Starting To-day An Undying Tribute to Our Heroes dian' Should See. NO ADVANCE IN CES SPORT || | MONTREAL MAROONS {ARE N.H.L. CHAMPIONS ll "Babe" Seibert's Goal Gave the || Montrealers the League Title Saturday Night. Ottawa, March 29.--Montreal Ma roons are champions of the National | Hockey League for the 1925-26 sea- son. The team from the metropolis captured the eastern pro hockey crown and crashed Ottawa's fondes hopes when they downed the Sena- tors, 1-0, in a tense, nerve-wracking battle here, Saturday night. It wa the second game of the series anc gave the Maroons the round' by score of 2-1, the first game Ir Montreal last Thursday having end ping Work a Specialty Brick, Bie; aastering and boi Big 400 ALBERT -- "Phones 226 ™ Yoihie Toh and Chip Cafe We deliver all day Sat. Frank Haig's 18 MONTREAL STREET "PHONE, GRAND HONE MON., - TUES. April 5-6 NIGHTS Orch. $3, Balc, $2.50, $3, $1.50. Gatiery $1.00. Plus 10% tax The enormous musical success di- rect from Toronto, enroute to Montreal. Company of 100. 23 Big Scenes of Gorgeous Canada. éd in a 1-1 deadlock. | As a result of the successful ter | mination of Monireal's | quest for tha title, the Maroons will | now meet the Victoria Cougars, | western titleholders, for the Stanley Cup and the world's pro hockey! in will be played at the Forum Montreal Tuesday night. WON GOLD. CUP, Mr. John Angrove Captures Bowling Honors at St, Petersburg. Word was réceived in the city. on Monday, that°*Mr. John Angrove {this eity, had won & gold cup in the | [singles competition at St. Petersburg, { Florida. . There were over seventy |eompetitors. Mr, Angrove 'PHONE 2964. KINGSTON CHORAL SOCIETY - Mendelssohn' s Saint Paul : . + IN GRANT HALL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, at 8.15 p.m. Pull Orchestra, under the Direction of CAPT. ALFRED LIGHT it "SOLOISTS: an I" Soprano--Miss Dorothy e ; Wones, Brantford. PIE % open at Uglow's. Temor--Mr. J. Lorne Davidson, Toronto. Austin Toronto. Bass ---- Mr. Douglas, PRICES ... $1.00, 75c., 50c. ro ----~ CITY OF KINGSTON 59% DEBENTURES Due Ist January, 1045. + ake! For sale at 101 and interest. For further information, apply to the undersigned. , 0. V. BARTELS, City Treasurer. i St. George's Cathedral hi SERVICES Each Evening This Week AT 8 O'CLOCK BY Rev. C. Ensor Sharp i U.S A A © At A Nl Notice to Creditors) ------- the Mutter of the Estate of MARY inte of the City of oun.y of Froutease, NN HANLEY, iugston, fn the 'Widow, Decéased. NOTICE 'is hereby given. pursuant to Reviered Statutes of Ontario, 1914, (Map, 121, Sec. 56, that all creditors-and others having claims against the estate « e winter at St. Petersburg and has ul [taken part in many of the bowling matches. He is a member of the Mrs. Duncan McRae of Wolfe Island, | Il Il 'BOWLING | | | Hf l There was lively competition in | both the Jladies' and gentlemen's | bowling for the prizes awarded by | the Frontenac Bowling and Reécrea- tion Academy, Saturday night. ll There was a very large number of i! contestants and some hyst scores were bowled. The winners of the ladies' prizes were as follows: Mrs. Barth: Scores, 181, 195, 209; total, 585. Miss Sals- bury: Scores, 183, 165, 200; total, 518. Mrs. Clarke: Scores, 155, 168, 196; total, 518, The prizes were three, one pounds fruit cake. The gentlemen's prizes, were 25, 15 and 10 cigars, won by: Mr. J. BE. Turner: 241, 264, total, 762. Mr. T. Egan: Scores, 245; total, 745. Mr. W. Valentine: 244, 247; total, 709. ti | Il | Prize Contests. two and which were Scores, 283, jcores, Mrs. A. Waters, of Hamilton, was struck by a'thug who stole her purse {1 close to her home. two-year championship. The first of the series | has been spending] --' POLICE HELD UP LIQUID REFRESHMENT Attempt Made to Pass Some Strong Stuff to Prisoner With Lunch. On Monday morning, what' was supposed to be a lunch for a man confined in the cells, was brought to the police station. Everything in the lunch was given the O.K. by the po- lice, with the exception of the liguid refreshments, and this could not stand muster, and was held up. The said liquid six-ounce bottle. It was net and it was not tea, ditto beer and whiskey. But it had all the ap- pearance of home brew with a very strong smell of extract of lemon. The prisoner had to eat hig lunch without the liquid refreshments, and- the contents of the bottle will likely undergo a test milk, AT ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Special Ceremonies Are Being leld ; During Holy Week. Palm Sunday was observed with the usual solemnities in St. Mary's {Cathedral on Sunday morning. The |ceremony of blessing of the palms was conducted by His Grace Arch- 'bishop M. J. Spratt and the proces- sion commemorating the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem was carried out, {the sanctuary boys taking part. { This week in the catherdal the ichanting of