Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Mar 1926, p. 15

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[eu [ «The Whigs Classified P age ls a Public Forum and a True Market Place ferred Business Services re British Whig Lost and Found 1 Help Wantec louT OUR WAY. Se O00 SOTO ; ILE TIRE = Tube and de- Positions Wanted 6 ' : ; ; Hemstitching : 3 KINGSTON, ONT. A] mouraors rim found sabe And de; | : ; PICOT RDGING =H SSIFIED ADVERT.SING Clarence and Bagot Strests on Wed- | WIDOW--Without children. wants post BRIN 5; Pleating, "work ~guarant stricted to thelr nesday evening. Owner may have| tion ag housekeeper, for one or tw 3 Field, 363 Barrie Street, near Mrs. All ads. are re and to the same at 79 Division Street, by proving entlemen. References. Apply Box Street. "Phone 2483.7, proper elssification, style of type. erty. -35, Whig Office. J 3 LADEEZ AM GENTS 3 Jwlar DE NOU WILL NOW WITNISS BS: Re T A CLASSIFIED RAT GREY CAT--White vest and paws, six | WIDOW--Warnts position as cook or RR Pally rate per line or consecutive toes on each foot. lost. Finder please | assistant cook. Can furnish references. HOW "™' GRATE WONUN Insertions: 'phone 1764. Reward. Apply Box C-25, Whig Office. y 3 : Minimum charge, 35 genta. Cash mE 8 : , 5 fignTen AN FAMOUS Fifa "es 1 |r Tay Rae am JoBtzon street. Own- Real Estate For Rent. : CRACK SMOT EAGUL : CA 5 a . oi X y 4 \ 4 3 EVE IKE PUTS OUT His Z Telephone 300 Geax BL 6 lm a "Apartments and Flats ? butt. isthe, Engvissisnia Mar: | LADNS GOLD WiNe--ound owier| Aperi EE A Lert wen ne Givs ig SN Eh Deaths, Birt : \ \ : es, one insertion charged, $1.50; APARTMENTS --4 rooms and tiled bath 0. ; P WA rday, March 27, 1926, Co THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ma -- es, One " Hag 00. MITT ~ Man's leather mitt found on | "room: eentrall located, modern in Card 0 hanks, and Mexiqpiam Pruart Street, on Sunday. Owner may every respect. Y avrly M-20, Whig Of- 50; cash, $1.00 2 FE \ 2 : 3 AN Notiees--Charged, $1.50 » $1.06 Ye same at Whig Office. fice. y 4 \ | For the very lafest in Ladiest* each insertion. t ular ' 3 ed for fIrreg SUM OF MONEY-- Found ip Superior d Plats 7 a Periions takes the one-time inser- | STN OF MONEY Owner may have Apartments an LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE 'ARLOR. 5 sertions or. in ba ad taken for less taan Same by applying to above store. FURNISHED APARTMEST--Of Thice ; . Zid is of sour lines words to 'the rooms, 1 bedroom, kitchen and living & . 4 : "2 room. Suitable for family of two. Ap- ANE =. , i i A.B. KINGSBURY, iy ply 236 Barrie Street. : SR : 209 Princess Street "Phong 2015.3. ; tf wa a Suived D2 | TMENT--Four : 3 7 A i a a -- t-- AN | GROUND FLOOR APAR' i OU. A) 7 y FA hie Office within 6 days from | rooms, 3 p. bath, water heater, - 3 ? { © y g PRN Pod PE # Water v Round t date of insertion, cash © clothes closets, large pantry, gas MER. ; ; ih he allo range, hot water heating, $35.00 per 4 | 2 Furling, r Bobbing end 0 Ads. ordered for more than one One loose Cut Diamond. lost ow month. Apply 186 Queen Street or & 7 2 1 ¢ Facial and h Sealp lon and stopped fors expiration in oar. Finder please return to-the 