Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1926, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AMUSEMENTS OBITU ARY What the Press Agents Say About you without warning HUGH T. PAYNTER. | BUFFALO CITY HOSPITAL | Coming Attractions . and carries you to the | "THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY" The funerc! of the late Hugh : an land of Romance and | | Ferguson Paynter, who died in To- | 462 Grider Street, Buffalo, NY. i A picture that lifts Advent Cecil B. DeMille's Great Spectacle| ronto on Monday, vill take place on | : venture. Opens at Capitol To-morrow. Thursday afternoon to Cataraqui| 868 beds for the reception: of every known disease. | = Once again the great Cecil B. De | cemetery from 104 York street. The | Mille. has struck out of the beaten|late Mr. Paynter was well known in SIX DISPENSARIES IN CONNECTION {path of motion picture production, | the city and had. lived here for {and traveled over "The Road Of | many years. He had been ill for i p i Dental Schools and District Nursing As Yesterday." And he has not tri-|some time past. For many years he | Bedside, | veled alone. He has gathered his{ was employed at the Canadian Lo- Hy oe ydwnd ig dill public unto him, and taken them | comotive Works. For some time past { 2 - ¢ | 670 hours devoted to classes, recitations, demonstrations {along---in droves and swarms. he was with the Durant Motor Car : 2 in Dietetics, Home' A on JETTA GOUDAL - = " : | In his latest Producers Distributing | Company in Toronto, The late Mr. ! : , Chemistry, Physiology and Gengral { Corporation release, personaily di-| Paynter is survived by his widow VERA REYNOLDS ( E § rected and independently produced | and three brothers, Richard and Opportunitios for selected graduates to All paid executive LT 1 . i by him, which opens at the Capitol | John of this city, and Robert of cou ; , MM BoyD : A : ; : [| Theatre for a three day run to-mor- | Toronto. ; positions or pursue special study courses, : WILLIA ' G of : 'Bl | row, and he has given us a picture . - | THE EXPERIENCE WE OFFER EQUALS A : Pe a nh dar over. PE ruEL THREE YEAR COLLEGE COURSE | : 1 a First of ail he has taken a thems | The funeral of the late James E of timely moment; a scientific prob-! Campbell cok place from the resi- J Entrance requirements: 1 year New York State High $ ? 4 lem that has baffled humanity since | dence of his father, Clergy street, on . + School or its equivalent. | : 7 : the beginning of time-- reincarnation. | Tuesday morning to St. Mary's ca- Salary, $15.00 a month, Food, lodging, uniforms, launs He has woven a romance around it; | thedral where a solemn requiem - dry and books furnished free. : % he has injected a thrilling element | Mass was sung for the happy repose Straight t hour duty. No split watches, Ome whale of mystery; he has instilled it with [Of his soul by Rev. Father Hyland. day off every seven days. a an 'undercurrent of pathos and hu-| The funeral was attended by many nursing course is a fine preparation for man interest as only such a director friends of deceased. The pall-: \ opportunity to cultivate the ---- I py ----------~ -- = is capable of. N bearers wer: Messrs. Edward David- habit of right 1} -- : son, Howard Davidson, Hdward NO : GAVE FINE LECTURE, \ A Coyle, Leonard Mathewson, Daniel | So GRAND ; x Thompson aud Samuel Mullholland: - NEW OLASS NOW FORMING "PHONE \ dl ORDERS Fer Father Knox Addressed the > . : Sasa E -- 2 MON., TUES. Catholic Women's League. 4 . 