x THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "Monday, March 29, 1926. «The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Flass a he British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTSING thelr M -- A Jestricted rad rod regia Bally v Ay Wie style of type. TES: Dally ro dar } og oy consecutive rtions: = om charge, pay rater per ine Charge Cas 6 days ... $ 3 er: | Sax E : betta; Births, Engagements. hy Mar. risges, one insertion charged, e anks, and Memoriam 5 ged, $1.60; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising o ordered for irregular Lysriione fakE8 (1350 %or Tn Soke Sou fous lines: Lords to the Charged ads. will bs RE lephone and if pald a 6 Whi Office thin § aa; the first dats ot fnsertlon, cto will be allow Ads. ordéred for more than 5 and stopped before "Dumber of only be charged for the Nn times the ad. appeared ment made at the edad Rate per ling for Ww the same ag 8 line oO Special rate for Fe rane n re Plblisner erve he, to at. o or reject all classified SopY. Telephone 249; ask for a want ad. taker. " - - BAL t Lake, on Feb, oth, HUY Land Harold Huyocke, a ph r jon, March 30th, HATS Mr, AL edie & . Haydon, & son. oat nee, on March 5th, to riBY ER a son. Real Estate For Rent. Lost and Found 1 | COLLIN PUP-~Lost or trayed from 119 Houses ° pT i a or tele | upJOK HOUSE--No. 1 Victorla 'Ter« phone he Tace, Montreal Street, 'to let. Posses- aws, six GREY cars vest and please h IEE foot. | 3 F! yA x foot, Aout. inder KEYS---Found on Johnson street. Own- or may have same at Whig Office. LADY'S GOLD RINGw--Found. Owner May have same pr 82 Brock Street, == Man's leatber mitt found on uart t Street, on Sunday: Owner may have same at Whig Office. Ld PF MONEY- Found in Supefior ream Parlor. Owner may have a by applying to above store. Live Stoecx ia EAD PW Now mileh Azshive. Ap- Colquhoun, Apiar . tor, 13 miles east. of Joyo Joyceville, Help Wanted SEI Male Help Wanted 2 BOYS WANTED--To sell week-end pa- per. Apply Harold J. Sn¥Mth, Barrack and King Streets. BELEN Ou MAID--Wanted, refer- red. Apply 134 Ordnance Stee or pe 719-J EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY w= For boy who wishes to learn grocery busi. neps. in large retail store. Good edu. jon and xood references required Apply Box 1-26, Whig Office. OHERSE MAKER- Wanted for Par. ham oe Factory. 2% ; upthas par ticulars apply to D. Parham, Ont. PIREMEN---Brakemen, begintiers $180, later $250 monthly. Placed fa Doel tions on railroads nearest Hes 68 ~everywhere (which position? "Of ay Aspoclation, Box treville, on March oh "oS Mr. nd BPS: ROY Ax | oon cotati oss ------ . ann a 50 WANTED--Man to sell ~ Furnades to Baward County | home owners and contragtors on sash n ao Starch 23nd, to Mr. | or credit terms. All year Jon "glen Ohtie. . Thomas, a son. position. Feat ake itories. a. Sn build up' pe tng peontadle : hm business. a2 references. 