March 31, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Wednesday, GODKINS LIVERY tant, for a par- pha an te ag a ris 2 KINGSTON TRANSFER CO £188 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, ete. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGFS 'Phones 877. Evenings 2231. General Insurance Plate Glass Liability Baggage Auto Burglary Guarantee Bonds. #1 & West Life Assurance 106 Wellington Bt. Phone 256. Bb PIANO TUNING * Plano Tuning, Tepairing and Buy ton of Alberta Coal--just a Hmited amount left. Alberta Coal .. nut size, clean $18.00 | Aylsworth Bros. U. R. Knight 1795-w. EE ---------- Phone 316 | Tongue Was Coated | | { | Bad Taste In Mouth Every Morning Mrs. J. RB Adams, Assiniboia, Bask., writes: For months I was | troubled with a coated tongue, and bad a bad taste in my mouth every morning. ; One day I saw where your Milburn's were advertised for just such a con- dition as mine, so I went at once * and bought three vials of them, but after using one-and-a-half, all my troubles disappeared." > For 32 years Laxa-Liver Pills have been put up only by The T. Milbura Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. DR. Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. I et Nar i DR. RUPERT P. MILIAN DENTIST 4 Princess Street. "Phone 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Loosen Up That Cold With Musterole Have Musterole handy when a cold starts. It has all'of the advan of thers mustard plaster WITH- UT the blister. Apply it with the fingers. You feel a warm tingle .as the Made, of pure oil \of mustard and other simple i ienits, Musterole is recommended by many nurses and doctors. Try Musterole for bronchitis, sore throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheu-*" matism, lumbago, croup, asthma, neu- ia, congestion, pains and aches of the back or joints, sore muscles, sprains, bruises, chilblaing, frosted feet, colds of the chest, It may prevent pneumonia FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Local snd long distance, An Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. | | { | J.C.W. BROOM HORIZONTAL 1. Scrutinizes, 6. To stupefy, 11, Valiant man, 12. Writing fluid. 14. That learned by memorizing. Alleged force pro- ducing hypnotism. Dizzier, Upon, * Spider's home. . Tusks. 3. To soak flax, . Sun god. Devoured. Myself. . Wise. . "Rodents. To allow deferment of stock delivery. . Glazed Clay. . Officious. . Point of compass, . Secreted. . Opposite point of . Period. . Dad. 15. 16. | 19. 20. 29 . Verbal. . Piles. ~ [ wo . Vague. | C2 02 BO Bo bo © © 00 oF oy in 20 RO he tribe. w = houses. OIRIE : 3-30 Answer to Tuesday's Crossword Puzzle: compass. . To loiter, . Principle. . Morindin dye. . Contrasted with phonetic. . Bottom of the shoe. . Tumor of the eye. 7. To puff up. VERTICAL ., . Exhibits. To surrender. . Measure of area. . Wooden peg. . To make a mistake. . Therefore. . One of an Indian . Portable canvas . Thought. . Child's air toy. | CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | 8 17. Neuter pronoun, 18. Exclamation of in- ' quiry, 21. Propping. 23. Withdrew, 25. Leg joint. 27. Pairs, 28. Perched. 29. Female sheep. 30.. To knock. 31. Drunkard. 45. A gash. } 37. Sews skirt edge. 38. To refute. 40. Compartment in a stable. 42. Plant from which bitter drug is made. 43. Toward. 44. Seventh note in scale, 46. Jewel of delicate color, 48. Corded cloth. 49, Bovine animal. 152. Sixth note in scale. "56. Second note in scale, --~ RADIO Payne, Thursday, April 1. CKAC, Montreal (411). 4 p.m.--Weather, stocks, grain. 4.45--Dance tea from the Wind- scr Hotel. 8.30-- Canadian National Rali- ways concert, using €, N. R. M. as call letters. 11.30-- Organ recital by through courtesy of Mr. Har- Buddy ACID STOMACH GAS, INDIGESTION Chew a few Pleasant Tablels ~Stomach Feels Fine! Instant stomach relief! Harmless! The moment '"Pape's Diapepsin" reaches the stomach all distress from acid stomach or indigestion ends. Im- mediate relief from flatulence, gases, heartburn, 'palpitation, fullness or stomach pressure. : Correct your 'digestion for a few cents. Millions keep it handy. Drug- gists recommend it. A -------------------------- THE LATE FRANK McCORMAC. Lived Nearly All His Life in Odessa Vicinity, Odessa, March 30.--The friends of Frank McCormaec were sorry to hear that he passed away at his late home in Kingston, where the fun- eral was held in St. Mary's Cathe- dral and the remains placed in King- ston vault to be interred in the fam- ily plot here later. Mr. McCormac was born and lived practically all bis life in this vicinity and was very highly respected and considered one of the most honorable of men. To mourn his loss are five daugh- ters, Mrs. John Mooney and Mrs, Fowler, Kingston; Mrs. Charles Mooney, Westbrook; Mrs, Mahar, Marysville, and Mrs. Joseph Lawlor, Odessa, and one son, Peter McCor- mac on the homestead. The de- ceased had reached the great age of eighty-one years. Miss Elizabeth Sharpe, spending the past six .weeks with. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, has returned to her home. at Champ Smith's. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cairns, who have been guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cairns, return- ed to their home in Windsor last Friday. Mrs. Darius Smith has re- turned from spending a few days with her son, Vernon Smith, King- ston. Mrs, 8. J. Sproule left last Friday to visit her sister at Port Huron. Mrs. John Mancur spent the week- end with relatives in Napanee, The many friends of Mrs. D. BE. Smith were sorry to hear that she has been in the Kingston General Hospital for the past two weeks. er -- pras-- ee SEER ~ Windows - Some real bargains in large glazed win- dows for those who can make use of th 9/3 for hot bed sash or any other purpose. Al most as good as new and at half the cost. LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO | Ss. ANGLIN CO. LMT ' "Private Branch Exchange *Phone 1571. were motored to the home of Joseph McConnell's, the 'occasion being Mr. McConnell's birthday anniversary, The evening passed very pleasantly with music, dancing and cards. The hostess served a dainty. lunch which was enjoyed by all, Last week a fine evhihit of man- ual training work wwe shown in the windows of W. R. Lake's store from the primary room of the public school. The general opinion was that the boys, who ranged from eight to twelve years of age, de- served a great deal of praise for the taste and cleverness displayed in their work. All hope that the sub- ject may be added permanenily to the list of studies, ree ------ Babcock-Babeock Nuptials, Harrowsmith, March 30.--A quiet wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents at Harrowsmith; at™l2 o'clock noon, on Wednesday, March 10th, when Irene Maude, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barnett . Babcock, was united In marriage to Stanley Clarke Babcock, also of Harrowsmith. The cere- mony took place under an arch of evergreens and was performed by Rev. W. W. Brown, Alice Babcock, sister of the bride, acted as brides- maid, and Mr. Floyd Snyder assisted MAKING HER BABY CLOTHES The months of preparation for her baby are one of the happiest periods of a woman's life. She stitches each tiny garment with the magic thread of her dreams. Many childless homes B. G. Hamm has sold his farm to Danfel Lemmon the talented young | neople nf Bath staged their popular | play, "The Poor Married Man" in the. town hall, last Friday night, in have been blessed by the coming of a rosy, dimpled baby after Lydia BE. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound has strengthened and restored the wife to a normal, healthy ¢ondition. There H. W. Newman Electric 167 Princess Street. 'Phone Easy terms of payment om CANADA RADIO STO THE RADIOLA SOLD BY Radiola at Radio Headquarters. "Phone 1207. We'll call. 2603 PRINCESS STREET RES Ne va ov the groom. Immediately after ¢ ceremony, dinner was served by Arthur Embury. Only the § alo relatives of the contrasting pam tes wére present. On Friday evening, March 1 a reception was held at the home the bride's parents. Many gifts were received, showing esteem in which the young co are held. They will reside Harrowsmith where the groom prosperous farmer. ry Dahn,. manager of the Capital Theatre. Program, March, Pomp and H. L. BRYANT 854 Division Street. 'Phone 1753.) Buckwheat Coal For Spencer Furnaces Fresh mined -------------- Torches guided coal men in livering fuel during a recent fog in England. a... The first railway constructed in Austria since the war has recently been opened. Constantinople and Warsaw may soon be connected by airplane. -------- STOPS CORN =all pain is nothing so dependable to overcome Circumstance, Elgar: selections, Ca-| Wednesday evening a number of the ills of womankind as this old vallera Rusticana, Mascagni; songs, | neighbors, relatives and friends| fashioned root and herb medicine. (A) Always; (B) Song of Songs; = -(C) A Cottage Small. Selections, Sunny South, arranged by N. H. Pcyne; Requests, Berceuse, Jocelyn; The Rosary, Nevin; Moment Musi, cal, Schubert. Selection, French Ca- nadian Airs, arranged by Norton H. Payne. behalf of the Beulah church. Last . R McRae & Co. -- CNRM, Montreal (411). 8.30 p.m.--Schubert Choral Night by The Schuberts, under the direc- tion of Mr. J. N. Walkley. . m= eg Lackawanna Coal - COAL $9.00 per ton No Advertisement : W. A. MITCHELL & Co. 3, Telephone 67. SEE OUR RANGE Zed this truth long | MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Spring Suits and Topcoats $18 to $30 All Iatest styles and colors iii Prevost's Est'd 1871. 55 Brock St. "The Home of Good Clothes" CRCL, Toronto (857). 7 to 8 p.m.--Whaley Royce Hour | of Music. L KDKA, Pittsburg (309). 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. 8.30--KDKA Little Symphony or- chestra. 9 ----Cantata, "Patience, Pardon aud Peace," by St. Peter's Lutheran cholr, accompanied by Little Sym- phony orchestra. 11--Pittsburgh Post midnight re- vue. " WJAZ, Chicago (822.4), 10 to 12 Pi RIE tian male chorus; Mildred Bolan, cont- ralto; Grace Hanson, violinist; Charles Graves, tenor; and Mary Pearce Niemann, pianist. A goes at 4d t ks 2 and goes away altogether. dance, wear tight shoes all you want. For your own sake try "GETS-IT." At druggists. Costs ly a cents, WSAL Cincinnati (326). 7 p.m.--Programme from WSAI studios. 7.30 to 10 pm. -- Programme from Station WEAF, New York. ---- + WEAF, New York (492). 6 to 12 p.m.--Dinner music from Waldorf - Astoria Hotel; Mid-week Hymn Sing; The Larkinites; Hire's OLD TIME -HOME MADE ENERGIZE! over- from 6.05 ra Harvesters; Cl Silvertown Card orchestra; Dance programme; Casa Lopez orchestra. WRC, Washington (469). 8 p.m.~--U. 8. Army Band. 8.30-- Radio movie presentation 8---The Sesquicentenjal, a $15--The Y. M. sad TAH ioquot Club Eskimos; Salon orchestra. 9--Royal 10.15---The Record Boys. 10.30--Le Paradis Band. wIP, (508.2). Club orches- b.m.--Pagoda n CANDIES Ever popular for their rich, rare flavors. Loved for their pure wholesomeness. Famous the world over. DELICIOUS -- WHOLESOME -- SATISFYING hit