Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1926, p. 1

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The Daily ¥ YEAR 98; No. 71. a pl Pl Ld ish KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH .25, 19%6 LAST -- Brackin's Government Control Amendment Defeated by 84 to 10 LEGISLATURE SAT ALL NIGHT DISCUSSING LIQUOR QUESTION; FURTH PesiaFogen ee " Box' Incident oor = date, 2 Toronto, March 26.~The Brackin amendment to the budget speech was defeated this morning after an all- might session of the Legislature by a vote 84 to 10. This amendment fav the sale of liquor in Ontario under a system of government con- trol. it was 9 am. before the vote was taken, the House having sat in con- tinous session since 3 p.m. yesterday with the exception of an adjournment fob dinner, ring the night there were four- 4 speakers from all parties in the p 1 Three Conservatives, Col. John Currie (Southeast Toronto), F. 'W. Wilson (Windsor), and W. C. 'Weichel (South Waterloo), declared their intention to vote for the amend- ment moved by R. L. Brackin (Lib- eral, West Kent), which proposed a system of government control and sale lHquor. B. C. Graves (Con- , St. Catharines), although da himself against the Ontario Temperance Act, said he would op- pose the amendment as he regarded it as a direct want of confidence vote in the Government. S------ . Let People Decide. ty Dr. Wallis (Liberal, Algoma), A McWhinney (Liberal, West Bruce) d W. E. N. Sinclair( Liberal lead- €or), declared they would oppose the endment, maintaining that the t law shouldiremain on the sta- books until the people by their to adjourn the debate, but Ferguson insisted that it : ue to @ conclusion before tae House Tose. ---- Not Want of Confidence. { _ R. L. Brackin, who spoke again on amendment, declared that it was a want of confidence motion. #1 the Premier will promise that, at this session or even next session, he will bring in 'a measure of gov- ernment control of liquor, I will sup- 01 I will go further, I will out and a riding for him," X . Brackin a there was no other | the one he had adopted ng the matter before tlie e also announced that he u an. puiscement that he intended to re- from public life; The Premier's Offer. Promising his Immediate resigna- 'tion if any one could prove he had onal knowledge of the matter of famous "cigar box" and the Home |- jk legals, Premier Ferguson in- ex-Attorney-General Rahey to make his "contemptuous insinuations 'outside the House, where he will be made answerable to law." White with anger, Premier Fergu- 4 red that '!it any accusation during him answer- it--1 give the the assurance rs declaration came House and galleries were fraudulent stock flotatioxs. | he sald, this ER DEBATE IS 70 CONE E. Raney Bue Be With-Court Action Re cn Regarding flome Bank "Legals" le Supply. one would have thought the Prime Minister, as a member of the former Government, would have looked to what took place at Kingston, afd seer to it that the matter was cleared up. The "matter at Kingston" was the reference by former Deputy Treasurer Charles Matthews to a "cigar box, ** which presumably con- tained money, in the Treasurer's office. a Mr. Raney--I have long since pass ed the point when I attempt to answer the Prime Minister in kind. I have nothing to take back, because I have said nothing against him. "I repeat, one would have thought a member of this House who had been a member of the previous Gov- ernment, looking to what took place | at Kingston, would have seen to it tha the question asked Mr. Mat- thews, the answer to which was pre- vented, was answered." Mr, Ferguson--This is not the first time my friend has tried to destroy me, and he has even sought to pros- titute the courts, but he had his answer from the province in 1923. He can make all the insinuations of which he is capable, and, he will get his answer when the next election comes. "Blue Shy" Laws, Since the obstruction of his blue sky law, Mr. Raney sald, no attempt ha n made by the new Govern- ment 'to protect investors from Ontario, 8 prob- 0 ue meet Federal at ina round table conference of the subject of blue sky laws. Voted for Amendment. Those voting in favor of the Brackin amendment were F. W. Wil- son, (Conservative, Windsor), J. A. McCausland (Conservative, South- west Toronto), A. Belanger (Liberal, Russell), BE. Proulx (Liberal, Pres- cott), R. L. Brackin (Liberal, West Kent), J.. A. Pinard (Liberal), East Ottawa), B. P, Tellier (Liberal (North Essex), K. K. Homuth, (Labor, South' Warterloo), W. C. Weichel (Conservative, North Water- loo), J. A. Currie (Conservative, South-east Toronto). Members of the cabinet and