. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE [No More Piles Thousands Bless Dr. Leonhardt, the ; Physician Who Discovered This || " Common Sense Remedy I { - 1f you think * % » ~ - that the surgeon's knife if 3 i is the only med WwW ° iE 3 . thod of escape from the [| Tiisery of piles, 4's because Jou haven't | DY Leonnarars Has mens known as Some real bargains in large glazed win- dows for those who can make use of them for hot bed sash or any other purpose. Al- mast as good as new and at half the cost. Her Heart : Palpitated Fainting Spells 3 Mrs. J. Wilson, Port , N&, : writes: -- '1 suffSred from itation of the heart and fainting Lox ny and, at times, I could not be left alone I was 50 nervous. My trouble was caused from over- work and worry, having been left Meno Nith 8 large family. tried everything, without any I kuoow, to-day, that I w have been a nervous wreck but for your wonderful The Doctor's treatment By ex menting for years he discayv- | ered the exact cause of plies and then | went further and compounded a rem- ody that would remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt Wants every suffers: to benefit by his discovery ang so that ne doubting or delay. . Mc aud all druggists are authorized to sell EM-ROTD with I do as stated or Suarantes that §t wi money back. ot hat honorably basta every suffer. T shou secure pac ® 0 T. Leon- hardt's HEM-ROID to-day. is Internal. Evenings 2231. A db, General Insurance Fire P)ate Glass Liability Auto © urglary Baggage R cap, me K. H. Waddell re Dr. Waugh DENTIST (IIIS \ HEART NER As 4 ant," Brace and Drama House Cast. 8 p 11--Fifth Avenue Club orchestra. These Pills are for sale at all drug oy asd dealers; put up omly by T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, \ DR. J CW. BROT Dental Surgeon 150 Iaungion Street "Phone - DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST ." rin oan Street, \ Phone 1880 Ta OPEN EVE, G8 BY APPOINTMRNT Conning Complete radio Programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. ------------------ AT WOLFE ISLAND. S-- Large Consignments of Hay Ship- ped to the American Side. Wolfe Island, March 29---Hung- reds of tons of pressed hay have been shipped via Cape Vincent dur- ing the past few Weeks. The great Yield of hay on Wolfe Island from Year to year has merited for it its title of Garden Spot of Ontario. The road and ice to the city are showing signs of breaking up. Earl /Grimshaw and family are moving to the village to take over the general store of Thomas Friend, who intends retiring and moving to Kingston. Mr. Friend was always considered a good store keeper and as a postmaster.he hadn't an equal, hence many regret his removai from our midst. : John Mackey, Watertown, N.Y. has been here for the past month visiting relatives. Richard Dawson, Flint, Mich, arrived on Thursday for his brother's funeral. Dr. H, Dawson, Capa Vincent; is at Mrs. McRae's. George Todd is critically 1 at present. The funeral of the late James Dawson and of Mrs. An- gus MacDonald, were both held on Friday morning to the Church of the Sacred Heart--an unfnal coin- cldence to have two caskets in the church at one time. Mrs. MacDonald had reached the advanced age of Seventy-eight years, and until she was stricken a few days before her death with pneu- | Tuesday last while making a return monia, had been a wonderfully ac- trip to the mines. One horse was tive woman. Her husbang predeceas- | drowned, and the other died from ed her several years ago, but 'eleven | injuries a couple of days later. Mr. ¢Lildren survive. She was an illus. fand Mrs. R. Stonness spent Sunday trious example of a noble christian | With relatives at Maple Lea. mother, and had made many warm A ---------------- friends during her lifetime spent PHILIPSVILLE PARAGRAHS, on the island. Her six eldest sons -- A acted as pall bearers. Sugar Making is in Full: Progress b # Just Now. Philipsville, = March 30.--The "Perth Road Notes, warm March sun is much welcomed Perth Road, March 29---Many at- | by everybody. The robins and other tended J. Corkill's sale of dairy {birds have made their appearance ows on Tuesday, and a high price | which make it 'quite spring-like. Mr. Was paid for the animals. Mrs. L. |and Mrs. Thomas Malapey, Toledo, Dickinson's sale of stock and farm {called on friends in the village. Mrs. implements on Wednesday was well Haskin is sewing at Bdward Woods attended. 'Mrs. R. Thompson and | this week. Sugar-making is in pro- flda, spent Saturday at [gress and farmers report it a fairly S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KIN + ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange "Phone 1571, B= Bo Tenacious grasp. Verbal. Last word prayer. of which [19 Abstinence, glass is made. |21. Snare. 15. Sun. .. Leaf of a book. (22. God of love. 16. English money. . To restrict narrow-|23. Confinements of re- 18. Chest bome, - ly. straints. 20. Injury, - Mohammedan Serip- (25. Dreadful. 