'Box No. BO On Mason. Sth, "ilgavars & : 3 i cihoad, daughter of ree lle, N. Y. DEATHS. Thompson, ne urray township; March BA an Jane Hennessey, wife © . Black, in her 70th year. Roohester, N. Y., cant n the 1910, James s Cuil Fun rE fathers maell 3 East, on Tusadny EE oFh 8.45 o for the re of h Lisburn pa nty tri, Ire. or , P copy. t Routh 1 Napanes, Oh ar vi Ho iT. aged me he lafe. William FINAN at Glepburnis, March 27th, Rte stnan, widow of the late Thomas Keenan. Funeral from her late residence on Tuesday ae at 9 o'clock to the urch Cushendall, Deere 4 a uiem ma will Fle. ° Yeloe for the ut 28 berm d acquaintances respéotfully re Sis to atten Ea wellington, Moreh : Ares" Sarin, kos oad | Soo NE ger oF or Jamon DAGAF 48 years. SPRAGUE! the the home WL her dsugh- Sar, hompson, Ple- on, on March 1th, wee Mrs. Hal- lot 8 Sprague. UTTER In Athol, Ms March Jind, Frances ter, d yea WALKER. t Hae, Vaile, Murch pth. Heth Lucien Walker, in his Ona March sown, his 87th year, Female Help Wanted sion 1st of May. King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence 8%, Kingston, On}. BRICK HOUSE---§ rooms, at 130 Bagot Street, opposite Robert Me#k School Possession at once. Rept $17.00. 2 ply J. B. Cooke, 'Phone 503 or 1731 FURNISHED HOUSE-lLady wishes to share furnished house. For partfeu- lars 'phcme 1504-w. HOUSE-<Five rooms, central, all con- yeniences, no furnsce. Rent §22.00. Ap .ply 873 Johnson Street. HOUSE--566 Albert Street, § rooms, new bath, electric ligh:, gas, big yardJRea- sonable reat. ston at once. Ap- ply to I Zacks, 271 Princess Street. HOUSE « 133 "Wellington Street, 8 rooms, furnace electric light and gas, 3 piece Ww il] re-decorate to suit tenant, BD May. 1st. Apply to 83 Clergy Street East. HOUSE -- Beven rooms; all imiprove- ments; furnace; good garden; near ear line. Possession at once. Apply 28 Livingston Avenue. HOUSE--6 rooms on Victoria Stree', toilet, pas for Sooking, electric light, garage, immedia jession. nt reasonaple. ee) 2 Sarhovaky, 868 Princess Street or phone 11 HOUSE. Bas Street, 9 rooms and 3 ated fn! 31 Bas for cook- he elebtst c nt lugs for lamps, fans, ete. Sucel nace. heating 860 ge And stables. A hone AND HOUSEMAID -- Wanted. COOK, ~Jeneral Apply in person Breet' i Kings, ouT OUR WAY. & ALLRIGHT NOW Bows! HMOW Maw 7 HOW OLD 1S "T'OAM CuRLM® SIXTY ONE! aN ONE TG MARRIED AN SeveNT LAS BuROa! HE waAS A BUGLER IN For the id latest in Ladies® LADIES" Exe PRIVATE © AB KI 209 Princess Street. 3 br 1 HB AE TTR companies i. fog. 381 - 2578-w. Ros. SE and ance. Crumley, 420 'Phone 1783-0. IRS RAN CE oaly the panies Strans range, et ian Clarence: Street, pos! ouR MEANTH AND A cy wi protect omob FE of Fire and Autom Willams, 3 C strest. : py Decorators A. ANDERSON--Painter and 8 and residence 'phones 1868. Street. Shop fice 283 King GET YOUR PAINTING--And aoe done now. I'rices reaso h per. for shle. Bryant,' Hr Earl Rohons 3147-0: 3 einen 8 Services : 3 BY. oe Roy at tte Grocery, 1 ' rie Bt. 'Phbne 284. § PAPE PER RANGING -- Why not Tr a month | Ham strewn, J Sie Tuscanteed at reasonable. gE § rooms; 41 Quan Street, § rooms: all -3n) ehow you our new 8 samples. Sapte en, rT ad 5 Queen H. Rowley... "Phone 1353, - 2 sx RoonHD o USE «= To le¢t on SI BaBor t 5 Re Shares spsspeizgrc Ton ond olf : or » y 3 Teet. Ypibnd 790-w. He a PLID BRICK HOUSE bigh : AC PLD sda convenioncas situate Rant SooETE In door Carters near Cit Possession May 1st, 1881. President, A. Apply K h Smythe 71-73 Clérencé . L ice president SM. baa 'eet, an -on © an Arm pro TO LET, MAY ist, FURNISHED-NIn WHEN THE TRUTH WiLL OOT, ----a---- a rTRwi a vestment. Bonds bought s 3 Ab br ripe Sie} L y ---- en 9s HAE TERE me. posits received