HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PORTING -- REVIEWS INTER-CITY DINGHY RACES TO BE re a or ] SPORTING NOTES AND COMMENT | LocaL | VISTORIA. MONTRBAL. { HELD IN KINGSTON THIS SEASON." hn Factory Freshness in the Pocket Pack Original condition is re- tained by these handy Bachelor Packages of 5 or 10. Dr. L. J. Austin, who was clected president of the Cataraqui Golf and 1s a widely known golfer and one of the He first began to wield the clubs Noble | Country Club for this vear, Stewart | prominent members of the local club. in the Bristol Clifton Golf Club in 1898, and he was afterwards a member of the Northwood Club, nedr London, in 1905. Since coming to Kings- part in the affairs of the local club S success. | Loughlin Sallors From Montreal, Toronto and Kingston to Take Part-- | Halderson Big Season Anticipated in Local Yacht Club--Annual Meeting to Be Held on April 8. The Kingston Yacht Club opened ou Thursday for what promises to be one of the busiest and most suc- | cessful seasons oxperienced by the| local club. The annual meeting, | whieh was to be held on Monday | next, has been postponed till Mon- | day, April 8th, on account of the former date interfering with holi- | day trips. The clections of officers | acd many other important matters will be dealt with at the meeting. Last season was a very successful one for the Kingston Yaght Club, Extensive repairs were niade to the club house and the renovation has made arrangements much more con- venient and satisfactory. . The series of dinghy races were all completed and. the local club was successful in winning from the Chaumont sailors 1a the inter-club dinghy races, both here and in the American waters. The same local 'series of dinghy races will be held this coming sea- son with cups being awarded to the winners of each series. The inter-city dinghy races will be held in Kingston this summer on July 17th, at which the sailors from Toronto, Montreal, Kingston and , likely other clubs will compete. The races were held at Montreal last summer and the local represents- Cen're der] Phillips | Wings i , | Ving Broadbent | 1°0» Dr. Austin has taken an active Walker . Setbert and has contributed much towards it j tivas won the honors. This summer | Hart in their own waters and sailing their own boats, Kingston Club hes great expectations of repeating. The visi- | tors will ase the Kisgston dinghies ard the boats will be all changed 2: the end.of each race in case these | should be any difference in the | erhfts. It is planned to make this rogatia one of the best of the local | Season and a dance and other at- | tractions will be arranged in oon- | nection with it. | | Subs. { The annual meeting of the. Ontario Baseball Amateur Association i scheduled for Toronto to-day. It was expected that there would be Rothschild some lively doings from some quarters. There were many recommenda- Murr y o tions tabled for changes in the constitution. ' Smeaton and & 5 Dinsmore | Carson | wag Feyston Fraser Oatman Meeking Referees--Cooper Billy Bell, Montreal ------ | f League, which controls the meets to make plans for the | | Next Thursday night the Mercantile | junior baseball as well as the Mercantile, . 3 - Those in charge handled things qujte satisfactoXily last season | Jobn L. Sullivan's Famous Girdle | 4ng it is to be hoped they meet with as much success this year. Promo- Has Been at Last Discovered. | Hon of junior baseball is important and it would perhops be wise if the New York, April 3.--The passing | : . i | am to line up with the Victorias and of the famous John L Sullivan | League secured another strong te championship 'belt ends the stories Circle-Six, if these two clubs play again this Season. Three strong junior | gs about | teams must surely be available in Kingston. it was| BELT MELTED DOWN. S---- sm-- | season. The majority of the Inter-club re- guttas Yor the sail -boats are being held at other ports this coming sea- son but a number of private regat- | ; tas will be held by the Kingston | ©f Its mysterious wanderin Club, which are always attended ty | tbis country. It was here, fo | representatives from outside clubs. | there, it was everywhere, but nobody A meeting of those interested in softball for the coming season was | There is-very little activity around | 56€mea able to put his hana on | called for ten o'clock on Friday morning in the Y.M.C.A. to discuss plans | the club house as yet but as soos | From time to time there came YATnS |, . the season, but, perhaps due to the fact that weather conditions at | i g . about it being displayed in this or! ¢ Oe i noun pi SomewhEl | at PAI Bry oo window. | the Present time do not give the necessary enthusiasm for the 'game, | thelr ae . Snag Bn il Hundreds of saloon-keepers were | there were very few people present. An informal talk among those who the summer. The launching ways it, tucked away | did gather did take place, but nothing was done. Another meeting will | received a complete overhauling be- | iD @ cobwebby corner of the safe 2% | be called later on when the weatlier becomes more suitable to talking over fore the closing of the club last Fall | a binder for some of poor old John's a summer game. . : and everything is in shape for the |unpald debts. Crna -- season. Open water will enthuse To have melted it' down for fts| the sailors to activity and it will not | Sheer gold value has destroyed one PHILLIES WILL BE be long after the ice is gone that | Of the treasures of fistiana. It was | the white sails will dot the water in | WOTthy fifty times its weight in gold. | the harbor. Tex Rickard would have given $10, A STRONGER CLUB 000, its original cost when it had | ali its diamonds in it, for it as