ba jsburg, Ontario, on --~8u in Kingston, on 30. George Andrew ears. will aw place from I dd a. im tances respectfully Toronto, on March [926. Hugh F. Paynter, aged al from his late r street, on Thursday afternoon 00 o'clock to Cataraqui ceme- d acquaintances respectfully vited to attend. 1 CARD OF THANKS. r. and Mrs. Joseph M family desire to thank Kingston and Roch xpression reavement in the death ames. x 's+ Help Wanted Malo Help Wanted 2 eet. tr ret LIVE PARTY -To sell electric sign velties: all types of window letters a ~gatter ard able to boss him- self, * 8 1175-7. Female Help Wanted 3 AND HOUSEMAID -- Wanted. e 1110. ¥ COOK General. Apply in pereom to Mrs. W. R. Davies, 138 Lower Albert Street, Kingston. EXPERIENCED MAID Wanted, refor- ences required. Apply 134 Ordnance 8t., or phone 719-J. ! GIRL--To do housework. Apply - 363 McDonald Street. 'Phone 2949. once to Box 1-30, Whig Office. MAID-For genéral houbework. Apply Mrs. R. J. Gardiner. $0 Johnson Street. MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW----Or unmar- ried woman for country home, to help look after two children. Apply to Box 14, Seeley's Bay, Ont, Male and Female Help Wanted 8b --throughout Bastern Ontario, on & ty -nity basis. Must be a mechanic w TWO ROOMS--Furnished; suitable for light housekeeping; on bathroom flat; gas for cooking. Possession April ist. Apply to 87 Wellington Street. Wanted To Rent 11 FURNISHED ROOM---Wanted by young couple, for light housekeeping, dn or near Portamouth, Apply Box G-39, Whig Office. Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land 13 FARM--On Middje Road, Pittsburg, 10 rent or on shares. Apply*to Mrs. Bl- zabeth MacAdoo, R. R. No. 1, Kingston, Ont. FARM---§0 acres Kingston Township, 7 miles from Kingston, 1 mile south of Westbrook, some excellent garden Jand; never falling well; solid brick house; good wat-butldings. Formerl the Sheehan property. Apply Mrs. Kenny, Westbrook, «. The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a ER BUACK MOURNING VEIL Market building on may have same &f address, or tele- MS SILVER PURSE--Containing ¥, found at corner Wellington Streets on jeel3old Morrison Foun- name of owner engrav~ Also an Eversharp r please return to the CAT--White vest and paws, six ch foot, lost. Finder please D GLASSES--Lost, in St, edral, or on street. Find- | return to 456 Clergy St. W + KEYS Found on Johnson street. Own- &F may have same at Whig Office GOLD RING--Found. have same at 32 Brock Street. MONEY-s Found in Superior Owner may have WRIST WATCH-~With metal Tost King street bet stra) on Willlam and Prin ward for return to CHOICE I'W---New milch Ayshire. Ap- n ast of Joyceville. j Male Help Wanted NTED---To sell week-end pa- ly Harold J. Smith, Barrack Streets . ¥eeAbowt 15 years old rn mechanical dentistry. OPPORTUNITY « For Who W shes to learn grocery busi- in lari. retail store." Good edu- Sefarences required ce. MAKER Wanted for Pare Wor further par- D. York, Box 35, kemen, beginners $150, '08ds nearest their homes WANTED--Man to sell Furnaces to MEN AND BOYS WANTED--- To pat- ronize J. W. Curzon"s Barber op. Men's hair cuts, 35c. Shaves 10¢. Boye' hair cuts 15c. Ladies, 2c. 201 Wel- lingteon Street. . #5, SELL HOUSWHOLD NECESSITIES --Greatest imaginable demand; have buginess of vour own; make five dol- Mars up. daily; capftal or experience unnecessary. B. Garretson, Brantford, Ont. a Positions Wanted 6 COOK (MALE)-First class, all round, wants position. Meats and pastry, ete. Middle age Single man. Apply Weth- 'erington, $9 