Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1926, p. 6

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ay Ee ¥. W. Thompson, 100 King West, Toronto. ¥, Calder, 33 St Johan : Montreal. YORK-Ingraham- ¥ Pow ne ers, Ine, ham-Powers, Ine, 19 ia Street. the Editor are published same of the "The circulation of The British Whig is authenticated by the Audit Bureau of WELCOME BACK HOME. The British Whig joins with the josts of friends of Mr. and Mrs, J. , Campbell in welcoming them y home after their 'extensive. trip op South America. Mr. Campbell is one of Kingston's public-spirited citizens. During long residence here he has al- 'ways made it a point, In the midst if a busy life, to devote a portion of @ach day to unselfish service on be- of his fellow-citizens. On the d of Trade, the Health Associa- 'the Hospital Board, the Public Commission, and many public bodies he has taken his | and taken it in no perfunctory , but with a real desire to His outstanding business abil- always been at the service of YTellow-citizens, and we are sure will all welcome him back, lily, after his well-earned and ful holiday. STIRRING UP TROUBLE. move of Senator Borah to de- that the-state department take | 40 compel England and to settle the damages done American shipping before America entered the war looks like a small "plece of business, says the Water- town, N.Y. Times. It will lead to sunderstanding and ill feeling. The great majority ofthese cases are against Great Britatn and involve 6 blockade of Germany pricr to 1917. There might be a legal reason Why these claims should be paid, put certainly there is mo moral rea- Great Britain's blockade of rmany did affect American ship- 8. That cannot be denied. When pation is fighting for its existence, cannot be too particular coBicern- the property rights of neutrals. 'is pretty generally conceded that t Britain's fight against Ger- ny was our fight, adds the writer, before we formally entered the Germany had won, we ve been the next object of ck. Germany made no attempt deny this. Letters and corre- ; nee prove it. The British navy to strangle Germany and that what' she attempted to 'do. If t Britain had falled to main- the blockade, the result of the might have been different. the London Post points out the 'became really effective only the Americal navy participat- ie But the blockade which | policy, and depldres MORE CARE IN THE SCHOOLS. S-- It more care were taken to see that children appearing at school with evidences of colds, were imme- diately sent home until they were better, we would not have these epi. demics of colds such as the one that is prevalent in the city at the present time. Dozens of children are out of school with heavy colds, most of them, undoubtedly contracted from association with other children who bad them at school. One cannot ex- pect the school nurse to be every- where but a little more oversight regarding such matters on the part of the teachers would prevent a lot of sickness. TRYING TO DECRY DUNNING, At Ottawa the Conservatives are venting their spleen on the Hon. C. A. Dunning, the new minister of rail- ways, who has shown himself to be a broad-minded Canadian, who seeks the best for his adopted land along national lines. THe Manitoba Free Press attacks the machinations of Eastern combinations, which find it politically profitable to cultivate a feeling of hostility to the west, Mr. Dunning will find him- self cast, in the eastern _pub- lic mind insofar as these mischief- makers can effect this, for a role signaily at variance with that which it is 'his desire to play. The Conser- vatives have given up hope of mak- ing a combination with the Progres- gives and Independents to turn the government out; and are now look- ing Quebec-wards in the hope that a sufficient number of Liberals, sup- posedly high-protectionist in their beliefs, can be jnduced to join With the Conservatives to turn the present governmnient out and bring in a gov- ernment pledged to high tariff in- creases. The interests which are working to this end--commonly and accurately known as the "St. James Street gang'---hope that their pur- poses will be served by Mr. Dun-' ning's arrival at Ottawa. They hope, too, that this prospect of support from Quebec will also help forward another project which is dear to their ° hearts--the removal of Mr. Meighen~ from the Conservative leadership. Their plan of campaign might be thus mapped out: "We shall represent Dunning as a {ld man from the West, coming own to kill off our Eastern ipdus- tries; this will make the French Ldberal protectionists restive and in- clined to come over to us if we can make it easy for them; this involves the retirement of Mr, Meighen. Thus, if things can be managed, we shall get rid of both the King government and Mr, Meighen; and get a govern- ment of our own which will do what it is told." A very engaging prospect, thls, over which their moidths have long watered ! The strategic plan may appear as absurd; but no plan can thus be dismissed when it is backed by the influences at the command of the financial Fascisti of Montreal. It is undeniable that every effort will be made to carry it out; and Mr. Dunning's entrance into Dominion public life will be exploitéd to this end in every way possible. The Manitoba paper goes on to say that the - percentage of men. with first-class capacity for public affairs in opr public representation is very much less than it was tMirty years ago; and this is doubly unfortunate because government is now, far more than it was then, a matter of admin- stration. 