24. Exclamation of in- tures, 27. To say again. quiry. - External organ of (29. To fetter, 26. Dealers in cloth. hearing. 132. Highest form of af- 27. Second n ote in . To elude. ! fastion. scale. . Almost a donkey. Myself. . Crowd acting as a To sew two pieces of unit, cloth together. . Morindin dye. Behold, . Negative, To expectorate. . To allow. To envélop in paper. . To preen. Sandpiper. . To slant. To wager. . Sea eagle, Upper human limb. . To stitch. . Point of compass. 48. Selr. . The baker . Deity. (50. Distant, stove, . House plants. 32, Age. , To free. . Ta leave out. |54. Sun- god, . Masts, . To steal, |55. Dad, . To devour. . Half an em. '57. Like. STE JRLTER RA ) 0 11 INI SAIL I EOMAGE] ORAL MMT Wednesday, March 31 CEKAC, Montreal (#11), RIRRE ID] EM 1.40 p.m.-- Windsor Hotel lunch~ eon concert, featuring Mr.G.de Nou [SIETARN APIS] tier, violinist, AIL ETEMO] AMAT] 4--Weather, stocks and grain re- ports. 13. 16. in 17. . Paid publicity. 7. To enliven. . Seventh scale. . Material Horizontal. 1. To resist. 6. In front. 12. To swell high, 14. Citric fruit. note of a or rise NRNERARNRNRRGRART 24. 36. Vertical, | - Bone, 187. . Yellow matter from |39. a sore. 140, - To prick with a 43, sharp instrument. |44. - Glanced amorously. 147. AR NN MOTHER :~ Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre- pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Elatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising' therefrom, and, and Bowels, aids the assimilation of uy tom of Alberta Coal--just a Hmited amount left. on by regulating the Stomach Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Zon Bln lutely Harmless - No Opiates, Physicians everywhere recommend it. n------ the ice under the rallroad bridge, | with the driver, Walter Smith, on Pocahontas, nut, size, clean $18.00 Bros. Us BR. Kuight 1795. Mother's Favorite For Baby's Skin A number attended the "Sweet Brier," held in the ball, Delta, on Friday Frank B. Chisholm has pu Ford touring car. Some x went to Forfar on Friday to fu! of James McCue. Measles, etc., are quite prevalent a children in the locality, Grey, Elgin, is back again as in Taylor's store. Miss Julia M; R.N., is nursing at the General Hi pital, Smith's Falls, The cars begining to run on mostly an roads around and do not have difficulty. : Mrs. Olive Putnam met misfortune when she fell on the Pavement and sustained quite fous injuries. Mr. Plummer, © has rented M. A. Myers J lot and Mr. Myers is moving in the east end of Main street, : ISIE | LISS CDNA (RIE PREIASIE) | EPO SEDMTE IN All sizes of fresh mined] |. (CELSITI TCT TRIG TIATTIE] Lackawanna Coal EG@, STOVE, CHESTNUT, y PEA SPLIT This Coal is pronounced by housewives as the very, best American Coal that comes into Canada, -- CHYC, Montreal (411). 7 p.m--~ Queen's Hotel Concert orchestra, under the direction of Mr. G. R. Markowski. 8.30--8tudlo programme by the CHYC Male Quartétte and the Nov- ety Quartette from the Capitol theatre, consisting of Géorges De- Noutier, solo violinist; Pierre Van- FAINTED nises more than it Hii Will be of value to W. A. MITCHELL & (0. Telephone 67. zed this tr long Hi success is gely |i h that we never Mi ol od the confidence of Hf Dr. Vi J na Evenings by 272 Princess Street, Phone 105 ee -- DR.R.E.SPARKS DENTIST ALMOST DAILY hn -- a ---- A -- insdn, harpist, and Norton H. Payne, rganist and accompanist. 10.45--Dance programme by An- Melody Kings Grill, i Meerchen, celiist; Marion Wilk- dy Tipaldt and his from thé Ritz-Carlton -- CNRO, Ottawa (485). 8. p.m. Chateau Laurier Hotel Concért orchestra in popular and classical selections. 9--Performance of Dr. T. Hart- man's "Seven Last Words of Christ" by Hull Choral Society. 10.15-- Chateau Laurier Dance orchestra. ------ WCAP, Washington (460) 7 to 11 p.m.--Programme from WCAP Studio and from Station WE- AF, New York, including the U. 8. Navy Band orchestra, Washington; and the Shinola Boys and Ipana Troubadoyrs from New York. 4 WSAIL, Cineinnat: (328). 7.30 p.m.~-Programme from Sta- tion WEAF, New York. 10--Talk from WSAI Studio. Card String Quartette. WEAF, New York (402). 6 to 12 p.m. Dinner music from Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; Upited Synagogues of A 10.15 -- The Congress Playing |, Mrs. George MeGillivray's, Maple eaf. The Loughboro Lake Mica Mining Co. suffered the loss of their fine &rey team when they broke through $ good year. Miss Dina Dawson was renewing acquaintance with friends here. Miss Elva Chant was called from Toronto owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. William Chant. ks Rileen Denninson, Bigin, is guest of Miss Inez Eiliott. 1 Made in Canada Say "Good-bye" to Drudgery! : sweeping and beating old-fashioned, dust-collecting O more woven floor-covering --no more Easily-cleaned painted floors. have put an end to drudgery And you don't and spilled in surface. The man Look for This Gold Seal ing and dingy Congoleum: God Sl ney . in countless Canadian homes. havé to worry about accidents, either, Tracked- things cannot harm the y beautiful patterns