Queen Street, Kingston. ___Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 7 FURNISHED APARTMENT-Of Three rooms, 1 bedroom, kitchen and living room. Suitable for family of two. Ap- ply 286 Barrie Street. GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT-Four rooms, 3 p. bath, water heater, 3 clothes closets, large pantry. gas range, hot water heating, $35.00 per month. Apply 186 Queen Street or 'phone 1122. HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie and Princess Streets, also stores on Princess Street, centrally located with Tear entrances. Apply I. Cohen & Co, Ontario Street. Phone 83¢. Business Flaces » DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in Ontario Chambers, corner King and Clarence streets. Possession 1st of May. Apply King and Smythe, 71-72 Claren , Kingston, Ont. Sone semper Twousey ® BRICK HOUSE--No. 1 Victorta Ter- race, Montreal Street, to let. Posses- sion lst of May. King & Smythe, ¥1-73 Clarence 8t., Kingston, Ont. BRICK HOUSE---§ rooms, at 130 Bagot Street, opposite Robert Meek School. Possedsion ar once, Rent $17.00. ay- ply J. B. Cooke; 'Phone 503 or 1781-M. BRICK HOUSE----On Sydenham Street East, 7 rooms, with 3 rooms in attic, "modern improvements. Possession May - 1st. Ap 230 Sydenham Street. "Phone 1815-w. A FURNISHED HOUSK.Lsdy wishes to share furnished use. For particu. lars 'phone 1504-w, 3 HOUSE-----§56 Albert Street, § rooms, new bath, electric lighi, gas, big yard. Rea- sonable rent. Possession at ong. Ap- ply to IL Zacks, 271 Princess Street, HOUSE -~ 138 Wellington Street, 8 rooms, furnace, electric light and gas, 3 plece bath. Will re-decorate to sult tenant. Possession May lst. Apply to 63 Clergy Street East. HOUSE --- Seven rooms; all improve- ments; furnace; good garden; near car ne. Possession at once. Apply 28 Livingetou Avenue. 'Phone 712-m. home owners and Danteaciurs on cash HOUSE--6 rooms on Victoria Stree', tollet, gas for cooking, electric Hght, garage, immediate ession. Rent reasonable. Apply T. R. Carnovsky, 668 Princess Street or phome 111. HOUSE--98 Ear] Street, 9 rooms and 3 in attic; 3 plece toilet; gas for cook- ing; electric lighting; plugs for lamps; fans, ete. Sunshine furnace heating satisfactory. Garage and stables. Ap- pi for key at Gilbert's Grocery, 194 arrie St. "Phone 264. HOUSE---Corner Colborne and Syden- Streets, § rooms; 257 Rideau St. § rooms; Li en ee, § foomai ali provements each. Apply 185 Queen Street. ' Telephone DBE 9 SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on Charles Street; electric light and sos Apply to ¥. Norman, §9 Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. i LID. BRICK HOUSE---Bight rooms, raace and all egnvenlences, situate A by Ka a Sy 71 3 Cla = e, - ol Hires: Rhein Ont. rence ees Fuel For Every Purpose American Anthracite in Egg, Stove, Chestnut, Pea and Hamilton Goko-in Stove and Nut sfues. Pea Coal and Smokeless: Lamp. Kentucky Semi-Smokeless' Hard, Dry Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs and Cannel Coal for Grate Fires. Smithing Coal. Highest Split Coke mixed. and Black grade Soft Coal, James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johhson Street. 'Phone 135, : BRINGING UP FATHER Princess Street. 