0) DEATH OF TWIN SONS. aN April 5-6 NIGHTS | Rev. Father Knox, who, with Rev. ' ; i On Sunday the infant twin sons of Due 18¢ January, 1945. i 2 $1.50.] | Father McMahon, has been conduct-| § : i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Garrah pass- 4 EL -- Orch, #3, Bale. $2.50, $2, $1.50. jing the mission recently at St. Mary's ed away at the residence of their For sale at 101 and interest. Gallery $1.00. Plus 10% tax | Cathedral, addressed a very large ga- parents, 297 Division street. The : thering of the Cathplic Women's Lea- \ 2 k tuneral took place on Monday to St. For further information, apply to 3 : gue in the Catholic Assembly hall on wi Mary's cemetery. . undersigned. RO { Tuesday night. Thére were over three hyo ) SEATS { . V. BARTELS, hundred in attendance and the lec- FRANCIS McOORMACK. : Clty Treasurer. [ture was enjoyed by all who heard ) : The funeral of the late « Franels A NOW fit. 7 McCormack took place on Monday of Meeting | Father Knox dealt particularly on yg ho: morning from his late residence, 176 of Audit {the possibilities of the League the : Clergy street, to St. Mary's cathe- . [future, and what had been accom- ey dral, where a Splemn requiem mass of the County Board of, | plished in the past. He made passing . 4 was sung by the Rev. Father Fow- id at the Court House, BOX OFFICE OPEN NOW n MONDAY, the 5th day of | reference to modern dress and de- ® \ ler. The remains were placed in (At the hour of ten o'clock | GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE | cried the extremes to which some peo-. the vault at Odessa cemetery. The "Gecounts should be delivered to| | FOR BOTH PERFORMANCES | ple carried it. pall. bearers were Charles Mooney, the ed on or before the 3rd CX QU UT UY Bernard Oswald, George Fowler, pril, 1926. SR "11g arr > Kingaton, this 30th day of ) : Jetta Goudal fn "The Road To Yes-| William Allerfa, John Meagher and E 0 CE 25 Days' Tour to Alaska. terday" a! the Capitol Thursday, Fri-| Joseph Low!ar. > . . . . . 7 , T, J. RIGNEY, Il Once Alaska was identified with | dey and Saturday. Band Sawing, Resawing and Ripping, Clerk of the Peace, rn------ the gold seeker.. Today it fs-as| The story starts ina modern set MRS. ANNE KEENAN. : . . - The members of, Boyne Lodge, No, | €/0%¢17 linked with tourist trac, for | ung. He has taken his characters| The desin of Mrs Ain Keenan. Plain Mouldings, Machine Work, Sawm ia men have found that there is more | from among us. We immediately are | aged eighty-four years, widow of the xd Work a Specialty 16, L.T.B., are Tequested to meet; .. gold in one Alaskan sunset|on a par with them, sharing jtheir | late Thomas Keenan, occurred on Work, Logs cut to order. at 104 York Street, Thursday, 2 p.m., than ever came out of the rockbound {joyes and hates. Then suddenly, yet | Saturday evening at her.late resi- . . to attend the funeral of their late| mines, ft is a land of strange cofi*isd imperceptibly that it is almost|dence, Glenburnie. The deceased : Prompt service, reasonable rates. Brother, Hugh Paynter. tradictions and never-ending sur- dreamlike, he carriés the story back | bad lived in Glenburnie for the Mrs. F. Salsbury, J. K. Patterson, |prises. It is the desire of every|to medieval England in the early | 8reater part of her life and was well- Rec. Secretary. W. M. | tourist to visit this enchanted coun-|sevénteenth century. known and greatly respected. She Ac try, the land of the midnight sun. Here we find the same characters, | 18 survived by four daughters, Mrs. h i Credit The Kerr-Bryson tour via the|living and loving, fighting and hat- | J. H. Barrett, Barriefield; Sister : 5 ce 0 ors Canadian 'National Railways offers ing. They are the same, yet they are | Mary Alphonsus, House of Provi- d -- you the desired opportunity under so vastly different. The young bride | dence, and Elizabeth and Bridget at DAVIS DRY DOCK C0 : a| home; und two sons, John and + La . Ta the Matter of the Estate of MARY most advantageous auspices and at|of the present day appears as- a ANN HANLEY, late of the City of g a Yay Joseph of Glenburnie. Kingwton. In the County of Fromeang | # minimum cost. The tour embraces wantonly captivating Gipsy girl of op funeral took place on Tues Widow, Deceased. | Jasper National Park the famous| medieval times: the gilded million- KINGSTON ONT, k ' - NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to | Triangle Tour, the Pacific Coast, |aire youth, whom we left submerged | 137 morning from her late resi- : : Revised Fiatutes 2 {ntario 1914 hors | Alaska, and the Great Lakes Trip on (in the smoke of a train crash, ap- dence to the Holy Name Church, 'We deliver all day Sat. waving eld