. a 3 Saturday, March 27, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. em -- as = "GIDKINS LIVERY | bo wor oveowsc | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE [fp qr" | WOOD FUEL Ny tor ating par-| NETVES Were So Bad : ; Td wes ko eo tn 1X Buty Some, on, | Nicest Laxative boast for sale. . writes:--*'1I had heart and nerve " 'y frogble, i am » short 3 | VKINGSTON TRANSFER co De oh and was en "C els" 10 1 158 WELLINGTON STREET could not think of staying ulone, as 'Body Hardwood ...:.......$4.00 load Pianos, etc. | a shock to me. i ment, Machinery, Safes, Don't stay headachy, | 3 2 Tf i MONEY LOANED { AIN, GFS bilious, _constipated, | AGAINAT MURIGAGES I Saw { sick! Take one or! 2281. Phols Bits on Fran recommended, so I | - two "Cascarets" any | Soft Slabs "5 2.0 , . $2.50 load Kindling ......0n...0i .. $2.50 load All wood well seasoned and cut 12" long. These prices represent real economy. ; tried a box, and | time to mildly stimu-! (General Insurance |{ sir keg, Te zy) in Son ra : J second one am start your bowels. | ; Liability y yj now feeling like a / Then you will feel Fire Plate Glass BT it § different woman." fine, your head be-! Auto Burglary Baggage : BY This preparation comes clear, stomach | ---- WV has been on the' Ain vouy Sweet, tongue pink Aran Bonds. ha market for the . Guarantee past 32 years and has achieved a Nothing else cleans, syestens, and | \ wonderful reputation for the relief refreshes the entire system like | : 4 West Life Assurance all d ve troubles. ; pleasant, harmless candy-like "Cas- x 3 Great of heart and nerve trou carets."" They never gripe, overact, . S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED \ Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equi! | every little. sound I heard felt like | | Hardwood Slabs . .. ... .. $4.00 load Company, Put up only by The T. Milbura imated, Toronto, Ont. Mencken. Directions. for men, iwo- LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, L ted, T to, Ont. A " » R. H. Waddell ER ton, Children on each box--drug- _ BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO stores. #6 BROUK STREET DR. J. C Ww BROOM AAA cnn Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571. SHOCK STI 10--Manhattan male quartette, 8u6. 10.30--Musica] programme, Wau h Dental Surgeon . WHAR, Adantie City (275), Dr. g 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. 2 p.m.--Seaside Hotel trio, Evenings by appointment. Horizontal, 38. Pattern, . Despondency. 8--Concert. 3 DENTIST Ammen -- . Superintendents or [10 Wand. 3. Den, e-- ® ° 3 1 overseers. 41. Decision. 5. Feeble. WOR, Newark, N.J. (4 v 3 108 Wellington St: J Fong 200. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN . Writing instrument. | 42. Trifled. - Mental fancies as a 6.30 PB. Basemblo. 9) ominion e ¢ m - DENTIST =Native metal, 44. Fragrant oleoresin. whole. 7.80--Orchestra, 1 . Diety. 45. Standard type mea- [19. To benumb. 9.45--Spanish pro It @ gramme. Zi. (Limited) PIANO TUNING 4 Priscess Street. 'Fhane 1350 . To total. sure. 1. To make ready. £1 Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY . To scour. « Twitching. 3. Heron. Complete radio programmes sola Hs Tuning, Repairing and APPOINTMENT . You apd I. . Yellow bugle. - Oovered with glazed | 4t Canada Radio Stores. . MANUFACTURERS } Plano x : Adjusting . Couples. . Italian river. clay blocks. -- 8 stcher, 27 Pine Street. . Tubes. .. Cooking utensil. {27. Mover's truck. BR 3 ™~ 8B I 184. . Edges. 50. Silk worm. 28. Drone bee. TEFS FROM SUNBURY, "PRUE COTTON" g . Humor, . Mournfulness. (33. Compartment in a The You rls Bac. + A FULL RATION 5. Snare. house. Suis Have Onganiot a Science holds that cod-liver [25 25% Ap sisal rs co apa amen 26--cars arelfl | MONTRFAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG once again able to run after having CO A I oil is important to assure chil 9. To piece out. . Fruits. 39. Irom, tin, etc. been. tied up by. the wintry weather . Joyful. . Finishes. 41. To stare angrily. dren or adults a full ration . | the forepart of March. The millin- | . To circle as. air . Broth. 3. To eat. ery class is in full swing, at present ' | Kv~ton of Alberta Coal--just a Build; : : lanes. . Eye socket. . oo 7 limited amount left. of health-building vitamins. 