'Phone 704 or 1295-J. vo : ws Houses 14 Js 3 3 ot ns $B BRICK HOUSE -- Semi-detached; 7 Fea rooms and bath; all modern improve. NAT Al. en ments. Apply to 44 Ordnance St, heals CK HOUSE---Sydenham Street, all on msi rovements, $4,800.00. Brick house, TRUR Map Pies Nelson Street, all improvements, $35,- ay 3 000.00. Apply M. B., Trumpour, 270 TY NEW HOUSE-7 rooms, barn, 5 acres land; north Alfred, for $2,500.00, Suit- "able for Sardeping or henery. Bar- 083-m, or eall at 332 in. "Phone University Avenue. J. B. CUNNINGHAM Rea] Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. TEN-ROOMED HOUSE--Brick, all mod- ern improvements, at 363 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. Apply on prem- ises. $6,200.00-=Brick, § rooms, h.w.h.,, h.w.f, fireplace, garage, barn. | $3,300.00--Frame, § rooms, modern, gar- age, central. Terms. Four farms close to city. Would ex- chang.e Insurance. Money- to loan. T. O'CONNOR, 351 Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-J. E. W. MULLAN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Ntreets Phone 539-w. See Advt. Page 2 GO AHEAD GET RG T ON! ILL TAKE NA RIGHT TO our HOUSE . HOLD OH TAANKS AWFILLY ELUS! ITS (ERRIBILY NICE OF YOU TO GIVE ME A RIDE. HEROES ARE. MADE - WOT BORN Articles For Sale. Articles For Sale RESIDENCE--Solld brick, In good con-| BME "or S101 09F FREERET, "4 ied dition; all conveniences; 225 Univer- sity Avenue. In very desirable local- ity. For particular hou or phone 2469 For sale. Apply to Walkem ER -- == Walkem, 43 Clarence Street. Articles For Sale. UPRIGHT PIANO--In good condition. nL aa. Tl Price reasonable. Apply at 148 Col- REO jo borne Street AMisceilaneous BB | climes -------------- OLSON ATTACHMENT--For Ford Ton EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with easy terms of payment; large s¢léc- tion of newest pauterns. 'Phone 2206-w. J. UG. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. , apply at. the phone 1391-J to Mr. Thomas Marshall, Howe lsiand. BARRED ROCKS--Brown and White] Buffet, Chesterfield set, den table, Leghorns, White Wyandottes, fine lot.| other articles. Apply to 363 Barrie 'Also one hen canary. Call after § o'- clock. 6a Chestnut Street. + Street in afternoon and evening. BLANKETS--Robes a bargain; second| be replated like new. Phone 380. Part- hand drill, Lion Disc Harrow; 2 sets sleighs. See our new Cockshutt Disc| Fences, etc, close prices. Drills, 8 Spring Tooth Cultivator; Lion Disc Harrows, De Laval Separators and Milkers at Frost & Wood Agency, J. F. Cramer, 31 Brock Street. 'Paone 585-J. or 1217-F. FISH AND CHIFS-The oldest fish and For Sale chip cafe in city. W. F. Rédden, 260 Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.90 am. We deliver. 'Phone 2625.-m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-Consisting of volts, A.C. Furniture, dishes, pictures and linen. Apply Mrs. L. BE. Guess, 381 Brock St NOTICE--This week only, a grades of 110 volts, 1 ph Mattresses renovated for $2.75. Reg- ular price $4.00. New tick extra at a, 'Phone 1961+). Frontenac British Whig Pub. Co. attress Co, 377 King Street ast. NEWCOMBE---Upright Plano, th good KING ST. 'PHONE 2014. condition. Apply 8 Birch Avenue, or pl 2247-m. Truck; gives exténded wheel base and greater loading space. First reasonable offer takes it. Also Chevrolet Super- jor Touring, nearly new, balloon tires. Will sacrifice for cash Teeple Hall, 473 _ Princess Street. PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. 100 per cent guare anteed lve delivered. Give us your order. 