a » | supposed to have many victories as does Jimmy Ring for New York. | | Youngster Makes Regular Grade. | ability," said Fletcher, "and I be- MAROONS TOOK 'SECOND GAME ' Even Under Western Rules the Montreal Team Won By 3-0. Even under their own Western rules, the Victoria Cougats failed te stop the onslaught of the Mont- real Maroons in the second game of the final series for the Stanley Cup and the championship of the world and were defeated by 8-0 on Thurs- day night before a packed Arena at Montreal. The Montrealers stuck to Fastern rules and played their own game, taking it as the safer way and they 'scored a goal in each of the three periods. , The Westerners started things With a great rush in the first period + and showed more confidence in their play under their own rules and they made things lively for the Maroons in the opening few minutes. Stew- &rt was the hero of the first period and on a lone rush, tore through the Cougars' deferice. He lost his bal- Roce but recovered the puck long ¢ No Resin For Grover Alexander enough to send it singing Holmes for the opening tally. Maroons had two men penalized and Victoria forced the attack and Benedict was forced to play brilliant- ly to keep the Cougars from scoring. There was plenty of tripping and Penalties flew. thick and fast. Rough- ness began to creep into the play as it wore on. Rough body work and slashing marked the second period and the referees were busy chasing penalized players. Nels. Stewart uncorked another rush and sailed a hot one at Holmes. Phillips swooped around for the rebound and put 'Montreal two up. The Maroon defence stood up well under the attacks of the Victorias. For a moment the Ma- roons. peppered Holmes but after clearing their net by long shots, Victorias bombarded the Maroons and did everything but score. In the last periba the same fur- past | A Ae ct natn lobby attraction for new Madison | | Square Garden. It was the first | | re al belt of the ring. It made the | | Lord Lonsdale belts look like a piece | | of bale rope. So they've gone and | | melted it down. How mercenary. | | They've shocked hero-worshipping | | Boston to the core. | + | | HITS AND JABS By Joe Williams. | Eddie Collins says he is counting on- two Iron men to put the White | Sox up"there this year....But you can't get very far on two iron men these days. . Dempsey has signed so many al- leged contrets to fight Wills that when he does step into the ring he will be beaten om account of writ- Manager Fletcher's fous pace was maintained and both er's cramps, if for no other reason. teams missed brilliant chances. The ¢« * magnificent work of Benedict saved We understand Bobby Jones is de- the Maroons many times while mending a public apology from the Holmes came in for a share of great | soit experts who have been writing work. The Montrealers landed their | he is 10 4&trokes better than any third goal and played it safe for the | cther player in the world. remainder of the game. The Viec- | hd J J torias' tried desperately but there Harry Grebb says he does not run was no scoring from their sticks. | around as much as the newspapers claim, and he is right... .Harry | runs around more. . - | | Mildred: I Babe Ruthed it last night. Edna: Mildred: How's 'at? I walked. still one. It was just about a year ago, was- n't it, that some one predicted the world was coming to an emd? - . . Off-side meditations: Why "te {t | secessary to pay designers fancy dough for creating new styles whén women will wear anything? . - -. It may be true that nothing suec- ceeds like success... But try to get this week's laundry on last year's batting average. r * LJ . It's better to have loved and lost than to have promised too much. * Silver must be the kind of money that talks, as dilence is said to be golden. For every man who is unable to Baseball Team Looks at Least Twenty Points Better. Bradentown, Fla., April 3.--Pen- Tant conjecture doesn't even get a | sight rise out of Manager Art Flet- cher of the Philaddiphia Nationals. At present His chief thought in life is developing a ball club that will make Interesting competition for the rest of the National League Manager Fletcher makes no pre- tense at pennant aspirations but, 'take it from me, any club presided over by the former Giant star is cer- tein to play interesting baseball. TLat's his style. Fletcher, trained by John McGraw, a natural aggressive ball player, has stand prosperity there are millions who would like to try. f the opinion that in warm weather resin will bandicap rather than help the piteh- er, since it has a tendency to make the ball sticky. He believes it make for wildness rather than con< trol : Walter Johnson aid Grover Alex: ander are the two outstanding right. handed pitchers in the .major lea- 'Alexander alone vies with John son for supremacy. He has been & star since 1911, 'when Be joined the Philadelphia Nationals and 'is -% 5 . 