Again he utara op] the return journey. pears again as a poor, brow-beaten | Cushendall, where a solemn re- oh fat a havin, claims against the estate of Mary Ann Hanley, who died on or about| Write for full information and de- taven tap-bay. quiem mass was sung by Rev. Fa- ther Casey. The funeral was very ] the Fourth day of March, 1926, are re- { booklet Mr. A. BB In * " Haig' quired to deliver or send by post pre-| Scriptive booklet to Mr. A. B. Bry- n "The Road to Yesterday" De Frank 8 paid, on op before the Twenty "second son, 44 Silverton avenue, Toronto, | Mille has given to the publié a ple- Hitely 2ilouded, The pall Salers MONT po h iixecutrix of the Hs.| J Ont. or Mr, Martin Kerr; 4 Beu-|ture worthy of his mighty di fal : eshan. a feitors for the Executrix of the Bs-| °° ' ' y 0 8 mighty director Monn. tats, their names snd addresses and a lah avenue, Hamilton, Ont. genius. ' a) Kespiad. {oha Reiley, an. J u escription of ail claims and the ul " » . nature of securities (if any) held by Si To-night will be your last oppor- were placed in the vault at St. them. such claims to be duly verified. tunity of witnessing the great opie , : AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Deline Improving. of heroism, "Ypres," which closes its Mary's cemetery. \ mediately WER ' : ' A day of April, 1936, dhe Exsaulrix uiii| , AR investigation into the eXPIOS-| 1 at the Capitol theatre to-night. HOCKEY STARS HERE. : proceed to distribute the sald Estate| ion which occurred at Watertown, - 7 Fred Cook former Kingston boy Aspl Amma pt fmong the parties entitled thereto, hav-| N.Y., about a: month ago, seriously "ROSE MARIE" AT GRAND and famed professional hockey play- gags ary , M/ 4 AND. omember ; ing regard only for the clai f whic ; #he shall then have cere Roe injuring Arthur Deline, son of Mr. There is color, charm, clever danc- News In Condensed er with the Saskatoon Shelks, is in Alumnae, K. G. H., Saturday, Ap ' , K. G, H, ay, Apr And the siid Executrix shall not be li-| and Mrs. Frank Deline, Portsmouth, | > it fi a few days. bl v -l ing and delightful melody with a the city on & visit for tice shall not pave boon ray Cinim hoi] WAIL be held when Mr. Deline is sul-| cu eraund of Teal Sit Io Arnis Form Off the Wires Dr. Charles Stewart of the Boston " Board of Works held { Aba. 'Tesec "ald Twenty-second day of| ficiently recovered fo osuty. ey. Hammerstein's presentation of "Rose : Bruins is also visiting in the eity.| Re We aa ts , P. Deline received word on Wednes- vs i: ly received by esday DATED at Kingston, this 29th day Marie," which with the full strength | o. oks blew safes in creamery] BOth are being warmly noon, iit of March, 1926 5 FARGELE a7, "at het Sou war improving hut of the Boston organization, will play | xnq planing mills at Dunnville, mety their many friends in the city. Willan "Swale. pi o Solicitors for or jontarlo. | wore allowed to see him as yet. It a he rand Theatre, Easter Monday "at stole $600. : is not| MERCANTILE EXECUTIVE Orders Poceivad at 100 Clergy st: AEA Ae rn. ons iti 1 h uebec reports maple sap is no , "phone wv. To. pdsted that Np sondition gn The plece is fortunate in having | running freely and expects high MER Ts tive of the| The Ontario Observatory intims 00rs pital in about a month. such a completely qualified cast of | prices for syrup: A meéting of he stteyt ball Lea-| that higher temperatures are : singers, dancers and comedians, and | After being deat for 40 years, Mrs, | Kingston Mercantile expected in a few days. WHLIE Cont a Wi me Lo --. Mata a lve ven li: of nears, eurd orgs 1 Whe Wl. 00 Hussy svninh| "Hho tafe plans fo Is being observed for eight | 1800, ell up W. H. HUBBLE for a rea ; having so clever a vehicle, which) music over the radio. sonable price. Also ait kinase ot cur] SNE Could Never | ia. maximum returns to their ef-| Police believe. infant whose body| discussed. Nothing definite was de-| 3 0 community In Kingston. penter find Jobing work, | D The Things forts. ' The music by Rudolph Friml was found in discarded ofl well at| cided on. A meeting of the