32. ales : Bo note i - Opposite of odd. about ten ladies have so far taken |lend are now settled in their new) Fres state. | : . Dad. up-the work. Miss Diarmid is the | home. We all join in wishing them Despite * the most unfavoral ' a 34. More recent. scale. ; co S mu Sion - Wing part of a seed.| 8. Portrayed. 51. Exists. nstructor. , many happy years of prosperity. weather of Friday evening the you . The missionary department of the 2 people held a very successful 4 k- Gem, egg size : . pr Union Sunday school held a mission-| WEDDED AT ADOLPHUSTOWN. |evening at the home of Mrs. Da acl Sho nat size, clean $13.00 || 18 the form of cod-liver oil ri - pas Co St A hin; ary rally and 10c¢ tea on Wednesday Vidi This"will close their work for the : that millions have been using IRIOITIAITIE] ms op C gs evening. Through the efforts of the | The Smith-Merkle Nuptials on 24th|son. The Ladies' Aid is planning Aylsworth Bros. : ERIAISE IR] JAIN IMAIL Quickly Dissolve Away superintendent, Mrs. William Coop- of March. sugar-social, Phone U. R. Knight 1705-w. || SO successfully since ME INI per, their objective of $25 from the| Adolphustown, March 25.--Winter| Breell Foster hag had a radio fi . 1873. It builds AIS The misery of a sore corn comes to | Sunday school has been reached. seems to have gone with a rush. The | stalled in his residence. Allen's sa health and trength. A an end quickly- when you apply Put- The Sunbury cheese factory has|ice is full of air-holes and the snow | mill is a very busy place these dayk. 8 ; N| nam's Corn Extractor. You can easily | been sold to Wilfred Coopper, who | ls going very rapidly, although there | ¥. Vesterveldt has disposed of 1 Scott & Bowne, Toronte, Ont. 58 IIc) prove 3 in your on cise. Full igh Las been the maker for the past three | ase still deep banks, but the roads| Bath mail route to J. Franklin. -------------------- PE TE IRMRIOT] package for years, It was previously a joint|are all being openéd out and made| Mrs. 8. Shelly, who has been fll £0 Virginia Egg, semi-hard. .$12.00 the hot water treatment, and fo - RIEICIEDIE] | plying a few drops of Putnam's to the | 21°CK factory. Mr. Copper intends | passable for wheels. Not many sugar | some weeks was remaved to "on : YW ICE] 3) spot that is sore. You won't be dis-] °PePiN8 & factory on Monday next.| bushes have been tapped as yet, but|ston hospital last Thursday. All sizes of fresh mined <t £4, appointed. Putnam's is a tested pre- A Sunshine Mission Circle has | the presence of robins and other| man Davis, son of the late M. 8 3 - : paration that painlessly removes| been organized by the young girls | early birds is quite spring like. Davis, who has been renewing. Lackawanna Coal ER MERTON warts, corns, callouses and thickened | °f the Union Sunday school, under| A quiet wedding was solemnized | quaintances after an absence of tem 3 ALLL ININIETT MEL [TION foot lumps: Sold for 25 cents by all | the leadership * of Mrs. Archie Mc-|on March 24th when Miss Agnes |ycars, has left for his home in th EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT, : %-26 good dealers. Refuse a substitute for | Donald. The officers are as follows: | Mefkle becamd the bride of George | west. SPLIT PEA Answer to Friday's Crossword utnam"s, Honorary president, Mrs. A. Mec-|Smith. The ceremony was perform. This Coal is pronounced by Puzzle: , ILS N MS Donald; president, Agnes Summer-| ed by Rev. H. Stanton," The happy Jones® Falls Jottings. housewives as the very best Te : ville; secretary-treasurer, Madeline | couple left for a honeymoon trip to| - Jones' Falls, March 23. American Coal that-¢omes into vl Inverary News, Campbell, Meetings will be held | points east. Weddings, seem to be|is disappearing rapidly wi Canada. Inverary, March 24.--A ph ber re . once a month at the home Of each' in the air as we undéfstand two more | swarm March sun leaving a from here Stiended Hrs. Die nly ' girl in turn. | 8r¢ to follow in the immediate fu-|in a very, bad condition. WV A MITCHELL & C0. sale to-day. Miss Ethel Smith, . 1 ' The regular Institute meeting for ture. Borne to Mr. and Mrs. James | Kenney is 'very much improved. . bury, is visiting at B. A. Lake's. March was postponed on account of | Burke, on Friday last a ber of le attended the §g Telephone 67. 4 Tapping is the order of the day here. R A D | 0 ul. © urhe, ay v. & 200. nm 9" peop e a _ L di the millinery class. The Hockey Rev. Mr. 