Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1926, p. 14

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J March 31, 1026, | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC a a 3 e Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place _-- ' BIRTHS. - Help Wantea Real Estate For Rent. OUT 'OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS. Business. y March 30th, mmm : wi PE 4 26, Dr ok Mra. 7 C. Hamilton Male Wanted 2 Roovw 10 . = = . ell t (nes Eileen Cooper), & Son. IE PARE wi --sientiie sien ; STORAGR--For 1 ROOMS -- In cemtral locality to, let airy rooms and spi DEATHS. novelties; all types of window leitérs| "Phone 1587-w. Sud Koy Front out Flatorn Ontario, on & 398 Quien St. ir City om. sib 1 -- trem oh Kinguton, Geriecal Hos2l, Ey Dy Das Mf boss him. | TWO ROOMS--Furnished: suitable for light housekeeping; on bathroom fiat; rosi- 1118-3 gas for cooking. Possession April BOYD'S STORAGE Wi from her late mn Py Sohn Birart, on, Triad | = Female Help Wanted 8% Apply to ST Wellington Street eeet Bling g at 11 o'clock to CW Wanted To Rent 11 ¥ " wii March COOK AND HOUSEMAID -- Wanted. % n 'Phone 111 FURNISHED ROOM---Wanted by young { ter, Y 76, Hugh F. pay as couple, for light housekeeping, tn or 2 104 | COOK~General, Apply fin person 0} , 0 Bortemouth. Apply Box G-29, R. Davies, 138 Lower Albert Whig Office. peter ork ©0] sidence, from his "Fhursday afternoon Mrs. W. k street, on ul Street, Kingston. cod fioors .a 2.00 o'clock to Catarag - a. --e ort respectfully | EXPERMENCED MAID--Wanted. refer- Real Estate For Sale Breer "rahe m and acquaintances ences required. Apply 134 Ordnance cui ted to sttend. St., or phone 719-J. Farms and. Land 12 Lost and Found 3 | GIRL--To do housewor . Apply 363| Lila 0 teres Kingston Township, 7 ' . McDonald Street. 'Phone 2049. miles from Kingston, 1 mile south of s--Cisaned out. of {de 8, Sinan Jo Son Ay ree NING VEIL -- Found in A press | ogg hrook, some excellent garden urday. Owner MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW--Or unmar- failing well; solid brick "Suliding o the Whig Office. | Tied Woman for country home, to help | Jenc: even INE, WELL #ouf nO look after two children. Apply to Box| ),, Sheehan property. Apply Mra. ae Bore from = strayed from 113 14, Seeley's Bay, Ont. Kenny, Westbrook. Jars penora, sereln mn : 3 . Saturday. Em SATII wo Tr sale atl 2 a ve address, or tele-| Male and Female Help Wanted 8b Business Places 18 A Buckley : ranster, 143. ork | 3 x ne = Sie 'S WANTED--- To pats R--On ne 4 3 SILVER ontaining ME aD WV Cursons Barber Shop. BRICK BLOCK. of Hain tres Wor s H DRIVING -- m of money, found at corner | Men's hair cuts, 25¢. Shaves 10c. Boye' rtments: ground floor could be teams, Sure . i apa Wel On, Streets at hair cuts 15c. Ladies, 250. 301 Wel- thened into service station and auto- team ork Sen i rion may heve same Bt| jington Street. mobile ow rooms with very little ex- Shvasly pansies 0 Upp . 