for sale. ON TRANSFER C0 WELLINGTON STREET Freight, Steel, Building Equip , Sales, Plans, etc. "Great West Life Assurance 5 Company. R. H. Waddell © 86 BROCK STREET Telephones 326 and 896. 'Waugh "108 Wellington St. Phone 256. ~ PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing ard Player Plavo Adjusting. Norman | M. Butcher, 27 Pine, Stroet. 'PHONE 134. COAL 'R f oe, a ff Ber ton ct deminer { Alberta Coal . 3d Virginia Eg8, semi-hard. . Pocahontas, nut size, clean $18.00 She Couldn't Sleep Heart Was So Bad Mrs, J. D. McClintock, Charlotte town, P.E.L, writes:--*' About a year ago I was greatly troubled with my heart. 1 could not sleep at night, and was so nervous I imagined that I could seo everything in the room moving, and would have to turn on the lights before I could get to sleep. After having read of your ATT ; Lia wis WTIEY , 1 took several boxes of them, and san now get & full night's sleep with- out any trouble, and feel fine in every way.' : H. & N. Pills have been on the market for the past 32 Years; all dealers sell them; put up only by The 9%. Milburn Co., Eimited, Toronto, Ons. BE Ea DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 6 ~ Evenings by appointment. ------ DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 4 Princess Street. 'Phone 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Don't Fuss With Mustard Plasters! Musterole Works Without the Blister~ Easier, Quicker Don't mix a mess of mustard, flour and water when you can relieve pain, soreness or stiffness with a little clean, white Musterole. Musterole is made of que oil of mustard and other helpful ingredients, in the form of a white ointment. It takes the place of mustard plasters, and ; ives relief throat, Ce nillitis, , stiff asthma, neuralgia, THE DAILY BRITISH CROSS-WORD PUZZLE . Blossom. . Red fruit sometimes . To feast. . A hard-finish glos- , To acquire by labor. . Tiny green vegeta- . Heavy cord. . To piece out. . Feminine for, gan-|bo. 56. Tests chemically. 2. Parrot . Myself, 24. Clerks of a bank. . Printer's measure. . To decorate. . To bring up. . To have on. . Questions (verb.) . Command given to 5. External Horizontal, considered a vege- table. sy paint. ble. ders. that kills sheep. a horse. organ of hearing. . Bird similar to an ostrich. . Fuel. . Possessing flavor. . Mineral spring. . Three-toed sloth. . Officer in charge of a ship. 7. Bone. 8. To scatter. 50. Intends. 52. Genus of true olives. 4. To cry weakly. Sybmits. Vertical. . One enjoying civil liberty. , Dripped through e crevice. a . Frightful giant. . Pale. . Deity. . To repulse. . To harass. . Upon. . To damage. 10. 11. is. 17. 20. 21. 24. 25. 28. 30. 32. 93. 34. 36. 8. 39. 10. 41: 43. 145. 46. 19, 51. 38. be, sax Nervous malady. Wigwams. Soft pared from oil. Snake-like fish. The cheek. Makes a mistake. Largest land plant, Final cause. Is indebted. Distinctive theories. To harvest. Melody. Manner of walking. Fit. On. Inflated. Cu: with a toothed implement, Ten-cent piéces. Almost donkeys. Compartment in prison. Tidings. Bgge of fishes, Wing part of seed. Like. Mother. {the people who can be restored by ointment pre~ Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Muddy Complexion Made To Go 5 Quickly. Results in One Night ! This Remedy Jvorks While You the wonder-workin ower of Dr Hamilton's Pills. ® rey are , the smoothest acting laxative yet devis- ed, the kind that a child or delicate woman can use with comfort. Folks who are half sick, sort of run down, lacking in spirits and energy, 'those who find a day's toil exhausts mind and body--these are Dr. Hamilton's Pills to vi gorous health that will outlast old age. Get a few 25c. boxes of Hamilton's Pills to-day. Sold everywhere. | RADIO FRIDAY, MARCH 26. CKAQ; Montreal (410) 1.45 p.m.--Luncheon trio. KDEKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309) 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. 9--Vietor hour of music, = WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (838) 6.30 p.m.--Orchestra. . 7---Music story period. 8~Orchestra. 9--Concert. WCOAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (461) 6.30 p.m.---Dinner concert. 8---Quartette, WGBS, New York (315) 1.30 p.m.--Plano selections. 3.10---HNarp selections. 6--Uncle Gebee. 6.30-----Anszell's orchestra. WGY, Schenectady, N.Y. (879) 2 p.m.--Orchestra. ' 7 p.m.--Eastman theatre orches- ra. §.15 p.m.--Fourth episode of my- stery play, "A Step on the Stairs." 8.30---Orchestra. eep. It only takes one night to prove || Body Hardwood Hardwood Slabs Soft Slabs Kindling Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571. - and test them out They Buy a full against the All wood well seasoned and cut 12" long. These prices represent real economy. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO IFits in the air make any set better. equipment for your present set d congestion, y, rheu- 1. Knight 1795-w. matism, jumbago, pains and aches of, best. ¥ou'll wonder why you or "Phone U, the back or Joints, 8 ins, sore muscles, bruises, chifblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia). The Musterole Co. of Canada, Ltd. ~ Montreal All sizes of fresh mined] Lackawanna Coal SPLIT PEA This Coal is pronounced by housewives as the very best American Coal that comes into Canada. W. A. MITCHELL & C0. Telephone 67. Ro Ap rm -- DEATH OF W. J. CARSCALLEN. He was a Former Resident of Pleas- ant Valley. . Pleasant Valley March 22.