'Phone \ 181-w. Tour egg hatched 1f cesired. Marshall, King- ston Hatchery, 1 Queen Street. PONY==For sale; 11 hands. Qulet to drive. Apply J. T. Eves, 171 Raglan Road. PIANC Upright, nearly new. Sacrifice 200 £ , wner leaving the city. Box A-23, Whig Office. = Mason & Risch Upright, PIANO slightly lised: In~ perfect condition. Price reasonable, erms to suit. C. W. Lindsay Ltd. 121 Princess Street. Two Electric Motors 1 horse power Wagner Motor 1800, R.P.M., 00 cycle, 220 1 horse power Cushman Motor, 1800 R.PM., 60 cycle, (LIMITED) Building Matérials 16 PRESSED BRICK~~HArd and soft stock Brick; also hollow buliding brick and tile. Samples wt 624 Johnson Street. , "Phone 304). A. Neal. II Furniture . 18a FURNITURE-- Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- er, 507 Princess Street, sucosssors to Lesseyg Antique 8hop. 3 Fuel and Feed 28 - 4 DRY, MIXED WOOD -. Undér cover, $3.50 a load, delivered. 'Phone 1505-J | or call at 46 Raglan Road. W. J Brownlee. GOOD HMARDWOOD-$3.50 quarter cord --mixed wood $3.00 and $3.25 quarter cord--hard slabs $3.560--g0ft slabs jas quarter cord. Rough and dressed nmber always In stock Clean saw- dust 5 cents 'Phone 2753-J. W. H, Talbot, Concession Street. DRY MIX $10.00 cord in the yard, or $3.00 Jarg load sawed and delivered. Dry bard- wood $12.00 cord or $400 load. Peat je.o0 % ton, which is a ca load. mall ausnthy P. Coke $5.00 ton. Split Pea Coal $6.00 or screened at $7.00. Kentucky Egg or Nut, 13.00 per ton. Al i Rag eliington St. corner . posite Hay - ket. 'Phone 2440-w. W. OC, Bruton. nly HARDWOOD--Any quantity. Ap- ply Highway Service and Supply Co. corner Princess and' Smith Streets. 'Phune 2706. HARBWOOD.aDiy body maple or oad | GENTLEMAN... Wishes to correspon: th & lady of good reputation; 2 possesses a {dlr amount of means, O ander or, 78 per Penney. So say ker, Coriner John 3 Apply Box | Bal, | load. Dry ha ood $3.50 { Dry mixed 33.00, Bey : map HE Split 26¢. extra kindling 'Phone, Fuel and Feed DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard and soft wood Slabs. Miscellaneous 15 REFRIGERATORS--Four Eureka Re- frigerators; cnly used short time. Suit- We handle ous able for grocer or butcher. Apply Lo] . t. Tele~ PENNSYLVANIA --=Carload stove Chestnut arrived and read ANTHRACITE COAL SET OF SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS delivered off cars. C. W, Neville, WOOD--Mixed body and slabs; cedar kindling, $2.76 load; hard- wood slabs, $3.50 load; body hardwood $4.00 quarter cord. J. Peters & Son, VIOLIN=Antonius, Stradivarius, Cre- and Brock Streets monenfls, Faciebat, Anno 1721, for sale. In good condition. Reasonable. Apply. of Mixed Wood quarter of a cord; $2.75 a quarter cord; body hardwood, $3.50 a quarter Saunders' Wood kr and Bagot Streets. WALNUT MANTLE-Quarter Cut Oak Yard, oor. Barrac YOUR AUTO PARTS--Silverware can J PICOT EDGING = Pleating, Street. True Market Place Carpenter Work : Job ea clean ssell Street: 'Phone 2355 Buckley Transfer, 3 he 2516-M. SLEIGH DRIVING P. teams, careful dri Good a, alu di Caverly Transfer: Expert Plano Tuning, Playey-Plano Adjusting: C. W. LINDSAY, UPHOLSTERIN G--And ing, leave oiderg at to F. W. Jareld, 104 WEILL DRILLING AND --Now 1s the time to ve Be. and Bure to give sat LONG DISTANCE uper, safe, padded van niture and Pianos A Wire or wells HILL, THE M VER, Hamilton, Automobiles Auto Accessories Delco plant; acetaline weldi to Charles Hicks, Har:ows KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY | ~--Makers of Auto, Buggy, m: Coupe bodies, California 347 King street. 'Phone 2945, Automobiles For Sale FORD SEDAN -- 192 mechanical oconditio Absorbers, 1926 license, new work guaranteed. Fleld, 362 Barrie Stieet. near Princess Ladies' Halr Parlor ALL. FIRST CLASS HAIR 0) MADE TO ORDER --Ladies' Transfor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham las. singeing, curl hildren's ningham, h .