the Tenebrae will take {place on Wednesday night, when the majority of the priests of the dio cese will be present. -On Hely Thurs- | anv the blessing of the oils will take of | place and on Good Friday morning iMass Pre-Sanctitifed will be said [on Saturday morning the blessing of 'the water will take place. On Good | Friday afternoon the eongregation will make the Way of the Cross be- tween twelve o'clock and three, the hours which Christ! hunggon the Cross on Mount Calvary, Good Fr! day night there will be a special ser- mon on the Passion. OBITUARY Death of Miss Gauthier. An Ottawa despatch to The Whig announces the death on: Monday morning of Miss Victoire Gauthier, sister of the Archbishop C. H Gauthier of Ottawa, and Kingstoa, and his constant companion durmg his fifty-four rs in the prwest- hood, in her eighty-fourth year. late ye Sale at Wolfe Island. An item in the ' Whig's corres- pondence from Wolfe Island under date of Feb, 10th, stated that the Sowards Coal Company had purchas- ed the coal sheds and dock belongmgz ta W. G. Woodman, 8S. V. Hogan,' Wolfe Island. notified The Whig that this was an error, stating that he had purchased the same from Allan Keyés. "Ofer © © Father (at dimner table)---Well, Dick, how did you get on at, school today? Dick--Father, one of my books gays that conversaton at meals should be of a pleasant character. refreshments eame In a' Mrs. HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch= ants Are Offering. The Public Utilities Commission was called to meet this afternoon: Drary"s for best quality Anthra- cite Coal. Egg, stove and chestnut sizes. Phone 443. William Swaine, * plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. Mrs. J. E. Hughes, of Arden, a daughter of G. A. Miller, an ex-war- den of the county, is at present In the General Hospital. In the Police Court on Monday morning, a middle-aged man was re- manded for a week on a charge of disorderly conduct. : Mr. and Mrs. Culbert Bourk have returned to their home in Springwa- ter, Sask., after spending the greater part of the winter in Vancouver, Vic- toyia and Seattle. rincipal Dyde preaches next Sun- day in the United Church, Perth. The church is having special inaugural services since the union ef two churches there. Mrs. Andrew Smith of this city has been bereaved by the death of her father, David Chopin,, Northrup's Corners, N.Y. Five years ago he fell and broke his trip, - Late James F. Dawson. Wolfe Island, Mareh 29.--The fun- eral of the late James Francis Daw- son took place on Friday morning froin his late residence to the Church of the Sacred Heart, where a solemn requiem mass was sung for the hap- py repose of his soul. The deceased was formerly a member of the staff of the Canadian Locomotive Com- pany. He had been ill for some months with Bright's disease and on Sunday last became worse, passing away -at the Hotel Dieu Hospital on Wednesday. He was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs, John Dawson of Wolfe Island and a nephew of ex- Sheriff Dawson. He is survived by two sisters, Miss' M. Dawson and Duncan McRae of Wilfe Island, and "two brothers, Dr. Harry Daw- son, Cape Vincent, N.Y., and Rich- ard Dawson, Bay City, Michigan. Chosen President. Montreal, March 29.--Ross H. Mec- Master was elected president of the Steel Company of Canada, Limited, at the meeting of directors, Harry Champ, secretary-treasurer, becomes a vice-president. Homer M. Jacques manager of eastern plants, of the company, was elected to the -board. Seven society women at Tampa, Fla., took part as jockeys in 4 special horse race staged for charity. Remains of J. Anderson, farmer, were found in ruins of his shack de- stroyed by firé at Matheson. Duchess of Atholl, M.P,, sailed for Montreal to attend tional conference on education. H. Forsnam, 29, was apparent- up unhyrt after falling 60 feet. onto cement floor at Porth Arthur. has na- Pupil Nurses Wanted BUFFALO CITY HOSPITAL 462 Grider Street, Buffalo, N.Y. 863 beds for the reception of overy known disease. SIX DISPENSARIES IN CONNECTION Aftiliated with the University of Buffalo Medical and Dental Schools and District Nursing Association. 3 year registered course, fitting pupils for Bedside, Pub- lic Health and Administrative Nursing. 