'reason 1 look the former: ' Foire no use for the drones. He wants only athletes who are always giving: their best, regardless of how good or bad it may be. Winning ball games is the watch- word on the. Phillies, ' "No! we haven't got the pennant fevaT." remarked Fletcher as I dis- cussed his ball club with him. "The big idea is to win every ball game We can on the theory that you can't worry about" 'those you lose and bring them back. : w Bentley's Batting Big Factor. "I would say my ball club is at least 20 per vent. stronger than last season, maybe 30 points better. "Jack Bentley will play first base better than it 'hs been played for tke Phillles in , while his bat- ting is certain to bé a factor. "Friberg, 'at second, is sure to telp us. He is the best man at that pesition since I have had charge of |- the club. Incidentally, he's a dan- gerous batsman. "The ability of Sand at shortstop is known and needs no comment. At third, Huber, not flashy, is very de- pendable. AEE A "It should prove the best. all- rcund infield that has ever played usder my managemént. For that for improvement in our general play." . ro Botter pitching is another reason why Fletcher believes his elub Wayland n will win for him. As a matter of fact, he is hopeful that Giant will turn in as licve that I understand his tempera- ment perfectly. Dean doesn't thrive on criticism; few players--do. I have told him all he has to do for me is win ball games; that the gestions from me." Fletcher is also by, who has shown great form in the spring games. a regular. Maun, a former member of the | Giants, sent to Indianapolis last sea- | the Phillies via | believes | son, is back with _ the draft route. Fletcher Le is about ready. Perhaps the personnel of the Phillies on paper - doesn't impress you, but I am sure you would have 2 much better opinion of Fletcher's club-if you saw it inaction: Fletcher, a smart ball player, is proving a smart manager and his club plays Snappy, aggressive base- ball, just the type you would expect, The Phillies are not pennant-win- ners® but are interesting. To Build Stadium. New York. April 3.--Plans for a million-dollar, stadium, capable of seating one hundred thousand, pro- viding for all outdoor sports, includ- ing ice hockey, for which an ice- freezing system would be installed, Were announced by Tex Rickard. The new stadium would be erected in the metropolitan district. ------------ Possibly the tide has something to do with the number of knots made by a vessel, \ NAY 13 ) pitching of the game will be entire- |) iA ly to him. He won't get any sug- 7%; yup to him. He wo get any sug I add diy, strong for a youngster by the name of Willough- | He is to start as | FLEET Gent's Furnishings 0 = FOR EASTER | a= Fancy Shirts in the J f very newest patterns, / price $2.50 and $3.00, NEW EASTER TIES Big variety to pick from. Price $1 and $1.50 The new Tie and Handkerchief to match. Price .. $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 George Van Horne 213 Princess Street. 'Phone 362-w. x/ "7 AAT iy yg E== » WASHINGTON CLUB 5 BOLSTERED UP Joe Bush Acquired for Seéna-| tors' Pitching Staff. BY BILLY EVANS, Tampa, Fla., April 1.---Can Wash- | ington win its third successive Am-| erican League pennant? | Manager Stanley Harris believes it can and will. And I might men- tion that Mr. Harris is not inclined to boasting. | There are many who believe the Senators have passed the peak of as did the Ney York Yankees 1924 after winning three straight. "I see where some of the boys in-! their game and arg due to crumple, | oy sist you will need plenty of glue to keep your team from falling apart this summer," was my greeting to Manager Harris. "You would think most of my players used crutches, the way some of the experts are picking them to pleces," laughingly replied the boy | boss. [ Better Tan Last Year, "I read the other day where Wal-! ter Johnson had only ome good leg; | bow Peckinpaugh's arm was bad: | doubt as to whether my hand had recovered --fromriast year's injury; ties. , "True, a few of my pitchers are a) bit aged but none the less valuable | because of the experience thus gain-| "You can say for me that the ctun| that beats Washington is going to! come pretty close to winning the| American League pennant. That | isn't in the nature of a boast but a| frank expression of opinion as to! our prospects. "1 feel that I have a petter ball' club than last season. Sodthpaw | Tom Zachary could only win 12 ball | games for us. In his place T have! '| ter pitching to keep on to Joe Bush, who should win at least a half dozen more. "I had to lose a promising young- | ster in Boston but had to so gamble | in order to get Bush. Ballou is a! good prospect, while Bush is a good | pitcher. Realizing I must have bet-| p this year, ! I so gambled, 3 "My club was good enough to win last season. It is practically the, 'jsame club this year, except that it! is better fortified in important spots. | ! { Club Has Many Replacements, } will! "An injury to Catcher Ruel {not seriously handicap the team be.! | tause Tate, who has been with us H st for several years, is now ready to: I have ue) deliver and in addition Veteran Hank Severeid. x "As a substitute for Peckinpaugh' short I have "Buddy" Myer. He is one of ths best youngsters to - break into the majors in years, "I have Johnny Tobin for right field, a great lead-off man and a smart base-runner, [I have reserves for practically every position. "I feel that my club is stronger by at least 15 per cent. than last | year, despite the general belief that most of my pitching staff reported on-'crutches. "It looks like three in a row to me!" To Defend Title. New York, April 3.--Paul Ber- lenbach will defend his world's light heavyweight title against Jack De- larey, French-Canadian pugilist at the Yankee Stadium on Jure 10th, Tex Rickard has announced, 2 Draining the Gas Tank, Gas tanks .should be drained .off periodically, particularly during cold weather when any water that settles at the bottom may freeze and cause trouble. In most instances, however, the drain plugs have frozen through rusting and cannot be unscrewed withwout risking fur- ther damage. The careful owner, theretdre, drains the tank by insert- ing a rubbef tube in the filler pipe, and syphoning out the contents. HF and so on down the list of casual- ' Ch rere: of epend ampion Spar u and note the nig Your car will have new power, speed an acceleration CHAMPION. Dependable for Every Engine A Canadianmade Product «Windsor, Out. , f $