and ntefest Toom Lh roiaee re ALing, elec. -- Sinmum monthly phon 1 3: a mb artwright, manager, o Fe ree Ww Articles For Sale. Articles For Sale Articles For Sale. Tg Miscoliancons = Statage - ROOMS--Furnished; suitable for Wanted To Bay 14a Wanted To Buy 19 STORAGE-~For furniture, ™wo light BA as on bathroom fat} MALDFor Davies, 138 Lower There os ps ing F oftmeation AL Rl gs | WARES ASS en McDonald Street, 'Phone 2040. anted "To Rent 11 an eneral housework. Apply | FURNISHED ROOM---Wanted by young ardiner, 90 Johnson Str Supls, J light Bousskesping, in of Misoen 18 MIDDLE-AGED WONAN--Who would | Whig oe. Bo to the country, wamnte Protes- ant, Apply to Box S- Ta 'Whig Of- Male and Female Help Wanted 8b MEN AND BOYS WANTED To Bis Real\ Estate For Sale Farms and Land [T°] FARM--On Middle Road. "PTRburg, $0 rent or on shares. APR 4 zabeth MacAdoo, R. R. ronizé J. W. Curson"s Barbe Kingston, fics tie gin 5 Bhoged in Reig | ov c. # lington Street. Bem, Ho. © 301 We Houses 14 #5, SELL HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES | BRICK HOUSE -- Semi-detached; 17 ~--~Greatest imaginable demand; have business of your own; make five dol- lars up dally; capital or experience Snhecessary, B. Garretaon, Brantford, "Fositione Wanted 6 rooms and bath; all modern improves ments. Apply {0 44 Ordnance St. BRICK HOUSE---Sydenham Street, all rovements, $4,800.00. Brick house, Ne son Street, all ements, Se - gee. 00. Apply 'M. pour, Street. 'Pnone 704 or s83, K (MALE st clase, all round, oom posiiion., ts and pastry, Middle age. Single man. Apply Weths erington, 89 Queen reet, Kingston. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Plats 7 FURNISRUD ATARTIEN TWO Three Too, fable fo 1 Aarohen oe J¥jne e for family of two - ply 23§ Barrie Street. y ? GROUND *Loon APARTMENT Four rooms, 3 bath, water heater, 3 clothes cloaiter large pantry, ges ange: hot ee Sung, $35.00 per hore. npr 6 Queen Btreet or APARTMENT--Corner Barr ne ne ei a centra rear sntrances, Apply L Cohen & Con Ontario Street. Phone § AGED DOCTOR ARRESTED, Warrant Charges Tt Theft of Horse 45 Years Ashbury Park, N.J., March 20. Dr. Edwin P. Osbaldeston, 93 years cld, physician, was held on Saturday on a warrant served by a 9l-year- old deputy sheriff charging him with stealing a horse and wagon in Bisghampton, N.Y., 45 years ago. 'Osbandeston" has been a resident : | of Ashbury Park for more than thir- ty years. He strenuously denies that he 1s the man wanted. ih Pea NEW HOUSE--7 rooms, barn, § a land; north Alfred, for $2,500. 00. ria able for Saidening or hénery. . "Phone 1083-m, or call gt i niversity Avenue. J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Logns 79 Clarence Street. TEN-ROOMED HOUSE-«Brick, all mod« ern improvements, at 363 Barrie Street, fear Princess Street. Apply on prem- rl $6,200.00Brick, 9 rooms, h.W.h., h.w.f, fireplace, garage, barn, Frame, § rooms, modern, gar- age, central. Terms. Pour farms close to city. Would ex- chang.e Insurance. Money to loan. I OR, 351 Princess Streat. 