THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG ha WAR ww RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Now is the time you need Rubbers. 'Church Servi Sunday |A SPRING TONIC | aceon tm || AN Ab TO HEALTH You Can Lay the Foundation of] ie - Good Health Now by Building Up | : pn) er, 11!T. J. S. Ferguson, B.A, minister.| Yoar Blood and i oe adh ye Horug . F. [Public worshiv 11 am. and 7 p.m Your Nerves Through the Use of FitzGerald, M.A., Sunday school, 3 | Rible school 3 p.m. Iaithe evening Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.¢ ll o'clock. Evening prayer, 7 o'cloek.| 'he micistsr will, continue the ex-| wp. cooa old fashion of taking a Freacher, Canon W. F. FitzGerald, | position of tne book of Revelations |... iy ino' Springtime, like most of : M.A. 20th chapter. Where the writer the customs of our ndparents, is | FE speaks of Satan bound for a thous- |, 4 ynon sound confinon sense and | BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, St. James' Church, corner Union [and years. the es of fire and |.00q medical practice. Winter Is al- il! and Barrie streets. 8 a.m., holy com- | brimstone, the bottomless pit, ete. | ooo o (ving time for those who are : HYMNALS, ROSARIES | munion. 11 a.m. morning prayer |A cordial invitation to all. not in rugged health, Many men, {and Litany. Sermon subject, "The ----- women and children go through the ; . * ll Victor's Sovereignty." 3 p.m. Sun-| Christian Science, First Church of : te Scatt r sunshine with Easter Greeting ll! day school, 7 H. evening prayer | Christ, Scientist, 121 Johnson street Nate - id Srengil ne) Save Cards, ' lll and sermon. Sermon subject, '"Ho- -- Services at 11 am. Subject, months, and grow increasingly pale » || sanna in the Highest." ' |"Reality." Sunday school, 9.45 a.m. | 04 Janguiq as the spring days ap- ; Wednesday, S DP.m., testimoniall p= 4 (onic for the blood and St. George's Cathedral--Rev. W. | meeting, including testimonies of |, woo"at this time will do much for E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., acting rector. | healing through Christian Science. such people, by putting color in the Sixth Sunday in Lent--Palm Sun-|Free public reading room where the chooks and 'banishing that tired feel- day. 8 a.m., holy communion. '11|Bible and all authorized Christian ing that worries thousands of people fla.m., morning prayer. Preacher, |Science literature may be read, bor- at this season of the year. : Rev. W. E. Kidd. 3 p.m. Sunday|rowed or .purchased. Open every| , impossible to be energetic if schools. 4 p.m., holy baptism. 7 |afternoon except Sundays and holi~ your blood is thin and weak, or if p.m., evensong. Preacher, Rev. J, C.| days, from 3 to 5 p.m. All are cor-| 5 owas are frayed or shattered. vy nim Dixon. dially invited to the services and toy, 00 compete with others if va -- make use of the public reading |... 4. not got refreshing sleep at 3 St. Lukes Church, We of Pram room. night, or if your appetite is poor or cess and Nelson streets. -Rev. J. de ee ou are losing weight. You need a : Do You Keep Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D, rector,| Queen's University -- Principal TO at this a BB to your effi MEN'S RUBBERS 311-Alfred street. Phone 1973. Taylor will preach the Baccalaureate | . ow ag well as to save you Palm Sunday. 11 a.m., Morning Sorts at 3 pm. in Convocation |, ~~ suffering later cn." Andis all Several lots--$1.00, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50. prayer; 3 p.m. Sunday school; 4 | H&L the realm of medicine, there is no : x Your Jewels pm., Holy baptism; 7 pm, evening = cater oF better tonic than Dr. Wil. CHILDREN'S RUBBER BOOTS | prayer; 8.30 p.m. sacred cantata, Evangelist Chapmaw 'will speak yi. .%0, 0, ON (C8 nl one . "From Olivet to Calvary." Good Fri-| Sunday night at the new church, Al-| oo" oh the blood which circulates Sizes 8 to 104 aan esns uy beatae $2.50 a.m r 3 "Is The ) day services 10.30 a.m, and 7.30 |fred street. Subject, 3 re. 4 through every portion of the body T w A r be ? J ' Hidden? p.m. Seats free. Strangers and |Time hen All Will Judged? 1s strengthening jaded nerves and run- { visitors cordially invited to attend. That Sins Hope Now? Hw Will | own organs, and bringing a feeling 9 } -- it be Settled? e'eome. of new strength and energy to weak, Rejuvenating old jewel- Calvary United Church. The easily tired, despondent men, women b ¢ : "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go inlo tue House of the Lord."---Psalm exxik., 1. bers. All sizes 3to8. Medium and low heels. This is a regular $1.15 - § line. Special clearing this week ...;.79%. § --70¢c.