Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1926, p. 9

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THE DAILY BRITIS RT Church Services on Sunday op was glad when they said unto me, Lel us go inlo tue House of the Lord.' '--Psalm exxii., 1. 8t.* Paul's--Easter Day. Holy | Faster services and Easter music. | . Holy communion | 7 p.m., The Conclusion of the Book Preacher, Canon W. F.|ol Revelation--a city made by God. [11 a.m. [7 tzGerald, M.A. Sunday school 3 |A cordial invitation to all. 4 * * Easter Cards, Bibles, | o'clock. Evening prayer 7 o'clock. ) » Prayer Books, Rosaries | Preacher, Canon W. F. FitzGerald, Chalmers Church of the United | ' | Church of Canada--NMinister, Rev. | " ) _ | George Brown, M.A, B.D. Public! ; hn ; 77 +N " . St. John's Charch, Portsmouth-- | Worship 11 am. and 7 p.m. con- ' A d ? <x BY : . A. B.. Smart, rector. Easter |ducted by the minister, Easter 3 A 5) 5 Co = . | Dy. 8.30 a.m., holy communion; | music and Easter sermon theme, 3 2 F ' C 11 a.m. holy communion and ser-, P.m., Sunday school. A cordial wel- | y d] < / 'a i 3 ; mon. Preacher, the rector. 3 p.m, | come for all I i Cholce Body Hardwood, 3 ae ANNOUNCING SMILE prayer and sermon. Preacher, Rev. The United Church of Canada! Kindling and Slabs, THE BEST OF ORANGE DRINKS J. O. Crisp, M.A, Sydenham street--Rev. W, T. G. Chas. Bedore & Son Manufactured exclusively by -- Brown, minister. Services 11 a.m. St. James' Church, corner Union [ad 7 p.m. Easter themes and Has-| avd Barrie streets--T, W. Savary,| lef music at both services. Fellow-| rector. Baster Day. 7 a.m., holy|slip class at 10 a.m.; Sunday school | communion; 8 a.m. holy commun-| asd Bible classes at 2.45 p.m. Mid-| fon; 11 a.m. morning prayer and| week services on Wednesday at § | holy communion, Sermon subject, p.m. "The Lord is Risen." 3 p.m., Sun- -- 840 NELSON STREET day school service. Preacher, Rev. Pip Stat Chutes 5 The Unit- | 'Phone 1746J. W. H. Smith. 7 p.m., evening pray-| ed Church cf Canada. Minister, W. THE ELDER AERATED WATER WORKS vine Redemption." "I am the Resurrection," Rhys] ASK FOR "SMILE." Merbert. Duet, "My Faith Looks; I to Ther Somory oan] For adie at all Soda Fountains. Or a case to your home, Resurrection and Personal Ex- Delivered promptly. perience." 7 p.m. Choir: "Gentle, Holy Saviour," Gounod. Quartette, "Up From the Grave He k Arose." Sermon, "Divine Patience and Human Doubt." Visitors welcome, Soloists, Herbert Kidd, E. Warbur- Canada--Rev. John K. Curtis, B.A, nam c oo dane, 3 Dp 11 a.m. subject, "How the | things unto her. baptism. 7 p.m. Evensong. Preach- Resurrection Fulfils the Promise of} Then the same day at evening, be- or. The Bishop of the Diocese. Mag- Jesus." 2.45 p.m., Bible school, 7|ing the first day of fhe week, when Riflcat and Nunc Dimittis, Tours F.|P-™- representative froma the On- the doors were shut where the dis- Anthem. "Awake Thou That Sleep- | trio Prohibition Union will speak. | ciples were assembled for fear of Kinn & d'Est est." (Maker) The R.C.H.A. band Prayer meeting Sunday morning, 7 [the Jews, came Jesus, and stood in ear ere will accompany the organ in the|'!¢ 8 o'clock. Sacrament of Lord's|the midst, and saith uato them, Ses ws for all Kinds 'of Carpentry JEWELLERS hymns, a and lr Supper and reception of new mem- | Peace be unto you. Estimates given on new Soers 168 PRINCESS STREET chorus bers. in the morning service. You| And when he had so . sald, he Have your hardwood floors élean. * are cordially invited. ghewed unto them his hands and his With our mew fSioey cleaning ma- a JOT St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin. : side. Then were the disciples glad, chine, | : Sunday night, at the New Church, ( When they saw the Lord. - cess apd Nelgon streets--Rev, J. de Alfred street, 7.45--Do Good Fri. PN Sia Ma. BD, gg day and Easter Sunday place the : : ~ '| Bible Sabbath in its pMper place on | ey Suey vice Mig iont the Tth day, Saturday. This and] GANANOQUE | and holy communion; 3 p.m., Sun- . day echool. Service and mite box St. Andrew's Preshyterian--Rev Gananoque, April 3.