'Phone 1180-3. Real Estate AA Broker # Johnson and Division Dtresta 'Phons $39-w. See Advt. Page 2 RBSIDENCE---Solid brick, in good cone dition; all convenienc Univer. sity Averiue. In hi CHELATE loenl- ity. For, rticulars, apply at the or 'phone 2469-w. Sidney Minnie died at the residence of his son in Actinolité on Sunday. He was ninety-six years of age and was only ill a few houds. "Miss Evelyn Hawkes, Smith's Falls, died on Tuesday after a day's illness of pneumonia. She had never Fuel wel For Every Purpose American Anthracite in Egg, Stove, Chestnut, Pea and Hamilton Coke in Stove and Nut sizes. Pea Coal and been very strong. * BASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, witk ole, rms of payment: large selec tion of newest pa terns. 'Phone 3306-w. J. &. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. Two Electric Motors For Sale 1 horse power Wagner Motor 1800 M., 60 eyele, 220 volts, A.C. 1 horse power Cushman BLANKETS--Robes & bargain; second hang drill, Lion Disc Harrow; sets sled See our new Cockshutt Diso bate 3s ring Tooth Culttvator, Lion Disc ws, , De Laval | Sepatators Mil Hd at Fros Cramer, 3 dd Stoost. A BE6-J. or 1217.F. » 1800 R.P.M., 60 cycle, 110 volts, 1 phase. British Whig Pub. Co. ( TED) KING ST. 'PHONE 2614. CANARINS---Pire br St. Andreas- emales, beaut} ul birda : tact S48 mat sell cheap. Steward i forth Augusta Road, Brockville, Ontario. RAD BT--In binet iy 2 HG Breen (A) Sattery loud 4 spesker, for sale or exchange. change for motorcycle. Apply MA rion Street. FISH AND CHIPS---The Saeat fish and chip cafe in city. AB Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Hou Ht am, to 1.00 am. We deliver. "Phone 2636-m. HOUSEHOLD EFFBEOTS~Conslsting of Furniture, dishés, pictures and linen. Apply Mre IL. E. Guess, 381 Brock st. NOTION-~This week only, all grad Mattresses renovated or $2 He, 0 ext ced ntenac ular piles IB ing Street Wast. cost. fi oes. atiresy OSoioerne Birest NE fee Aly. 1 Tetons . 311 fii N Eg of Ford TO iter ed wheat reasgns and % td ine Grinbin Rear Fin er I A dae Shen. © PON YuuFor Sale; y hands. Quiet to five. Apply J. T. Eves, 171 Reglen ~ Mason & Risch siden "alley uses lied; a Rent ponds Ee Tindsey bale, Br inoten Berest, Fo ureks Re- Wu Sf Bureia Suit. al ie "dalivered. "ye: us your grie if ire Marshall King. ston Hatchery, 101 qiars Street. ES aE Cintanse Serset. PA EASE, NL TE Building Materials 16 PRESSED BRICK---Iard and soft stock Brick; also hollow buliding brick and tile. Samples of 624 Johnson Street. ASHES---And other fill wanted at new school, on McDonald Street. Will pay 10c. per load if delivered on ground. Apply to H. W. Watts, 206 Frontenac Business Services Talloring and Pressing 20 W.. ROBERTSON re Talo Pressing: Jtepaiting. order. Samples In Stock. 273 Bagot Stree Cleaning, Suits made to $20.00 and - Trolessionax DRUGLESS FPRACHTIONER --- W, arcells, corner of Barrie and Prin- Mer treets. Chiropractic adjust ments, 'electric treatments and hand- massage. X-ray Jeryice Onaultas tion free. Hours 9-13 a. 1-§ p.m. Evenings by Polntone "Sic tele. phone §22- hg Hy 'phone 957-4. LUCY~Geo. FF, and Jennie A., Chiro- Breet Registered Nurse, 202 Bagot a A. Phone $51sw. , Hours 9-1 Phone 3041. A. Neal e130 Consultation free. jo ue 188 | gKIN BLEMISHES ~- Hair, Mol F fe Antique &nd modern] Warts, Birthmarks. Skin Cancer, furniture sold and Bought. M. Cram+| Scars, Pits, Se removed parm er, 607 Princess Street," successors to] ly. Satis Glasses fitted and Leases Antique Shop. furnished a Roc others. have failed I Goitre cured without operation. 