Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1926, p. 10

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oN a NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG tm ephew of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, and ro o * *. . ' rn Aon HET Rich, Satisfying Flavour. LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | 1h Bouse pats at "Woodlawn." ! What a ' i ' d 8 Mr. Eric aes sriesay, Montreal, is difference = -- "From the finest gardens" v'in town for the week-end Woman's Page Editor Phone 2618 ray, Miss Isabel Ross and Miss May| Mr. Walter Windeyer, Toronto, is { ; SS 1 . a Private Phone S57Tw. Maecdonnell. + a guest at the Principal's Residence, A | 3 ae. vo.» Queen's University. As different as chalk AOFEN The supper given to Chalmers % The Whig i be glad to Jate the n 3, Guy Simmape sug 4 1. Piow, is from cheese. Some i I\ £ vo : 4 ames of visitors in town an ac- .H.A., are in 0 tc | / : y ehurch choir' before the practice on counts of various zocial events for week-end with Mr. Charles Rumsey. sauces are hot and a a 1 ] Thursday evening was greally en- publication in the social column. LE pungent, others thin TA ~ joyed, not only by the members of (Buch - communications should be Mrs. Charles Hanson, Montreal, and watery, almost ! i ] v . : 8 or chil , with Col. and 8 : : 0 w older mem- |8igned and the address of the sender and her children are with Col. tasteless. 4 the choir but by the fe given. Write or telephone to. the Mrs. C. F. Constantine, the Com- a - | oe x 2. Hsis Bers of the congregation present. jg... = 000 Woman's Page, Tele- mandant's Quarters, Royal Military | In H.P. Sauce, oriental S - : The tables were beautifully decor-ipnone No. 2613. College, for Easter. fruits and spices are | PR has become the standard of Tea goodness, . ring blossoms and many ; LA Mrs. James Lawson and Miss avi ye y ie ) ated With eb aciarion of the| Miss Ruth McClement, Queen's Helen Lawson, who have spent some Petes) unde i ST Brown Label 75¢c. =~ Orange Pekoe Blend 85¢c + Frost, and University, is entertaining at the tea| time with Major and Mrs. Horace put . 4 . i . work of the organist, Dr. Frost, hour tlils afternoon for Miss Lois|Lawson, returned to Barrie on | ingredients do not I aimed to change the table his choir were heard with applause. Tayjor, | Thursday. { separate. napkins to-day, but Cousin Jenny y . ee | Mrs. Victor Butterworth, formerly | > an' her children is comin' to-mor- Many visitors dropped into Mrs." "Mrs, George Pyke and Miss Lena ' Miss Marjorie Henderson, will ar- Neither does any one row. Grant Cadenhead's charming bunga-| Pyke, Princess street, have returned | rive in town shortly to visit the | flavor predominate. low on Alles. Street, , OB. Thursday from California. Ft, -| Misses -Mowat, Johnson street. The result is a unique raoon, when he ' mr . | tev. C. Ens Sharp, who s - i win, Montr.®, who is visit-| Mrs. B. H, Young, Gore street, will | Wath Tr Sharh) a ys mellow sauce that is ing her, received. with her. BDrilig entertain at the tea hour on Easter | wellington street, returned to To-| irresistible. Death is strong, but Life is stronger, | blossoms were on the tea table in the {Tuesday for Miss Ruth Martin. ronto daduy. ' | Stronger than the dark, the light, i 'whe 8 A. L. Fowler s ss | Stronger than the wrong, the right, | dining-room; where Mis | Str poured. tea, assisted by Mrs. J. Mur- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bermingham, | Mr. Arthur Sills Montreal, is wit | Faith and Hope triumphant say | ---- King streets will go > Po A oe NE Christ will rise on Easter Day. | Ess ee we t r ot 80 to Pembroke | pi; mother, Mrs. W. R. Sills, Mack i PAPI, e next week. ts fag . | street, for Easter. 4 o While the patient earth lies waking ER UR Mr. Thomas Tyrrell, Queen's Uni-| , " . ( Houses of Parliament) 4 "K : { Miss Helen Patterson, Rothsay, . . : 3 : BEAUTIFY. IT, WITH nd ihe peromio for the week-|N.B., arrived on Wednestay to) f SAUIC Shuddering 'neath the burden dread } ht pi Ril hs parents, Mr. Sad Mis; {spend a few weeks with her mother ot her Master, cold 2nd dead " A " "Mi FIle : | Mrs. J. F. Patterson, Portsmouth. Hark! she hears the Angels say { DIAMOND DYES Miss: Nina Elmsley returned from | wallace Newman, Trinity College Christ 'Will 166 98 Haster DAs | ; the Convent of the Sacred Heart, |gehool, Port Hope, is with his par- ~hrist will rise on Easter Day. | Montreal, today, and is with Major- onee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman, BEAUTIES OF PARIS " / Nr ct Na mm mp ---- AN EASTER CAROL. Tomb, thou" shalt not hold Him longer; Up and down our lives obedient Just Dip to Tint or Boil {|General and Mrs. J. H. Elmsley, | oo as : z e Easter holidave.| = Lia street west, for the Easter Walk. dear Christ, with footsteps omeuwar te Dye * King street, for the Easter holidays. | holidays. ~ o ; si oath Mrs. Hugh Osler, Winnipeg, has > bee Till Te ten lives shall be " Miss Louisa Hawkins, Wilte Is-|yetnrnoed from Europe and is with gos Fair with Quties done for Thee * anr ' 7 Each 18seent pack- [land, left on Tuesday to spend several her father, Hon. William Harty y . Ar 1 thar Kf! 1 spirit 5 - v . age contains 'dfrec-|diys with her sister, Mrs. Leonard Bagot street i a. 7 ra az 3 yi ol | Hang, 40 Simple any Mosher, and Mr. Mosher, Water-| ait ' FF > : yrist arose on ES econ woman can tint soft, N.Y --- P y' ~ A OOH: Py delicate shades or dye Tow, NY i, Burien. New York Reserve the dates, Thursday and i | , § > 4 , New "K wriday, April Sth ¢ q . - rich, Dermasent Pry City, is the gu®st of Mr. and Mrs. Friday Aru SI) aud 3h to ern. J : ors in lingerie, SUKS, Gooree Burton, 342 Albert street. | ATO Shaw's brilli 104Y, LL - : WOMEN'S MEETINGS ribbons, skirts, waists, | * , " Bogart was 'a guest at ny's First Play," put on in Convoca- x rk - pos 58, : ge Hack all by een's Faculty Play- . t ; rene at, sock an informal 1uncheon arranged at ton Mah by Buren Dora go ' os coverings, bang- | the London Hunt Club, on Tuesday, .,q go, oo Co ; 4 Victoria Order of Nurs i thing! for the members of the Ontario Pro- | Se { coma Unger oF Nupses, ngs--everything! vincial Girl Guide Council A ; The monthly meeting of Victorian / Buy Diamond Dyes<--no other kind ? - : " ; 5 Order Nurses' committee was held on | ~--and tell your druggist whether the y - " > { The' man who poses as a lion in Thursday, April 1st, Mrs. Gimblett | 'material you wish to color is wool or Cadet George Weaver, of the Royal [society is usually a bear at home. be iu the chair: The meeting wae larzes | ilk, or whether it is linen, cotton or | Military College, is the guest of Rev I = rtm : : > attended. Miss Leeder Er 0. nue and Mrs. W. Tar N ), OT Prat cmesas costa cms tntimssms sos sonra ; © x SAISS lseger, VIO, #0. 1 mixed goods. i nd s. W. R. Tanton, Napanee, for # , + : ; had a very busy month, making 231 | the Baster holidays. : . visits. Many ' mothers visited the | Hair Dry, Brittle Welfare Station on Barrie street. from Constant A hot, well made cup of delicious BAKER'S COCOA will appease these keen appetites and also provide considerable nutrition. Dr. Louis Fischer, former instructor in Dis» eases of Children at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, lists cocoa in diet for school children. .WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited ESTABLISHED 1780 - - Miss Hazél Moore, Kingston, is spending the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Women Brockville. Miss Dorothy Dowsley, Queen's i ! i i University, is with her parents, Mr. '. e and Mrs. W. C. Dowsley, Brockville ! ' i # a DORCHESTER, MASS, Good Friday in St. Georges. | GANADIAN M1] AT MONTREAL Large congregations were at all) Sh Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free the Good Friday services in St. | George's Cathedral. Rev. C. Ensor' rt NE ES ae GIR a Sharp, Toronto, who held a mission Ld 0 } 1 } 5 new h Miss Vera M. Shorey. R.N.. Utica Waving, Curling in the cathedral during Holy Week || : 4 N.Y., is spending the Easter holiday ELBE IB 10s IE sms se sme 20 Ss Ss see gave the addresses from the "Seven gienic pad discards easily with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. : words from the Cross," during the + tissue no laundry Shorey, Napanee. 4 three hour service which is held Ke. : Cadet Odlum, Royal Military Col- | ) from 12 noon to three o'clock, the lege, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. hours the Saviour of the World hung | W. Robinson, Napanee, for the holi- CCC CCE CECE CECE Cirre eC Cree ac eer Ceeiaceeces os CECE CCCCCreClre lec teeta reCeCeecteeecereCecece Grmeimt iar ini ims imi tate on the cross while darkness was over all the land. At three o'clock the bell of the cathedral was tolled. At evensong the Bishop of Ontario was the preacher. { 4 day week. . - JR ECAUSE one woman so advises Mr. Horace Lockett, M.A., Hamil. ./ i others, and because doctors so [ton, will be with his parents, Mr, and urge, most women are deserting the Mrs. F. G. Lockett, Stuart street, on old-time "sanitary pad" for a new |Wednesday. RT nN 'and better way. Mrs. Roy Copeland, Kingston, is v " the guest of her parents, Mr. and + Eight in 10 betjer'class women Mrs. Henry Copeland, Gananoque. mow use "KOTEX." - - - ! 7 Discirds as easily as a piece of Mrs. W. S. Herrington, Napanee, . "tissue. Nolaundry. Noembar-- |has left for Baltimore, Md., to at-} ent. i '|tend' the Gould-Endicott wedding, | Five times as absorbent as ordi- [and will visit friends in Atlantic | nary cotton pads, City, Boston and New York before | ¢ 9 > ; : . her return. ' Silk Stocki . 1 th 1 Deodorizes, thus ending ALL Mrs, Stanley Chown and Mr. Mur-| The constant curling and waving bo 1 tec Ings in a the new col- danger of offending. ray Chown, Renfrew. have left to demanded by present styles in bob- od ] id: | - - Obtainable at all drug and depart- [spend Easter with Mrs. Chown's sis | bea ay, slowly Burns he Solon Jus ve \.. 7 ors. Extra wearing qualities for $1 .00, ment stores simply by saying |ter at East Qrange, N.Y. . | ing it dry, faded, brittle and full of A A : FF / : : $1 50 $2 00.a pair . ' *KOTEX." You ask for it withont Mrs. M. M. Appleby, Kingston. | gangrufr; then the hair roots shrink : J : y Slay ' : sgitas spent a few days with Miss Elizabeth {and the hair falls out fast. Ignorance may be bliss, but love! speaks the mother tongue of évery- Hand Painted Crepe de Chene Scarfs--pretty patterns and beautiful colors. Very special for $1.50 each. t= Se SS . § é . i : . McDermid, Renfrew, during the past Since girls just must curl and wave : BE FF . it y 1 F 1 th Package of 12 costs only a few | O° thE Bair os ar ar roel oy APE Gloves in French Chamoisette with Proves old ways a needless BW -. "Danderine'" to offset an x 3 # z > . y y bad effects. 