--Much regret was expressed when it was learned that Wellington J. Carscal- len had passed away at his Tome in GROVE INN YARD 'PHONE 133 FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Loeal and joag distance. . All Motor Tucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT #54 Division Street. Phone 1758. Dr. Vincent 'A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by sppointment. 273 Princess Street. 'Phone 108 DR.R.E SPARKS DENTIST 150 WELLINGTON STRERT pecial attention paid to Artificial pete trowns and Bridgework. Telephone 346. FOR SALE roomed brick, two bed- rooms, 8 plece bath, electric and gns, hot air furnace, hard wood floors, 1st floor. Easy terms. '| $4,500---6 brick and stone, 8 bedr piece bath, electric \ ------ wo and gas, hot alr furnace, excellent garden. Lot 50 x 165. olds Rub the origins! BAUME BENGUE on the fore. bead and outside of nosc. The congestion will be quickly relieved and the stuffiness and head throb will disappear. Ben Gay a Catarina Crossword \ Puzgle: ¥ .}is spending some time {also Miss Myrtle Bauder, 0UCH! BACKACHE! RUB LOMBAGO AWAY When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you 'stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a 35 cent bottle of old, honest St Jacobs Oil at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching back, the soreness lameness "age for 65 years, this soothing, penetrating oil takes the palin right out, and ends the misery. It is absolutely harm- less and doest't burn the skin. Sydenham. The lat was a former resi§¥nt and during his sojourn among us had won the res- pect and esteem of all. Our sympa- thy is extended to the bereaved ones. Among those from this place who attended .the funeral, which was held at his late home 'in Sydenham, on Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs. A. Manson, Messrs. T. W. Kerr, Geo. Lillfe and B. Botting. Mrs. T. A. Kerr has returned from visiting friends {pn Watertown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitty were re- cent guests at W. Bauder's. Little Miss Doris Ellerbeek, who has béen quite ill, is recovering. Mrs. Wilk- ins, Verona; spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. D. B, Sigsworth. We regret the serious-illness of Mrs. T. H. Watson and hope for an early recovery. The members of the younger set have been entertaining at several homes of late, dancing being the chief amusement. Mr: and Mrs. A. Cowdy visited friends at Yarker. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Watson were re- cent guests at, Mrs, Barr's. Willet Gowdy spent a recent week end with triends here. Watson Bros. are busy with thefr sawing outfit in the vie- infty. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley and son Murray were entertained at the Mr. Carscallen day evening, the © birthday. Miss Barr visi recently. Clarence Connors, A at W, 6. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. A. n by Mrs. Barr's. 1]: i WJZ, New York, N.Y. (454) *7 p.m.--Orchestra. 8§--Senernaders. 8.830---Bonnie Laddies. 10.80--=Grchestra. WOR, Newark, N.Y. (405) 6.40 p.m.--Studio programme. 7---Copenhagen market. WPG, Atlantic Oity (200) .... 6.45 p.m.--Organ solos. 8.15---HEntertainment, 9--Concert orchestra. 10--Dance orchestra. WGN, Chicago (803) 6.30 'p.m. -- Concert ensemble, | Blackafone string quintet. 10--Popular dance programme, WEIL, Boston, Mass. 8 p.m.--Musicale, 10.30--Orchestra band concert. (248) Complete radio progrémmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. THE BIRDS ARE LATE. In Returning to the Northern Parts of Addington. Matawatchan, March 20 -- Our feather friends are unusually late in making their appearance this sea- son, though a few residents state baving heard indicatioms of their re- turn. Under the influence of the sun's strong rays, the snow is sink- ivg. However, at time of writing, we have had no real thaw, Daniel MacPherson still continues in extremely poor health. Mrs. Ell Troke, who was for a few days on didn't d it now! " \ Victor ver them before. Now $3.00--formerly $3.50 Northern Electric Thos. Love, after spending a short period in Renfrew, and at the home |- of her daughter, Mrs. William Smith, Black Donalds arrived home Wed- nesday of this week. ' Mrs. W. W. Hutson is visiting re- latives at Sharbot Lake and will shortly meet her daughted, Cordella, who is expected home from Kingston General Hospital. after undergoing a critical operation for appendicitis. M. R. Reld, P.S. inspector for Frontenac N. and Addington, was overnight in the village on Tuesday, en route ta Rose Hill school, under the management of Miss Bertha Stein, Denbigh. He will visit the var- schools in that vicinity. _ There is tasteless castor oil and colorless iodine, but spinach seems the sick lst, is about again, Mrs. hopeless. WELDED This is the pan for ma making on a emall scale. ing makes it practically n-n0 solder to me allowed to Doil dry. around if A r oO tt off fire. nomical Mang in use, satisfaction. rite for ticulars. ACHING C0, Li ' s 147 Javvis Street FWRED, a one or andleg each side ving : Keeping a maid is 80 exp There's the $7.50 a month you mus spend for" reducing tablets.' STEEL SAP P. rther psy TROUGH & * ry. with heavy angl ) for ii a - 3 J > inchestel CIGARETTES ' he Durable, efticlent, aeo-]: 3 \