'phone 1122. y o 0A 1 2 XR / | Switzer, 0 veen Breet ner harged for ber ce. - SE : BY SK A peared and adjust. ' HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barris ar ; ment made at the rate earned. > a -- and Princess Streets, also slores 2B 1 ) 3 h iw Bk : Rate per line for white space "Live Stock ga| Princess Street, centrally located wit ! ida 2 Insurance a line of .t . rear entrances. Apply I. Cohen & Co., 73 2 j v {) iH Z4 . BT ra for Fearis' advaitising 8 ; ERNIE D, SLITER-Insurance Broker, CHOICE COW--New milch Ayshire. Ap- Ontario Street. Phone 836. i rani iA a p * all branches of insurance in 34 Jine upon request. ie § / : SH j | } companies o est financiel ese the right to edit ply to W. Y. Colquhoun, Apiary In- Houses ° | Publishers vs Classified advertising specter, 13% miles east of Joyceville. : gb at e ; = | BRICK. HOUSE--No. 1] Victoria Ter- jog 28) King fin t Bas T8-w. en. 1 Terphone 249; ask for & want ad. Help Wanteaq * Tace, Montreal Street, to let. Posses- , 2 Ai FIRE--Automobile and Casuait. taker. "pa z sion Ist of May. King & Smythe, \\ ® % ] . ! ance. BE. M. Crumley, ¢20 Bar Male Help Wanted 2| 71-73 Clarence St., Kingston, Ont. \ p \ £# ; ¢ "Phone 1783-M. ie aie. f : HOUSE -- 138 Wellington Street, 8 LUE 5 8 i» INSURANCE--Only t fol HUNT--REYNOLDS---In o, COOK AND HOUSEMAID -- Wanted. rooms, furnace, electric light and gas, oi ; i companies Ey by nge War oth, A Wh Phone 1110. 3 plece bath. Will re-decorate to suit i\ 7 Z, Strange, established in 1860 Office: EARN $13.00Up daily. Experience one asion aay 1st. Apply . h : = 7 ; Clarence Street, opposite Post no. Kin, son fof Mr. and D. C. Hunt, Dot necessary. Sell Nogar patented a \ 3 77. OUR HEALTH AND ACQID trol Mich Tasmerly of Kingston Water, fire, nag roving: Tl price | oon HOUSE rooms, at 130 Bagot 4 J 3 / : icy will protect your esiary. Al t & say Ev ning ry Nogar | Streat, opposite Robert Meek Schoo \ h S ; 2 of Fire and Automobile Insurance. ya pointment 'phone 301 DEATHS. P ession at once. Rent $17.00. Ap- Williams, ® Clothing Co. anada, Fairfield py B. Cooke, "Phone 505 on 1713100 ms, 3 Couper DAY--In Ki ton General Hospital, on | Bldg. Vancouver, B.C., or 1506 Bank of d \ J , x ' Mareh 2 4926, Gri pdman,| Hamilton Bldg. Toronto. FURNISHED HOUSE--To let, from € 4 Fo. ry Decorators 25a of Bar w vo, Re AR FIREMEN--Brakemen beginners §150,| (BL 1st, modern, central 'Phone : oF % -- ' . -W. 4 rs ry notice Jeter. | TR In Boats |= ry 7 "Stop And residamantay hone 1996 [P--In Kingston, on M 26th, | tions on railroa Ph eels homes | Hous -- Beven rooms: 4 Rosy, residence 'p or 11926, Binma Bolton, aged 56 years, | --everywl re LX Box F237 i Of. | ments; furnace; good garden; near car 2 A : hoe Wife of Charles Kemp, | FOF Association, Box F-27, Whig Of-| JieD Possession at once. Apply 38 FE GET YOUR PAINTING--And pai ; i Road. late residence, Porth |= --e------------u-- | Livingston Avenue. IA ine | done now. Prices reasonable. r . . = i oad, Townahip. of Kingston, on | "lt oa for Wnt Cronk pegs | HOUSE--g ome oo iotoria Street, ~ Riper for sale. Bryant, 307 Berl St afternoon, at €.30 o cloc S ,| toilet, gas for cooking, electric ght, RE ES CT . § fae ny atte eT taTy, Factory for season 1826. Duties = garage, immediate possession. Rent Real Estate For Sale Articles For Sale Articles For Sale, PAPER HANGING = Why not Cam will leave Anderson's Grocery £4 reenable, saw > E oCarnovaky, hol - that room decorated this month a at 2.00 o'clock. ream 8, . : Houses 14 Miscellaneous 15 fore the Spring rush ? Wor copy. . H Fuel and Feed is Brockville papers please copy. facto over 150,000 'HoUem os mari Street, § fooms and 3 guaranteed at reasonable Ho MrT Kingsion, Ont., March 20th, | bg, oh Deaocr, Particulars apply to| {1 attic; 3 plece tollet; gas for cook. E. W. sIULLIN PURE, BRED.TO-LAY BARRED DRY BODY HARDWOOD Dry Tard BB Howie" put new. 1934 ont. enry Smith) aged 81 years. | (Jose oghue, secretary, bntey- ing; electric lightin y BI hite W y Hh y . i 8: plugs for lamps, Real Estate and Insurance Broker Rocks, R.I, Reds, White yandottes,| "go t wood Slabs. We h e oad aetna ai fons ona | Prise fans, etc. Bun urnace. heating ihm Coe have mars a | avhite Leghorns' 100 per cent guar:| snd Gof wood Slabs biew. © LC | Sion PANTING Robinson, rear x = sa etory. Arage and stables. «| 'Phon 39-w. e o antee ve delivered. ve us your i Bag . EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY -- For 3 or Key at Gilbert's Grocery, 194 Phone 3 J order. 'Phone 181-w. Your og ms Swain 213 ot Strest 5 es io learn Frotery busi. e St." 'Phone 254. RESIDENCE--Solid brick, in £004 con-| hatched if desired. Marshall, King- PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL 3 large yall store. Goo bi . wr ditlon; all conveniences; 335 Univer-| ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. ~Carload stove in now. Carload of Apply B hae re OR required. | HOUSE~Corner Colborne and Syden- sity Averiue. In very desirible local- Chestnut arrived and read for distri- Ply Box 1-26, Whig Office. Sem Mtteats, 3 Doom; 387 Rideau 8 ity, For rticulars, apply st the SET OF AYRYEYOI'S aNSIRENENTS bution, 'Phone 2382-m. - Price $15.50 rooms; 6 ueen reet, § rooms; a ' 489.w, or sale, Pply m ver ff cars. C. W. ville, UREESE MAKER Wanted for Pare improvements each. Anply 185 Queen house or 'phone 3 Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. delivered off cars Neville, . ed body and soft wood Vice-president J. M. Farrell Ness Factory. 'For further pats | Srracs Telephone 988-w. A tiola Mix STREET Poulars =pply to C. D. York, Box 35, A (Articles For Sale, "SNOWBIRD"--Electric Washing Ma- 'slabs; cedar kindling, $2.75 load; hard- loan on city and farm propert v " SIX ROOMED HOUSE To let on oo chine. It's cheaper to have then to bel wood slabs, $3.50 load; body hardwood vesttent, Bonds bought and PRINCESS "Phone 147 for Ambulance - Charles Street: electric light and gas 1 without. EK terms. 624 Johnson ; rd : . REID Femalo Help Wanted 8 Aoely to. Fr Norman, 69 Patfiok Wanted To Buy 1 Street. "Phone 3041. non Tonos ng J ghotera Hr am ved tnd iniorest J x reet. 'Phone -W. ' . ndertaker MAID--For general housework, A WATER POWER WASHING MACHINE UPRIGHT PIANO--In good condition. |. Phone 889. Cartwright, manager, 87 1 * Mra. R. J. Gardiner, 90 Johnson Street | SOLID BRICK HOUSE High: rooms, | --Wanted. "Phone 1933-J or 536. Price reasonable. Apply at 149 Cob WOODw-Best of Mixed Wood $300 a furnace and all conveniences, situate borne Street. ' quarter of a cord; hardwood slabs Storage under cover. 