38 Fuel ana Feed 1s MIXED WOOD -- Under cover, A load, delivered. 'Phone 1505-J at 46 Raglan Road. W. J. GOOD HARDWOOD--§3.50 quarter cord aa 3.00 and $3.25 quarter cord--hard s 3.50--soft slabs 2.78 quarter cord. Rough and dressed lum always in stoe lean a%- ust "Phone or HE albor Canosa on Stree er ond In tha yard. o or be 00 args oad Wi wood $132.00 cord or $4. 2 gad 8 Feat faa Sntity B. Coke $5.00 ton. bos A SUA e AN 1 "Sedo or ks $5.00 or i Ee g& or Nut, 13.00 A ton. All under over, 4 Moo Jy elington Stu corner nan ket. "Phone 2410-w. Re C. Bruton. WOOD---Any quantit way Service an Sup, Princess and Smi ith DRY ply. Ht b 8 y So. Phone 2708. He % on, 127 A 'ele a 1" Rede, Wilts lo wyStdoting DRY ARDWOOD--Dry bod: ETA 0 Dry BT hone or 3516 BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUS! furniture or any me 'Phong 1000 or 1177, 25h CARPENTER WORK--All kinds pentes work, contracting or da; ay work: wood floors a specialty. moderate. -G. Hunter, 73 ponaraes 'Phone 948-w. proof building. Carpenter Work clean, airy rooms and spaces; your ows 5 and key. Frost's Ciry Sto! h 305 Queen 8t. 'Phone 526. 5 2 Miscellaneous " AS leaned out of and yards, cl job done. A MecSeogor, S 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 3358. k ASHES..Remvoved from yard Lang Aare; general cartl first ood for sie Sle Buckley Trans 14%" Yor 'Phone 201 and 2616-M. cole dary- Sod toams, oaretul dr oo ig Y Franst rc Upper ave er Co., Street. ¥ 'Phone 1507+J. years' experience: Dr. Elmer J. ke, e, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skig. 58 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 11357 Barristers and Solicitors 21b W. H. HERRINGTON----Barrister, Solici- tor and Notary Public. 151 Welling- ton Street. 'P! 2648-w. CUNNINGHAM & S and .Solteitors, Kingston. A. Cyril M. Smit! - Barristers 73 Clarence gy Ros Cunnningham, K. aay REVELLE«Barristerg and aie tor. = Clarence Street, King- Day, Adrian L Revelle Pass ag "Phone 306. REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Solicl- for. 81 Brock Street. Mortgages are ranged on city and farm property. 'Phone 2509. Siena, Seiten nt SL Arranged. 'Phone 42. oleitor. Law Offies, cornet of King ' w ce, corner o i snd Brock, over Royal Ba 'Money nk. to loan. 'Phone 1999, . Personal * 22 Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano adjusting. Phone 1544 C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPR ERING--ANd goners! valre fy Sree tl 8, le Sa . ar 'Phone 1600-J. » . : Automobiies Auto Accessories GARAGE---With To Sor 1 30 5 ft, storey: «Xx Delco plant; acbtaline Welding to Charles Hicks, Har seh KINGSTON AU 3 ~Makers HE and Cush Coupe ornia Dire fea Cal grr 347 King street. Automobiles For Sale TX «= 18! ical Sorattion J Plum Street, or A ---------------------- Absorbers, 1926 Apply ENTLY MAN. Wishes to correspond a lady of good Heputations he y bafker. Corner John- 8 fair t of means, Ob Stree Jest matrimony. pply of gy B-27, Dry hard Office. and sty wood Slabs. e handle none : the best. ® Fate's 2516-w. J. C 3 Swain. Hemstitching 28 SLYARM 3 ANTHRA ING -- _ Hemstitching. aricad Ww. work guaranteed. Mrs n> Barrie Street, near Princess bucien. 'Phone Ea rut, HT, IF , Pei J eter phone 2433-J. new Coupe. He has never ured I, bt i willing ts acre. Apply to: