto of Mrs. Stripp, a charming lady who had been coming to the Gananoque Inn for several years. Miss Theresa Brennan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Dupuis, in Montreal. L L. 8. Barr, D. Ford Jones and Gar- field Hood attended the funeral of Mr. Hargraft in Cobourg on Friday afternoon. Mr. Barr served under the managership of Mr. Hargraft in Cobourg on the staff of the Bank of Toronto. , Miss Daiey Gooding, Brockville Business College, spent the week- end her# with her parents. Mayor and Mrs. Graham and lit- tle daughter, Belleville, are the guests over the week-end of Mrs, Graham's sister, Mrs. E. 8. Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Otto, Kingston, were the guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. John Toole, at the week-end. Miss Tena Bédard, who has been enjoying an extended vacation here with friends, returns this week to Brockville to resume her duties as matron of the Eastern Hospital. Donald Lalonde had the mis- fortune to fall on the icy pavement last Friday and injure his arm rather severely. ti ® WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. George Greenwood Recovering Frank Allarie to Erect Building, Wolfe Island, March 20.--Born to Ar, and Mrs. V. Bush, a son. Mrs. I.ouls Larush and her to daughters /| have returned home from Buffalo, N.Y., where they went to visit rela- tives for the past two months. Howard Staley, Chicago, N.Y., is home for a visit. Miss Kate Me- Glynn spent the week-end at Waeter- town, N.Y., with relatives. George Greenwood, who was dan- | gerously ill at his home and under '| the care of two trained nurses pro- gressing most favorably. Frank Fawcett's little girl under- went an operation in the General Hospital for stomach trouble, préssed here on all sides for Mr. Anthony Rankin, in the recent death of his wife. a Re A ---------------------- Fo 2.95 Ladies' Black Satin 2 Strap Shoe--lea- ther Spanish heel--a very serviceable Shoe. All sizes. This week a Special ..... $2.95 5110 ed Soled Rubbers-- sizes | to 5. yyy $2.45 Sale of Boys' School Boots. Sizes | to 5. A yyy v 79c. Sale of Women's Rub- bers. Special brand. 65c. Sale of Children's Rub- bers. . Sizes 6 to 104. Special make. i ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Ahad dk 4 4 Special Value $1.10 . Andrus Andhra Adhd Aa ; ; ccm Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Our Big Clearing Furniture Sale "Now On" 2 A ny Ole 3 ) i LC { we' 1} [IAT ANS Ng a DIG A rare chance to furnish for present or future use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying ine vestment. It insures comfort, refinement, satisfac~ tion and happiness. Satisfied with the price, sat fied with the quality. When you buy here you h \ the added comfort in knowing that you are tected from inferior goods. re ; ' JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. "Phone 147 for Service.