32.76 a quarter of a - Mm P. KEVES ONE GOOD---Relable dining room girl, Park. Possession May 1gt. Misce! 15 : ; : he ¥ .] Al Eg & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence VIOLIN~Antonius, Stradivarius, Cre- : $ - cotBor 180 one good, reliable girl for house y . Tangauy or sale] of Mipcody hardwood, da 3 Wood STORAGR---For furniture, clean, . ME: 8, leaning department. Pply to Chef treet, Kingston, Ont, monendls, Faciebat, Anno 1721, for sale.| of a cord. Delivered. ders' 49 STREET or to Hounar King eto era . BASTER ar? ooviiom $10.00, with In' Sood Sonditren Reng, L131 for sal and airy'rooms and spaces; your own AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889, Hospital, oper, Kingston General | ~ LET, MAY 1st, FURNISHED Nine terms of payment; large ssloc- | 15 fir. Thomas Marsa able: ADDLY Phe hs iarrack and Bigot Streets.| al: key. Frosts Sig | rorsge, room house, hot water heating, elecs tion of newest pavterns. "Phone 2306-w, JOHN CORNELIUS NURSES-.Pupi], diploma In two years: | tric range, fireplace, lake view. Tele-| J. G. board, laundry, cash allowance provid. | Phone 713-m. Clinkers.| Puffet, Chesterfield set, den . pUndertaker and Embalmer ed. Chicago 'Hospital, 811 5 deh =: ASHES -- And heavy gther 'articles. Apply to 36 : BOYD'S STORAGE W Puriars: #14' Street | St. Culcass nil Rooms 10] Keveclely sulted for road work | Sires: in ariarnom'ora (Sedtly. root on Tot Berea th ay | SurAtLs, OF Any EE 308 Queen St, Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. WALNUT MANTLE--Quarter Cut Oak Wanted To Buy 19! or em. ¢ for drawing. Apply proof bullding. TWO ROOMS--Furnished: suitable for| to Angrove'w Foundry, King and) YOUR AUTO PARTS--Siiverware can Apollo Bw! Watte 53s Pr Sacund. . Malo and Female Help Wanted Bb | light housekeeping; on bathroom flat;| Queen Streets. De replated like new. Phone 380. Part. } , sare cooking ©' b Ap Ddge Wire & Iron Works. Gates, » ha: »t BOYS WANTED To pat- Apply to 87 We BLANKET S=sRobas a bargain; second! Fences, ete. close prices. n roma, Ww. 's Barb : d dril], Lion Disc Harrow: 3 sets 083 Services WORK--All kin are i i on 3 Chraons Barber Sass. te For Sale leighe. Bee our new Cookshutt Disc SS lloring aad Presi 5 Contracting or ty perk: : s. "Ladies, 360. 301 Wel- ot) Sstate Por Sale Disc Hartawss Do Laval Separacors Talloring aud Pressing --, darets/ G Hitnthe 1h Pembrses : rrr rms and. Laud | 374, Milkers st Front & Woed Agener.| | Two Electric Motors ROBERTSON -- Tailor, Cleaning ._"Hhone $48ew: dee HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES FARM~On Middle Road, Pitts urg, go| J. F, Cramer, 31 Broc reet. on : Pressing, Re; ing. Suits made to t ainadle demand: have | "rent or on shares. Apply to Mee Eli.| 585-J. or 1317-F. For Sale irs Babies. in stock. $20.00 and > Sails: eapiia) "or sxetydioly | Zabech NaoAdeo, T, RNa. 1. Ri COAT--Lady's light Weight tan with pall TEC Street. : - Snhecessary! B. Garretson, Brantford Ont. real (Eouer ool a a. cuffs. 