--Mr. and offering. 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 John W. Stephen, minister. Public |Mrs. Roy Copeland, Kingston, are p.m., evening service. Special Fas- worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. conduct- |SPending Easter with Mr. and Mrs. | ter music at all services. Seats free. ed by the minister. Kaster sermons | H. S. Campbell. Strangers and visitors cordially in- and music at both services. Students, | Miss Mildred Jackson, attending vited to attend. eoldiers and strangers cordially in- | Varsity, is home for the holidays. Music. Matins. Easter Anthem vited. Miss Jill Sampson, who was to (chant setting). Choral Psalm, 2. = have spefit Easter with her sister | vestment. Iti insures co fort, r [| Te Deum in Eb (Woodward), Mrs.| Bethel Congregational Church |Betty in New York, was prevented m efinement, satisfac- R. Fletcher and choir. Benedictus| poy Vv. H. Ebersole, minister. 11 from doing so through illness. Sion and happiness. Satisfied with the (chant setting). Anthem, "And Be-|, nm subject, Easter melodi Spec-| Capt. N. C. Jones, Montreal, fis =o Pola! I Am Alive Forevermoro » wy Wis wit or Ing ties, Spec [spending the Wort ad Barre vi h with the quality. When you buy here you have (Sfmper), Mr. H. Birchall and choir. | vii) be celebrated. 3 o. |brother, D. Ford Jones, * the added comfort in knowing that you are pro- : 3.p.m., the Bi | i[ Solo, "O Blest Redeemer," (New- |. ou ° p.m e Bible Frank Wright, who, with his fam- tected from inferior goods Agents: Canada Life Assurance Company. ? p.m. subject, "A Weighty ily, returned from the South a few days ago, gave an interesting talk to THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. ji ten) Mr. H. W. Ide. Evensong. dS 8 os KINGSTON AGENCIES Led. wy en | nd Foy | ws the pupils of the High School on "Phone 147 for Service. |; cat and Nunc Dimittis, in G, (Maun- , " 1 . . First Bantist Chure Rev, MC. Thursday. afternoon on his trip and to oh Easter Gifts Rosary dhaiadhuk Anhui dd Cameo Brooch Nr -- Frigidaire Automatic, Permanent Re- trigerati ion. Send Postcard for Illustrated Booklet W. C. Cannon I: {| TELEPHONE 139-w. BIBBY BLOCK. PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON Fancy Finger Ring St. George's Cathcdral--Rev. W. E. Kidd, M.A., M.C,, .acting rector. Easter Day. 6.30 a.m. and 8 a.m. holy communion; 11 a.m., choral celebration, holy communion. Freacher, Rev."W. E, Kidd. Introit, Telephone 2876. The Elder Aerated Water Works 260 PRINCESS STREET. JACK ELDER, Proprietor. utah Bracelets Umbrella Bead and Leather Bags Anrhahh er and holy communion. Sermon|H. Raney, B.A. B.D., 30 Colborne ' subject, "The Completeness of Di-| Street, Public worship 11 a.m. Choir, | A "Christ Our Passover." Anthem, King. All Glorious, (Barnby). Princess Stredt United Church of -- Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers : Our Big Clearing Furniture Sale "Now We 2 Ou] minister. ee ee Carpenter : Phone 987 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It other questions answered. --- A rare chance to furnish for present or future; use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying in. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY KIND OF INSURANCE A house, flat or a lot, all well located, our "Service Department" is at "your dis- §| dor) Mrs. A. Hinks and choir. An- 11 them, "King of Kings," {Simper) ee aT Himimer. 11 ean Bos or Floris: 5 : Mrs. A. Hinks and choir. Solo, ¥Tho school, 2.46 p.m. 6.45 p.m. song 5 aps 8, Delleville, is home for Angel's Message, (Loud) Mrs. W.