sesame BUDGET OF NEWS FROM WELLINGTON Entertainment Under Auspices of United Church--S8un- , day School Convention. Wellington, March 24.--Ar cu- tertalnment was held in the com- munity hall on Thursday evening, under the auspices of the United Church W.M.S, Mrs. H. M. VanAl- "wtine, of Port Hope, was the soloist, and Miss Greta Madden, of Belle- ville, was the elocutionist. The church choir, assisted in the pro- gramme, and the ladies' quartette and Mr. Garnet Taylor each contri- _ buted a musical item. Mrs. Van- Alstine was presented with a beauti- ful bouquet of flowers after her last song. Mrs. B. A. Fanning play- ec a violin accompaniment to Mrs. VanAlstine"s songs. Miss Winifred Pearce was at the piano. The Sunday evening service in the * United Church was in the interests of the Women's Missionary Soclety. A women's choir led the singing, and A sermon on "Stewardship," was given by the pastor. Special meetings are being held each evening this week and next at the United Church. Different min- fsters In the county are the preach- | ers. Mr, Sandy, of Omemee, spent the weok-end with Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. Mr, Benjamin Burley_zeturned last week from a visit to Brighton. Miss Bessie Dorland had charge of the topic at the Friends' @hristian En- deavor last week. As the subject Was "Cross-bearing," the story of St. Christopher, which was read by Miss Marjorie Hunt, was appropriate, At the meeting of the Women's Institute held last week, Mrs. Ida M¢Faul read a paper on "What we ~ all ought to know about ourselves." Rev, W. J. H. Smyth gave an ad- dvéss. And Mr. N. J. Armour, man- er of the Standard Bank, gave a talk om banking, which was much appreciated. Mrs. J. L. Ross, Mrs. Sangar Harris, Mrs. George Green and Mrs. G. Haight served refresh- ments, assisted by Mra. Chislett and Mrs. Dayton Murphy. Dr. Heather, dentist, is leaving to settle in the United States. Dr. Bardley, who was hore before Dr. Heather, will re- turn from Smith's Falls, Mrs. Cox, of Picton, recently visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz, Mr. Fritz is on the sick list. A meeting of farmers in this dis- trict was held at the community 'hall, Gilead, to consider the question co-operative live stock shipping. much discussion, it was decid- to appoint Seburn Cronk shipper 0 district and farmers are get- 3g enthusiastic about the new or- | gunization, as it will be to their in- terests. -- Sunday School Convention. The Hillier * township Sunday school! annual convention was held #t = Wellington United Church on Friday, March 19th. At the after- Loon sessjon, James Wild conducted the worship service, and this was followed by an address by Hilton MeCartney, president. He spoke of the six or seven hundred children we have in this township Sunday schools, and urged all who are en- gaged in Sanday school work to do their best for the boys and girls while they ara with us. Morris Huff then gave a temper- ance address, wherein he gave good reasons why he is a temperance worker, also why all who are inter- osted in this gréat question should not slack their efforts in these days when temperance. sentiment is not as strong as it was years ago. Bev. W. J, H, Smyth conducted the round table confereiie, and dealt with various problems sent in by the Sunday schools. The pro- blems of attendence; grading, pro- motion, graded lessons, music, mis- sionary and temperance instruction were some of the problems ably handled by Rev, Mr. Smyth, and he also secured the opinions of others on these matters. The question as to whether pro- motion should be according to age and size or intelligence and ability created much interest. All aspects of the subject were discussed. The graded lesson system, which regards the needs of the pupil, found much favor. At the conclusion of the round table conference, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth gave an address on "Christ- ian Leadership." Hé touched on many points regarding this high calling for the life of the world. As the rural community supplies leaders for the cities, sural Sunday schools are important, Lunch was served in the basemont and this provided further opportun- ity for exchange of views and fellow- ship. The evening session opened with 2 song service, led by Thomas Fil- lingham. The report of the Nomi- nation Committee was then given, and the officers for the ensuing year were installed. President, Hilton McCartney; first vice-president, A. W. Morden; second vice-president, Mrs. Seburn Cronk; secretary-treas- urer, Andrew Pettingill. Superin- tendents -- Children's department, Miss Annetta McFaul; girl's depart- ment, Mrs. A. W. Morden; boys' de- pertment, Rev, F. G. McTavish; young people's department, Mrs. Robert Graham; adult department, Mrs. W. A. Foster; home depart- ment, Charles Peterson; missionary department, Mrs. Fox; temperance department, Mrs! BE. Terry. It was decided to hold the con- vention next year at Rose Hall. The Wellington C.