29, 1926. against the liquor trafic and not one word can be said in its favor. Many say liquor ha$§ good points, that it is TENPERANCE ISSTE. EXPLAINED AT VERONA 2s, ho. mabes, the race to at {makes gladness of the wrong type, , and brings sorrow and sadness wher- « W. Bolam Talked Vigor-| Cr it. goes. Some so-called Chris- ously In. Verona on tans make the assertion that. the temperance workers are narrow- o : Sunday Night. | ninded instead of being broad- ; 89. ay |minded and say liquor is all right in VW yetuna, March 39.0n Botam, [Its proper place, Some think it Renfrew, a representative of the On-|SmAart to carry the stuff, but there is tario Temperance Union, and a mem- (nothing noble or elevating about it ber of the United Church, gave an and the real business world has no address. ifn the Free Methodis} [use for the tipplers or those who are Church at Verona. Taking as a breaking and disobeying the law. Scripture lesson Luke x.;30th, also|They want nothing to do with such Matt. xxv.; 31, he made the state-|and count them as inferior Let us ments that 'it was time to be alive teach our boys to grow to be men, and up and doing and to remember not despicable cigarette smokers or . we had a heavenly leader that knows |bootleggers. ; no defeat. It is good to be alive and | Our country demands strong, clean in the fight. Life would be a very tame {men and women and the only way to affair if we had no incentive, We produce them is to get behind the find that there is no person that ig|temperance movement and do our perfectly 'satisfied; we are continu-{best. Some find fault with the On- ally me@ching out to something fur-|tario Temperance Act; it certainly is theo. On every hand we have |not perfect, but it is the best yet ne hat are carrying heavy bur-|and we need to stand by it and try dens' uncomplaining of whom the|to have it bettered. We are soon world knows not of. Such will surely [going to face a choice between the have their reward as our God is just. [O.T.A. and government control. We Mr. Bolam is a firm believer in early {had government. control and what conversion, and that 'the Bible {is were the results ? Shops and bars true. No matter how torn by erities {were not allowed to sell openly, but God's word is true and & hell as well [behind the bars the law was disobey- 28 a heaven awaits men. All de-|{ed. Some places, where the bar was nominations have the same objective | supposed to close at 11 p.m., men in view although different ways. of [could go to the back and drink all reaching the goal; even those that |night. Not only the lumber jacks, scoff when they reach a deathbed |but the upper ten were found there are anxious when often it is too late. {and young men from homes where We can say nothing too strong |parents never dreamed of such places. . hy He pictured homes where the fa- ; ther came home drunk, and beat his 1 family. It is the same old liquor no i the Flu matter how it is sold. Do we want J to go back to those times? No! } : : 3 row now are happy homes under gd C ey S local option and the Ontario Tem- ¢ perance Act. If we back up now we ft i are false to our trust. Thousands are i Cough Mixture f | 10oking to us and depending on us 25¢., 50c., $1.00 ing campaign. | The argument is brou DS oules...<.. 25 if Analgic Rub RB ....025c. and 50c. puts a safe relief this distressing home, for .....75¢c. | 'L. T. Best | PRESCRIPTION. DRUGGIST i ; "Phone 50, If Canada helping to better the situa- tion? No. Canadian liquor was car- ried to the United States until they ii| had to have armed officiai, to keep it back. Now when they cannot get il it into the United States it is dis- PN TN -------- } | Upset stomach, sluggish liver, and acid condi- }i| tion cause bad breath. Seige!'s 5 at the 1 Conner Fort sas have ts ehrcagecs at the Where there was- poverty and sor- | to line up and help out in the com- Speedy Cold Cap- demic in your Any drug STARR . | PHONOGRAPHS AT LESS THAN COST We are offering the remainder of our stock of these famous Phono- graphs at really remarkable prices. There are three full. sized cabinet models. Jt will pay you well to inves. bel p ED BRICK DWELLING -- ! < % rooms, B. and T., electric and gas, H. W. floors, hot air; garden; central. a a : $3,000--Prame, 4 rooms, B. aud 7. electric light. er relioved by ECTRIC OIL are prom THOMAS' EC MA§ BEEN SOLD FOR EA : -- _ We make a gpecialty of building Steel | moke Stacks for factory use. Large Whey | anks, Oil Tanks and all kinds of heavy, | Pa B-H Paintin colors. . . . . $1.50q¢. ; Pain hi Js es on -$1,65 qt. ¥ 5 £2 a aay asd the United States is very wicked. Is | tributed through Ontario. We must have the federal government stop it. The provincial government alone cannot stop it, - Under government sale our boys and girls can get beer; let" us pre- vent