2 NX | Ble In fairness 0 yourself, try it '| Ars. Colin Macpherson, who have| After the first application your half XX 3 : | fancy cuffs. All the new shades for ; ; D&A y Hd spent the winter in Washington, | Will take on new life and that heal- ar CORSETTES \}{& 69c. a pair LC. d to town this week. thy, 'youthful lustre, become incom- ; SER \ Dies Edith and Miss Jessie Stirl-| parably soft, wavy and appear twice Combine yarn ing, Montreal, are with their aunt, 39 thideand abundant. uling hair{ . made in many 4 Mrs, Grant Cadenhead, Alice street. A 35-cent bottle: of . refreshing) Wiss to wir Miss Benjamin = Tett, Bedford "Danderine' 'from any drug store or \ ? | - : Rh h | | Mills, who spent the winfer in Toron- | ¢4jjet counter will do wonders for any n Be Jemithably a * to, 1s with_Mrs. James Third, Wel-| girl's hair. It goes right to the : . . in on 0. ington street. roots, invigorates, nourishes and Mr. Jack Macgillivray, Montreal, is strengthens them, helping the hair ? - : ' v with Prof. and Mrs. John Macgil-|to grow thick, healthy and luxuri- / : Phone 191. The Waldron Store " livary, Albert street, for Easter, ant. _Mr. Reginald Garrett, Kitchener, ; at Table ats O is spending Easter with his mother, i § a | y Rv vp Mrs. R. W. Garrett, Johnson street. » ; = HART --- s . a few days quicker than ee | SER rp : ET 'ever dreamed of-these wonderful Miss Bessie and Miss Lucia Mec- MOTHERS po I * o ee 1th bul flesh creating tab-| Tear, University avenue, are spend- : Y : | Se rng ep 'MeCoy's Cod-Liver Extract | jag Easter with their parents, Rev. San to help any thin, | A H. and Mrs. McTear, Trenton. Read Mrs. Menard's Letter. and' where rickets| _ C8det G. McGreevy, RM.C. is| Her Experience May Help TT PO without (1 . All Kinds of Electric Apparatus they. especi ~ | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hub- ? : hey are ally val ert McGreevy, Quebec. : ; faction: guaranteed. at & poopie 'know that from the| Dr. and Mrs. Norman Dennison, your medi i 1 "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" the lowly . ; sinks Sortet Y codfish vitamines | Rochester, N.Y., 45 sheuding Bas- : first cla8s are extracted--the|ter with the formers mother, Mre.| }i 2 : Sa | Depart | | help all feeble. under-| J. T. Dennison, Brock street. : ; Fi i HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. inen, women and children. Cadet David Maclaren, Royal Mil-| | fF : f. | BER toe be Mrs bat ed fur yeblets for 80 | ttary College, 1s vistting bis sister, i -- got your Mrs. George Hooper, Ottawa. Ve ee - Miss Nora Bermingham, Montreal, | 4 # y. : M . -- . is with Mr. and Mrs. William Berm- ee ad ¢ ! Sen A : USIC STUDIOS ingham, "Otterburn." for Haster. ' | [NEES morning = . A 'Mrs. Z. Davies, Toronto, is with u i 258 King Street | Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Jordon, Barrie . by justone : This will give you an idea of the ll Piano and Theory ..... stree 4 : half old an | French conception of beauty. The <u E: Violin, Ukelele, Plano . Mrs. Alkembrack, Vars, arrived | do. Se hou, try "three girls abqve have been elected ji Vocal Sight Singing in town on Friday and is at the Y.W.| = v beauty queens in 'Paris. They are, | : 4 EE re Se CA. Ri top to bottom, Paule Delathe, Ma- regi ~ thilde Isenbart, and: Suzanna Roval ny pm EeE A) ) B72 | QUEEN'S CAFE ih 58 bo : CORNER UNION AND DIVISION STREETS ame Omitted. ¢ A Nai In the official programmes used! 2 » We want you fo hold that Club Dinner in our upstair dining at the "Saint Paul" comeert on Nod» g \ R\ ball, where you may dance after dinmer. nesday evening the name rs. W, A ) : ad "x ) . ie, © J. Kelly was inadvertently omitted: [agi § Mt TELE HONE HAMBROOK Chinaware snd | from. the jist of members of the | yy : ns, ARNIEL & Ty Iehorus. Ars. Kelly has rondered ~~ S : . CATERERS nh valuable assistance in the soprano . Nig Ba = part and her work has been much - _-- i tos Be ae 30. You 8 oy ia ed, akin ow : 3 kh Ahn haha

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