Mercan~ A chimtiey fire at 983 'I 2 PLUM ST. PHONE 1430-W. 0 and Herbert Stothart is little less | Petrolea was murdered. tile League will be held on Thurs- |, i ot noon on Wednesday on than enchanting, presenting such! Raymond Manchester, aged five, | day night next. some excitement but there was RA A Ae eet Other Girls Did h ea A New Beauty Parlor] sue 13. som sot, ane, |e 2 eer" End | vr"Govie "0 RECEAS U --_-- tae : . om, ¥ | playing near a creek. : week for 1 0 HAS BEEN OPENED BY Yat agest 1a ol} twa fini Shouldn't We?" and "Door of My (reat. Britain has decided not to A Phi ids of bh MEETING, Soft- | ges at Cheat abe and Hie MISS L palpitation and 'nerve trouble for Dreams." The plot revolves about the support Spain's claim for a per: ball League is being held on Friday Principal B. O. Sliter, of the several years. love of a former member of the Cana: | manent League Council seat. i ot ten o'clock in the Y. M.|legiate Institute, is laid I could never do the 1hiags other dian Northwest Mounted Polige for a| Berlin man was given £8,000 by Ion ne the purpose of organising | to lliness. W. J. Saunders, on | girls did, that is, in of |dainty French-Canadian girl. And | public subscription after fasting 44 for the season. It Is expected that | teaching staff at the 836 Princess St. sports, skating, ete, and sould fever | how the chorus can sing and dances, days, beating Italian record. or Rh be a large attendance at| also on the sick list. N -- et depend on myself at work. "Totem Tom Tom" danced by a host First attempt' to climb Mount the meeting. The great success of Mr. T. Louttit, & missionary ita ion About six months age I bega® |p oi in Totem Pole costume is one | Washington in New Hampshire with Je League last season warrants| Central Africa, will .glve an The KINGSTON OLEANERS || taking : of the most unusual pieces of stage-| dog team was ended by storm. : ag ter success this year. lustrated lectiire at the - AND DYERS r 4 y craft ever seen In musical comedy.| The federal department of health | ®ve Sreater succ re Tabernacle to-night at eig! || Cletin anything. (hat can be cleaned TREE] Good seats are still 'available. will be placed under the Minister of ? expected (0 wear a special ¢ \ V Labor, Premfer Ki & h ! 4 ART Seis or, em! ng announces, . 0. OOE & P. BARRETT Two Ves-els Office: 80 Arch Street. 'Phone 1225 ; NOTES FROM KEPLER. S------------------ Call and delive WT: } THE VOICE FROM WBBM. r. oll { - ; 3 Cold, Weather Has Been a Drawback : Here For ------ N-- - : 7 to the Sick, American foe skates may be i Kepler. Mareh 30.--Some of the Sum-- troduced into Latvia. : Jont Suit he iil § wat M9 |firmers have tapped their sugar An ota a ia oS Soaks. sub #0 mi or 1 A id grateful | bushes, but owing to the cold weath~ ficiently to allow. departure, the tugs for what your Pills have dons for | er there is no sap. Keplerites called of the Pyke Tow'ig and. Salvage me." at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Company will proceed to Hamilton : Put up only by The T. Milbura | Garrett, who were recently married, © | to bring the steamers Kenora and J Qo, Limited, Toronto, Ont. oa Friday evening, and spent a very Canadian to Kingston to go into the : pleasant evening in games, ete. | Collingwood Shipbuflding dock for - oa Mr. Riley has moved to the city repairs. NOTICE and George Keyes has moved back During the winter, where the 4 or his farm here, which for the - | boats were harbored at Hamilton, last two years, has been-occupied by| = MR. C. ALBERTSON Mr. Riley.' The many - friends of : ; Mrs. W. H. Horning are sorry to Has opened a Repair Shop at]learn that shesstill Sontisues suite red i ill, | Mrs. Stanley Hansen re- 452 Frontenac St. turned home, after spending the| | : winter with ber parents in-Saskat-| chewan. ©. V. Hansen is suffering trom an attack of appendicitis. 5 Mrs. Jane Donttell has veturned tof ber home in the €ity after spending the winter with her son here. The Sobbath school will reopen nest Sun-| day after being closed fur the winter

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