| oryice. Evening subject, "Victory . or ° ays. W. A. Peck and Ed Axford. Over Death." The choir will render win Loa Bred to or Sih : United Chureh, The ad cantata at the evening spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. bob: Calvary at her home in Lindsay. -- {OLLEGE~ CROOL pel service, 7 p.m. Several short Friendly Church, Bagot and Charles | las Peck. i Hl sreats--rer. 3, Ber 2% ABS Phares -- + Cadet O. D. Cowan of the Roy Miss Mildred Brown of MacDonald 3 NJ | ister, 11 a.m., "The Risen Lord." Gospel Tabernacle, corner Union | Military College, Kingston, is wit Oollegs, St. Anne do Bellevue, ia 3 pm, Sabbath school. 7 pm. |and Collingwood 'stroets--Lord's | BIS mother, Mrs. F. B. Cowan, for nliiue Suet Mih bee patents . "The Certainty of the Resurrec-| Supper, 11 a.m. Special Easter ser- pasion W. H. Britton, who has been | Miss Lorna Moat, a and 5 { tion." Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-| vice for the children, 3 p.m. Gos- in Ottawa with her daughter, Mrs. Miss Margaret Abernethy, Bowman. 5 a ville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. " W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET GG and STOVE AMERICAN ANTHRACITE ON HAND. Chestnut Coal enrete. Split Pea suitable for Spencer Furnace or to mix with Coke, SOWARDS COAL Co. TELEPHONE 155 : UPTOWN OFFICE: MeGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PAINT JOB NOW Come to the store and get a color chart-- look over the paint stock. We can s (Brushes included), to =| Simon Peter and lf; ciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith per. A hearty welcome to all, The United Church of Canada Cooke's, Brock streéet--Rev. T. J. S. Ferguson, B.A., minister. Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Special --~ addresses will be given. Wednes- day, Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. Thurs- day, Sewing Circle, 2.45 p.m), Fri- day, Bible reading, 8 p.m. All are cordially invited. | THE FIRST EASTER MORN | St. John xx:1-20, The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was dark, utito the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulehre. Then she runneth and cometh to to the other dis- unto them. They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre and | we know not where they have laid him. Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple and came to the sepulchre, 80 they ran both together; and the other disciple did out run Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. And he, stooping down, and look- 'ing in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not ix. Still Enjoying Life at 84 Then cometh Simon Peter follow- ing"him, and went into the sepulchre and seeth the linen clothes lie. And the napkin that was about His head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself, Then went in also that other dis- ciple, which came first to the sepul- clire, and he saw, and believed, For as yet they knew not the Scripture, that He must \rise again from the 'dead. "Then the disciples went away again unto their own home. But Mary stood without at the sepulehre weeping; and as she wept she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre. And seeth two angels in white, sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. And they say unto her, Woman, Achy weepest thou? She saith unto em, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they 'have laid Him. And when she had thus said, she standing, and khiew not that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing Him to be the gar dener, saith unto Him, Sir, if thou have borme Him Hence, turned herself back, and saw Jestwd Barnes, for the past couple of weeks, has gone on to South Porcupine to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Britton, Rev. Father Feeney, Brockville, was the guest of his sister, Mrs, Hap- old McCarney, on Thursday, Owing to rush of business some of our factories were compelled to run yesterday. THe 1.0.D.E. is holding a sale of home cooking in the Town Hall this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.