it. Let us do our best to get the people to be true, to forget party, and do all they can to support the O.T.A. Send temperance men to To- ronto and Ottawa. It is an individual matter; we must not depend on the other fellow. Let us get together and much bowing to party idols. God de- mands our best and will hold us re- sponsible. The Christian life means work, not flowery beds of ease. We believe in God's saving power, back- ed by doing something. God wants us in the fight; to live for, mot to die for Him. All eyes are turhed to Ontario at the present time; let an party affiliations be thrown aside and dry Liberals and dry Conserva- tives get together and help answer our own prayers. We have another chance: let us send good men to Ottawa and To- ronto. We can have the best. W¢ have sixty-one dry counties now; let us put our shoulder to the whee! and safeguard our homes and our young people; let us one and all poll our vote-for a dry candidate. Mr. Bolam is a forcible speaker and not afraid to tell his own per- sonal experience. After the address cards wera distributed for contri butions for the Temperance As- sociation, HE HAD NO CHANCE 10 SAVE HIMSELF Further Details Regarding the Death of James Campbell at Rochester, N.Y. Moré details of the fatal accident to James A. Campbell, aged 20 ycars, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Clergy street, came to hsnd on Monday morning with the ght up that | arrival of a Rochester paper con- taining the account of the accident. According to the Rochester paper, Mr. Campbell, had no chance to save himself when struck by the motor car, the driver of which escaped af- ter "the accident without being cap- tured. Young Campbell was alighting from the street car while it was stcpped. The motor car that struck him was quite close to the standing street car but paid no attention to it and as it passed the exit of the street car, where Mr. Campbell was getting off and received the full force of the car. He was hurled heavily to the pavement and his skull was crushed, killing him (a- stantly.' The driver of the car, in the ex- c'tement, straightened out his car and drove off at high speed. Drivers of otter cars, waiting for the street car to\ move on, took up the chase immediatel ut with no success. Police immedfataly began a search for the driver of the car that killed ycung Campbell. In the meantime an ambulance Was summoned and doctors examin- ed Mr. Campbell but. he was quite dead then. Ma Campbell was em- ployed by the Kodak Company and bad Dbéen in Rochester but six months. * The funeral will be held on Tues- day morning to St. Mary's cathed- ral. Deceased is survived by his par- ents and four brothers, ~ Joseph, John, Robert and David and one sister, Mary, all at home. ---------------- CANTATA AT ST. LUKE'S, Splendidly Rendered by Choir on Sunday Evening. Maunder's sacred Lenten canta- ta, "Olivet to Calvary," which was so splendidly reiidered by St. Luke's choir. last Tuesday evening, was re- peated yesterday after evensong. The sacred edifice was so crowded that numbers of extra seats had to bu brought in to accommodate the people. The chorus was well-bdianced and the various choruses sung were all that was to be desired. Mr. A. ¥. Middleton, tenor soloist of Queen Street United church, assisted the ckoir, and in his several solos sang with a great deal of expression, and being the possessor of a splendid tenor voice, was a great source of plcasure to his listeners. Mr. H. D. Robinson, bass soloist, although Suffering from a severe cold, border- ing on la grippe, also delighted his hearefs. Mrs. A. Kinks, soprano, in her two solos, displayed a great deal of technique and sang with wonder ful feeling. Mr. G. A. Graves, posses- sed of an unusually high and clear baritone, sang 'most effectively the solo, "Come unto Him," dnd also the part of Pilate, An octette, composed of Mrs, A, Hinks, Mrs. R. Fletcher, A. Axford, Mrs. E. H. Pearson, Mr. '¥, Jennings, Mr. A. E. Middleton, Mr. B. L. Spence and Mr. H. Ww. sang "0 Thou whose Sweet Compassion' unaccompanied with great expression. "253 Mr. Bert PF. Couper, under whose Girection the cantata was produced, presided at the organ. $1.50 qt. | elect the proper man. There is too A L 3 : he Tome 1 PROBS: Tuesday, mostly fair with little higher | Adventures of the Twins | temperature; Jocal ow Te ris By Olive Roberts Barton. 