1 amount down. ance one 1 Ly #5, SELL HOUSEHOLD NEOESSITIES| DSU - » : ALY PEN--Gold Morrison Foun- | "Greatest, imaginable demand: have | COUId be arranged. Fob further infor Expert Piano. with mais of owner engrav. | business of your own: make five dol- the ee Player-Plano J t ) kat. Also oa Eversnarp ars up daily; capital or experience Houses 140 Ph o er please urn to the | unnecessary. B. Garretson, Brantford, one ones Ont. Cow. LINDSAY, te ncn: | BRICK HOUSE Semi-detached; ? UPHQLSTERIN Gand toricise hell rim. Man and ted rooms and bath; modern improve. ING. an Princess Street Wife Wan Be ments. Apply to 44 Ordnance St. lng, Leave orders a 5 . Haro » Prone 1600-J, WELL DRILLING AND ~Now is the time to : Best and ner SAY | gy A NTED-----A 1 table man and wife ES ERE street, or tele- without hildren to act as janitor for mRICH HE AI ak oh al} a eo ie, Aor! Abie ofa" | Nelaon Bireet, all improvements"3h BD GLASSES-=Lost : 80 us BEReSE. "Phone T04 or TEIN h: or on street Fin: Posi Princess Street. "Phone 704 or rr : { HA to 45 Clergy Bt. W,, Wanted 6 Sure to give. sat ist reward. NEW HOUSE. rooms, barn, acres Water, COOK (RALE)--Pirst class, All round, land; for fred, for 32.500. be: jie House; Gaianogus, at et. Own-| wants position. Meats and stry, etc.| able for or - Y - ve iy Office. M sage Single man. a ly Weth- gon 'Phone 1083-m, or call at 332 | rt DA WY erington, 89 Queen Street, RR ngston. Tniversity Avenue. andl ass fo 'a ntaining a sum of er kind ommunicate with Real Estate For Rent 4 B. CUNNINGHAM o ied / in, 347 Brock Street. Tele Real Estate 1310-3. : Apartments and Plats 7 insurance and Loans 13 Clarence Sires. KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND. . -- for .. , Bator, | Owner 'may ave GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT.Four TEN-ROOMED HOUSE--Brick, all mod- spa Cus Auto, Buggy. by PDIying 'to above store. TOOTS. 3 ads Tig BOALer: 3 ern improvements. at 363 Barrie Street, i + ; i Cougs bodies, Celtfornia ets, ® n | a rincess In y On prem- v range, hot Water heating. $45.00 a paar pp Pp Co COOMN. 2 JRwilLams, : i lng meant 3 Bhs 2s 1 w tec month, ply 186 Queen Street o: : - Help Wan 'phone 1132. $6,200.00--Brick, 9 roams, h.w.h, hw.t, : \ fi lac arage, barn. Male Help Wanted 2 | BEATED APARTAENT--Corner Barrie on le Toms. modern, gars Articles For Sale. Articles For Sale Business ss Service Antomotiies" For § ees | 804 Princess Streets, algo stores on| age, central. Terms. WANTED To sell week-end pac | Princess Street, centrally located, with| Four farms close to city. Would ex: Miscellaneous 15 Fuel ana Feed 18 Persona: A ia 8 bene, aro . Smith, Barrack | rear entrances. Apply I. Cohen & Co. | chang. al a 3 Ontario Street. Phone 834. Insurance. Money to loan. PIANO. -- Mon & Risch Upright | DRY BODY HARDWOOD Dry hard| GENTLEMAN. Wishes lo correspond | Absorbers, 1426 Ii Kin EE O'CONNOR. Tightly used; in perfect condition.| 5nd soft wood Slabs. We handle none| with & lady of good reputation; he! APDly 23 Flum Strest or ph 35 years old, wanted to Business IMaces 8 35 Princess "Biren 'Phone 1189-J. sign Teasona ble. s to suit. C.| Dut the best. 