-B Telephone 2999. Water Waving, Curling, Hair bang Facial and Scalp Tre attention give Switzer, poiniment 'phone 2 Waited To Buy ASHES--And other fill wanted at new school.'on McDonald Street. Will pay 10e. per load if delivered on ground. Apply to H. W. Watts, 296 Frontenac ridge. Wire & Iron Works. Gates, ROBERTSON --Tallor, Samples in stock. 273 Bagot Street. PERMANENT WAVING For the very latest in Ladies' hair ng. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE 'ARLOR. A. B, 209 Princess Street. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW CHE COUPE - Equipped with licen: tires and guaranteed. Our customer purchased car, but has decided that he wants anew Ford Coupe. a "used it, but is willing t VanLuven Bros. Street. Kingston. im satment. Special treet. For a 016. pe ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in old companies of h ing. 281 King 2578-w. Res. 1111. PRACTITIONER oo. W, A. orner of Barrie and Prin- ments, clegtric treatments and Inassage. X-ray service. Consulta- a. Evenings by appointment. esidence "phone 957.J. LUCY--~Geo. ¥. and Jennie A. Consultation free. . BLEMISHES Hair, Kin » removed parmanent- y Glasses fitted and others have falled years' experience. t, Bagot Street. Phone 301w, House 11585 See 88, Barristers ang So W. HK. HERRINGTON -- tor and Notary Public, Barrister, Saliet- CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers tn, Gusniagstn, KS; A.B, Cunun m, Smith. : DAY AND REVELLE~-Barristers and 69 Clarence Street, on. A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Morigages arranged' 'Phone REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Solici- tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar- d on city and farm property. BD CORDWOODw Or Slabs | 5t LATER-~Douglas, citor, 79 Clarence arranged. 'Phone and Brock, over Ro, ne 1 FIRE--Automobile and Casualt ance. - Crumley, 420 Kail St 'Phone 1783-M. FORD SALES AND SERVIOR We took the Gamble, hest financial stand INSURANCE-Only companies ed. Strange, established in 1860 Of} Clarence Street, opposite Post Of OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol- wy will protect your salary, of Fire and Automobile Insurance. Williams, 2 Couper street. the most reliable of Used Cars 7 days' Trial--1 Year to +: [FORD TOURING 1918 FORD TOURING With starter, ete, 1922 Model A. ANDERSON---Painter and Decora residence 'phone 1968. Shop a fice sad K UR PAINTINGeAnd Zeverin \ e. Bryant, 307 Earl St GET YO done now. hone Ha FORD COUPE Five tires, bumper and # PAPER HANGING -- Why not thet. room decorated this month ring rash ? Workmanship at reasonable prices. fore' the 8 guarantee me show you © H. Rowley) "Phone 1352-F FORD COUPE 1924 Five tires, shogk 1 AINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear FORD TUDOR 1924 Model, With many extras, § tires. startes New Balloon Tien. A FRONTENAC S0CK MENT 1861. vi posits received and Siinimum month riwright, manag T. FORD TUDOR 1926 Mode Ballon tires. This car like new. S roi any and Ck Pr a so trates eS u some mgdel not listed. . All cars sold on yment desired. - ot rporgted yA Cartwrigh rrell Money nd farm. properties; in- ndg bought and sold; de- interest paid on ®' OC . 87 Clarence St. | STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry. rooms and Spaces, Bt "phone Sie. na sat: Eonar Pir air, Sit key. or Beem. Yrs nit iL 8 3: 3 ge had EG --_-- VanLuven 34 FRINCESS STREET : plead the Clasatied ure or a b