@.1.T. group then con- ducted an impressive worship ser- vite, the theme being "Leadership ia the Kingdom." , Two addresses were given, the first by Rev. H. C. Wolfrain on "The Old Book in a changing world" and this was followed by Rev. C. S. Red- dick on "The Place of the Old Book in the Modern Sunday School." Miss Winifred Pearce and Thomas Fil- lingham sang a duet. Miss Pearce was organist at both sessions. DRAWING SAND AND GRAVEL For Use in Constructing a Parsonage at Stella. Stella, March 22-- The mild wea- ther of the past few days is putting the roads in bad condition. A logot. driving is still being done on the ice. Band and gravel is being drawn from the Brothers' islands for the new manse to be erected in, the spring By the United Church of Can- ada, on the lot lately purchased from J. A. Tugwell on Bay street. ' Quite a number from the island attended the dance in the Masonic Hall, Bath, on March 17th. All re- port a good time. The funeral of the late Mrs. Willlam Chown was held from Kingston on Wednesday to Glenwood vault here. The late Mrs. Chown was a former resident of Amherst Island, but of late years had been residing in the city. Mrs. Reginald Instant is a daugter of de- ceased. fk Dr. J. C. Connell, specialist, King- stou, was called to the fsiand on N ednesday last at the request of Dr. Trou-1 H. 8. Northmore to see Mrs. Hugh jot | MéCormick, who "has been serious- {eawing outfit in the Emerald dist- ly ill. Good hopeés.gre held for her recovery, C. H. Gibson, township as- sessor, has been making his rounds. Clarence "Ruttan, Millhaven; has been sawing wood with his motor rict. George Brown, jr., is doing same work at Stella. : made several trips to the island last A. 8. Blakey. butcher, Kingston, - ANNOU . by IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED NC os TO THE MOTORISTS OF CANADA N the 20th of April we will be offering you a new motor oil which we sincerely believe is going to set aside all previous standards and introduce an entirely new era in Automotive Lubrication. Marvelube is the name we have adopted for this new product--the nearest we could come in one word to signifying its marvelous lubricat- ing qualities. Marvelube is not the improvement of an old oil but the revolutionary discovery of a new. Its production involves a new system in refining. Four years ago the scientists of our research department got on the trail of this new principle. Silently they have followed it ever since, testing, experi- menting, perfecting, search- ing for the key that would | unlock the ultimate. October they found it; and production mean- time of an adequate stock to serve every motorist in Canada on the opening day, has ~~ been one of the closely guarded secrets of the Imperial Oil family. Marvelube is a strictly Canadian triumph; the discovery of Imperial Oil scientists in our research labor- atory at Sarnia, with no help from the outside world. For its base the ideal was found in a select grade of the world-famous Peruvian Crude, the product of a far foreign field devel- oped by Canadian genius and con- trolled by Imperial Oil Limited, Its lubricating qualities will recom- mend Marvelube at once to every motorist who gives it a trial. You will find Marvelube on sale at _ every Imperial Service station and at the estab- lishments of all good dealers on the 20th of April. Fill your crank case once. We leave the verdict to you. TO ALL DEALERS IN MOTOR OILS Remember that Imperial Oil Limited is the sole manufacturer and will be the only marketer of this new oil. We caution you against accepting substitutes or imitations its wonderful lubricating qualities. Before placing your order for Spring requiré- ments it will proposition. which cannot duplicate pay you to investigate our dealer IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED CEMENT ' Medien hdmi loss NLT \ c \ a daughter of the late Mr, and Hugh McKinnon, She was i pall bearers were, Malcolm McIntyre, remains were laid to rest in Crhw- William White, Albert Rhodes, ford's cemetery on Sunday last. A Much Esteemed Resident of Paim- | in September, 1883, to Mr. Thomas Kirkham, J. Cornelius and! William Riddell gave a recepthe y "erston. : McDougald, who died Thomas White. ~~ = : to Minto Hall on Friday eveni McDonald's Corners, March' 24.-- fago, A family of reh 19th in honor of his daudh- A much esteemed resident of Palm-|four of whom J 3 ter's recent marriage to Mr. B ,. | erston township, Mrs. Duncan Me- | Howard ing A y ; Allan, of Lavant. The presen Dougald, entered into her eternal which they received were nume Test at an early hour on Friday : ]