Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1926, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ee ee CITY AND DISTRICT |i A Sacred Cantata. |tc have a house and pens built \ : ; "Seven Last Words of ' Christ" | thereon. The two pair of registered ? ° ® ) | (Devors) will be rendered by Queen siiver black foxes with whom the | street choir on the evening of Good business will be started will not ar- = A S P ¢ 11 S (Frsaay, April 2nd, at 8.15. | rive here until next November, but A ud ; jin the meantime, an extensive build- p ¥ : | Report Not Ready. | ing- programme will 'be followed out 1 » : |. Prof. Arkley has not yet complet- to prepare the property for fur far- led his report for the Puljjc Utilities', ming. N : DIS] LA hy ; , | Commission, on the cost of power ------ ; { for the street railway company, but A Dramatic Incident. ; . : the report may be ready for the next} O March 30th, 1874, one of the 3 -- nieeting of the commission. { iost: dramatic incidents in the his- OF FINE A PP A REL : : 3 KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE | ; a---- {tory of the OCamadian Parliament Easter at Y.M.C.A. | took place. Louis Riel, who had led TOPCOATS *A special Easter holiday pro- | a rebellion in Manitoba in 1870, and » 2 gramme will be arranged for the had been declared an outlaw, had Slip into one of them. Note the distinct raga at the FM C.A, A supper Io been elected a ih for Proyauches : the boys will be held by the Mothers at the general elections o . He Lease And grace of style, the fine tailoring and Council on Wednesday of next week | wag told that if he went to Ottawa finally the unusual values shown fn the new, aud othér special features for the. hs 'would be arrested; yet he went loose hanging models in three great value- week are being planned. and took the oath, afterwards mak- giving selectiops. X ing his way t6 Hull,where he re- » Left for Orillia, mained for a few days. He never $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 : Mr. Douglas Raney, who has been actually took his seat and was for- : a member of the Whig reportorial | mally expelled from the House on staff for the past six montbs, left April 6th, following. SUI | S 1 lon Tuesday for Orillia, where he | a------------ will. take a position on the Orillia | _ Mission in St, George's, Packet. Mr. Raney, who is a son of! Rev. C. Ensor Sharp. Toronto, What Value 1 Rov. W. H. Raney, pastor of Queen who held a mission in St. George's > street Methodist church, has a wide | cathedral in 1922, is conducting the circle of friends who will wish him | Holy Week services in the cathedral Superb style, serviceable wool- every success in his new position. | this week. On -Monday evening the 4 : nto { mission service was intensely devo- ens and expert tailoring at our Married at Newburgh. | tional. The missioner xpoke of the moderate price, alwavs pro- Percy. Gerow and Miss Jessie | friends of Jesus Christ) the three . Weese were quietly married at the close friends of the Lord, St. Peter, gl. James ant St. John, whom he d ¥ duce utmost value, single and double breast- pursonage on "Wednesday last. The Jol hi bride and groom are well khown in chose to be with him in his hour of trial in the Garden of Gethsemane, ed Coat. That's the situation this Spring in the community and have a host of ] 3 . friends who extend congratulations, | and who slept during his agony. Christ said to us afl, "Ye are my our three special groups offered at : The bride received her education at i Newburgh High School, and is 2 7% Yu Hi; friends." To find out what Christ's daughter of Stewart Weese. They friendship is to us and our friend- : . ' will reside near Newburgh, on the ship to Him, the missioner said, is © Ro ; Camden East road. | the object of this Holy Week. $25. : | ' Oy * To Run a Continuing Church. Y.M.C.A, Diamond Jubilee. That phe continuing Presbyterians EASTER FURNISHINGS "whe final supper in connection |of Arnprior and vicinity will erect a | |' with the Y.M.C.A. Diamond Jubilee new church has naw been, definitely " y 1 Campaign will be held at the "Y"! decided. For some time the building . . Wednesday evening, when the final | committee has had several sites un- ' HATS NECKWEAR reports of the canvasers will be re-, der consideration and negotiations deived. A number of new subserip-| were finally conducted last week Shown in extensive variety, Plenty of conventional de- tions have been received and some when the property at "the corner of with the wide brim and | signs as well as unique pat- of the subscribers have increased McGonigal and Daniel streets, com- . v e slooping crown. terns. Featured at their amounts. One well known lady monly known as the Hartney block, A of this city has financed the mem-, was purchased by the church execu- an : Great value $3.95 $1.00 up berships for five boys, stating that' tive from Dr. A. A. Armstrong. The considered it the best invest-! property, - which comprises three she ment that could be made. | 1arge lots, offering ample accommo- 2 | dation for the church, manse and In Spring's smartest modes in a ' fe To Establish Fox Ranch. | sheds ,is centrally located and is an With a view to establishing a fur ideal site for the purpose. Altern- wonderful array of the finest of new : T ranch, J. L. Scobie has purchased a ative plans are now bei r d 1 1 1 : LIVINGS ON'S thirty.acte farm on the Perth road, and it is anticipated pw things that, will meet Milady 8 Easter / p about one mile Tram Smiths' Falls, "tract for construction will be let needs accurately and at prices that are ; gn and has already made arrangements this spring. . 