'The functions of govern- ing are widening all the time; and the administrative machinery is growing so complex that it has tend- ed steadily to overtax the capacity of those who try to rua it. Since good administration is a matter of concern to all, there should be--and there is, at least out here in the west--gratilication without party distinction that Dominion public life has received in Mr, Dunning a noble reinforcement. The Liberal party is -the immediate beneficiary of Mr, Duaning's removal to Ottawa, getting in him an---eficient admini- strator and a skilfal tactician, and an attractive and winning person- ality. Whether the party remains in power or goes into opposition, Mr. Dunning, with his youth and his qualities, has before him, we are as- sured, a aitnguished and useful -{-career. - Mr. Dunning know repudiates any mere east and west in it is pleasing any suggestion of overnmental' 1 tendency. to division, Hear him: "Even ¥ we have been treated un- justly 'in the past, it is never. theless true . that two wrongs do to. TH least, that a firm like the Lyons Fuel & Supply Co. should have had so much dealings with government contractors. It may not have been legally wrong, but it was certainly not morally right for a minister of {he crown to have been mixed up in the matter in any way. EDITORIAL NOTES. The English critic who thinks America produces no first-class liter- ature evidently doesn't read the ads. Up Windsor way it is believed the Government has put teeth in the Canadian customs regulations. Time will tell. The Dome Mines €ompany is go- ing into Red Lake gold fields. Good. It has the capital available for \de- velopment. 5 -- A waiter may be looking for a tip from the wrong party, now that jackets, Canada's favorable trade balance gon for rejoicing at our accomplish- ments. The chain letter nuisance is no nuisance "at all when the reach pedple who are basket. The mayor of Halifax has shown his sympathy with the demand for greater economy, in a practical way. He has cut dows his own salary by $300 a year, The Ontario Gdévernment has is sued -a motion picture showing all the operatins of a modern creamery. At last, bigger and butter films, adds the Windsor Star. Massey-Harris stock keeps moving up in value. Wasn't this ore of the agricultural implement concerns that was being ruined by lack of ade- quate protection? Premier Rhodes of Nova Scotia has failed in his proposal to abolish the legislative council of his prov- ince, that body having, as was ex- pected, declined to be party to its own dissolution. Sir Esme Howard, the British am- bassador at Washington, says there is no half-way house between the reign of law and the reign of force." The Bolshevist and the Fascist sought some such half-way house. r------ Last year the railroads of the country required - 159 pounds of fuel to haul 1,000 tons of freight and equipment one mile. This was 41 pounds less than the average for 1924 .and 24 pounds less than that for 1923. #Ma" Ferguson of Texas thinks her husband has not been fully vin- dicated yet. And so she will'run for another term as governor, She is a true-hearted wife, but maybe the Texans will decide they have enough of "Jim"s' rule. : Ottawa correspondents are pre- dieting startling disclosures in the smuggling enquiry. Break loose; let the clean-up be very emphatic, even it it proves discomforting to sdme parties. So far it has not justified so much noise. The Conservatives cannot recover equanimity as they see how the Premier can carry on government. They 'are peeved that Mr. Meighen was not given a chance to carry on. It looks as if it will be a long time before: his party can function as a government. Canada exports more than half its wood. Althongh its own consumption of its lumber production is steadily increasing, yet the value of the lum- ber sold abroad is more than hall the total. The United States was the heaviest purchaser of unmanufac- tured wood in 1925, accounting for elghty-eight per cent of the total export, at a purchase price' of $98,- 736,017. 'among those mentioned for mMinis- ter:of. lands and forests | inthe For- guson Government, The Brockville | Recorder and. Times says itis not likely his claims for preferment will be recognized. It is a perquisite of the north, and besides it is on the cards that he is to fall heir to the comfortable berth of registrar of deeds for the county of Leeds, where women with short hair wear dinner is being well maintained and this condition gives Canadians good rea- letters sensible enough to throw them in the waste. Liat. Col. A. W. Gray, Leeds, 18 there will exist abundant opportun-|' dy | for seltioquy upon Blasted cab-| LOOKING AROUND "Sap's running," the farmers tell us. That is one thing the House of Commons bdlockaders cannot stop. We have had a good winter and now the spring is opening nicely. Another week and Eastertime will almost be on us. We are just wait. ing to hear of the baseball boys starting things going on the old cricket fleld. One hears that The Whig's serial story, "The Yellow Stub," which has been running for the past six weeks, has made a great hit all over the district and that the readers eagerly await the next instalment. Neo doubt .when ft is completed the paper's readers will want another good story like the, one they have been enjoying. Talk about pasteurization of milk -~there are quite a number of homes iv Kingston which drink nothifig but boiled water the year around. And they are the healthier for it. When you boil your drinking water you get ro disease .germs in your insides. are képt on the jump treating severe cases of grippé. The flu came a little conditions. However, there are not the serious cases of pneumonia hers as there have been across the border. Cur weather conditions have been much better as there has been much less snow here. Noticing the subject of the uni- form Sunday school lesson 6f Sun- day next as a review of the Gospel of St. John, students are reminded tkat probably the best critical review of this gospel was written by