'Phone 2516-w. J. GC ssesses a falr amount of means, Ob. |= rem " Sal qentistry. Of drtun« WN. Dindsey A 1g ¥eincess Street Swain, Jest matrimony. Apply Box E-27, FORD COUPE---19356 Bt ber. Arp ash & | DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in E. W. MULLIN - g Office. . Ures, spat light, % Ses lng A April 18%. | "Ontusio Chambers, corner King andy Real Estate and Insurance Broker ee Bureks Re-|{MARDWOOD-Dry body maple $3.75 per S motor n 00. Clarence streets. Possession 1st of Johnson and Division Streets trigerators; cnly used short time. Sutt- load. Dry ha ood Sh er load. Hemstitching 23 whist' wiper 4h ather e May. Apply King and Smythe, 71-72| Phone 53§-w. See Advi Page 3 gbie for srocer or butcher, Ap Dry, mixed '$3.00. soft maple Apply L.A. Wartmian, Co yr SCHEESEMAKER -- | Clarence St, Kingston, Ont. ©. Wathen: 137 Nelson Street. Tele-| S378. Sput fic gra" Ory kindi'o8| PICOT EDGING -- _ Hemstitching. : Creek Cheese TRS RBSIDENCE--8olid brick, in good con- a 1381-J. Fader cover, $2.75 per load. Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs |p ------ i for season 1926. Duties to T @| dition: all conveniences; 325 Univer- 433-3. Mn Ray y Parker, corner John-| Irjeid, 362 Barrie, Street, near Princess iE Neon April 20th tm wtwnderns sity Avedue. In very désirable loctl-| gET OF SURVEYORS INSTRUMENTS Son and McDonald. Streets Street. 'Phone 2433-J. Eo 8) ¥ a Ge. The make in thie | BRICK NOBSK--No. 1 Vistoris Tor-| houes or 'phone 1483-w. Thor sale: Apply fo Walkem &| PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE COAL 3 Season Was over 150,000 | race, Montreal Street, to let. Possea- am ~--Carload stove in now. Carioad of 'Ladies' Hair Parlor 24 : For particulars apply to| sion lst of Mey. King & Smythe. Artloles For "Sale. SECOND HAND COOK STOVE In| SUSSMUSITEd end veady for Gistes IVE INE INNS oe Donoghue, v. ter-| 71-78 Clarence St, Kingston, Ont. food condition, for sale. 'Phone 1040.1 gGalivered off cars. C. W. Neville. ALL A CLASS AIR FORK { oo. - BRICK MOUSE--$§ rooms, at 130 Bagot Secenlancons o - Tod RDER --Lad qre » ] ; Bs p Te ration oh SH pe eg UR a hea " rae HY ihe App 2°48 Oo wasn postr Php Mr $2.78 hood maton: ngoine, our io Tadley and [' | TR & a ply J. B. Cooke, 'Phone 603 or 1731-3, | EASTER SUITS -- From $20.00, with| borne Street. Josd slabs. $3.50 loa; body hardwood Epiiafin's rte, Ws Cun ) easy terms of payment: large selec- i ee Tragloat: $400 quarter oord. J. Peters & Son, Ragham, ie 2900.7 eo ngston. 3 BRICK HOUSE--On Sydeuham Strest| tion of newest patterns. 'Phone 2208-w.| VIOLINARton us. Strada sie roer Toronto snd Brock § D & % ho . 1 Fovma. with | 3 rooms in attic, | J. G. Patterson, 180 Johnston Street, Ii good soma aiobat, Renmona bie. hy poly ad $89. 5 Vi A : May a. 1, He Isle: 1 BARRED ROCKS--Brown and White 'rnom Mars owe Best of Wood $3.00 Al He Sydmbom Street. Leghorns, White Jr yandottes, fing lot. NTLE--Q Cut Oak "quarter of a "ord; "hardwood slabs FRENOH 5 Ho «oo WA it with Tesnse; Also one 6 hen canary. guil a ftor § ©'~ WA o6, Chestertuid Siar tor ut Qa under sgver, ELH, 5 a aware ot & Gurling, k oon tires and guarante ul reet. > ar od ustom FURNISHED tea a wishes to| clock.' estn gther 'articles. Apply 'to 883 Barrie ors ord. peliverea a. Suuaaers Wood | attention Svea Ro Th Both iil i - "bit has decided that §hare E8Y Jue. For particu. S--Robes a bargain; second| Street in afternoon and evening. Yard, and under Er oaod Switzer, 287 Queen Street or ap- |] car, but has dec that he Sat "hana 8 gt Dise Harrow: 3 Seis SOUR AUTO PARTE--Bliverwhre oan Phone 10 2966-d. ointment "phone 2018", a new Ford Coupe. He hai B HOUSE--§56 Albert Street, 6 room our new 'Coc ul sc se : bath, ciectrie light. gus. bi yard. Ren: prifle; 3 Spring Tooth Culdivaior, Lion "be repiaied ike "ron Works. Gates, Wanted To Buy 10 . " p, * at is wiling 1 SONA ssion at once. Ap- ro 0! BI tof Take, 1 nn poras: AD and Milkers af Frost & Wood Agency. Fefices, otc. close prices. ASHES--And other fill wanted at new p hi FF. Ci 31 Brock Street. "Phone school, on McDonald Street. Will pa HoUSK I 138 Jeliington Stret, s Bas- J. or 1317-F. 10c. iF load if delivered on grou 7 4 VanLuvenB a mace, electric and gus, P| « Wal 96 IF test jr i 3 piece bath. Wil re-decorate to suit | FISH AND CHIPS..The oldest fish and Bee * t - Watts, 3s Fromsnte For thy vety 1a 1s ladies FORD ; Lemans. Possession May er 1a mut | K hip oats in city. W. F. Readen. 300| | Two Electric Motors hair dressing. AES ® to 53 Clergy Street East. Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.00 " LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE ay 1609. am. We deliver. 'Phone 2635-m. For Sale Bus Services P HOU ~ Seven rooms; all improve- USEHOLD EFFECT sth : A B. KINGSBURY, ments; furnace; good garden; near car | HOU 'S~Consisting of . line. Possession at noe. Apply 25| Furniture, dishes, pictures and linen. 1 horse power Wagner Matos alloring and Pressing 20) 0, princess Steet, | 'Phond 3015-J. Livingston Avenue. 'Phone -n. Apply Mra L. BE. Guess, 381 Brook St ~--1800 R.P.M., 80 cycle, 320 W. ROBERTSON Tailor. Cissning Seah hte fh rfid ui W took the ( \ volts, A.C. IN «Tailor, Cleaning, Insurance 25 e HOUSE-98 Earl Street, 9 rooms and 3| NOTICE This week only, all grades of Sreesing, pion: Buits made to In attic; 3 pi toflet; 1 -| Mattresses renovated for $2.15. Reg: 1 horse Cushman order. in stock. 20.00 \ ing: slectrid lighting; piss Poh br Fprice $4.00. New tick extra at Motor, 1800 RP. 60 cycle, up. 273 Bagot ' png DB. SLITE ER, insurance Brolter, os, © KNIGHT fans, etc. Sunshine furnace, heating cost. Also new Mattress at reduced 110 volts, 1 phase. companies of highest financial stand. ; i : HH. satisfactory. Ga ¢ and stables. A rices. 'Phone = 1881-J. ' Frontenac in 281 Ki Scroe Bast. 'Phones AND EMBALMER Iy for key at Gilbert's Grocery, 1 H attress. Co., 377 King Street Kast. Frofesstonar wo 2oTaw Ri 7 nig ree Yarker, yetons, rie St. 'Phone 354. ,¢ NEWCOMBE--Upright Piano, in good British Wii Pub, Co. UGLESS PRACTITIO - HOUSE--Corner Colborne"and Sydeu-| condition. ay Birch Avenue, or ea corner of Hg and rin: FIR Beuil tomdbile and Casutity Anaur- : ham streets, § nooms; 257 Rideau St. | 'phone 2347;m, 1 cess Streets. Chiropractic sdjust-| "Phone 1782-M. % - FLOWERS Tooma; 61 Susen Street, ¢ Teoma: all eT cme: -- en KING or PRONE 2014. ments, slestrio treatments and ha each. ueen a NT) Ford se a - DING BOUQUETS Street. Telephone 356-w. Truck; gives extended wheel base and | oe free. "Hours 8:13 am; ioe a: INSURANUB--Only . the, most cies & FORD TOURING 1 FLORAL DESIGNS gv nooMED MOUSE -- To let on State: loading shuce. First rvasgnible Building Materials 16 Etnings vy y ointment Grice dei Strange. catablisned in 116) onile: 3 CT at PATRICK'S Charlee Street, slsotrie Light and ges. s lor Touring, nearly new. bation R ros. ox ut 2 one ~J. | Clarence Street, opposite Post O FORD JOURING 192 y to ormgm, o sacr or ' eeple . » and Jennie A., Chiro- OID! - | With Starter... Jiowsn ston {| SRL. phune 3 mall, T Frlnome Sirioc Tana bud SATE REE Rh SU be Si OO RR SR : 4632 and 1218-J. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE) piece bath, PURE _ BRED-TOLAY _ DARRED| js. Samples at ¢3¢ Johnson Street| 150°0; 30 Consultation fur® "1% of Fire and Automobile insurance. E. FORD TOURING oe a en rr a ORD COUPE 18: er mol o per cen -- CarnoveRy, 70 Princess Street. anteed live delivered. Give us your Marta, Birthmarks, skin" cancers Decorators | 20 SOLID BRICK HOUSE Wight rooms | hatched If desired. Marshall King: gi on pes ye atiatactory Glusess : furnmes and all conveniences, situate| ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. © | furs ture 4 sold Sant Bn hed after oth thers 8, ited and| J . ANDERSON---Painter and Decorator, near Cl Park. Possession May 1st. ef, 07 Pri a successors to Sunished cured without' ration. 38 Shop and residence 'phone 1966. Of A & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence | PONY-=For sale; 11 hands... Quiet to| Leases Antique Sho o sxperince. Dr. er J. Lake, fice 2183 King Street. on, Ont. drive. Apply J. T. Eves, 171 Raglan ye, Ea Thront, Skin. YOUR PAINTIN a in Road. Fuel and Feed 18 t Street. Phone 301w. House 11 EE TOUR FAINTING.A nevis: "Wall Bargains, opportunities, positions, | PIANO=--Upri nearly new. Sacrifice Raper for sa Bryant, 307 Earl St service--~you are missing them if you JA oe hee 1 ving the city, DRY, MIXED WOOR Under cover, Barristers and Solicitors 21b one a miss the Classified section. Bre X% weis Oftice. $5.50 Hadith 1008-3 EY PAPER HANGING -- Why not have = or q 8 Road. We Naty ri rite, =1 that room sind nn be~ Prownish: > and Street. "Phone Jois-w 151 Wr Sine: | ht he Spring Ta 7 Workmanship Fuel F E aoun B/ dL Cuarier Susraniond + fetsonihly peices. fat 4 or Every Purpose FRA ots] TARE § BL Ri ou edn, Ts jg samples. FORD TUDOR American Anthracite in Egg, Stove, Chestaut, Pea and Hmbar ah ie Anas) On is Cunningham, PAINTING). & Robinson, rear Split_Pea. ul 3753-3. W. rest "Hamilton Coke in Stove and Nut sizes. Pea Coal and H. BAL AND REVELLE--Butistery and 3 Coke mixed. tore, Clarence Street, Financial 20 pe : 00D. Or Slabs INSU pita Pocabontas Smokeless Lump. Kentucky Semi-Smokeless "Heed sand In tha Tard. or 3.80 large De nt eval 3 1 a; i and Black Gem. Gelivered: FRONTEN. LOAN nh INV 3 y and Hard, Dry Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs and Food S12 whe ln 2 oad ER EERIE 2 SF of flnsurt . : : . 5, jusntity P. ton. Siie| raged city and of PHONE Stow. Coal for Grate Fires, Smithing Coal. ' Wighest coal or screened 'at $14 2500. it ---- grade Boft Coal. : En oOSer. at 190 Welimgrsn St. . : All under r. &L 290 bf St, el Barrister iad Sou. Soli- 2 es CER J es & ited 2 Rot Iphone T440-w. W. C. Braton a Jam Swift Ca... Lim \ | maa wo BEER RE i nv ' | ply H i Co, | Sol w Offi EEL your: wv 8 AT VERY Foot of Johnson Street. 'Phone 135. Sotner Princes on] Bog, Svar Royal Bask. fines | both you ang. your rumarons. | {BRINGING UP FATHER on 2 4 ¢ : 32 . it . reasonable, INGING UP FATHER = =: uo "uu & 8 a a nn a #8 _.3 29 Zt & =m ilu . MAGGIE LET ME GO OUT TWO MH | es nema ALONE Srna My by WITHOUT ME: Ati 2 WONDER, IF IM SONNA GIT QUT TONIGHT m=

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