'Phone 1 horse Jover Wagner Motor } ASHES. dstusd Sut of cellars and . .m. -- P.M. clean Job done. ART AND FLOWER STORE Houses 14 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 220 Frofessionar 21] pris, n ! "Phones 452 W¥ bred, St. Andreas. volts, A.C, ' Russell Street. "Phone 3358. : id 1318.J, / Agents Wanted 4 | BRICK HOUSE -- Semi-detached: 7 Pure. femeivn, Boautitur "birds, ny y ! Cushman Rr eile: orm CTITIONER -- ni: SLEIGH DRI e rooms an bath; ern improve- * il ¢l he . od rrie ne Aeon onttery Com-| ments, Apply to 44 Ordnance Tat. for mating; ip Augusta Road, Motor, 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, fess Btreets. Chiropractic adjust.| F000 team pound. Charges a rged Batteries | we (TANCE Bt Bevan J Ontario. 110 volts, 1 phase. ments. electric treatments and hand. Gaver Rranstes Co netantly, E| nates old method en- | BRICK HOUSE---Sydenham Street, all - , jiassage. X.ray service. Consulta- Street.' 'Phone 1507.7, tirely. Particulars, - Lightaing Co. | "improvements, $4,800 00 Brick house, oe tion free. Hours 9-13"Bm. 1-§ pun. St. Paul, Minn. Nefaoq Biro: all improvements. i Five TU 0 SE a) Satiery British' Whi Pub. Co. Evenings b appolgiment. pOtice fie: Expert Plano Tuning. ; .00. P . le Tumpour, h xchange. one "J egidence ' J. and loud speaker, for sale or exchang ED) Pp! ©e 'phone 957-J. Player-Plano Aajusting. t uaranteed Ladder-Proof Silk Princess Street. 'Phone 704 or 1895.J, Will exchen motoreyele. Apply (LIMITED 44 Unixohange KING ST. "PHONE 2014. Geo. F. snd Jennie A. Chiro. Phone 1544. that Iaddere. Pay aul rau Hon USE? b, 5 LINDSAY. LIMITED ers. y y. Fam 08- | NEW HH rooms, barn, 5 acres ree, 303 Bagot fery catalogue free. Sterling oslery | land; north Alfred, for $3,500.00. Sult-| pss AND OHIPS--The oldest fish and treet, Ph SEW, Hod Bigot C. WwW, xX, 7! Mills, Dept. 8., To able for gardening or henery. Bar. chip cafe in city. W. F. Redden, 360 Consultation free. GewAnd Stnare) 's At ® ia, 104 Cierny san St i . 'Phone 1083-m, or call at 383 real Street. Hours 9 a.m, to 1.00 ; 1 : "8 An Hove anf taste or B 8 | Bhiveruity Avenue. sin Wo Gelter, "Phone 3480 Purature 0a ree harks, shia" cotouts| sour, Ue dis | Porch Dresses. 'Your cash daily, No J. B. CUNNINGHAM EFFBOTS--Conslsting of FURNITURB-- Ani Sabi ste. removed permanent: |. none 1600-J. re golissting or delivering. Write B. &| Real Estate HOUSEROLD H) Dlotures and Hem | "Tore ins RE and Bought a. Baty Betieimerics Glaases 'fited. oh SLEIGH. DRI. ARTIES-- E. Mtg. Co. Dept. 37, London Oni. Insurance and Loans ATP Meh DE GhaaTes) Brook St| er, 807 Princess Sireat, successors ef furnished atte oshaes LE My i " " - . ¥. ORY vers, T ninety days' work (spare or 33 Sargnce Stree -- Only' used four]. ot89s Antique Shop. & pd ri Bl Banat >nersl carting; firet side" Y Tull MASSEY BICYCLE nly u ' E } or asle. mates von. iN 2 ime), guaranteed man OF Wo- | PEN-ROOMED HOVSE---Brick, 1] mod. months. Price $30.00. Apply 28 Pine ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, 258 Transfer, 14 York Street, REAL GOOD ONES AT VBRY ern Jmpravemeiits, ay 363 Barrie treet, | BROCE Fuel and Feed 18} Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136] and 