all party amendment. The Progressive group voted solidly against, and F. J. Cal- lan (Labor, Rainy River), also lined up with the cpponents of the motion, A-- The Premier's Remarks. Premier Ferguson spoke briefly just before the vote and declared the motion to be a direct want of con- fidence motion. "This is a challenge to this Gov- ernment's existence," he declared, referring to the amendment. Mr. Sinclair and Mr. Brackin chal- lenged the Premier to state the pol- icy of his Government on the liquor question, The Premier reiterated his announcement. made earlier in the session that the policy of the Gov- ernment was to maintain the Ontario Temperance Actas it existed. "When we make up our minds we can improve conditions by alter- _jing the act, we will say so to this House and to the public," said Mr. Ferguson. The amendment being lost, the House carried the motion to go into 'the hour, In momentary! of the vote on the! srnment control amend- clock this oon. Further debate on the Ontario Gov- ernment liguor policy is assured in view of the fact that a bill by J. A. 5 Currie, 'Conservative, Toronto South- "Col: Banay, Curries bill provides for government addres, wid that control and sale of liquor. - leaders voted against the) that | charge. 'He sal Threat of British Miners' Federation London, March 25--'If the Government's decision in the coal controversy is unsatisfac- tory to the miners and they have to strike 'on May 1, we have made arrangements that not one tome of coal will be handled throughout the coun- try," said A. J. Cook, secretary- general of the Miners' Federa- tion in a speech at Westminster last night. "We also have made sure that no coal shall enter this country from America or Germany," he added. "We are not going to be slaves any longer. The miners will starve before they accept any reduction in wages." BISHOP BIDWELL MAY NOT LEAVE IN APRIL tMay Induct St. George's Rec- tor--Resignation Before House of Bishops. A Toronto despatch says: "At a meeting of the House of Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Rev. E. J, Bidwell, Bishop of Ontario, was considered. was made, but Right Rev. {sided, said that a statement' would! be issued shortly. his resignation to the House Bishops last fall, it was unanimously declined. his intention to. retire from office] on April 16th. Before hé can do so, | however, he must, under canon law, | have the consent of the Metropelitan, Most Rev. Dr. Thorneloe and other Bishops of the province." until early in May, where he will in- duct the new rector of St. George's Cathedral. MR. THOMAS G. BISHOP 'Who this etening, at Board of Trade dinner, will be installed as president of the organization for 1926-7. ---------- A VIGOROUS DENIAL By Hon. W. E. Rahey Regarding Campaign Funds. \ 'Toronto, March 26.--Hon. W, H. Raney in the Legislature yesterday afternoon, drew the attention of the House to the reported statement of Major Tom Kennedy, of Peel, that Mr. Raney had received campaign funds from Abe Orpen, race track operator ntario. When the House vened Mr. Raney rose to his feet to ously deny the "I am not A sting that the member for Peel - put his seat in jeopardy in trying to prove his charge; so 1 will ask 'the Premier to appoint a committee of this House supply, and adjourned until 3 o'- to a : . c. xoRAIs 70 muTIEY TE BANDIT SHOOTS BANK Falls to Secure Money In At- | dit attempted to hold up the Royal Province of On-|Bank at the corner of Front tario of the Church of England in | Frank streets here at three o'clock Canada, held at Church House on] | yesterday afternoon and after wound- Wednesday, the resignation of Right | ing the bank manager with a revol- D.D., D.C.L, as ver shot, escaped in a motor car. He |got no money, and it is reported that No announcement of the action taken |he had to abandon the car two miles Daviq [north of Strathroy on the London- Williams, Bishop of Huron, who pre- Sarnia highway. was wounded when he came out of "When Bishop Bidwell submitted the office on hearing a disturbance in of | the bank. volver in his hand, but without warn- i ing the bandit fired, striking Mr. Syned of Fong Wo Injorniodeithe Hughes in the right forgarm, near the | WTis which the manager held his revolver. {Then the bandit fled, followed by the bark accountant, 8. G. Moore, who, also armed with a revolver, chased him out in the street, and got several motorists to follow the robber's car. It is understood in Kingston that|that a young man entered the bank Bishop Bidwell will remain in office Premises, and, walking up teller, William Johnson, asked him to give him bills in change for eight quarters. him, the bandit, seeing