670 hours devoted to classes, recitations, demonstrations and labératory, work in Dietetics, Home Ecomomics, Bacteriology, Chemistry, Physiology and General Nursing subjects. v Opportunities for selected graduates to fill paid executive positions or pursue special study courses. ' THE EXPERIENCE WE OFFER EQUALS A THREE YEAR COLLEGE COURSE 'Entrance requirements: 1 year New York State High Bchool or its equivalent, Salary, $15.00 a month. Food, lodging, uniforms, laun- dry and books furnished free. ' Straight eight hour duty. No split watches. One whole day off every seven days. ; A well-conducted nursing course is a fine preparation for wifehood and a splendid opportunity to cultivate the habit of right living. NEW CLASS NOW FORMING | ANNOUNCEMENT A. S. WATTS Wishes to announce that he has taken over the Harness Busi- ness of the late M. J. Dolan, and 'will carty a much larger stock. All made-to-order Harness and Repair Work will receive careful attention. A continuance of your patronage is solicited. D 280 PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 1802.w. ywere at Morton one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Earl spent Thursday at their daugliter's, Mrs. A. Bruce. |Mrs. Howard See was visiting friends here recently. George Barns left Thursday for the summer. Mrs. O. Willis at her sister's one day this week, Trapping seems the order of the day as Morton Creek seems full of trappers and traps. Mrs. A. Dean and children spent Sunday at See ley's Bay. Arnott Gamble was at Sunbury on Thursday evening land A REGRETTED DEATH. Jack Darling Was Son-in.Law of Mr, Mrs. Henderson, Morton, Morton, March 27.--A number met at the home of Mrs. Byron Gamble for the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Ixstitute where they quilted two quilts and spent a very enjoyable time, a dainty lunch closing the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Birch spent .S8unday at James Hudson's. David Gamble has returned from Kingston where he has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. Bracken. A splendid time was spent at the home of Mrs. B. N. Henderson quilting the t boxes: church quilt. Twenty-two sat down Thursday. packed 1 Bil 3 Pro. bable price 35¢c. Order now Tor the to a covered dish supper which all Isic at Carnovsky's. enjoyed. | Very sad news came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson when, on Wednesday morning, a telegram Strawberries From Louisiana. First lot of the season expected "maniac sniper" who Neb., will be F. Carter, | terrorized Omaha, | Jack Darling. came telling of the death of their city on, July oldest daughter, Mabel's husband, Much sympathy <8] electrocuted at that 9th. . Cape Aregus says Smithsonian In stitute plans to erect solar observa. tory 500 miles north of Cape Town, a An i extended. Miss Rettie-and George Gamble - ABRAMSKY'S Mary Anm Hanley, who died on or about the Your h day of March, 1926, are re- quired to deliver or' send by post pre- pad, on or before the Twenty-second day of April, 1926. to the undersigned solicits for the Executrix of the aie, their names and addresses and . ull description of all claims and the oR of securities (#f any) held by them. such claims to be duly verified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that inmediately after the Twenty - second day of April. 1926, the Executrix will proceed to "dietribute the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, havs ing regard only foy the claims of which sie =hall then have received notice. And the said Executrix shall pot be M- able 'tp Rpy person. of whose claim no- tice shaltnot have been received by her League of Nations hought Barth-! oloni Villa, north of Geneva, for] new headquarters. Fire gutted plant of T. F. Shurly at St. Catharines, with loss of $20, 000. Body of man frozen to the ice was found on the upper Niagara River. Lets talk about something else. SOLE AGENTS FOR MOFFAT'S WHEN COOKING REALLY IS A PLEASURE ISN'T IT FUNNY the difference of opinion there is about cooking ? Some women enjoy it thoroughly; others find cooking nothing but hard work. Some people think it de- pends on the nature of the woman. As a matter of fact the Recent experiments indicate that | birds have a sense of taste, though not acute. Conflicting testimony is but an- other name for the expert article. ai aaty, 1 of March, prior h 10 the said Twenty-second day of this 29th day April DATED » Kingston, 26. NICKLE & FARRELL, Kingston," Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrf rn cp When you want that Hardwood Floor 18id, eall up W. H. HUBBLE for a res sonable price. Also all ki penter and' Jobing work. 21 PLUM ST: oe HAS BEEN OPENED BY MISS LOUISE Car. 'PHONE 1430-W. A New Beauty Parlor x. | a secret of whether or not a woman hikes cooking depends on the efficiency and quality of her cooking range, The Moffat Range is Handy and Easy to Operate. All danger of explasionscor gas escaping has been eliminated You will like the burners, This new type Burner innovation--guaranteed to save you on your gas bill over any stove made irrespective of name. Also the MOFFATT OVEN is perfect. Ask the Woman Who Owns One. Let us give you a complete demonstration of Moffat Gas Ranges. Come to our display rooms any time and we will be glad to show you, without any obligation whatever on your part, the many reasons why a Moffat will turn cooking from hard work to a real pleasure, Small Ranges priced ¥ from 12.95 up Combinations from