os - ALBERT L.CLOUGH. - f° Orankshaft Development Vv The "Sweet" Running 0f Modern Engines 1s Largely Due To It hd if its bearings "stood tae geff" reasonably well, that was suMcient, but with the exacting present-day requirement that a motor ear engine shall operate about as smoothly as an electric motor, the crankshaft is reguired to convert the enormously rapid upapddown motion of the pistons. into rotary motion that is free from any sensible irregularity or accompanying jar. 2 The Crankshaft And Eagige Vibration In securing the "velvery" quality of engine performance, that car users demand the crankshaft plays a most im nt part and to improvements in its construction are largely attributable the extraor dinary increase In steadiness nolleed In recent engines. Securing Perfect Balance A crankshaft that is not in perfect balance exerts jerky forces, as it rotates, those jerks incredsing in vislence with incressing apeed and setting the entire engine and ear into vibration. By making the shaft as mearly Inberently balanced as possible and by the use of attac counterbalancing weights, this source of disagreeable and powge wasting vibration has been minimized. « Attalniog Rigldisy Against Bending At first thought, iL seems IMupossible that so massive a thing as 2 erankshaft can bend !n service, bul when the tremendous transverse forces acting upon it are appreciated this seems remarkable no longer. This bending and "whipping™ and the jar it causes, bas been ovarcome by making the shatls mare massive--of larger diameter--and by the use of more numerous and longer bearings, thus decreasing the distance between points of rigid support. Large Diameters Insure Stiffness Recent crankshafts are very "stocky," of sueh large diameter at bearing parts and pins as almost to obliterate the tfansverse or "cheek" portions of the cranks as such. ; Bearings Closer Together " Four bearings for six-cylinder and three for four-cylinder crank shafts are being } by seven and five bearings respectively-- one at each end and one between each pair of cylinders--thus reducing the unsupported shaft length so greatly that transverse vibration is obliterated and by the application of the front-end auxiliary 8, I, vibration due to the twisting of the shaft is eliminated in y engines, - : FITTING A RCNDITIONING / 'ARATUS ¥ formance for a long period of time, but will save you money in the end, tne RUSTING E. V. DD, asks: I have heard that An engine which is iald up for the winter is likely to have its cylin- ders rust, any way of preventing it? of this, unless suitable precautions are taken. The main thing is to make sure that the cylinder walls are left coated with oll that 's free from water. If the crankcase Iw drained, fresh oil supplied, the engine then cranked over for a few revolutions and a little oil intro- duced Into each cylipder, through Ms spark-plug hole, there is very little likelihood of rust forming especially if it Is hand-cranked a few turns every few weeks. Some advise the use of castor-oil instead of regular cylinder oll for rust prevention, but this iz hardly nec- essary and involves additional bother. The above precautions should be taken only after the car Is in its permanent iooation and the engine not started thereafter. LB. V. writes: I am urged to Atgey 1928 =u car with a cons oli-reconditioning device by the company, wi consists of means for raisi ofl from "the pump, by manifal suction, heat! it from the ex- haust, evapordiing volatile foreign matter (which Is sucked into the cylinders), filtering- out and set- tling solid impurities and returning the purified oil to the crankcase. De you think this would prove a worth while addition to this car? We think it would. The principles involved in its op- eration are sound and the compan which makes it has a repuiatiop for the high grade accessor which it pi AS matters now stand, no car that fe unprovided with an adequate means for .main- taining the lubricating qualities of its engine oil can be considered fully up-to-date. You will prébably that the use of this device wiil aot only. give you better engine per- |. > Sasatios a general intevest to the motorist will be answered by 3 this column, spuce permitting. If an immed answer 3 desired, enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope, ate : a In the making of bricks, clay and | PusteD!?? £ before the prodict is complete, €u. 18 onuy three feet in length. IN THE-BARLY DAYS, if a crankshaft did not break in service _ KEEPING OYLINDERS FROM is this su and is there There is some danger ¥ A musician in England has in- ther mixtures are handled 78 times vented a portable piano, when fold- : # SUNSET DRIVING | |¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG > Serge 099seeneeees * : . + * VERY DANGEROUS + ' " » Your most dangerous period # for driving is the sunset hours, between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.; Mr. Motorist. Children are released from school and are playing in the -streets at that time; persons are hurrying home from work afoot or in motor cars. Fatigue is considered a large factor =n the cause of many accidents at this time of day. It is then that motorists and pedestrians allke are slow to react to dan- ger. ) Be cautfous 'even at the care- free time when the day's work is dope. Watch oat for your- self, because the other fellow may fall to watch out for you. 2249404002000 040 000000 PEPE EPPPPOP PIPPIN GS CPPPP P0990 00000% ENOW YOUR CAR. Talk and Demonstration on Chevro- _ let Features and Quality. In an effort to get the