-- i Per Sale of Girls' 'Rub-|Sale of Children's bers. Sizes Il to 2. Rubbers, op 6 to --9c.-- 95 Only 50 pairs Wo-|Sale of Boys' Rub- men's White Rubbers | bers. Sizes | to 5. 79 Special Sale of Ladies' Storm Rub- \ NN NN NNN PPP 4 4 4 WA Friendly Church, Bagot and Charles Holiness Movement Church, corner d child . y is and c¢ ren. lery, making it new again, streets--Rev. Frank Sanders; min-| Division street and Raglan Road-- Miss K. Strols, Kamouraska, Que., a specialty in our work shop. (ister. 11 a.m., "Home Missions." Relies 1 am. en 7 $8. Mz O says: --*"I would feel that I was Irina Addi dibddiddddidddrddddiiiniids + Bel, g0. Toronto, 5p neglecting an opportunity to help | ~~ Everybody has a piece of old- 3 p.m., Sabbath school. 7 p.m., "The Lo . . . > . fashioned Jewellery which Arrest and Trial of Jesus." Lantgrn | ovening Sore inicpuits Of PTO-| ome other poor sufferer if I failed | Kingston B Biggest Home Furnishers service. A hearty welcome to all. | hibition. Everybody welcome. to tell you how much benefit I had iruto atloy Permanent Re- 8 frigeration. can be made into a lovely | Special lantern service Good Friday - © [through the use of Dr. Willlams'*Pink * ° Ring or Bar Pin | Eve, 8 p.m. Bethel Congregational = Church-- | oi. ™ Bogore taking the pills T was Send Postcard for . 1 Rev. W. H. Ebersole, minister. - 11 "oy 8 P e 91 : in a badly run-own condition. I was | lustrated Booklet Come in when passing and | United Church of Canada, Syden. | 2.m. subject, "The Messianic King- 3 mh; he Bibl hoot. 7,veTY weak, pale and breathless at the f see the latest designs in {ham street--Rev. W. T.'G. Brown, dom." 3 the © SCHQOL 1) east exertion. 1 often had head- é » W. C Cannon Rings and Bar Pins. 3 (B.A, D.D., minister, Services, 11|P.m. Subject, "Guests Needed." | .,.. ang my appetite was poor. I J . . §/am. and 7 pm. The minister will | Monday, 8 p.m. the Y.P.8.C.A. began taking the pills and they re- 0 } f preach. Evening subject, "What I I stored me to better health than I had TI. Owe." Fellowship class at 11 a.m.| St Andrew's «Presbyterian--Rov. enjoyed for a long time; in fact, my Sunday school and Bible classes at [John W. Stephen, minister. Public|y opp ig now the best, and I am sure . : y 245 p.m. Good Friday united ser-|Worship 11 am. and 7 2.0 €O0" | that what this medicine has done for Kinnear: & d'Esterre vice in Queen street church at 11 [ducted by the minister. "Students, |B --~.. wi 45 for all weak, ailing ' a. v. 1 soldiers and strangers cordially in- " m. Rev. Dr. Jordan will predeh. " people. JEWELLERS - vited. Ordination and induction of You can get these pills irom any 168 PRINCESS STREET Princess Street United Church of | elders at the morning service. medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 Canada--Rev. John K. Curtis, B.A., --- certs a box from The Dr, Williams' AAA Minister. 11 a.m., the annual meet-| First Baptist Church--Rev. M. C.| yc 4i0ine Co., Brockville, Ont. ing of the Women's Missionary Soc- | Johnston, B.A., B.N., minister. 11 : - 4 fety will be held. Miss Jack will |&m. "The Great Commandment 5 A a ; we v - nw speak. 2.45 p.m., Bible school. 7 p. e school at . WH. P09 pI rare ch 1 ture ° YOU BUY WHEN m., subject, "Is the Young Man (300& service. Evening subject, * Tho GANANOQUE re chance to furnish for present or fu 18055 : Safe," Third In the special series of |Triumphal Entry." The ordinance use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying in- 3 1 7 § | subjects under discussion. You are|Of baptism Ww 8 Wl 1 1 ; The exceptional tone quality in the Weber i the close of the evening service. Gananoque, March 27--A sovions| VEStment: - It insures comfort, refinement, satisfac Piano appeals to the most aesthetic taste. i --- Tabernacle, coraée Union [1CHe0E happened to W. J. Clarke tion and happiness. Satisfied with the price, satis FOR YOURSELF AND BE CUNVINCKED. Chalmers Church of the United| Gospel Tabernacle, M |yesterday morning n moving : the : Wi : Church of Canada--Minister, Rev, | 8nd Collingwood ° streets--Lord's |] grne McAvanay's garage, he became fied with quality . €n you buy here you 3 AY C. W. LINDSAY'S Wareroonss, George Brown, M.A., B.D. Anaiver-|Supper. 11 am. Sunday school avd |yedged tn between the garage and a | the added comfort in knowing that you are pro- sery services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. | Bible class, 3 p.m. Gospel service, |parn at the corner of L. William's 4 Preacher, Rev. John Dow, Knox Col-|7 p-m- Wednesday prayer meeting, |alley. Fortunately no bones were tected from inferior goods. $ lege. Special music under direction |? D.m. Mr. Shautbit, missionary of |proken, but Mr. Clarke's shoulder of Dr. Granville Frost, organist and | Central Africa, will give an address {was pretty badly crushed. . | choir leader. 