2518-M, 8 Phone LOW PRICES. h and | ives re', en ht ; 1 ' ses week only, ail of Barristers and Solicitors: 21p Algo a full line'of FURNITURE. Saoh bonuses YoolE fod Brick Na es or i 5. Reg- DEY, MIXED Fotos frm DRder osover, . Everything reasonable, ata *mples tree." Winston | evplace: pucnge, navn" "7 ME, Marpetas enovetsd for THiS, Reg. | oar i ard Rigs noe Wo ad Nora TON Barrister, Solici. i " nd % nston | "fireplace, garage, barn. ou new Mattress 'of reduced or eall Rag oa + | tot and No Public. 151 Welling- Turk's Store i cone Tota me eden gur-| pills" ing Maieis *hinitnts) tovaies fon Strsel. 'Phone 384s. v. i the Classified page ror Lost and | per: farms close to city. Wou . - : GOOD HARDWOOD-$3.50 quarter cor, urk 3 h articles Pecnbage fo Dd | Four fa ould ex Ixed wood $3.00 and $3.95 quarter on hr ne laren 5 Sdvertived ft slabs Kin oy not, let us help you locate 'ONNO| yr! PAY Nn Cunnaingham, K.C.; ough and dressed 08 + Colborne Stock. Clean saw. , N among the found Insane. Maney to Joan. o DESK-Tor sale Avply 213 rd---hard slabs $8.50--so w-- it by inserting an ad. at once. 351 Princess Btrest. "Phone 11§9.J, atl 'Phone 2753-J. W. rristerg and n Street. x AND REVELLE-.Ba dn ATTACHMENT--For Ford H. Talbot, Concessio: Bolicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- _ TWO CHAIRS PRESENTED. v oLuON. fives extended wheel base and ston AB. Day Adrian greater & space. ¥: t Super | DRY MIXED CORDWOOD-- OF Blabs, | Morigages arranged. the . Morton Standard Church Fuel F or Every Purpose for Pouring, neesly nay, baljoon dl reg long' axed To" Sol Vered" ry bard: | REYNOLDS, 3, C-- Barrister and Soler: ; prtvieal to Bedtield. American Anthracite in Egg, Stovo, Chestnut, Pea and Hall, 173 Princess Street. A RON By ton aT ae Art fons ringed on ity and fan iSagss ar: Ty rapping Spite PIANO--Upright, nearly new, Sacrifice : Hens be tor of the a lt ith : org Coke in Stove and Nut sizes. Pea Coal and for. 3008 Siar living the city. or, SLATRRA-_Dougias, Barrister ang Soll« 50 utsettied, Nr, err] RATES down and Bcahontas Smokeless Lup. Kentucky Semi-Smiokeless ae Te | EF r Ordnance" prose Hey Sess: Arranged. Phone ther Morissse of the iouahed staining the fasids || ting." | Dodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs and || Srive AbHY § T Even in Shy Bamana Tr lier Law oes Darin nd| AT a eEDUGED PRICK. Cmpbel bell. of Elgin. has: a Coal for Grate Fires. Suithiig Coal. Highest fo & Tian Torin & Ai ¥ Serica sd.iieeh 88 Bnd Brock Sues revs "Bank "ones Por 8 EE ra veter. Bev porated | fin Iss Sa ER re aire Palmer's 'Auto Salama! pene ote vines ur. Sorel] James Swift & Co., Limited | San ih BN oh ere es © cre, Palmer's Auto Sal fice voc icsd"uad Seat © Fool of Johmson Steet. "Phone 1g5. || SE Ap Beret AG AA] Bt er it EE SIR RS Y - = 191d an and MeDoni i! Juyer i Cl : ee ---------- " AAV] Pe me P FATHER | Sim ie me Tg ~# um wu BY GEORGE m to spend Faas a A od ngt.to buy the old ware house] [| V SuPROse YOUVE ' THE IF THAT 15 TRUE 1T trom | Wrkea for 3 ha SEEN A CREAT Mary HoieR oF CITY | 13 WONDERFUL wrar : Te SMANGED Since vou | : ELECTRICITY will

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