Prof. Ernest F. Scott, formerly of Quéen's Theological College, now of the Union Seminary at New York, whose book is known in all Christian countries, Some of the present staff of Queen's Theological College are alsb well-known theological writers. Dr, W. G. Jordan has written some admirable studies in the Old Testa. ment, and Dr. J. F. McFadyen is also a writer widely known. - In old London, the police do not bother the ranters in Hyde Park, no matter what "views they express. They take the stand that it is better to let them get "it off their chest." And no doubt they are right. Our own House of Commons had an anti- Imperial debate the other day and it will serve a good purpose, while no harm was done. Over in Russia a husband appears to be worth only one-half what a wife brings. One woman sold her husband for one bottle of vodka, while a husband ' demanded two bottles of thé samé strong drink for | his spouse. After reading James T. Suther- land's special despatches to The Whig from Fort Willlam and Win nipeg, we can see that Kingston's champion hockey juniors are being well fathered and motheéred. The boys are terrors on the ice, but they are put to bed 'just like children wken they develop a cold, and a nice nurse is brought in to look after them. The youthful hockeyists will remember all their lives the wonder- ful trip they have had through On- tario and Manitoba in early spring and be proud of the way they are being entertained in the capital of Manitoba. Mr. James A. Richard- son, the grain magnate, who is one of their hosts, is a native of King- ston, and played hockey as a junior with his revered brother George and later as one of the crack semiors of Queen's University. "Jim". was Queen's point player in the: days prior to the time when J. T. Buther- land's proposal to have right and left defence was adopted by the On- tarlo Hockey Association, He was a sturdy player and could take the puck from one end of the rink to the other. Kingston is to-day as proud of "Jim" Richardson in his pre. 'eminent position in the Canad business world as he himself is o the Limestone City's junior hockey- ists who are now battling in Winni- peg in the final game for the Cana- dian championship. Js * an-- + Helping Sap. Boston rh 81 000,000 maple trees will néver sup- ly the demand er at least t RE yi £00,000 cane stalks were not tapped at the same time. * There is a great deal of sickness throughout the eity and the doctors | later this year, owing to the weather |: - up for Easter. lanwiet At ~ Pleasing the lady in the case is another. world judges by appearances. BIBBY'S DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED Pride in your own appearance is reason enough for dressing She knows the SPRING SUITS DISTINCTIVE, BUT NOT EXPENSIVE New in every detail of fashion and fab- ric, yet made to identify themselves with _ * the individuality of the wearer, these Suits or import an air of elegance rather than "'new- Clothes that help to emphasize your per- sonality rather than advertise the skill of 4 The Duncan, $27.50. The Devon, $32.50 The Metcalfe, $35 BIBBY'S Out Society Brand Salts Majestic Serge Suits at $45.00 are Beauties. copy ~ i -- NATIONAL OLEAN. ERS AND. DYERS ~~ THE Sanitary Steam Pressing =a Steam Cleaning. Als French Cleaning. Repairs and alterations. Corner Bagot and Niliam Streets 'Phone J. ¥. WALKER, Prop. ---------------- A --------, Sa <4 rr the pedestrian misplaced. He was here before the deluge of admonitory regulation and advice should be poured upon the street. The motorist should not be allowed to forget that street-crossings belong to the two-legged madhine as well as the four-wheeled power plant. ~ And trom the statistics compiled it would appear that '"'education" is needed for the drivers as well as the walk- ers. A-- Quebec Viewpoint La Patrie has already begun to discuss daylight saving. "Daylight saving has entered among our customs and no longer meets with opposition. The only point that remains to be determined is 'the date on which, each spring, we should push on our clocks. "It seems that our municipal au- thorities are endeavoring at this moment to reach an agreement with the other municipalities of Quebec and Ontario with a view to having the change of time take place every- where on the same date. "We believe that the summer time should be adopted not later than the last Sunday in April which will fall this year on the 25th, so that the city people may have an extra hour of daylight during moving week. This argument may not have as much force in other towns where there are fewer movings, but at Montreal it has a great importance." Considered from the point of view of daylight saving, it would seem that the hour should be changed as soon as the changing season is sul suf~ ficiently advanced to make 40 Stra tour of daylight possible by 'advan- ¢ing the clock. On the other hand objections are raised to interfering with the winter routine until the end of the school year in June. citer. i i ARAN Organized Charity | (Pint Journal) organ would seem to be!| motorcar and it is only fair that the motorist as well as the man in the |} Careful driving cuts down Hi the element of risk to the minimum.' Your Is No U SALE Brick dwelling, stone foun- § hardwood. Ji Dwelling, 8 rooms, ueco electricity and gas, good | for 8 cars. Price $4500 kg Some excellent bargains in Farms. Money to loan on mortgages, Reliable Fire Insurance Com- Phones 2780-w or 1797-J. I. J. Lockhart 81 Brock Bt, Kingston, Ont The KINGSTON OLEANERS DYERS yr reove sitaaes 0. OOE & P. BARRETT Office: 86 Arch Street. "Phone 1330w Call and deliver. Blendéd by ourselves -- roasted: on the premises -- Always fresh--always good. 60¢. pound ABSOLUTELY PURE * Jas. REDDEN & CO. PHONES 20 and 990.

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