2 p.m. Prof. McFad-|On the habits and customs of Cen-| Misses Loretta Kirke, W. Pennock, yen's Bible class. 3 p.m., | Sunday 'ral Africa. He has a number of.ex-|Lena Driscoll and Nellie Kirke were v ll school. Special programme by Mac-| cellent lantern views which he will [in Kingston yesterday. || gillivray Mission Band. A cordial Show. He will wear the costume of| The funeral of the late Mrs, Alex- THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. welcome to all. the country. Friday Bible reading, 8 ander Gordon will take place this| 'Phone 147 for Service. --- p.m. Thursday Sewing Circle, 2.45 [afternoon at two o'clock to St. John's p.m. Messrs. G. G. Lockett and J. W. [Church, where a solemn libera will be | Queen's University Officers' Train- An Enjoyable Evening. Quecn Street United Church--| Clark will speak on Sunday evening chanted, after which the remiains|ing Corps, is transferred to the re- Sydenham, March 25.--Frank Minister, W. H. fra B.A., B.D, | at seven. will be placed in the vault at the|garve officers. Clark and George Guess, both of i} 30 Colborne street. § Public worship, --i------------ Gananoque cemetery. A' requiem| @eorge Edward Carson is to be|Svdenham, who had operations at the 11 am. Sermon - topic: "The| Another elderly and esteemed resi- |mass will be sung on Monday mOrB-| provisional Lieutenant of the P.W.| General Hospital are both improve Triumphal Entry." 7 p.m., subject: fent of Elgin, Mrs. Priscilla A. ling for the repost of her soul. OR. ing nicely. 3 { "Pilot Washing His Hands." Sunday | Smith, passed to the Great Beyond| Misses Jean Gordon, nurseyin- Chaplain and Hon. Capt. (Hon. Lt. A party was held Wednesday school, 3 p.m. Young People's meet-| on March 16th, in her 83rd year. |training, at Geneva, N.Y., and Col., C.M.) A. M. Gordon, D.8.0., M.| evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing, Monday, 8 p.m. She was a daughter of the late Mr. (londe, at school in Quebec City, were C., is transferred to the reserve offi-| Wallace Spafford, four miles east of! A sacred cantata "Seven Last|ond Mrs. John Johnston, pioneer (called home Thursday through the| © Sydenham. The guests went out in Words of Christ" (Devors) will be|settlers in the district. death of their mother. Lt.-Col. 8, H. McCoy and Capt. C.| sleigh loads and had a very enjoy rendered by Queen street choir on| Following a long illness the death| Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Heaslip, Lans- |, 4/00" have been retired and |able time. ; ' the evening of Good Friday, April occurred Wednesday, of Mrs. Roy downe, were the guests of Mr. and will be permitted to retain their ea a 2ud at 8.15. Symington, Jellyby, aged forty-two [Mrs. J. W. Day on Thursday. rank. Mrs. J. W. Marshall, Cosford. died Brockville Busi- : --- years. The late Mrs. Symington was{ Miss Eula Scott, "| Gentleman Cadet Vesey Court-|on Wednesday, following an ills The . United Charch of Canada born at Newboro, & daugter of the Ne Soliege. Is spending 1S ook: nope Hamilton, graduate: from- the] of several months' duration at tha Cooke's Church, Brock street--Rev.' late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Canning. | tt: R.M.C., 1924, is appointed to a com-| age of forty-four years. 'The late Seo mission as lientenant on the Resorve | Mrs. Marshall was born' st Bishop's 0 I GOURD R I haston, 78 80 BROC] DIE : ir Sn Ie. a the | Utficers (Engineers) trom June 7th.| Mills, a daughter of the late Mr. ; Bl $i ol Frances Nikawa entertainment in| 1924, pending appointment to a com-| and Mrs. Hance Hills, ¥ K S h } Grace Church Thursday evening. . mission in the Active Militia. A balloon tire's will is soft, also. Y i The amateur play, "Oak Farm," to eamteten S-- It never knows which way it will. - be produced shortly by the St. John's| The apricot is a native of China.| skid next. : Dramatic Society, promises to be one | * : ab of the best amateur performances put on here for many years. They are practising very diligently for it, E J \ THR/ 2 Hi HA | ) . and the cast would suggest something suita I rnace 3 ¥ Fl t \ \ daa : . Frances Nickawa in Grace Bitahie for Srencer Fu tt ki WEE * gr O'Connor was in Kingston RDS ~Y PRN A "Mrs. C. S. MacKenzls, who was \ expected home at the week-snd, will remain another week with Mrs. West-