that there no one in the bank but the bank staff, lle ; io nly le in + {the teller and accountant, ledger-keeper, a stenographer and a junior clerk. The bandit ordered all of them to throw up but found difficulty in keeping all of them covered with his gun. Chicago, March 25--- Solution of the mysterious murder, in 1922, of Willlam Des pond Taylor, motion- picture directc: at Hollywood, is said to be imminent by Asa Keyes, dist- rict attorney of Los Angeles county, "We knew who killed Taylor four weeks ago, but this eastern trip was, for the purpose of getting corrobor- ative evidence," Mr, Keyes was quot- ed as saying. er and the conspirators who plotted the crime will be a surprise. | plot involved persons heretofore not mentioned in the case. CHURCH UNION ACT in Legislature Private Bills K.C.)wepresenting the United Church of Canada, was under heavy fire fore the private bills committee of the legislature this morning, when h> opposed a bill introduced by A. C. Lewis, Northwest Toronto, which would amend the Church Union Act fate hardship, notwithstanding any' MANAGER AND FLEES tempted Holdup at Strathroy. Strathroy, March 35.--A lone ban- and F. P. Hughes, manager of the bank, Hd was carrying his re- This shot disabled the arm in It was just after three o'clock to the As the teller turned to their hands, Says Slayer is Known. The eventual naming of the slay- The UNDER DISCUSSION Bills Committee -- An Amendment Is Asked. Toronto, March 25--G. W. Mason, tion of the case. 1 COMMONS A UNIT UPON WATER STEAL Puts Full Strength of arty Behind Government. In Debate in the Honse---The Conservative Leader Is Vig: orously Applanded. Ottawa, March 25.--From the temper displayed in Parliament yes- terday, there can be no question of the resentment against the United States inactivity in the matter of the Chicago water steal. When Rt. Hon. Arihur Meighen offered the full strength of his party behind the Government in a vigorous prosecu- tion of Canada's case, he was ap- plauded by all parties, eve mem- bers of the Government/ giving recognition of this patriotit offer. Mr, Meighen's characterization of the gross injustice done Canada by the United States Government was unqualified and vigorous; and when he sald that if "we had an equal population with the United States that country would not act as it is now doing," he was vigorously ap- plauded. The question of the Chicago water diversion was brought 'before Parlia- ment by T. L. Church, Toronto, who urged tha: Canada should take im- mediate and drastic action through the British Government to enforce the Boundary Waterways Treaty (1909), and forthwith collect dam- drainage Canadian Government to secure jus- tice to Canada. Mr. Church was supported in his contention by Hon. Edmond Bristol. nn ste Want the Water Back. "I think," declared Hon. Charles Stewart, in the course of his speech, "that Canada should take the ground that we will not admit diversion; we are asking not for compensation; we want the water back, and nothing else. When in Washington last week I had a conversation with Her- bert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Hoover is most anxious for a solution of this very vexed question. We do not recognize the diversion of water by Chicago. We want' the restoration of the whole of the water which has been diverted illegally from the Great Lakes. We are not so much concerned with compensa- tion for damage done; we want the water and nothing else. We are ready to give Chicago a reasonable time to establish sewage disposal works. "Mr. Hoover is most anxious to have the decision of the United States Supreme Court carried into effect, but in Congress a great deal of pressure is being exerted by Chi- cago and the Mississippi states. The effect of that pressure will be evi- dent in a few days. Canada, in the meantime, is fortunate in having behind it the decision of the United States Supreme Court; "it is fortun- ate, also, in having the goodwill of the United States Cabinet. This is the time, though, when pressure must be exerted by Canada upon the United States Government" > ' j Should Be a Unit. Mr. Meighen sald this question had been Lefore Parliament f6f four DETERMINATION SHOWN - cago 'canal. He also ex-| pressed regret at the failure of the| S90440eteessarene WINNIPEG HUSBAND BITES MIS WIFE. Winnipeg, Man., March 24 George Kuruliak had & pecu- liar sense of humor." He per- suaded his male friends to write passionate letters to his wife and then came home and bit her because she read them. This was the story told by Mrs. Kuruliak in court yesterday. The case was remanded for a week, while the husband was advised to have his teeth pulled in the meantime, PIII LEIP REE ESD D 2444394044000 00045 CPPPPPROPRPEPERORRY RECEIVES DEATH PENALTY. Man Slew Nurse When Visiting Van- couver Hospital, Vancouver, March 24.