- D. A. Mitchell re- turned yesterday from a delightful holiday in the West Indies, Miss Catherine McDonald and Miss Ethel Brown left yesterday for North Lancaster to spend Eastertide with the former's parents. Messrs. Dobell and Finley, Mont. real, are in town conducting the quarterly audit of the Ontario Steel Products Company. NAPANEE Napanee, April 3.--Mrs. Willlam Templeton and daughter, Mrs. Car- lisle, Winnipeg, left on Friday for Toronto, where they' will spend a couple of weeks with Mrs. Temple- ton"s daughters, Mrs. J, F. Van Every and Mrs. McIntosh. Mrs. W. H. Milsap and family are spending a couple of weeks in Stirl- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr. Charles Burpee is spending Easter in town with his family at the home of Mrs. J. P. Vrooman. Mr. and Mra. A. L. Dafoe are spending Easter with Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKinnon, Renfrew. Miss Helen Grang is spending the Easter holidays in Toronto with her aunt, Mrs. Shaw. Miss Margaret Wootton, of the Col- legiate staff, is the Easter Yacaiion with her parents in May- os W. 5. Hersiugton eft' yor W. R. Lanta at Trinity parsonage. Cadet George Weaver, of the Royal Military College, Kingston, is also a guest at the parsonage. Cadet William Daly returned an Sunday last from Toronto, where He underwent an operation for appen- dicitis, Cadet Daly is improving nicely. EXCLUSIVELY A RESIDEN: TIAL SCHOOL Reginald Wiseman of Syr N.Y., is spending the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Wiseman, and will sing in" Grace Church on Sunday evening. Westbrooke Mission Circle Recently at the home of Miss Ursula and Miss Flora" Sproule, Westbrooke, a meeting of the Mis- pah Mission Circle was held. Ten girls with their honorary president, Mts. A. Hegadorn, and Mrs. 8. M Burt attended the meeting. "The programme consisted of hymns and a reading, followed by a plano solo by Miss Alettea Gates. Report was made of a sum © ney made by the sale of in articles made by the Mission Circle to mem- bers of the W. M. 8. Auxiliary at the meeting of the latter. An election of officers for ensu- ing year was held and the executive now stands as follows: Hon. Presi- dent, Mrs. 8. M. Burt; president, Miss Mossaline Burt; (first vice president, Miss Flora Sproule; treasurer, Miss Alice Gates; secre- tary, Miss Aletha Gates; co ing secretary, Mise Maud B | Three of the girls of this Circle, with Mrs. A, Hegadorn, recently cepted an Invitation to meet Cataraqu! Mission Circle in ) of Mrs, Ernest Cook of Catara and all were charmed by the g time provided by their hostess the girls of the sister organisa Refreshments were served election and busi were ¢o ed and all left with intentioy making the next year the best zat. Mizpah Mission Circle. _ ; Atter a brief fHiness the curred on March 24th of I Wright, wife of the late John | son, formerly of Kitley. She pai away in Smith's Falls. Blanchard and Miss Kingston, attended the Twins doing well, were March 24th to Mr. oy Mrs, Shields, Lansdowne. They are. and girl. you with everything do your painting up right, whether it's to refinish your floors, furniture, the Tous or. the garage. See our window of Paint-Up Things. *Floglase Finishes That Endure svenson & Hunter tell me where thou hast laid Him, and [wii | 57987 {of Baitimors, Md. to attend tuke Him away. - N Jesus saith ubto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto Him Rabboni, which is to say Master, Jesus saith unto her, Touch me

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