75-79 BROCK STREET I. most moderate. f Off Your Route It Pays To Walk THE Y.M.C.A. MOTHERS' ORATORIO "ST, PAUL." & » nt Sms COUNCIL BANQUET |; xingston Chari -- Wed- A Shower of Toa Towels Give] "ot tha ial CHM oh 1 Easter Gloves ox en--Interesting Ad= has been rightly said, "All of the cr S---------------------------- Mendelsfohn works are characteriz- poo 4 4 dresses Made. ed by sweet and pure melody, deli- WOMEN'S FRENCH + KAYSER SORRY sy : held at cate harmonies, refined suggestions 5 : D SON , the i ge ug hola ut of dramatic expression and great KID GLOVES SILK GLOVES ' , finish of detail." And he rises to his . New colors all colors QUALITY en : members of the Mothers' Council ga- % LARGER MARKET . SERVICE thered around the supper table and greatest heights in his psalms and 2 50 { 3 00 A oratorios. Faithful and compre- » oO * different colors listened to a number of bright speech- hensive study of the great oratorio fri PHONES: es as well as taking part in the com-| | "o 00 0 Fy : h munity singing, which was one of the . Paul" has been given by the y Every emart ph ft u: Wholesale 1767 Office 365-w events of the evening. A shower of Kingston Choral Society under the Pe ot a ' 0 and 2 ¥ d lent: guida f Capt. Al mode is to be found in this showing of J ' 3 tea towels was held in' connection | $X°° guidance 'of tapt. fred cuffs that flare, that turn back, that are . ' Kayser Silk Gloves have come to us : Light, RM.SM. for many weeks. fla 4 with the supper and a large number of towels were. given by the ladies who attended. Mrs. G. A. Bateman, who for nine years, has been president of the goun- cil, in her introductory remarks re- ferred .to the history of the Council and the objects for which it was ors Miss Dorothy Belle Jones, soprano, ganized. Many underprivileged boys and Miss Myrtle Stagg, contralto. ' have been helped to membership, the The first three artists will make Gloves of Chamoisette boys' rooms made more attractive their first appearance in Kingston and homelike, suppers provided, and | ot this concert. It will be the So- er 77 § 50 & c to $1.00 help given to the boys' camp. Great- | clety's last concert this season and est harmony has prevailed among the should draw a large and apprecia- Doak . + * » a and a splendid co-operative] tive audience. . To add that "just right' finishing touch spirit is in evidence. She mentioned to the Spring outfit, these fine ultra smart the value of little things, little deeds : . of goodness which help to brighten Last of Series. Chamoisette Gloves lead. The short cuff, lite's pathway. On Monddy afternoon, Dr. Frode- the flared cuff or plain tailored cuff. Secretary Harlow complimented | rick Etherington gave the last of the : : Oy Ha werk snd orice. OF Jetharon ut Beauty," which | | 3. decidedly popular; in shades to match. . gave several instances where boys | Queen's University has beea present- eR rn per 1b. 85¢. Butt end, p er Ib 38c. Shank end, 1b. 88c. had been greatly helped because of | ing during the winter months. Dr. § the work of the Council. Etherington's subject was the "Ano- L Brand Breakfast Ba . Me Litley, farmer Boys' Work os tomical Basis of Beauty of the Hu- ; : & » = a a EK 3 : con-- retary, who was also present, refer-{ man Form Divine." | Eas D L rie : A Streak fat and a streak of lean, red to the Council as his daughter, a. but aud SOG For a Man 8 er ainty mg e With goodness in between. as he was the organizer of it. He DAILY MEM oy A pi f . a Fal piece or two oO dainty BY 2 | k oyal mber: g 2 beth. 45c. Sica per lb. ..50c. fli2a5 Cb i repro BTA : A. luce, ak | : Ee Lomas 5 mere Knitted | Liecrie will naturally have fo - Bacon-- be added or your Easter outfit ~~ Guild, convenor of the committee, 4 etc perlb. 35. Sliced, perth. 40. fispiratiamnimiiie | Qeaxr | Neckwear | wil hardly be what you would : : ll! fit to all in holding such 'an event. i : : desire. e es 1 fly recomi- sn commit. +40 Ys wall MS} 50C ea. | mendtheKnitied Silk Lingerie in years, referred to provions ania ot : i g E: Man > BLOOMERS, VES 3 2 i the kind and Mrs. George McCallum i ; very wants a | INS, PRINCESS SLIPS, EN-: Sate. Tending, Rick Wi8 Much a es Caged new Necktie for VELOPE CHEMISE, and the A vote of thanks, to the committee E 0 5 as Easter. Certainly, very new : : was moved by M. W. Harlow, and » { | k . . : smonded bu P. F. Brocka, sor hel | SPNALCOE IE : he can gratify his Counel is providing ar: ori): and : =f HE desire from this t the Boys' Divikion The choir of eighty voices will be straight--all showing an effective con- like a refreshing breath of Spring supported by an orchestra of trast in embroidery or colored work. They are delicate; they are different; twenty-five pieces trained in the or- The new Grey, Tan, Beaver, or black they are perfectly charming in thelr de= chestral score by Capt, Light. As- will match your Easter costume. lightful shades, to mateh every costume. sisting will be Mr. Austin Douglas, The cuffs, so unique, are smart to gaze bass; Mr. J, Lorne Davidson, tenor; : upon. day and Saturday | of Swift's Premium|" CHOICE, SUGAR CURED HAMS Pick out your favorite brand and cut. ¢

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