2 Smart New Coats. for Easter The March Hare in 3 Land "What can we 'do. fo help you, | Mister Rubadub," asked 'Nick when | the fairyman of Scrub-Up Land had | finished telling the Twids all about everything. * = "Oh, lots of things," said Mister Rubadub brightly, *p certainly have wy hands full. You have mo idea Pow stubborn some of the woodfolk get when I go to give them a good scrubbing to make them presenta- ble} "Oh, do you serub them?" asked Nancy. "Do I scrub them?" asked Ruba- dub shaking with laughter. "Oh, no! Not at all! I just put them into my washing tub and lather them all over with my soap called 'Fairyland Spec- ial' and then I take my big brush here and finish the job right. Their ears! Oh, their ears, my dears! And their paws! Oh, thelr paws, my dears! And their tails and every- thing!" All caked with mud after a whole winter in their hiding-holes, 1 mean, in Dreamland." Just then who should come around the corner but a large rabbit with spectacles and a big book, saying over and over to himself, "This one next and that ome after that, then that one next and the other one to follow. This ome next and that one after that, then that ome next and the other one to follow." "It's the March Hare!" cried Nick, styles at popular prices. recognizing the rabbit at once. "Hello, Mister Hare, don't you re- = 10.50 The March Hare looked at them ||} i % » over his glassés for an instant, and ' Y to then snapping his book shut, he hur- 35 ' ( ( ried over, grinning from ear to ear. "Well, if it isn't Nancy and Nick!" Stunning, new styles-- beautiful, all wool fab- he almost shouted with Joy. "Do'1 remember you? [I should say I do. ics in a wonderful range >f\the new colors. A wonderful variety of the season's smartest How could I ever forget the way you helped me one time to waken up all the spring people?" "The spring people? Who were they?" yeh eg Mister Rybadub curi- ously. airymen are like other peo- pie, you know. They hate to be left ! oul of things and he wanted to know ali about it. : "Don't you know!" said the March Hare in an astonished voice. 'Phe Rag Man and the Hurdy Gurdy Man and the Scissor Grinder and the Cir- cus people and te Easter Bunny and--" "Oh, those," sald Mister Rubadub. "Sure I know them all. They're old friends of mine." "I started out a bit early this year," said the March Hare. "I rang ali' theif doorbells a week or two ahead of time to warn them they would soon be needed. That's why 1 didn't need much help, my dehrs. As you will learn when you are older, tcresight is better than hindsight, or a stitch in time saves nine. That's quite sensible. They say I am mad, but you eee I am not. Now to busi- ness!" "Did you get the addresses?" ask- ed Mister Rubadub, peering over the March Hare's shoulder as he opened the big book again, "Some," sald the March Hare. "But you have no idea how hard it is to find some of the rascals." "What rascals?' asked Nick. "Why, the Squirrel boys and the Bunny children, and the Coons and Mister Toad and, oh, just everybody! You see they don't like to be spring cleaned and they would like to slip right off to the Land-Where-Spring- Je-Coming as dirty as tramps. A nice thing that would be for us, wouldn't it, Rubadub, with the Fairy Queen depending on us to have everything all spick and span!" "I should think so," agreed Mis- ter Rubadub. "I should think so. But time is flying. Who comes first, Mister Hare?" "My second cousim, Cutie Cotton- tall," said the March Hare, There's not a fashion- able design omitted. The jauntiest of Cape Coats, the simplest of models with pleats at the sides, and Coats that achieve apparent simplicity by means of intricate cut--all are included. Many boast little upstanding Collars of Fur. All are lined with luxurious Satin de luxe or Silk Crepe. . : | +The materials include F rench Charmeen, Poiret Twill, Twill Cord. Duvetyn, Ottman' Cord and Novelty Tweeds. These coat values are veritable triumphs of the makers' art at the prices we are quoting--as hand in hand with quality of fabric and fine tailoring, goes lowness of price ! i Let us prove to you--that quality for ~ ity--price for price--our values meet or all competition | Children's Coats ~All sizes--all new styles--priced from $4.50 to $15.00 Easter Hats , FOR WOMEN AND MISSES Quite distinctive are the new Spring Millinery modes, and of course every woman wants a new Hat for r. Lao We 2st the new models of Straw and Silk. i of dainty chars, ually prastical_ + Newmarket, Ont., Mar. ever trimmings o ls ornaments, braid, or Fmt waar SI gaily colored Ribbons add stylet: each mamicr™ Aid hs case of Mrs. . of small and larger head sizes for you ful matrons--are (To Be Continued.) ------ Gordon Whattam, Picton, goes to Hamilton as superintendent of the J. H. Robinson & Son, 'funeral direc- tors. He was employed there before. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Card, Napa- nee, have sold their home to D. J. Murphy, Marysville, and will leave soon for California. Of course savages are inferior. They are nude for comfort not to be in style. nr' A mn. Nervousness, Dizzy Spells and 'Heart Trouble Relieved Mrs. S. Wideman ed Dodd's Ontario Lady Has Had No Return of Her Troubles Since Taking Dodd's Kidney Pills Four Years Ago. are a 3