-- Benito Pasquale, Porto Rican, was last evening found guilty by an Assize Court jury of murder in connection with the slaying of Nurse Anne Roedde, in the ' General Hospital here on the evening of December 2nd last. He was sentenced by Mr. Justice Murphy to be hanged on July' 14th. Pasquale, while visiting the hos- pital, attacked Nurse Roedde who was on duty. and almost severed her head from her body with a razor. He then attempted to take his own life by slashing his throat. ON. THOS. A. LOW Former minister of trade and com- merce, who, dccording to word from Ottawa, Is to be chairman of the federal tariff board. Sheep Are Worried To Death by a Cat Hanover, March 25.--George Sperson, a farmer residing in East Grey, had two sheep worried to death by a cat. % It often. happens that a sheep is worried to death by dogs, but this is the first time that a sheep is'known to have been wor- ried by a cat. The animal was caught in the act by tho owner of the sheep, who shot it. WALL STREET MARKET COLLAPSES AGAIN 1186 Securities Or Crashed to Low Record--Fitful Rally at End. New York, March 25---For the se- cond time within the month stock market. prices colla yesterday under a wave of liquidation which came from all parts of the country, which affected secmyrities of all sorts and drove prices of 115 securities listed on the New, York Exchange to the lowest prices of the year. There was a fitful rally just at the close of the market, when those who had sold stocks for the decline covered their commitments, but the losses for the day ranged from two to five points in the run of stocks, with an extreme decline of 22 1-4 the bears and hurried liquidation. The factors sioat prominent may tus be egumerated. i -------- Cochrane, March 25.--Crimes, so ting as to be indescribable, have revealed here in comhection : CHURCHILL IS [TICAL OF London, March 25.--Rt. Hon. Win~ ston Churchill, Chancellor of the Ex« chequer, speaking in the House of Commons yesterday afternoon, ems between Gredt Britain and the Units ed Statesmen the subject of the allied war debts. view that war expenses in a com- mon cause could not be considered morally on the same footing as ordi nary commercial debts. The United .|States had not agreed with the Brit- "= ish attitude and Great Britain had been forced to adapt herself to the. United States' views. He added that there should be no question that the United States was entirely within her full legal rights in the position she had adopted. The chancellor said it was a re= markable fact that at present the United States was receiving 0! Europe, under the arrangement ready made, an amount appre mately equal to the whole of the parations which Germany was ing. Germany. went to France, who not paying her war debts, The -- payments to the Unit 0 change. When France, Ttaly and the ers all founded their war debts Great Britain and the United States, then the United States from all sources would be receiving directly or indirectly by far the larger pors total probable reparations from Gere reparations payable by Germany. It seemed to him that-it was an extraordinary situation which would be developed. The pressure of debt tions through these different chan- nels from the devastated war-strick- en countries of Europe "in an un- broken stream across the Atlantic {to that wealthy, prosperous mation." He believed these facts would not pass from the minds of any respon- sible persons, either in the United States or in Burope. "EASTER RECESS DELAYED, Adjournment Is Not Likely to Take Place This Week. Ottawa, 'Mageh 25. --Adjournment of the House of Commons for the Easter recess is not likely to take place this week. The Government's motion for adjournment from Friday evening until the Tuesday after Easter was not reached on the os paper yesterday. Answering 8 qu tion from Rt. Hon. Arthur ghen, Hon. Ernest Lapointe that if the House could not agree on the longer adjournment, the Gove ernment would not press the mo- tion. For a number of years the Baster recess has lasted from Nednasay afternoon until the following, Tues: day afternoon. It a likely this will be the procedure followed this year. LODGE HAS SOLVED WIRELESS HOWLER phasized the differences of opinion Great Britain, he sald, took the The bulk of the receipts from : as tion, at least sixty per cent. of the extractions would draw the repara= many---the first sixty per-cent. of the * 2

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