'Wickware closed a very! in Elgin, on 17th of March. Miss Haeles Seman i spending Club held a dance in the hall on Wed- helpful series of meetings in the | making is the order of the day. FREIGHT DELIVERY Bid at the home of her parents, | § nesday evening. United Church last Thursday even-|thur Lass and men have completed Miso Gertrude Gib is hoiid Su March. 28, Mrs. Harvey Shannon and Mrs. |ing, with an illustrated lecture on {the work on the locks. David Game A SPECIALTY 8s Gertrude sop is holiday- es » Mare h 70 Charles Stoness were called to town | Africa. The views were photograph- | ble and Arnie Gamble visiting at Local and long distance. ing In Kingston. Owing tp illness| Or vronte (356). ou Thursday, owing to the very ser-| ed by Mr. Wickware himself, who|Gamble's last week. Mrs. Lotan All Motor T-ueks with Alr Tires. | | Miss Mary Corkey is unable to re-! 5 p.m.--Organ recital. ious illness of their brother, Arthur|spent 'sixteen years in missionary | Rurtch at C. McFadden's. Miss Ells sume her studies at Sydenham high ---- : Sherman. Mr. and Mrs, Les] : i onl L BRYANT stesi] | 8chool this week.: The anhual cheese KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (300). k rs: Leslie More-| work among the natives of Congo! Burtch visiting at Lotan Burtch™ or AL | meeting of the Model factory was|{ 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. Lx CO 3 held Wednesday night in the factory,| 7.15--Chimes. | No Advertisement : o || t was decided that the factory open | 7.46--Church services. Ho : 3 | Thursday, April 1st. The following _ || Dr. Vincent A. Martin ve ~~ cn ern r than It | m-- eh x "iY be Of value to | officers were elected: President, F. WBBR, New York (272). out ed thig rath long | DENTIST Loney; secretary, Mrs. Amos Fer- ) p.m.--Wattchtower violin choir, and success is largely Ji guson; treasurer, F, 8. Ferguson; 9.10--Vocal selections. dle to the fact that ever Evenings by Sppsintment. salesman, James Shepherd. 10--Watchtower violin choir. dave irigiateq 1 . confide f 272 Princess Street. Phone 108 WBZ, Springfield, .{ 3% \ & CO | - Notes From Deseronto. 6 p.m.--Violinist. BOOTH it 7 3 Deseronto, March 26.--Mr. BE. 7.30--Orchestra. GROVE INN YARD . DR. R.E. SPARKS Smith has been visiting his brother, 8-----S8pecial programme. "PHONE 133 DENTIST Mr. T. N. Smith, at Westlock, Al- ---- ) i ---- . or berta. Mr. Phil Blake, of Deseronto, WEAF, New York: (491). : - mLLINGTON STRE is still in the General Hospital, but 5.30 p.m.--Male chorus. 4 eial Miientian and 18a! is reported to be better. Mrs. 6 p.m.~-Orchestra. Telephone 346. T. N. Smith has been ill with the 7.20--Capitol - Theatre. WATTS, Florist | rs . FOR SA Somhie astronomers believe that the| WEEL Boston, Mass. (348). 182 Wellington Street $4,000--Brick, 8 rooms, 3 piece bath, | 000 is made of material that was 12.30 p.m.-- St. Mark's church 5 , choir, When ¢ the best in Cut electric and gas, extra lot. South. | °Tce part of the earth's crust. 3 PEAR. recital. Flowers, Plants or design work $3,700--Bungalow, 5 rooms, 3 $5.8 §.30--Concert group, call WATTS", 1763 Store, 1187 bath, are light, also an 3 Hace Pain in the Back ope | -------- residence. . Yields to Nerviline] woc, Davenport, Towa (488). .m.--Pal If you have failed to secure relief 10. p.m.--Palmer Little Symphony a q from other remedies, rub on lots of | S010lste. ! 7004~Brick, 6 rooms, electric and | good, old *Nerviline," the strongest, gas; large lot. most penetrating pain relief on the + Monday, March 20, arket. NerviHne acts quickly on CENC, Toronto (356), #1,850--5 room dwelling, 2 bed: | small pains and is the surest to drive| 8.10 p.m.--Little Symphony or- rooms, electric, § piece bath and|out the big ones. It's because every | cLestra. : drop of Nerviline Tube in, because ii 4003 has the ability to sink in deeply that KDKA shurgh : a. oom dwelling, . lectries | 14 *arives away pain. that ordinary| geo Prete v Pa. (809). good garden and bawn. oily. Liniments won't touch. Large rg Pn a mer concert. 35¢. bottles ht all dealers. : DM.=-Tdg1t opera, -- "WAHG, Richmond Hill (315). 7.30 p.m.--Novelty pianist. 7.45--8oprano solos. 1,12--Queen's Melody boys. Vi ---- "WBZ, Springfield, Mass (338). : : ww : ! $30 pm-- Hotel Lennox ail] ~Or for a complete set, numbers 1 to 52 inclusive, semble. "7 4 'will send ) 7.30--Organ recital. ve, nd 2 : : §--Capitol theatre orchestra. on the 10.03--Leo Reisivan's Hotel or- . chestra. : WCA, Pittsburgh (481). 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. ' 8 pm.-~Concert. ° :