public.in- terested in the mechanical features and working parts of their automo- blles General Motors of Canada are this year holding meetings at prac- tically every ome of their dealers' showrooms throughout Canada. The main attraction at these eet- ings consists of a clear and concise explanation of'the various working parts of an automobile by a thor- oughly experienced engineer from the General Motors staff. He ls aid- ed in his explanations by having the various different units on exhibition with parts of their housings cut away 80 that the moving parts can be seen ir operation. This year Chevrolet chassis is the car on which the demonstration is based. As will be seén from our advertising columns the Kingston lecture is to be held on Monday, March 29th, at 8 p.m. av the showrooms of the General Garage, Limited, Brock and Mont- real streets, Chairs are provided and it is understood that in addition to the lecture there will be several other interesting features. In addition to the cut away chassis the various lat- est models of Chevrolet cars will be oun exhibition. Everything possible is being done to mike this an educa- tional as well as an enjoyable event and a cordial invitation is extended not only to Chevrolet owners but to all car owners or prospective owners. HAS NOVEL SUGGESTION FOR CHEAP GARAGES Sidewalk in Front of Home Might Be Utilized. London, March 25.--It started with a man who stopped to watch a large roll of newspapers sink slowly into a hole in the sidewalk. He must have been a city motor- ist, or he never would have thought of it. And he must have been tér- ribly in need of garage space for his machine, or he never would have broached fit, As it is, here's his unique idea free for the use of those who have similar trouble with their cars. They're mostly, if not all; city dwel- lers, living so close together that they can't have their private garages, a NOW CHRYSLER "S THIS SUPERB PE me se ho, 5 on bh 8G Tt | RIOR ' AT NEW LOWER PRI and still being pestered by the police ™ ~~ a 1926) nb Such an T is a rare occasion when the aver~ age motorist has an of having the functions of the many _ parts of an automobile chassis dem- onstrated by an expert, using a cut open motor and stripped chassis. portunity opportunity happens only about once a year and should not be passed up. Every motorist should be familiar with the fundamentals of motor car construction. The expert will demonstrate the why and how of all the major motor car parts. For instance, _ he will explain in detail The Central G BROOK AND MONTREAL STREETS. CHASS] This Demonstration is of real value to every person interested in Motor Cars 'why the three-point motor suspen. sion reduces vibration noise -- why Chevrolet will flash from 5 to 25 miles in less than 8 seconds, The lecturer, who comes to us direct from the Chevrolet factory at Oshawa, will also explain why the improved Chevrolet incorporates many mechanical features heretofore only found on high-priced cars. , Regardless of what car you drive or . aT¢ interested in, this Chassis Dem- Oristration will be a real education. WN 'Monday March 29th, 8 p.m., at Our Show Rooms arage Limited in DEMONSTRATION of i * €D-350 a -- to keep their ears off the streets at night. It's nothing but the simple ex- when the window regulators of the ding, even if chains are used, with pedient of sinking the auto into a hole in the sidewalk? : Why not ? Just open up the front sidewalk of the house, and drop into it the cars of the tenants. in the the apartment house nearby. In fact, a large part of the apartment basement could be set aside for this purpose. A car comes up, the trapdoors flat fon the sidewalk are opened up, the car rolls upon the platform, and down it sinks. Then the doors close and the sidewalk is clear again. And no more space occupied, sith. er! « The suggestion is made, in addi tion, that this sidewalk life could be operated under the power of the auto engine ! Pointer on Cranking. In cranking his enginé the experi- enced motorist will use the choker as sparingly ds possible, but he also will avoid the mistake of measuring Frees Window Regulators, Winter is the season of the year closed car are inclined to stick. Fre- quently they will be so stiff that one experiences the sensation that the regular handle will break off unless something is done to remedy the sit- uation. The remedy, however, is a little graphite dropped on the work- ing gears through the window sill opening when the window is fully lowered. ubricant can be added also through the regulator shaft after the handle and the cap are removed. A mistake, however, is to look for [i immediate results. regulator will continue to work hard until the graphite has worked In. ---- PREFERENCE Of all the cars you see on the streets, two- - thirds are equi with ou prefer. Se Helps to Prevent Skidding. "There will be less danger of skid- lower inflated tires. The flatter the tire the more of iis tread will come in contact with the road surface, and the better will be the traction. Remember this some day when a to hold title the {ner old name to her new. cold rain begins freesing on streets. It may save a skid. Corner King and Sells Herself Own Car. 4 Pueblo (Colo.) girl whe owsed an automobile had the unusual ex- perience of selling the automobile to herself. She was adopted and Reér (name was legally changed. In order to the machine she had to transfer it by sale to herself from Senha HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Princess Streets, = +. x Thos OL' Work, Mouldings, Machine Work, Sawmill